Volume 7 – And Then He Kissed Her - The Woody Back to School Unit

Volume 7 – And Then He Kissed Her - The Woody Back to School Unit Volume 7 – And Then He Kissed Her - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Volume 7And Then He KissedHerR HumphriesWoodettes Publications

<strong>Volume</strong> 7<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong><strong>He</strong>rR HumphriesWoodettes Publications

Published 2010byWoodettes PublicationsHous<strong>to</strong>n, Texas, USA© Woodettes Publications 2010R Humphries has asserted his right <strong>to</strong> be identified asthe author of this work with all rights reservedincluding the right of reproduction in whole or in partin any form.<strong>The</strong> Library of Congress has catalogued this edition asfollows Humphries, R [date]<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r : a novel by R Humphries[Application Pending]1st Ed.ISBN – [Application Pending]www.woodettes.wordpress.com

Author’s NoteThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters,places and incidents are either the product of theauthor's imagination or are used fictitiously. Anyresemblance <strong>to</strong> actual events or locales or persons,living or dead, is entirely coincidental.<strong>The</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ries based at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Unit</strong> are works of adult fiction based upon the real-lifefantasy games played by the author, R. Humphriesand his wife, the inimitable Jojo.It is the author’s intent <strong>to</strong> create the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> as an imaginative world peopledwith a believable cast and set in familiar surroundingswithin which the readers will become comfortable.<strong>The</strong> vernacular used in the s<strong>to</strong>ries is acombination of the phraseology derived from writingsuch as the British penny comics from the nineteenthirties, current language, slang and idioms, and theinvented parlance known as <strong>Woody</strong> Jargon.As such references <strong>to</strong> ‘beating’, ‘thrashing’, and‘flogging’ have no context <strong>to</strong> the use or avocation ofphysical violence, with the exception of controlledcorporal punishment, against the characters of thes<strong>to</strong>ries.

Dedicated<strong>to</strong>My Beloved Jojo

ContentsJojo Embarks on a Challenge .................... 1No Value Whops ........................................... 5Bad Day <strong>to</strong> Rubbish a Pre .......................... 9Vendetta ....................................................... 13Meltdown ..................................................... 17Red-Card ...................................................... 21<strong>The</strong> Return of Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n ..................... 25Confirmation of a Legend ........................ 29A Harsh Call ................................................. 33<strong>The</strong> Longest Beating.................................. 37Bring Me the Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special ................... 41Patty Needs an Ice-Pack .......................... 45<strong>The</strong> Recovery Period ................................. 49Pace and Accuracy ..................................... 53Madame Diderot ......................................... 57Miss Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n ......................................... 61<strong>The</strong>se Bumbags are Out! .......................... 65Gotcha .......................................................... 69Patty Kvetches ............................................ 73Spanking Rosemary ................................... 77A Casual Walk-by ....................................... 81Bot<strong>to</strong>ms Up, Sir .......................................... 85A Sensational Feast ................................... 89Festive Spankings ...................................... 93A Xmas Kiss ................................................. 97

1Jojo Embarks on a ChallengeJoanna <strong>He</strong>yworth rested her fingertips on thetips of her <strong>to</strong>es. She had a flicker of a grin on herface. She heard Claire Brooks stepping in close andfelt the cane tapping down once, twice, thrice, andbraced herself.Since her commemorative flogging <strong>to</strong> mark herone hundred and eightieth punishment since enteringthe <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit Jojo had beenevaluating her strategy and ruminating on her future.<strong>The</strong>re was little question that for the remainingtwo years she was scheduled <strong>to</strong> spend as an inmateat the unit she would continue her reign at the <strong>to</strong>p ofthe Bot<strong>to</strong>ms Up Table of Troublemakers and retainthe title of All-Time Big BUTT.Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n, who was currentlyranked as number two on the All-Time Hall of Shame,appeared <strong>to</strong> have hung up her bumbags now that shewas performing the role of Red-shirt. Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n,who ranked number three, would continue <strong>to</strong> cravethe title but she was over a dozen lickings behind

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rJojo. Claire Brooks was continuing <strong>to</strong> be whoppedduring her Elite year but did not pose a real threat.Jojo had already decided <strong>to</strong> shoot for a thirdconsecutive Bull, the <strong>Woody</strong> term for accumulatingfifty punishments during a single year, which with thetime available seemed an achievable target. However,there was another record she hankered after.During Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n’s first year of beingincarcerated at the facility she had shown a solidpredilection for minxdom. Over the period of two anda half terms she had accumulated a creditable tally ofwhops and was destined <strong>to</strong> end the year in the <strong>to</strong>pten of the Annual Hall of Shame. However, followingthe infamous incident where she unwittingly trampledover Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s prized garden she was subjected <strong>to</strong>the most hostile targeting in the unit’s his<strong>to</strong>ry. In thefinal fifty days of the summer term she was beatenthirty-five times and elevated <strong>to</strong> the status of the Alltimemost punished inmate in a single year. It was atitle that Joanna had his<strong>to</strong>rically held and she dearlywished <strong>to</strong> recover.“It’s a pretty tall order,” said Rosemary.“Even I couldn’t match it when I was PublicEnemy Number One,” agreed Debs.“That <strong>to</strong>ok some truly ruthless targeting,” saidNixdown, “and let’s face it nobody’s going <strong>to</strong> targetyou, Jojo.”Joanna looked thoughtful. “It’ll be a challenge,but you all know how much I love a challenge. By theway, how’s Lisa performing this year?”Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n, aka the Minxster was having a runof rotten luck. It had started with a trip over Dotty

3Hammell’s knee when Lisa had turned up late forkitchen duty. Although Ms Hammell was not the mostprolific of spankers amongst the Brass she was one ofthe most potent.For Lisa’s spanking Dotty had selected awooden spoon formed out of distressed wood fromthe Northern <strong>And</strong>es. To show her displeasure at Lisa’stardy time-keeping Dotty had employed a highlyeffective technique of landing three sharp cracks, oneon <strong>to</strong>p of the other, on the sweet spot of each of thehapless Minxster’s upturned cheeks. <strong>The</strong> unyieldingwooden spoon had generated considerable heat andsting in Lisa’s bumbags that she could still feel whenit came time for lock-down.Under the circumstances it would have seemedprudent for Lisa <strong>to</strong> ensure that she avoided anyfurther run-ins with disciplinary instruments.However, Lisa and her business partner, BernadetteSummers were struggling with the complexities ofestablishing the odds for the BUTT Stakes and hadunwisely elected <strong>to</strong> make one last analytical run afterthe bell had gone for lockdown. As a result Lisa andBernadette had been required <strong>to</strong> bend over the endsof their beds <strong>to</strong> experience at first hand the ferocioussting of Claire Brooks’ ashplant. It had proven <strong>to</strong> be amost disagreeable encounter.In the morning Lisa was still acutely aware ofthe considerable after-effects of her two punishmentsso it was an act of rank recklessness <strong>to</strong> get herselfred-carded out of assembly for an act of mindlessgoofing.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r“How goes it Minxster?” asked Jojo when shecame upon Lisa in the quadrangle. “Sorry about thewhops.”Lisa pulled a face. “<strong>The</strong> man’s got himself anew leather paddle. <strong>He</strong> gave me a real work-out.”“That man and his <strong>to</strong>ys,” Jojo grinned, “younever know what he’s going <strong>to</strong> bring out next. Sohow’s it been going?”“Oh same old same old,” laughed Lisa, “I had apretty hot spell at the beginning of term and thenthings calmed down a bit. Until yesterday that iswhen I scored a bally double. <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> I get myselfchucked out of assembly this morning so it’s a tadwarm in the bumbags of late.”“Well if it’s any consolation I’m already indouble figures this term,” said Jojo.“Oh me <strong>to</strong>o,” grinned the Minxster, “I’vescored a dozen.”“Hmmm,” said Joanna <strong>He</strong>yworth, thoughtfully.“Interesting.”

