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FOR THE RECORD 2009 / Volume 6news <strong>and</strong> eventsIn MemoriamThe Department <strong>of</strong> Criminal Justice <strong>and</strong> Legal Studies felt <strong>the</strong> great loss <strong>of</strong> three members <strong>of</strong> its community.Staff Sgt. JasonS. Dahlke (B.S.Criminal Justice’04) was killedAug. 29, 2009,in combat inAfghanistan.A Jacksonvillenative, he wasassigned to <strong>the</strong>1st Battalion,75th Ranger Regiment, based at HunterArmy Airfield, Ga. It was Jason’s sixthdeployment since his enlistment in May2004. He is survived by his wife, Nikole.In an online memorial (see: jasondahlke.com/), Jason is remembered for his“adventure,” “eagerness to help” <strong>and</strong>“drive for success.” Photo retrieved fromjasondahlke.com.Deborah“Debbie” Phillis(B.A. LegalStudies ’84)passed away onJune 14, 2009,after a bout <strong>of</strong>pneumonia.Debbie was afounding member<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> CriminalJustice <strong>and</strong> Legal Studies Alumni Chapter,<strong>and</strong> she founded <strong>the</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong>Scholarship. Debbie became <strong>the</strong> legalstudies program adviser after her move toOrl<strong>and</strong>o from <strong>the</strong> UCF Brevard campusabout five years ago. She is rememberedfondly by students <strong>and</strong> staff members forher dedication <strong>and</strong> willingness to help.Debbie also was a longtime donor to <strong>the</strong>UCF Alumni Association <strong>and</strong> UCF GoldenKnights Club. She is greatly missedby <strong>the</strong> UCF community as well, <strong>and</strong> isremembered as a true UCF KnightsFan. Several online memorials to Debbiehave been created: tiny.cc/DebbiePhillis,www.cohpa.ucf.edu/DebbiePhillis.shtml.Robert “Bob”Kirby passedaway on June 17,2009 following aheart attack. Hewas an adjunctinstructor for <strong>the</strong>legal studiesprogram whobrought a wealth<strong>of</strong> knowledge<strong>and</strong> experience to <strong>the</strong> classroom. Hewas also an attorney in private practice,specializing in estate planning. Previously,he served as a uniformed attorney in <strong>the</strong>U.S. Army for 26 years, retiring at <strong>the</strong> rank<strong>of</strong> colonel. He is survived by his wife, PamKirby, <strong>the</strong> college’s associate dean forundergraduate studies, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir daughterLisa. Bob is remembered by family <strong>and</strong>friends as a “caring <strong>and</strong> sustainingpr<strong>of</strong>essional” <strong>and</strong> an “inspiration” to many(see: tiny.cc/BobKirby).In <strong>the</strong> MediaThroughout <strong>the</strong> year, media outlets turned to <strong>the</strong> faculty for <strong>the</strong>ir expert commentary. Highlights include <strong>the</strong> following:PrintNYTimes.com, 3/1/09: “Legislationto Overhaul Rockefeller Drug LawsMoves Ahead Swiftly” quotes AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor Pamala Griset on Gov. NelsonA. Rockefeller’s 1970s-era drug laws.The Wall Street Journal, 3/26/09: “MoreCities Target Teens with DaytimeCurfews” quotes Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ken Adamon curfews for minors.The Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/3/09:“Doctor’s Trial First <strong>of</strong> Three” quotesAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Stephen T. Holmeson criminal behavior patterns in twins.Orl<strong>and</strong>o Sentinel, 10/31/09: In “SumterPrison Has Most Sex Misconduct”Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Roberto Hugh Potter shareshis thoughts on <strong>the</strong> increase in reports<strong>of</strong> sexual misconduct at <strong>the</strong> SumterCounty prison.Time.com, 11/10/09: In “Lethal Injection”Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Robert Bohm provides ahistorical perspective on <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong>injected drugs as a form <strong>of</strong> capitalpunishment.BroadcastFox 35 Orl<strong>and</strong>o television, 2/11/09:Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ken Adams was interviewedabout hate groups in Central Florida.Fox 35 Orl<strong>and</strong>o television, 3/5/09:Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ross Wolf discussed<strong>the</strong> serving <strong>of</strong> a search warrant duringinvestigations <strong>of</strong> a local murder case.WDBO radio, 8/3/09: AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essor Ross Wolf explained how<strong>the</strong> Florida Department <strong>of</strong> LawEnforcement will investigate a shootingby a local police <strong>of</strong>ficer.4...

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