9 - Third Faculty of Medicine

9 - Third Faculty of Medicine

9 - Third Faculty of Medicine

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vita Nostra Servis 9/2007Informational Magazine <strong>of</strong> Charles University in Prague – 3 rd <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>SOCRATES/ERASMUSSelection procedureFor placement in the <strong>of</strong>fered internships abroad as part <strong>of</strong> the Socrates/Erasmus programIn the academic year 2007/200811.3.2007The selection procedure for the placement <strong>of</strong> individual internships as part <strong>of</strong> the EU Socrates/Erasmusprogram in the Academic year 2007/2008 has been established in accordance to the finalized contracts.Application forms are at your disposal in room number 230 from Mrs. Růžena Hrušková from 6.3. to22.3.2007.The selection procedure will be held on 3.4.2007 in the Jonáš lecture hall at 14.00.The main criteria is study average (up to the final finished year), the study average will be produced by theStudy Division <strong>of</strong> the 3.MF.1. It is a requirement to have completed the 1 st year <strong>of</strong> study in the Master’s program.2. Based on repeated consultations with the representatives <strong>of</strong> the students, the following co-efficients havebeen established for each year <strong>of</strong> study:2 nd year - 13 rd year - 0,954 th year - 0,905 th year - 0,85The goal is to objectify the difficulty <strong>of</strong> study for each year <strong>of</strong> study and is based on the proposals <strong>of</strong> thestudents.3. According to the calculated averages the placement <strong>of</strong> the students will be made.4. A list <strong>of</strong> these students will be posted.List <strong>of</strong> study stays abroad as part <strong>of</strong> the Socrates/Erasmus program in the academic year 2007/2008Country University Type <strong>of</strong> study Number <strong>of</strong>studentsAustria Graz medicine 1 6Belgium Antwerp medicine 1 10Germany Berlin medicine 1 10Düsseldorf medicine 5 5Tübingen medicine 2 12Leipzig medicine 2 9Spain Barcelona medicine 3 10Lleida medicine 3 10France Toulouse medicine 2 10Nantes medicine 3 6Italy Palermo medicine 2 10Parma medicine 2 9Udine medicine 4 6Catanzaro medicine 2 10Portugal Coimbra medicine 4 10Lisabon medicine 3 10Lithuania Vilnius medicine 1 10max. amount inmonthsdoc.MUDr. A.M. Čelko,CSc., MUDr.Jana Dáňováco-ordinators <strong>of</strong> the Socrates/Erasmus program