2No Value WhopsJojo’s campaign got off <strong>to</strong> a slow start. Shemessed around in lectures and tu<strong>to</strong>rials, shebackgabbed and she cracked wise at everyopportunity but not a single whop was forthcoming.Meanwhile, she watched enviously as theother members of the Famous Four caught it hot.On Tuesday morning Nicola Jane was sent up<strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s office after she had pointedlyadvised Reed the Weed <strong>to</strong> go and boil her head.On Wednesday, Rosemary Booker leanedforward at the front of the lecture room and restedher fingers on the tips of her <strong>to</strong>es while the Wartentertained herself with the number one cane and onFriday, Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n managed <strong>to</strong> accumulate herfourth red card of the term when she was chuckedout of assembly for goofing.Even Cassie Cassy was back on a roll. Sherushed in<strong>to</strong> Jojo and Nix’s study beaming all over herface.“<strong>He</strong>yho sis,” said Nix, “you win the lottery?”

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r“No,” said Cassie breathlessly, “better thanthat. <strong>The</strong> drought’s finally over. I just got whopped bythe Wart.”Jojo <strong>to</strong>usled her chum’s hair. “Way <strong>to</strong> go,” shesaid affectionately.Cassie hugged her men<strong>to</strong>r. “Can’t s<strong>to</strong>p,” shesaid excitedly, “I’m off <strong>to</strong> rubbish a pre or three.”When Jojo did finally score some whops theywere of no value <strong>to</strong> her. At the Saturday night feastJojo was dealt the one eyed jack. She glanced over atthe Grand Master; this was the third consecutiveweek that she had received one of the fiendish fivecards and she was becomingly increasingly convincedthat this was not a coincidence. When she hadmentioned this <strong>to</strong> Mr Humphries he had merelygrinned benignly.It was a boisterous dinner and Joanna availedherself of the fine wines that the Grand Master hadprovided. It was a shame that the Saturday eveningspankings didn’t count on her record, she mused; asshe <strong>to</strong>ok a trip across Claire Brooks knee. <strong>The</strong>ycertainly would have come in handy considering herrecent lack of success at scoring any other kind ofwhops.“You knew it wasn’t going <strong>to</strong> be easy,” Nix <strong>to</strong>ldJojo.“I’m the Big BUTT,” sighed Joanna. “Sincewhen did anybody put an embargo on my bumbags?”Nixdown hugged Jojo. “I don’t think that thereis even a restraining order on your bumbags, let alonean embargo. You’re just over-anxious. You’rebeginning <strong>to</strong> sound like Cassy Cassie.”

7Jojo pouted. “It has been two weeks since Iscored the one-eighty and all I’ve got since then aregratui<strong>to</strong>us whops.”Nixdown giggled. “Well you’re certainly doingwell in that department,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Jojo. “Have youever thought that the Man might be something of acard sharp?”“Hmmm, maybe we should ask him,” musedJojo, “he’s invited us over for cocktails this evening.Are you and Penny Ann free?”Nixdown winked. “We’ll be there; I’m justgoing <strong>to</strong> pop down <strong>to</strong> the stables for half an hour.Pen’s got a new crop and I want <strong>to</strong> try it out.”“Nix, you are such a degenerate,” laughedJojo.Nixdown wiggled her tightly clad jodhpurcovered behind. “Don’t insult me. I am the ultimatedegenerate, darling,” she giggled, “now help me onwith my jacket.”“<strong>The</strong> Elite never whop me anymore,”complained Jojo <strong>to</strong> Vix at the cocktail party. “I rubbishthem and they just ignore me.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria put her arm around Joanna’sshoulders. “Maybe they think you’re just joking,” shesmiled.“Vix! I am very much in need of whops,” saidJojo sternly, “You need <strong>to</strong> realign the Elite and tellthem <strong>to</strong> get on with the job.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria slit her eyes at her chum. “You’reserious about going for the record aren’t you?”Jojo nodded her head emphatically, “and Iintend <strong>to</strong> earn my whops legitimately, so if I rubbishthe pre’s I don’t expect <strong>to</strong> be cut any slack.”

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rLady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n shook her head withresignation. “I’ll pass the word down,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Jojo,“but you know you’re fawkin’ barking.”Jojo just winked and went in pursuit of anotherglass of bubbles.

3Bad Day <strong>to</strong> Rubbish a PreJojo didn’t pick the best of days <strong>to</strong> rubbishClaire Brooks. As a result of the copious plumes ofsmoke billowing out from under her skirt Miss Brookswas not in the sweetest of moods.<strong>The</strong> smoke plumes were a result of a recenttrip she had taken over the Grand Master’s knee. <strong>The</strong>head down, arse up expedition had been caused byClaire being red-carded out of an English Literaturelecture and the whole sorry chain of unfortunateevents was triggered by Claire’s inability <strong>to</strong> engageher brain prior <strong>to</strong> flapping her jaw.Claire Brooks knew that she was up for a barebender as soon as she opened her mouth. StephaniePowell didn’t miss a heartbeat, as soon as Claire letrip with her ribald riposte she reached for her redcard.Stephanie Powell was considered one of thefairest of the Dames and was extremely popular withthe inmates. She was a leading light on the LiberalLeft and a strong advocate of minx rights. Stephanie

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rmade no secret of her distaste for the likes of PattyHodge and the Wart. Nonetheless, despite her leftisttendencies cussing during lectures was a zero<strong>to</strong>leranceoffence so Claire had <strong>to</strong> go.Claire Brooks was not having a successful start<strong>to</strong> her Elite career. She started out badly, becomingthe first gal of the year <strong>to</strong> be whopped when she wasabsolutely creamed by Ms Gascoigne. Since then shehad made three visits <strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s study,each related <strong>to</strong> her penchant for pith and pottymouthing.At the rate she was going she wasscheduled <strong>to</strong> overtake Cathryn Cassidy as the mostbeaten prefect in his<strong>to</strong>ry in record breaking time.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had no objections <strong>to</strong> pottymouthingin a social or recreational setting butcussing in the lecture rooms was strictly forbidden.Claire Brooks didn’t even bother <strong>to</strong> try <strong>to</strong> make anexcuse for her behavior; she merely politelyapologized and agreed that she was due for awhopping.Mr Humphries considered Claire an idealcandidate <strong>to</strong> continue with his George W experiment.<strong>He</strong> had been extremely impressed by DeborahMor<strong>to</strong>n’s frenetic reaction during George W’sinaugural outing but he acknowledged that she hadbeen suffering under the severe disadvantage of analready well-spanked bot<strong>to</strong>m. <strong>He</strong> was interested <strong>to</strong>investigate how effective George would be in dealingwith virgin flesh.

