Matthew Robert and Alexander Zakharov proudly display their ...

Matthew Robert and Alexander Zakharov proudly display their ... Matthew Robert and Alexander Zakharov proudly display their ...
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News from the Exams CoordinatorUnge Forskere competition 2011ISS students are again showing their skills as ‘Young Researchers’. Four ISS students were invited to the UngeForskere national final in Oslo on 15th April 2011. I had the privilege of travelling to Oslo for the day, andspent an inspiring few hours talking to finalists from around Norway – many of them IB Diploma students –and all incredibly talented, interesting young people with a zest for life and academic research! I am happy toreport the ISS students were extremely successful in this prestigious national competition, and also that theyenjoyed the experience of the Unge Forskere final presentations and activities, including a fabulous gala dinneron the Friday evening. Looking back over the results since ISS students began to enter the competition in theyear 2000, I notice that there have now been 36 finalists from ISS over the 12 years. An average of three finalistsa year is an outstanding achievement – and this year there were four! Details of their projects are given below.Alexander Zakharov not only won the Rogaland final in the class for Science and Technology, but was also awardeda second prize in the national final. His study, entitled An Investigation into Volumetric Behaviour of Salts andSaccharides in Aqueous Solution was a detailed analysis of the behavior of two salts and two sugars when dissolvedin water. When sugars dissolve in water the volumes are additive, but when salts dissolve some of the volume ‘goesmissing’ – Alexander can explain why! Alexander won a prize of NOK 7000 in the national final, in addition to a cashprize in the regional final, and he is invited to the Intel/International Science and Engineering Fair, USA in Pittsburgnext year.Matthew Robert was awarded a third prize in the class for Science and Technology with his project Beta-blockers andProstaglandin Analogues: A Comparative Meta-analysis of Efficacy and Suffering-efficiency of Representative Agents.Matthew wanted to follow his interest in medical studies, and chose to investigate the different treatments availablefor glaucoma. He took the raw data from four clinical trials, and analysed them in an original way to compare thedifferent types of treatment available for this serious eye condition. His project was rewarded with a cash prize ofNOK 5000.Ria Doherty won a third prize in the Humanities class with her essay To what extent was it British planning andexecution that ensured the successful outcome of ’Operation Mincemeat’? Ria explains that Operation Mincemeatwas a counter-intelligence operation to convince the Germans that the next strategic move for the Allies was not theinvasion of Sicily. It is a fascinating story involving the body of a false ‘Major Martin’ carrying ‘top secret’ documentsintended to confuse the enemy. Ria’s analysis of the plot was rewarded with a cash prize of NOK 5000.Tala Ram won the third prize in the Fritt Ord (Free Speech) competition with an essay asking How do the speeches ofShoghi Effendi, Barack Obama, and Oprah Winfrey inspire hope through the creative use of rhetoric? Tala’s messageis that these leaders do indeed inspire hope in their audience in a variety of ways, in their use of language and referenceto either historical events or personal anecdotes. Tala’s positive message, and her careful analysis of the languageused by these three leaders, inspired the judges to award her the third prize of NOK 7000 and an invitation to visitStrasbourg including the Court of Human Rights and the European Parliament.The Chair of the Judges commented that this year’s Unge Forskere entries have been amongst the best he hasseen – and I can certainly endorse that view. I would like to congratulate all our 12th grade students who haveworked so hard on their IB Extended Essay, but especially to our four Unge Forskere finalistswhose Extended Essays have reached a wider audience through this competition.What a great result!!Lynn Park, IB Coordinator4 · The Informer 4 May 2011

News from the Exams CoordinatorTala won a 3rd prize from Fritt Ord with heressayRia, Tala, Alexander and MatthewUnge forskere competition: ISS results 2000 - 2011Year Science and Technology HumanitiesRia took home a 3rd prize in the Humanities2011 2. Alexander Zakharov3. Matthew Robert3. Ria Doherty3. Tala Ram (Fritt Ord)2010 2. Sophie Rae 3. Louise Heavey2009 2. Kirsten Peacock3. Mateen Ram (Fritt Ord)2008 2. Rebecca Freeman3. Eirill Søiland* Sibel Arnes2007 2. Emma Svanberg* Adam Abdelmalek2006 2. Astri Søiland3. Miriam Langseth3. Elizabeth Østebø* Linnea Riedel2. Caroline Larsen3. Stephan Guderian3. Jacqueline Tawse2005 1. Shilpa Narula 1. Ronald Pool2. Victor Shammas2. Jill Rae2004 2. Sandra Nussbaum* Ravi Vissapragada3. Maryana Kjetland* Charlotte Thorstvedt2003 * Tomas Tuominen 3. Nina Ramdat* Lars Mariero2002 3. Gøran Nilsen* Annette Sharp2001 * Christina Swan2000 3. Katrine Sharp * Marianne ShammasNote: * = participant (exhibition) prize awarded to national finalistswww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 4 May 2011 · 5

News from the Exams CoordinatorTala won a 3rd prize from Fritt Ord with heressayRia, Tala, Alex<strong>and</strong>er <strong>and</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong>Unge forskere competition: ISS results 2000 - 2011Year Science <strong>and</strong> Technology HumanitiesRia took home a 3rd prize in the Humanities2011 2. Alex<strong>and</strong>er <strong>Zakharov</strong>3. <strong>Matthew</strong> <strong>Robert</strong>3. Ria Doherty3. Tala Ram (Fritt Ord)2010 2. Sophie Rae 3. Louise Heavey2009 2. Kirsten Peacock3. Mateen Ram (Fritt Ord)2008 2. Rebecca Freeman3. Eirill Søil<strong>and</strong>* Sibel Arnes2007 2. Emma Svanberg* Adam Abdelmalek2006 2. Astri Søil<strong>and</strong>3. Miriam Langseth3. Elizabeth Østebø* Linnea Riedel2. Caroline Larsen3. Stephan Guderian3. Jacqueline Tawse2005 1. Shilpa Narula 1. Ronald Pool2. Victor Shammas2. Jill Rae2004 2. S<strong>and</strong>ra Nussbaum* Ravi Vissapragada3. Maryana Kjetl<strong>and</strong>* Charlotte Thorstvedt2003 * Tomas Tuominen 3. Nina Ramdat* Lars Mariero2002 3. Gøran Nilsen* Annette Sharp2001 * Christina Swan2000 3. Katrine Sharp * Marianne ShammasNote: * = participant (exhibition) prize awarded to national finalistswww.isstavanger.noThe Informer 4 May 2011 · 5

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