STUDENT RESEARCH CONFERENCEThe faculty’s student research conference <strong>of</strong> the 3. MF CU will be held on May 23 rd , 2007 from 9 in the Jonášlecture hall. We would like to notify all <strong>of</strong> those interested to actively participate especially those studentsthat have chosen this as part <strong>of</strong> their optional courses to please submit the application form and thestructured abstract <strong>of</strong> their presentations up to April 30 th , 2007 to the Div. <strong>of</strong> Research Mrs. Alinčová (alsoin electronic from by diskette or to the e-mail : blanka.alincova@lf3.cuni.cz) in the following form :• SCOPE – MAXIMALLY 1 PAGE OF TEXT PLUS 1 PAGE OF APPENDICES (LITERATURE,GRAPHICAL DOCUMENTATION)• DIVISIONa) objectiveb) explanation <strong>of</strong> methodsc) resultsd) conclusion• FORMAL GUIDELINESUsing the text editor – preferably MS Word or AmiProFont and size : Times New Roman 12Spaces between lines - title 1, text 1,5Sample title :Výběr parametrů pro hodnocení modelů mozkové ischemie u potkanaBAUER, P., OTÁHAL, J., PERLÍK, V.instructor : Pr<strong>of</strong>. MUDr. R. Rokyta, DrSc.UK, LF 3, Ústav normální, patologické a klinické fyziologieText …………Doc. MUDr. Leo Klein, CSc.,coordinator <strong>of</strong> the Student Research Conference at the 3.MF CUEDUROAM AT THE 3. MF CU- http://eduroam.lf3.cuni.cz• WHAT IS EDUROAMThe basic thought behind EDUROAM is to allow the students andacademic employees to hook up their equipment (laptop, PDA) tothe network even at another academic institution (other universitiesin CR, VFN etc.), without having to register or receive accessinformation. Connecting to the network simply requires a usernameand password used at the home institution.It is based on the wireless network on the basis <strong>of</strong> IEEE802.11 (Wi-Fi)technology.• THE POSSIBILITIES WITH EDUROAMEDUROAM <strong>of</strong>fers our faculty a wider and qualitative Wi-Fi signal (at thistime all our publicly accessible areas <strong>of</strong> the dean’s <strong>of</strong>fice including thefoyer, lecture halls, study areas, area on the 6 th floor and most <strong>of</strong> the otherareas). Also (due to the used technology) an increase in data access <strong>of</strong> thenetwork to a theoretical maximal boundary <strong>of</strong> 54Mbit/s has beenestablished. The system <strong>of</strong> first access to the home network has beensubstantially simplified (see part „how to sign up“).Another important advantage for all members <strong>of</strong> the academic community is the usage <strong>of</strong> the transparentnetwork at other connected institutions (currently over 40 other localities in the CR and hundreds <strong>of</strong> othersin Europe - viz. http://www.eduroam.cz a http://www.eduroam.org).Usage <strong>of</strong> the current wireless network (CU. 3 MF) will be terminated in the following weeks. I ask all usersto switch to EDUROAM.2

• HOW TO SIGN-UPThe new user from the academic community <strong>of</strong> the 3.MF CU must complete only one condition forreceiving access to the EDUROAM network- to own a valid CU pass (see http://www.cuni.cz/UK-1444.html) and have access to the CAS system (Central authentication service <strong>of</strong> CU -https://ldap.cuni.cz/). On the web pages <strong>of</strong> CAS (upon registration) it is necessary to set „password forweb access 802.1x“.This step will give you a username for access (in the form „number <strong>of</strong> individual“@cuni.cz) and passwordthat you have selected („number <strong>of</strong> individual“ can be found on the CU pass underneath your photograph).More detailed conditions for receiving a username and password along with a „step-by-step“ instructionsheet from Your Computer can be found at http://eduroam.lf3.cuni.cz.• REALISATION AND THANK YOUThe realisation and connection <strong>of</strong> the 3.MF CU to EDUROAM took about 8 months. During this time acomplete new segment <strong>of</strong> the ether network (for connecting individual access points) on all floors <strong>of</strong> thebuilding. A new room for the operation <strong>of</strong> the servers and the purchasing <strong>of</strong> new servers for necessaryservices (LDAP, Radius, DHCP, firewall) has also been established.A total <strong>of</strong> 5 various types <strong>of</strong> accessible points (AP) were made available until the best one that fulfilled allthe necessary conditions was chosen.At the dean’s <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the 3.MF CU, there are a total <strong>of</strong> 13 AP (from the 2 nd to the 6 th floor always two AP, onthe 1 st floor three AP).All <strong>of</strong> this could not be possible without the support given by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education, Youth and PhysicalEducation as part <strong>of</strong> the developmental project “A usage <strong>of</strong> contemporary IT methods and <strong>of</strong> the Internet inthe education and research at the 3.MF CU” that was received by the Department <strong>of</strong> medical biophysics andinformatics in the year 2006, realization could also not be possible without the support <strong>of</strong> CESNETsupporting the EDUROAM program in the CR and last but not least the realization could not have beencompleted without the help <strong>of</strong> all the employees <strong>of</strong> the maintenance and technical division. In this manner, Iwould like to thank the students and employees that participated from all the future satisfied users <strong>of</strong>EDUROAM.MUDr. Tomáš Kostrhun, Department <strong>of</strong> Biophysics and Informaticstomas.kostrhun@lf3.cuni.czHISTORY NOTESMarch 2 nd , 1882 (125 years):Adalbert (Vojtěch) DUCHEK DIEDin Vienna, at the place <strong>of</strong> his final workplace, at the age <strong>of</strong> merely 57 and a quarter years. He spentmost <strong>of</strong> his life – his first 31 years – he spent in Prague: he was born as the son <strong>of</strong> the physician on December1 st , 1824, he completed secondary school and medicine at Prague’s University– graduated Med. Dr. 8. 9.1848 (dissertation Ueber die Wirbeltuberculose – one <strong>of</strong> the last Prague’s medical dissertation’s before theywere cancelled, Chir. Dr. 23. 12. 1848, mag. por. 1850. From October 1850, he was a secondary at theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry; from November 1850 to September 1851 as a secondary at the general hospital;1851-1853 after PODLIPSKÝ as an assistant at the 2 nd medical clinic <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>. HAMERNÍK, who was (sameas Arnold PICK a half a century later) interested in DUCHEK’S study on the causes <strong>of</strong> paralytic stupidityUeber Blödsinn mit Paralyse; July 15 th , 1853 the pr<strong>of</strong>essor’s board denied DUCHEK’S request on habilitation;later, when the head <strong>of</strong> the clinic didn’t receive pr<strong>of</strong>essorship DUCHEK was used for various errands, thathe used to grow pr<strong>of</strong>essionally: he worked as an assistant at medical chemistry and assistant atpathological anatomy (that he used in his study), in 1853-1854 he was a provisional assistant <strong>of</strong> the zoochemical department (he studied the effects <strong>of</strong> alcohol on animal organs) and in the summer semester <strong>of</strong>1854 as a provisional pro-sector at the Department <strong>of</strong> Pathological Anatomy; in November 1854 he wasagain an assistant at the 2 nd medical clinic, but he also applied in Štýrský Hradec (rectal medicine) and inPešti (general pathology and pharmacology), in 1855 he received KROMBHOLZ’S four month travelscholarship (600 gold pieces), but he denied it when at the same year he was made pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> the medicalclinic at the medical surgery training in Lvov; he continued from 1856-1858 in Heidelberg and 1858 hetransferred to Vienna: 1858-1871 pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> internal medicine at Josefin (he was the first in Vienna to takepart in the diagnostics <strong>of</strong> brain tumours) and 1871-1882 due to OPPOLZER’S proposal he became the3