11Claire Brooks was long, lithe and feline. It hadalways amused her chums that during the early yearsof her sentence their slender chum had regularlysported the title of Big BUTT. <strong>He</strong>r long legs werekicking spastically and her tiny rear end was wrigglingfrom side <strong>to</strong> side as the tawse slapped down.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master was impressed. Claire had areputation as one of the <strong>to</strong>ughest gals in the unit. <strong>He</strong>rlong his<strong>to</strong>ry of being spanked with Ma Brooks’ brush,the frequent beatings she had received at boardingschool and her rise <strong>to</strong> the highest echelons of the Hallof Shame had made her particularly whop-hardened.To get this type of reaction out of Claire was a tribute<strong>to</strong> the craftsmanship of George W Dick.Jojo was keen <strong>to</strong> test out Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’s promise <strong>to</strong>realign the Elite so she rubbished Claire royally. Jojoand Claire were tight. <strong>The</strong>y had been friends foralmost fifteen years, dating back <strong>to</strong> their earlysuccesses riding in national gymkhanas. If the Elitehad been truly realigned Jojo figured that Clairewould step up <strong>to</strong> the plate.To Jojo’s delight Claire pulled out her red-cardand sent her up <strong>to</strong> wait outside the library.Jojo blinked. <strong>The</strong> first swipe of the cane hadbeen an absolute scorcher. She rememberedDeborah’s claim that the caning Claire had given herrated an eight point five heat rating on herwhopometer but she had figured that Debs was justbragging. As the first swipe ricocheted around hercentral nervous system it occurred <strong>to</strong> Jojo that MissMor<strong>to</strong>n might have been right on the money.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rClaire loved Jojo like a sister but the heat inher own backside seemed <strong>to</strong> have added aninexplicable sense of purpose <strong>to</strong> her performance.<strong>The</strong> cane was slicing through the air at Mach One andevery stroke was landing perfectly in the target zone.Even Jojo had <strong>to</strong> grit her teeth tightly <strong>to</strong> keep fromyelping.Nixdown, Debs and Rosemary were performingdamage assessment.“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” said Debs. “I <strong>to</strong>ldyou that she was good.”Rosemary was gently massaging Jojo’s sizzlingstripes with a pro<strong>to</strong>type zinc acetate based balm.“This will sting for a moment and then it will start <strong>to</strong>really cool things down,” she explained.“Looks like six straight aces,” observedNixdown.“This is another time I don’t envy being in yourbumbags, sister,” said Debs.Claire Brooks brought Jojo a bunch of pink andblue tropical lilies and a bottle of 1999 Handley BrutRose.“I’m sorry I made it so hot,” she apologized. “Idon’t know what came over me.”Jojo giggled and sipped the delicious wine thattasted just like freshly picked raspberries. “I heard onthe gossvine that George W came all over you.”“That is truly gross,” groaned Claire Brooks.

4VendettaDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was forced <strong>to</strong> acknowledgethat her pursuit of the title of Big BUTT was now ou<strong>to</strong>f her grasp. In her diary she noted, “Despite all thathas happened <strong>to</strong> me at <strong>Woody</strong>s, being branded PublicEnemy Number One, being targeted by Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>nand the SS, and all the high-profile public whoppings,I’m still behind on the Hall of Shame. Every year Jojohas been so consistent that she has beaten me out bya couple of lickings. Still, if I work hard I could moveup <strong>to</strong> Number Two.”Deborah had not anticipated starting her questfor second place on the Hall of Shame by being ben<strong>to</strong>ver the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol and being beaten with a violinbow.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n, the Dame in charge of Music, andDeborah had been engaged in a long and oftencontroversial feud. It dated back <strong>to</strong> the infamousincident known in <strong>Woody</strong> lore as ‘the Fabulous Fart’.At the time of the incident Deborah was highlyfavored by Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n. She played clarinet and piano

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rand acted as a co-direc<strong>to</strong>r of the <strong>Woody</strong> orchestralproductions. She was a reasonable al<strong>to</strong> and wasregularly featured as a soloist in choral presentations.It was approaching Xmas of the fourth year ofDeborah’s sentence and the choir was preparing for aproduction of Handel’s Messiah, scheduled <strong>to</strong> beperformed at the local <strong>to</strong>wn hall. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n had justbrought in the al<strong>to</strong>s when she noticed Debs hadmissed the cue. Thinking it <strong>to</strong> be just anuncharacteristic error the Music Dame continued.However, she soon noticed that Deborah was makingno effort at rectifying her mistake and appeared <strong>to</strong> bestudying something secreted in her hand. Irritably MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n s<strong>to</strong>pped the choir and demanded Debs <strong>to</strong>step up and explain herself.Conventional wisdom assumes that, in herfavored position with the Music Dame, if Deborah hadsimply made an excuse about having a sore throatand needing <strong>to</strong> save her voice she would haveescaped without even the mildest admonishment.Instead Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n responded <strong>to</strong> the Damesdemand for an explanation by unleashing agargantuan guff.<strong>The</strong> prolonged bare bot<strong>to</strong>m thrashing thatensued caused considerable controversy. <strong>The</strong>re wasno question that Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n was seriously in breachof the pro<strong>to</strong>cols that dictated that the Dames werelimited <strong>to</strong> delivering six strokes with an inmatesbumbags retained, or that Deborah had the right <strong>to</strong>file a complaint. However, according <strong>to</strong> the pro<strong>to</strong>colsthe complaint would be heard in front of the Systemand the press would be invited.After her public arrest on the center court ofWimbledon Deborah had been subjected <strong>to</strong> a

15humiliating media vilification and after four years ou<strong>to</strong>f the public spotlight she was not enthusiastic <strong>to</strong>return <strong>to</strong> the attention of the Great Unwashed inregard <strong>to</strong> an unfortunate gaseous emission. She cut adeal with Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n whereby a six month restrainingorder was placed on Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n and in the event theMusic Dame believed Deborah needed <strong>to</strong> be thrashedshe would be sent <strong>to</strong> the Principal with full supportingdocumentation.A kind of truce had ensued. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n sentDebs <strong>to</strong> Coventry, using intermediaries <strong>to</strong> give herinstructions regarding choir and orchestra. For onceDebs managed <strong>to</strong> control herself and behavedimpeccably around the Music Dame.Unfortunately the end of the period governingthe restraining order coincided with Deborahbecoming branded as the units ‘Public Enemy NumberOne’ and the implementation of Operation ScorchedArse.During a restraining order debriefing meetingMs Law<strong>to</strong>n would release the Music Dame on whatDeborah would later describe as the ‘Nightmare inDebs Bumbags’.With Deborah targeted as a hostile target <strong>to</strong> betreated with zero-<strong>to</strong>lerance Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n felt free <strong>to</strong>engage in her vendetta. On the anniversary of theFabulous Fart she bent Debs over the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol andbeat her with a violin bow. To Debs relief after fivestrokes she was given the release command. She wasscurrying back <strong>to</strong> her seat as fast as her frazzled bumwould allow her when she was summonsed back and

