Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 -

Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 - Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 -


82 TR_SHUTDOWN Function BlockTR_SHUTDOWN Function BlockEnable System ShutdownThe TR_SHUTDOWN function block provides an easy way to enable systemshutdown according to industry guidelines.Parameter Type DescriptionInputs CI BOOL Control In—enablesoperationIf CI=FALSE, thenCO=FALSE—there is nochange in the output valueIf CI=TRUE andERROR_NUM=0, thenCO=TRUEIO_CO BOOL Critical I/O Control Out—True indicates that a userdefinedfunction blockprovides the status forcritical I/O modulesIO_TMR BOOL Three channels areoperating without faults onevery critical I/O moduleIO_GE_DUAL BOOL At least two channels areoperating without faults onevery critical I/O moduleIO_GE_SINGLE BOOL At least one channel isoperating without faults onevery critical I/O moduleIO_NO_VOTER_FLTS BOOL No voter faults exist oncritical I/O modulesIO_ERROR DINT Zero means no error—nonzeromeans there is aprogramming error or aconfiguration errorTricon Safety Considerations Guide

TR_SHUTDOWN Function Block 83Parameter Type DescriptionInputs MAX_TIME_DUAL TIME Maximum time ofcontinuous operation in dualmode (with only twochannels)MAX_TIME_SINGLE TIME Maximum time ofcontinuous operation insingle mode (with only onechannel)MAX_SCAN_TIME TIME 50% of the maximumresponse timeOutputs CO BOOL Control OutOPERATING BOOL Shutdown if FALSETMR BOOL Three channels operatingDUAL BOOL Dual modeSINGL BOOL Single modeZERO BOOL Zero modeTIMER_RUNNING BOOL Shutdown timer is runningTIME_LEFT TIME Time remaining toshutdownALARM_PROGRAMMING_PERMITTEDBOOLTrue if application changesare permittedALARM_REMOTE_ACCESS BOOL True if remote-host writesare enabledALARM_RESPONSE_TIME BOOL True if actual scan time ≥MAX_SCAN_TIMEALARM_DISABLED_POINTS BOOL True if one or more pointsare disabledAppendix APeer-to-Peer Communication

TR_SHUTDOWN Function Block 83Parameter Type DescriptionInputs MAX_TIME_DUAL TIME Maximum time ofcontinuous operation in dualmode (with only twochannels)MAX_TIME_SINGLE TIME Maximum time ofcontinuous operation insingle mode (with only onechannel)MAX_SCAN_TIME TIME 50% of the maximumresponse timeOutputs CO BOOL Control OutOPERATING BOOL Shutdown if FALSETMR BOOL Three channels operatingDUAL BOOL Dual modeSINGL BOOL Single modeZERO BOOL Zero modeTIMER_RUNNING BOOL Shutdown timer is runningTIME_LEFT TIME Time remaining toshutdownALARM_PROGRAMMING_PERMITTEDBOOLTrue if application changesare permittedALARM_REMOTE_ACCESS BOOL True if remote-host writesare enabledALARM_RESPONSE_TIME BOOL True if actual scan time ≥MAX_SCAN_TIMEALARM_DISABLED_POINTS BOOL True if one or more pointsare disabledAppendix APeer-to-Peer Communication

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