eplacement for Josef ŠKODA at the 2 nd medical clinic. He was understood pathological anatomy andmedical chemistry excellently, a fantastic diagnostician, a careful therapeutic trying to find the commonground between nihilism and polypharmacy, a respected teacher. From Handbuch der speciellen Pathologieund Therapie he managed to finish only Krankheiten des Herzens, des Herzbeutels und der Arterien aKrankheiten des Larynx, der Trachea und Schilddrüse (Erlangen 1862). From the pre-vitamin era– his workScorbut in BILLROTH’S and PIŤH’S Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen Chirurgie 1, 2. Abt. A, Erlangen1876 held great value. In 1861-1870, he co-published Wiener medizinische Jahrbücher and Zeitschrift der k. k.Gesellschaft der Ärzte zu Wien. He had tuberculosis; He visited his residence at Předslav na Klatovsku to relaxfrom his exasperating work and to gather new strength. He died in Vienna (dg.: perikarditis acuta) and wasburied in Weidling. He left his fortune to Vienna’s and Prague’s University for scholarship purposes; at atime when the Czech university was right around the corner, he was preparing seriously to support thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> the Czech Academy but he didn’t survive to see the plan realized.Pavel Čech, Cabinet <strong>of</strong> the History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>VITA NOSTRA SERVIS - Informational weekly magazine <strong>of</strong> Charles University in Prague – 3rd <strong>Faculty</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong>. Designated for theAcademic Community. In-house publishing. Edited by the 3. MF, Ruská 87, Prague 10. 150 copies. Freely distributed. The full text edition isposted on the web pages <strong>of</strong> the 3. MF. The deadline is every Thursday, and is published every Tuesday.4

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