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rinstructed <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>uch her <strong>to</strong>es. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n informed herthat they would finish the six with a bacon slicer.Bacon slicer’s are a highly specializedtechnique. <strong>The</strong> cane is brought down vertically and ifsuccessfully accomplished will give the victim theexcruciating sensation that a sliver of their backsidehas been physically sliced off. Due <strong>to</strong> the technicalcomplexity of the delivery the chances of a baconslicer making contact are less than fifty percent.However, under the <strong>to</strong>e-<strong>to</strong>uching pro<strong>to</strong>cols therecipient’s fingers must actually be contacting the tipsof their shoes throughout a beating and she may notmove until the release command is issued. <strong>The</strong>effects of a successful bacon slicer are widelyconsidered <strong>to</strong> be amongst the most excruciatingsensations imaginable and the chances of therecipient managing <strong>to</strong> maintain position at themoment of impact are extremely low. According <strong>to</strong>the pro<strong>to</strong>cols if the victim jolts upwards the strokecan be repeated until she either manages <strong>to</strong> staydown or the beating is terminated due <strong>to</strong> a missedattempt.Even the whop-hardened Debs jolted up andwas forced <strong>to</strong> get back in position for another stroke.Unbelievably Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n delivered perfect slicer afterslicer. It <strong>to</strong>ok a record-breaking four slices beforeDeborah managed <strong>to</strong> stay down.Little did Deborah know that this was just thebeginning of Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s vicious vendetta.

5MeltdownOnce Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n embarked upon her vendettaDebs had been genuinely shaken by the scale of themalice that was directed at her. Deborah’s mercurialpersonality had an unfortunate tendency <strong>to</strong> inspireextreme reactions from folks she encountered andshe had had often made dangerous enemies.However, the malicious venom of Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s siegeon her bumbags was unprecedented.Every time Deborah entered the music roomshe was immediately shown a yellow card and spentthe rest of the tu<strong>to</strong>rial fretting over whether shewould be beaten. During the first four weeks ofOperation Scorched Arse she was bent over the pianos<strong>to</strong>ol on over fifty percent of the appearances shemade in the music room.It was not just the unprovoked beatings thathad rattled her. Often Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n made her spendthe complete lesson standing on a chair with herhands on her head or dispatched her <strong>to</strong> stand in thecorner of the room performing nose and <strong>to</strong>es. Sheeven made Deborah spend several choir practices’

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rstanding at the front of the hall with her hands on herhead.<strong>The</strong> Music Instruc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> barreling down onher at unexpected moments and screeching at her,very often in front of rooms full of people. <strong>The</strong>diatribes were filled with hateful vitriolic and left Debsdrained and exhausted.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n even commissioned a violin bowfrom an artisan in Southern Brazil who specialized inthe rare art of crafting bows from Pernambuco wood.<strong>The</strong> bow-master had taken the original design ofFrancois Tourte’s seventy five centimeter bow andhad perfected the balance of colophoany, oils andplasiticizeds <strong>to</strong> make bows of exceptional beauty.When she had commissioned the bow the MusicDame had requested an unusual stiffness, explainingthat it would only be used for decorative purposes.For over a thousand quid the bow-maker would havemade her a cricket bat out of the rare wood if she’dasked.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n had the craftsman engrave thewords ‘<strong>The</strong> Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special’ along the shaft of thebow. It would be used exclusively on the backside ofDebs Mor<strong>to</strong>n.Rosemary, Jojo and Nixdown hated watchingthe vicious unprovoked attacks and did their best <strong>to</strong>console and comfort their chum. Debs refused <strong>to</strong> filea complaint. She had no intention of the FabulousFart being made public.<strong>The</strong> vicious vendetta was having a visibleeffect on Deborah. She became withdrawn andrefused <strong>to</strong> join her chums in goofing, japing, larkingand pranking activities. In the evenings she retreated

19in<strong>to</strong> herself and spent all her time secluded in herstudy reading the complete works of Aleister Crowley.She even cut back on her tennis training program,regularly cancelling her morning sessions with JaneLummell and Rachel Cox preferring the extra twohours in bed.<strong>He</strong>r chums began <strong>to</strong> fret over her mental andphysical state. She <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> shuffling about the facilitywith her head lowered, seemingly lost in privatethought. She had always been no<strong>to</strong>riously clobberchallenged but she started <strong>to</strong> look like a hobo. Eventhe deeply cynical Nixdown <strong>to</strong>ok it upon herself <strong>to</strong>check Debs laundry every night and pitched up andmade sure that she looked halfway decent in themornings.<strong>He</strong>r chums fretted; she was at her mostvulnerable. As the unit’s Public Enemy Number Oneshe was targeted as an extreme hostile and herbumbags had a large bulls-eye painted on them. <strong>The</strong>ywere deeply concerned that the tyrants of the RadicalRight and their SS pawns would take advantage ofher demoralized state. <strong>The</strong>ir suspicions were notunfounded.On the instructions of Patty Hodge, YvonneGodfrey and Janet Mitchell hounded Debs morning,noon and night looking for opportunities <strong>to</strong> take herup <strong>to</strong> the library and beat her. Deborah’s chums madesure that she had a protective escort on the rareoccasions she came out for fresh air <strong>to</strong> escape fromher studies of <strong>The</strong>lema.However, in her semi-cata<strong>to</strong>nic state even thebeasts from the right had difficulty finding any excuse

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r<strong>to</strong> punish her and for almost a month the onlybeatings she received were from Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n.Deborah’s chums constantly tried <strong>to</strong> rally herspirits. Rosemary and Jojo did their best <strong>to</strong> consoleher. Unexpectedly it was Nixdown who seemed mosteffected by Deborah’s traumatized state. Nix andDeborah’s friendship was sometimes volatile. NicolaJane was a natural born cynic and often criticizedDeborah for show-boating.Nonetheless one morning when she was doingher best <strong>to</strong> make Debs presentable she lamented,“Please Debs try and have some fun <strong>to</strong>day. I hate itwhen you’re ordinary. I love you because you’reextraordinary. Even when you’re being anextraordinary pain in the arse.”As the weeks went by and Deborah continued<strong>to</strong> remain depressed and dejected her chums fearedthat Debs was on the brink of a meltdown. Howeverin a quite extraordinary episode Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n wasshaken out of her funk.

