Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 -

Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 - Safety Considerations Guide, Tricon v9.0 -


52 Important TriStation CommandsUpload and VerifyBefore you make changes to a project in TriStation, you should run the Upload andVerify command to verify that the project in TriStation matches the project runningin the controller. (The Upload and Verify command is on the Commands menu onthe Control Panel in TriStation.) This command compares the current projectrunning in the controller to a record of the last downloaded project. To use theUpload and Verify command, you must be able to connect your application to thecontroller using the Connect command on the Control panel in TriStation.For more information on the Upload and Verify command, see the TriStation 1131Developer's Guide.Compare to Last DownloadAfter you have run the Upload and Verify command, make the desired changes tothe project. Use the Compare to Last Download command to verify that thechanges to the project are only the intended changes. (The Compare to LastDownload command is on the Commands menu of the Configuration editor inTriStation.) To test the changes, use the Emulator Control Panel in TriStation.Tricon Safety Considerations Guide

Setting Scan Time 53Setting Scan TimeSetting appropriate scan time for the project is essential to avoid impropercontroller behavior. When changing a project running in an on-line system, specialprecautions should be exercised to avoid scan time overruns, which could result inunexpected controller behavior.Scan TimeScan time is the interval required for evaluations (in other words, scans) of anapplication as it executes in the controller. The time it actually takes to do anevaluation may be less than the requested scan time. To prevent scan-timeoverruns, a scan time must be set that includes sufficient time for all executableelements in an application—including print statements, conditional statements,and future download changes.Use the Scan Time parameter in the TriStation Configuration editor to suggest thedesired scan time before downloading an application. Upon downloading, thecontroller determines the minimum and maximum allowable scan times for yourapplication and uses your suggested scan time if it falls within the acceptablelimits. The default scan time is 200 milliseconds. The maximum allowable scantime is 500 milliseconds and the minimum allowable scan time is 25 milliseconds.Requested Scan Time is a system parameter that is set using the Configurationeditor.Actual scan time is the actual time of the last scan. Actual scan time is always equalto or greater than the requested scan time.Scan SurplusScan surplus is the scan time remaining after application elements have beenexecuted. Scan Surplus must be positive—if it is negative, the Scan Timeparameter must be adjusted using the Set Scan Time command on the ControlPanel to set the surplus value to greater than or equal to zero. The Scan Timeparameter in the TriStation Configuration editor applies only when you do aDownload All.Chapter 4Application Development

52 Important TriStation CommandsUpload and VerifyBefore you make changes to a project in TriStation, you should run the Upload andVerify <strong>com</strong>mand to verify that the project in TriStation matches the project runningin the controller. (The Upload and Verify <strong>com</strong>mand is on the Commands menu onthe Control Panel in TriStation.) This <strong>com</strong>mand <strong>com</strong>pares the current projectrunning in the controller to a record of the last downloaded project. To use theUpload and Verify <strong>com</strong>mand, you must be able to connect your application to thecontroller using the Connect <strong>com</strong>mand on the Control panel in TriStation.For more information on the Upload and Verify <strong>com</strong>mand, see the TriStation 1131Developer's <strong>Guide</strong>.Compare to Last DownloadAfter you have run the Upload and Verify <strong>com</strong>mand, make the desired changes tothe project. Use the Compare to Last Download <strong>com</strong>mand to verify that thechanges to the project are only the intended changes. (The Compare to LastDownload <strong>com</strong>mand is on the Commands menu of the Configuration editor inTriStation.) To test the changes, use the Emulator Control Panel in TriStation.<strong>Tricon</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Considerations</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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