Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 -

Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 - Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 -


72 Examples of Peer-to-Peer ApplicationsExamples of Peer-to-Peer ApplicationsPeer-to-Peer function blocks are designed to transfer limited amounts of databetween two applications. Therefore you should use these function blockssparingly in your applications. Ideally, you should control the execution of eachTR_USEND function block in such a way that each TR_USEND is initiated onlywhen the acknowledgment for the last TR_USEND is received and new data isavailable for sending. You can do this through effective use of the SENDFLGparameter in the TR_USEND function block and the STATUS output of theTR_USEND function block, as shown in Examples 2 and 3.The examples described below can be found in the Expeer.pt2 project on theTriStation CD.Fast Send to One Triconex NodeThis is a simple example of sending data as fast as possible from Node #2 to Node#3. Scan time in both controllers is set to 100 milliseconds.The example uses the following project elements:• PEER_EX1_SEND_FBD (for sending Node #2)• PEER_EX1_RCV_FBD (for receiving Node #3)Sending Data Every Second to One NodeThis is a simple example of sending data every second from Node #2 to Node #3.Scan time in both controllers is set to 100 milliseconds.The example uses the following project elements:• PEER_EX2_SEND_FBD (for sending Node #2)• PEER_EX2_RCV_FBD (for receiving Node #3)Tricon Safety Considerations Guide

Examples of Peer-to-Peer Applications 73Controlled Use of TR_USEND/TR_URCV Function BlocksThe networks in this example show how to use TR_USEND/TR_URCV functionblocks correctly, in a controlled way, so that a limited amount of important data canbe transferred between two applications when new data is ready to be sent.This example uses the following project elements:• PEER_EX3_SEND_FBD (for sending Node #2)• PEER_EX3_RCV_FBD (for receiving Node #3)Using TR_USEND/TR_URCV Function Blocks for Safety-Critical DataThis example shows how to use TR_USEND/TR_URCV function blocks fortransferring a limited amount of safety-critical data between the two applicationsas fast as possible. It also shows how to measure the actual maximum time fortransferring data from the sending node to the receiving node. Because this issafety-critical data, each controller must have two NCMs and two peer-to-peernetworks connected.Sending Node #1 Parameters:• Scan time (SS) = 150 milliseconds• Number of aliased variables in bytes = 2000• Time to transfer alias data over the communication bus in milliseconds (TS)= (2000/20000) * 1000 = 100 milliseconds• The sending controller has only one TR_USEND function block in theapplication, meeting the requirement to have five or fewer TR_USENDfunction blocks. The sendflag is on in the TR_USEND function block sothat, as soon as the last TR_USEND is acknowledged by the receivingcontroller, the sending controller initiates another TR_USENDReceiving Node #3 Parameters:• Scan time (SR) = 200 milliseconds• Number of aliased variables in bytes = 5000• Time to transfer aliased data over the communication bus in milliseconds(TR) = (5000/20000) * 1000 = 250 milliseconds• Process tolerance time = 4 secondsAppendix APeer-to-Peer Communication

Examples of Peer-to-Peer Applications 73Controlled Use of TR_USEND/TR_URCV Function BlocksThe networks in this example show how to use TR_USEND/TR_URCV functionblocks correctly, in a controlled way, so that a limited amount of important data canbe transferred between two applications when new data is ready to be sent.This example uses the following project elements:• PEER_EX3_SEND_FBD (for sending Node #2)• PEER_EX3_RCV_FBD (for receiving Node #3)Using TR_USEND/TR_URCV Function Blocks for <strong>Safety</strong>-Critical DataThis example shows how to use TR_USEND/TR_URCV function blocks fortransferring a limited amount of safety-critical data between the two applicationsas fast as possible. It also shows how to measure the actual maximum time fortransferring data from the sending node to the receiving node. Because this issafety-critical data, each controller must have two NCMs and two peer-to-peernetworks connected.Sending Node #1 Parameters:• Scan time (SS) = 150 milliseconds• Number of aliased variables in bytes = 2000• Time to transfer alias data over the <strong>com</strong>munication bus in milliseconds (TS)= (2000/20000) * 1000 = 100 milliseconds• The sending controller has only one TR_USEND function block in theapplication, meeting the requirement to have five or fewer TR_USENDfunction blocks. The sendflag is on in the TR_USEND function block sothat, as soon as the last TR_USEND is acknowledged by the receivingcontroller, the sending controller initiates another TR_USENDReceiving Node #3 Parameters:• Scan time (SR) = 200 milliseconds• Number of aliased variables in bytes = 5000• Time to transfer aliased data over the <strong>com</strong>munication bus in milliseconds(TR) = (5000/20000) * 1000 = 250 milliseconds• Process tolerance time = 4 secondsAppendix APeer-to-Peer Communication

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