6Red-CardJanet Mitchell couldn’t believe her luck. Forweeks Mitch the Bitch had been catching it in thelughole from Patty Hodge for her inability <strong>to</strong> find areason <strong>to</strong> give Deborah a damn, good thrashing.“She’s Public Enemy Number One and she’s agoddam degenerate,” raged Patty. “She deserves <strong>to</strong>be caned. Find a reason or it’ll be your bumbagsbeing cut <strong>to</strong> tatters.”“I don’t know what’s got in<strong>to</strong> her Ma’am,”protested Janet. “She shuffles about the place like abag-lady, with her head down looking at the floor.She doesn’t do anything, it’s like she’s a ghost andshe’s always surrounded by bodyguards.”“Find a reason,” barked Patty abruptly anddismissed Janet with a condescending wave of herhand.“Mor<strong>to</strong>n, Phase 5, step up for goofing,”screeched Janet Mitchell waving her red-card in theair.Debs groaned and rolled her eyes. She couldn’tbelieve her own stupidity. She was definitely bang <strong>to</strong>

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rrights. It was as if she had been in a trance. For noreason at all she had been tapping the underside ofthe canvas seat of the chair in front of her with herfoot, causing its occupant considerable annoyance. Itwas particularly guileless and the longer shecontinued the greater the likelihood of attracting theattention of an assembly moni<strong>to</strong>r. Nonetheless, Debswas taken by surprise <strong>to</strong> hear her voice beingscreamed at the <strong>to</strong>p of Janet’s lungs. Momentarily shedidn’t react.“Mor<strong>to</strong>n, step up I tell you,” screamed Janet asecond time, “step up this instant, before I have youcollared.”Debs shuffled passed her chums. Janet waswaiting for her a leer on her face.“Gotcha,” she gloated as Deborah approached.“<strong>And</strong> by the way, your tie’s undone,” she cackled.Deborah groaned.<strong>The</strong> following period of Deborah’s life wasextremely unpleasant. She was forced <strong>to</strong> stand at thefront of the hall for ten minutes before the Brassarrived. It was a nerve-racking experience. It was aposition Deborah was unfortunately familiar with. Forinexplicable reasons Debs found it difficult <strong>to</strong> abide bythe no goofing and gabbing pro<strong>to</strong>cols with regard <strong>to</strong>ingress and egress of the assembly hall and held therecord for being chucked out. Although it attracted amanda<strong>to</strong>ry six strokes of the senior cane it was a lowlevelbreach of pro<strong>to</strong>col and under normalcircumstances was dealt with expediently. A simple‘bend over’, a quick six and then ‘have a good day’.However, Debs suspected that her status as PublicEnemy Number One might have an adverse influence

23on the proceedings. She began <strong>to</strong> sweat as theminute hand of the clock ticked by and the inevitablearrival of the Brass approached.Patty Hodge did not help matters when shetheatrically showed Debs a second red card andloudly instructed her <strong>to</strong> make an appointment withKatie Beck <strong>to</strong> be slippered for zero-<strong>to</strong>lerance collarand tie abuse.Debs trudged through the corridors. As shehad suspected Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had not merely quietlydispatched her <strong>to</strong> wait outside her study, she hads<strong>to</strong>pped and spent several minutes giving Deborah apublic <strong>to</strong>ngue trashing. It had been most unpleasant.Next Debs was forced <strong>to</strong> endure a full clobberinspection from Katie Beck. <strong>The</strong> unit matron made ameal out of it. At the best of times Debs wasperennially clobber-challenged and in recent weeksshe had given up caring. It was only Nixdown’s lovingcare that had kept her from spending her timepermanently across Katie’s lap.Debs had been genuinely surprised <strong>to</strong> becaught out on the supplementary charge of collar andtie abuse. For weeks Nix had been constantly naggingher over her negligence in this matter, reminding herthat it was having a loosened collar that had got herin this mess in the first place. She remembered NicolaJane straightening her tie for her before they steppedout for brekker, but she couldn’t for the life of herrecall unfastening her <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n. Debs worried thatshe was losing her mind.Due <strong>to</strong> Nix’s sterling efforts Katie came upempty but that didn’t s<strong>to</strong>p her from indulging in her

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rmind games and insinuating that she had foundfurther abuses of the Politics of Clobber while shecarried out her inspection. Katie indulged herselffurther by maintaining a constant commentary withregard <strong>to</strong> her predictions of the state of Deborah’srear end when the Grand Dame had finished with her.It was all most disagreeable and Debs day was notimproved when Katie left her bent butt-naked acrossthe desk in the ante-room for over five minutesbefore she could be deigned <strong>to</strong> come in and performher inspection.Debs morning continued <strong>to</strong> deteriorate. Twentyminutes of nose and <strong>to</strong>es on the landing thatseparated Katie and Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s office gave herplenty of time for rumination. <strong>The</strong> public harangue inthe assembly hall had done little for her spirits andshe could not envisage her next communication withthe Grand Dame proving any more cordial.She heard the click-clack of Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s highheels in the corridor below.“Oh man, just let’s get this over with,” Debsmuttered <strong>to</strong> herself dismally.

7<strong>The</strong> Return of Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>nDeborah had <strong>to</strong>ttered out of Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s officethoroughly trashed and thrashed. <strong>The</strong> Grand Damehad excelled herself. She had <strong>to</strong>pped off a world-classscolding with a world-class whopping.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had managed <strong>to</strong> make the earlierpublic harangue in the hall seem minor-league. Shehad kept Deborah held in a military attention, eyesfront,shoulders-back, arms by her side, while sheexpertly dissected Debs unfortunate disciplinaryrecord. Debs was almost relieved when she was giventhe release command and instructed <strong>to</strong> bend over thestraight-backed chair in front of the fireplace.<strong>He</strong>r relief was short-lived. Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n’sbackside was a highly-calibrated whopometer thatcould accurately gauge the heat-fac<strong>to</strong>r of stroke ofthe cane on a scale of one and ten, <strong>to</strong> two decimalplaces. Debs was greatly concerned when the needlestarted <strong>to</strong> move up <strong>to</strong>wards eleven.Debs wriggled through the corridors withsmoke pluming out from beneath her skirt. <strong>He</strong>r mind

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rwas racing. <strong>He</strong>r unfortunate eviction from theassembly hall had caused her <strong>to</strong> be late for orchestrapractice. She dreaded the prospect of arriving in theGreat Hall. Doubtless Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n would take theopportunity <strong>to</strong> tear in<strong>to</strong> her and more than likelywould humiliate her by making her spend theremainder of the practice standing in disgrace at thefront of the hall with her hands on her head.Deborah was in no hurry for anotherignominious confrontation and <strong>to</strong>ok a de<strong>to</strong>ur <strong>to</strong> raidRosemary’s secret fag-stash. She didn’t often smokebut it provided a diversion and would take some timeoff the clock and reduce the period she woulddoubtless be forced <strong>to</strong> stand with her hands on herhead facing the choir. She smoked slowly until theember reached the butt. She considered smokinganother one but thought it would just make her feelsick. With a heavy tread she set off <strong>to</strong> fetch herclarinet and <strong>to</strong> face her meeting with Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n.“I’m sorry I’m late Ma’am,” Debs <strong>to</strong>ld the MusicInstruc<strong>to</strong>r as she hurried <strong>to</strong> take up her vacantposition amongst the orchestra.“Where do you think you’re going?” snappedMs Whit<strong>to</strong>n.“To take my place Ma’am,” responded Debs.“Oh no you don’t young lady, you will repair <strong>to</strong>the music room and bring me the Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special”said the Music Dame.Deborah gaped at the instruc<strong>to</strong>r incredulously.“Whadaya mean?” she spluttered.“You’re late,” said Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n imperiously.“Manda<strong>to</strong>ry six of the best for tardy time-keeping.”

27Debs continued <strong>to</strong> gape. “But you know whyI’m late,” she gasped. “I was in the Grand Dame’sstudy.”“That’s no excuse, this whole rehearsal hasbeen a fiasco due <strong>to</strong> your selfish behavior,” re<strong>to</strong>rtedMs Whit<strong>to</strong>n, “now do as you’re <strong>to</strong>ld and bring me mybow.”According <strong>to</strong> eye-witness accounts, at firstDebs looked as if she might faint. <strong>He</strong>r pretty featureswere con<strong>to</strong>rted in<strong>to</strong> a grotesque grimace. She lookedlike she might burst in<strong>to</strong> tears, or even worse, pleadwith the evil Dame. <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> suddenly, according <strong>to</strong>consistent reports of the episode, Deborah’sdemeanor altered dramatically. <strong>The</strong> color that hadbeen missing from her face for weeks returned, shepulled herself up <strong>to</strong> her full five feet four inches andher eyes blazed with anger and defiance.“This is ridiculous,” Debs snapped scathingly atthe music instruc<strong>to</strong>r. “You’re not going <strong>to</strong> beat me forthis.”“Are you refusing <strong>to</strong> obey me?” asked MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n.“You’re damn right I am,” said Debsobstinately.“Very well Mor<strong>to</strong>n, I shall send someone else<strong>to</strong> fetch the bow and in the meantime I shallsummons Jacqueline Ivanhoe and Yvonne Godfreyand I will have you held down.”<strong>The</strong> tension in the Great Hall was palpable.“You rotten fucking bitch,” Debs blurted out.“This is so fucking bogus.”“I’ll count <strong>to</strong> five Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n, it’s your choice.”

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rDebs stared down at the violin bow housed init own private display case. Along the shaft of theexquisite bow the words ‘<strong>The</strong> Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special’ hadbeen etched in elegant calligraphic script. It stillboggled Deborah’s mind that anybody could hate herso much that they would commission a thousand quidbespoke bow designed purely for the purpose ofbeating her. She lifted the lid and extracted the bowwith trembling fingers. She flexed it though the air. Itsent a shiver down her spine.“Okay Be-yotch,” she muttered <strong>to</strong> herself.“Bring it on! Do your worst, but Debs is back.”

8Confirmation of a LegendDebs had carried the Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special back <strong>to</strong>the Great Hall. <strong>He</strong>r features were fixed in a picture ofdefiance and for the first time in weeks her head washeld high. She strode purposefully through thecorridors in with a defiant gait that was a starkcontrast <strong>to</strong> the dispirited shuffle she had adopted oflate.As a tennis player Debs had earned herself areputation for grit, determination, concentration andcomposure under pressure. She was also famous forher ability <strong>to</strong> recover from adversity.Memorably, when she was nineteen years oldshe reached the quarter finals of the French Open atRoland Garros and was pitted against the reigningworld champion Connie Ever<strong>to</strong>n. Debs was deeplydisappointed <strong>to</strong> succumb in a leg cramping matchthat lasted over three hours and featured twentyrallies of forty or more returns. After the defeat sheretreated <strong>to</strong> a small cottage she had purchased onthe south coast and cancelled several appearances atscheduled <strong>to</strong>urnaments. <strong>The</strong> fickle press wrote her off

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rand speculated that her career was finished. Fourweeks later she would fly alone <strong>to</strong> Madison SquareGarden, without her coach or any en<strong>to</strong>urage, andproceed <strong>to</strong> cream Miss Ever<strong>to</strong>n. Double-bagelling thechampion love and love in a record breakingseventeen minutes and eleven seconds.<strong>The</strong> hacks from the glad-rags immediatelyheralded her withdrawal from the public eye as amove of strategic genius and dubbed her as‘Indominatable Debs’.Debs chums had watched dismally as shehanded the violin bow over <strong>to</strong> the music instruc<strong>to</strong>rand lugged the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol in front of the orchestra.She stripped off her blazer and bent over.Every member of the orchestra knew what itwas like <strong>to</strong> get six of the best across the bare arsefrom Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s cane and knew that Deborah’sbot<strong>to</strong>m would be on fire. <strong>The</strong>y wouldn’t haveswapped places in Debs bumbags for all the hot dogsin Brooklyn. What they witnessed was extraordinary.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n spared no quarter and beatDeborah with all her might. Somehow Debs resistedthe temptation <strong>to</strong> scream and shout. When she wasfinally given the release command she was clearlyshaken. <strong>He</strong>r face was chalky white and her lips set ina tight line but her eyes burned with defiance as shehanded over her punishment record book for postprocessing.But the drama was not yet over.Wordlessly Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n annotated the book andthen without warning she pointed back at the s<strong>to</strong>ol.“Now bend over again,” she said curtly.Debs mouth opened and her chin wagged butno sounds came out.

31“You cussed me out,” snapped Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n,“now bend over or I shall have you collared and takenup <strong>to</strong> the Grand Dames and demand you are given apublic flogging.”Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n gaped at the music instruc<strong>to</strong>r.For a moment she said nothing and remained glued<strong>to</strong> the spot. <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> finally she glared defiantly at MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n. “You’ll never make me howl and you’ll nevermake me blub,” she said rebelliously and thenhopelessly she leaned down and stretched her bodyout across the s<strong>to</strong>ol.What ensued confirmed Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n as athoroughbred <strong>Woody</strong> legend. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n beat herlike a carpet but unbelievably Debs did not utter asound. She writhed and wriggled, squirmed andkicked, but she refused <strong>to</strong> howl.Miraculously the terrible beating had stimulateda revival in Deborah’s spirits. <strong>He</strong>r chums weredelighted that after allowing a prudent period for herscorched arse <strong>to</strong> cool down a tad Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>nembarked upon a campaign of goofing, larking, japingand pranking with renewed enthusiasm.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had been appalled <strong>to</strong> read thereports of the dual thrashings and had summonsedMs Whit<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> her study. <strong>The</strong> Music Dame hadjustified her ill-treatment of Debs by referring theGrand Dame <strong>to</strong> the ‘eyes-only’ memorandum she hadpersonally issued stating that ‘Mor<strong>to</strong>n should betreated with Extreme Prejudice at all times. All rules,regulations and pro<strong>to</strong>cols are <strong>to</strong> be strictly enforced.Infractions however minor should be treated with

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rzero-<strong>to</strong>lerance and she should be punished <strong>to</strong> themaximum allowable extent.’Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n couldn’t deny that Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n hadfollowed the instruction implicitly but she couldn’thelp thinking that she had crossed the thin linebetween extreme prejudice and extreme malice.Prudently she imposed a thirty day restraining orderbetween Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n and Debs bumbags.Many <strong>Woody</strong> his<strong>to</strong>rians speculate that it wasthis episode that caused Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> begin <strong>to</strong>contemplate her retirement.

9A Harsh CallIn the twelve months that had elapsed sincethe showdown in the Great Hall Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s loathingof Deborah had not diminished one iota. Although sheshowed a little more restraint in her persecution ofDebs, visits <strong>to</strong> the music room were never pleasant.For weeks Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n would give Debs the coldshoulderand completely ignore her and thensuddenly out of the blue she would send her <strong>to</strong> standin the corner for no reason at all. During one periodDebs didn’t even make it <strong>to</strong> her seat for threeconsecutive tu<strong>to</strong>rials, spending the full ninety minutesfacing the wall with her hands on her head. It wasextremely tiresome and Deborah occasionallyretaliated. She earned herself a public flogging forletting down all four tires of Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s car.Inevitably the Music Dame could notcompletely resist the temptation <strong>to</strong> take her violinbow <strong>to</strong> Debs bumbags. On the last lesson before theunit broke up for Xmas furlough she had fabricatedan excuse <strong>to</strong> beat Deborah and <strong>to</strong> “give hersomething <strong>to</strong> remember me by over the holidays”.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rAs usual the cause of Deborah’s latestencounter with the violin bow was somewhat dubious.When Debs had arrived at the music room MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n had barreled down upon her accusing herthat the knot of her tie had slipped and her <strong>to</strong>pbut<strong>to</strong>n was inappropriately exposed. Debs reached up<strong>to</strong> correct the knot of her tie fully expecting <strong>to</strong> beissued with a misconduct mark. To her as<strong>to</strong>nishmentMs Whit<strong>to</strong>n slapped her hand away and thrust ayellow card in her face calling her a tramp. It was aharsh call and Debs couldn’t help herself; she rolledher eyes and curled her lip in contempt. That wasenough for Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n.“Good grief,” she screamed at Debs. “I havenever seen such insolence young lady. Go and putdown your satchel, remove your blazer and fetch methe Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special.”Deborah spread herself out across the pianos<strong>to</strong>ol. It was really a duet bench rather than a s<strong>to</strong>ol.It was twelve inches high at the leg, with four inchesof hollow s<strong>to</strong>rage covered by a two inch cushionedseat. <strong>The</strong> seat was exactly twelve inches in breadth.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> Wags often laughed that <strong>He</strong>inrichEngelhard Steinweg and his carpenters must havetested their daughters out bent over the benches asthey appeared <strong>to</strong> have designed one of the perfectvenues for whops.Debs shifted her tummy forward across thepadded seat until she felt as if her body wasequilaterally organized. She stretched out her armsand legs until only her fingers and <strong>to</strong>es <strong>to</strong>uched thewood floor of the slightly raised wooden stage. She

35lowered her head between her outstretched arms andwatched her tie dangle forward and her hair cascade<strong>to</strong>wards the floor. She <strong>to</strong>ok a deep breath and waitedfor the latest episode of the vendetta <strong>to</strong> slowly unfold.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n slipped an original copy of aperformance of Django Reinhardt during his Quintettedu Hot Club de France phase out of its LP cover andplaced it on the vintage phonograph. She carefullyplaced the needle down and waited for the music <strong>to</strong>fill the room. She retrieved the violin bow from the<strong>to</strong>p of the piano and waved it in the air, conductingthe music. <strong>The</strong> occupants of the room watched her asshe worked herself in<strong>to</strong> a frenzied state, her armswaving, eyes closed, head nodding and her feettapping. All the while Debs lay sprawled across thes<strong>to</strong>ol with her skirt turned back and her bumbagssitting up proud.Once she had reached an appropriate level ofcritical spiritual mass Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n stepped on<strong>to</strong> thesmall stage. Without any preparation she glanceddownwards and slashed the violin bow across thetautened bumbags with inspired accuracy.<strong>The</strong> stiffness of the bow and the low sling ofthe bench were a lethal combination and the bowsliced across Deborah’s arse with extreme prejudice.Deborah squeezed her eyes shut and balledher fists until they ached, but her body barelytwitched. She breathed in through her nose and outthrough her mouth. She concentrated on staying in afull drape. Under no circumstances was she going <strong>to</strong>

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rgive Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n any indication that she was hurtingher.Deborah waited for the second stroke <strong>to</strong> arrive.She tried not <strong>to</strong> be distracted by the sound ofDjango’s unique guitar artistry. She had <strong>to</strong> stayfocused. Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n had sworn a year ago that shewould never again allow herself <strong>to</strong> be subjugated bythe evil spirited Music Dame. She gritted her teethand dug deep in<strong>to</strong> her resolve.

10<strong>The</strong> Longest BeatingEven by the Music Dame’s bizarre standardsher theatrics were extraordinary. <strong>The</strong> WackyWhackster, as she was dubbed by the <strong>Woody</strong> Wags,was waving her arms in the air and spinning like adervish. She appeared <strong>to</strong> have fallen in<strong>to</strong> a tranceand <strong>to</strong> have forgotten Deborah. Poor Debs was leftsprawled across the s<strong>to</strong>ol for over ninety seconds withher bumbags higher than her head before the violinbow exploded off her bumbags for a second time. Atthis rate it was going <strong>to</strong> be the longest beating inhis<strong>to</strong>ry.Deborah’s heart was pounding. <strong>The</strong> protractedinterlude between each stroke was making itextremely difficult for her <strong>to</strong> prepare herself. Caningsgenerally settled in<strong>to</strong> a predictable rhythm. <strong>The</strong>ana<strong>to</strong>my of whops was a widely debated subjectamongst the facilities inmates. It was generallyagreed that the timing between each stroke was acritical ingredient. In her voluminous writings on the

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rsubject of whops Deborah advocates what she callsthe ‘Queensgate Technique.’“After I entered the third form I was destinednever <strong>to</strong> get less than six,” she recalls. “<strong>The</strong> Presiden<strong>to</strong>f Posh at that time was a super gal named AlisonJones, who was extraordinarily talented with thepopping stick. She perfected the five-minute caning, atechnique that she handed down <strong>to</strong> Pauline Gascoigneand Christy Cranfield.”“First there was the sixty second set-up whereyou were in position over the arm of the popping seatwith your skirt neatly turned back. This might notseem long but I can assure you a lot goes throughyour mind when you’re head down, arse up for sixtyseconds. Next came the whops. One every thirtyseconds, which gave you sufficient time <strong>to</strong> experiencethe full cycle of each stroke. Finally we were givenanother sixty seconds <strong>to</strong> gather ourselves beforebeing given the release command. It was anextremely practical approach <strong>to</strong> caning and very fairon the recipient. We knew exactly what <strong>to</strong> expect andthere were no surprises.”<strong>The</strong> third stroke <strong>to</strong>ok Deborah by surprise; shewas desperately trying <strong>to</strong> look back between the legsof the s<strong>to</strong>ol <strong>to</strong> gauge Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s approach but theMusic Dame remained outside of her field of vision.<strong>The</strong> only warning she got was the whistle of the bowcutting through the air, leaving her only milliseconds<strong>to</strong> brace herself. <strong>The</strong> pain imploded through her rearend and the sound of the bow slicing down acrosstautened gossamer echoed in her ears.

39Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n stepped back. <strong>The</strong> track on the LPhad changed and she was waving her arms slowly,picking up the new rhythms. She stared down atDeborah’s tightly stretched bumbags with a dementedgleam in her eyes. If anything her loathing of Debshad increased since the showdown in the Great Hall.Deborah’s defiance of her and her unbridled contemptsent the Music Dame in<strong>to</strong> paroxysms of ire. Sheraised the bow high in the air and slashed itdownwards.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n remained defiantly stretchedout across the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol, her body as still as astatue as the violin bow exploded off her bumbags.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n was determined <strong>to</strong> beat Debsbandy and Debs was equally determined <strong>to</strong> not givethe Music Dame the satisfaction of showing her thatshe was actually causing her considerable distress.Debs lay panting across the s<strong>to</strong>ol as MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n waved her arms and prepared herself for thecloser. It had been an extremely prolonged beating.Deborah had been folded over the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol foralmost ten minutes but she sensed her ordeal wasdrawing <strong>to</strong> a close. With incredible bravado Debspushed her bot<strong>to</strong>m up in the air and tempted hernemesis <strong>to</strong> give it her best shot.It was an extraordinary whop by any standardsand seemed designed <strong>to</strong> cut poor Deborah in two.Somehow, with white-knuckled determination, DebsMor<strong>to</strong>n managed <strong>to</strong> refrain from showing anyindication of the excruciating pain that was floodingthrough her body and seemed <strong>to</strong> have transformedher blood in<strong>to</strong> molten lava. She kept her head buried

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rbetween her arms so Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n would not see herface twisted and con<strong>to</strong>rted in agony and anguish.Even after she was given the release commandit was some time before Debs could bring herself <strong>to</strong>push herself up from the s<strong>to</strong>ol. She hobbled veryslowly back <strong>to</strong> her desk <strong>to</strong> retrieve her punishmentrecord book so that the thrashing could be postprocessed.It almost came as a relief when MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n instructed her <strong>to</strong> spend the remainder of thelecture standing on her chair with her hands on herhead.

11Bring Me the Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special“I understand that you were beaten by MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n?” said Mr Humphries.Debs flushed slightly. “Yes sir, I’m sorry sir.”“<strong>The</strong> report says that you were insolent afterbeing given a yellow card for collar and tie abuse?”the Grand Master continued.“Yes sir, I understand that is how the report iswritten,” replied Debs noncommittally.“Was your collar and tie in an abusivecondition?” asked Mr Humphries.“I honestly don’t know sir,” said Debs. “I wasbarely through the door when she pounced on meand showed me the card. I tried <strong>to</strong> check and sheslapped my hand away.”Mr Humphries slid several pho<strong>to</strong>graphs acrossthe table. “<strong>The</strong>se show that your whole <strong>to</strong>p but<strong>to</strong>n isvisible.”Deborah nodded. “Yes, sir, but those pictureswere taken after I was beaten.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded. “Just checking,” hemused, “so how was it?”

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r“How was it?” squealed Deborah. “It was afucking nightmare. That bitch beat me bandy. But Ididn’t let her know it,” she added proudly.“I understand you beat Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” said theGrand Master.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n nodded. “Yes sir, she appeared fora tu<strong>to</strong>rial in an unkempt state so I gave her a yellowcard. <strong>He</strong>r response was most inappropriate so I fel<strong>to</strong>bliged <strong>to</strong> beat her. It’s all in my report GrandMaster.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded. “I’m fullyconversant with the content of your report, MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n. I am merely attempting <strong>to</strong> clarify somematters.”“Matters, sir? What matters?’” asked MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n.“Well one in particular comes <strong>to</strong> mind,” saidthe Grand Master. “<strong>The</strong> tu<strong>to</strong>rial commenced at 3pm.Apparently, soon after, a series of yellow and redcards were issued and you proceeded <strong>to</strong> beat MissMor<strong>to</strong>n. Am I getting the timeline right so far?”Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n looked uncomfortable but shenodded.“Good,” said Mr Humphries. “It appears thatbeating Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n was a time-consuming affair, asaccording <strong>to</strong> the record you did not complete postprocessingher until 3:20pm. That’s an awful longtime <strong>to</strong> be delivering six of the best, but ignoring thatfor one moment, it’s these pho<strong>to</strong>graphs I findintriguing.” Mr Humphries slid three pictures acrossthe desk.“<strong>The</strong>y just confirm that Mor<strong>to</strong>n’s collar and tiewere in an abusive state,” shrugged Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n.

43“You <strong>to</strong>ok them with your cell-phone?”“Yes sir, standard practice.”“But they are time-stamped at 3:24pm,” saidMr Humphries. “Is it standard practice <strong>to</strong> pho<strong>to</strong>grapha gal’s neckwear just after she has been bent over apiano s<strong>to</strong>ol having her arse whapped with a cus<strong>to</strong>mmade violin bow?”Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n flushed slightly and her eyesdarted about the room. “I realized that I hadforgotten <strong>to</strong> take the pictures earlier, sir, so I <strong>to</strong>ok acouple of snaps just for the record.”Mr Humphries continued <strong>to</strong> nod. “So in otherwords they are worthless,” he said calmly.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s eyebrows shot up. “Worthless,sir? <strong>The</strong>y are just supporting back-up; I wouldn’texactly call them worthless.”Mr Humphries looked at Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n quitecalmly. “We have discussed the collar and tiepro<strong>to</strong>cols at several Brass Summits,” he said evenly.“If I recall we agreed that partial exposure of the <strong>to</strong>pbut<strong>to</strong>n would continued <strong>to</strong> be dealt with by a verbalwarning and a request for immediate correction andeven full exposure would at worst incur a misconductmark.”“If you had taken the time <strong>to</strong> check the record,sir, you would have observed that I have fullycomplied with the guideline,” said Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n tartly.“I have given her several misconduct marks over thepast weeks but she just ignores them. She is a tramp,so I felt that it was time <strong>to</strong> put her on notice that shehad better pay more attention <strong>to</strong> her clobber so Ishowed her a yellow card.”“<strong>And</strong> she responded insolently? What did shesay exactly?” asked Mr Humphries.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rMs Whit<strong>to</strong>n rolled her eyes in exasperation.“Say sir? She didn’t say anything. She didn’t need <strong>to</strong>o.With all due respect sir I have considerably moreexperience than you in these matters. I could tellexactly what she was thinking. <strong>The</strong>re was no questionthat she was being disrespectful so I <strong>to</strong>ok theappropriate action.” Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n puffed herself up likea peacock.“I wonder whether you would be so kind,” MrHumphries asked the music instruc<strong>to</strong>r, “as <strong>to</strong> bringme the Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special.”

12Patty Needs an Ice-Pack“<strong>He</strong> bent me over the back of a chair and beatme with my own violin bow,” wailed Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>nindignantly.“<strong>The</strong>re, there,” said Patty Hodgesympathetically. “Let’s fix you a drink and you’ll feelbetter.”“Feel better?” squealed Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n. “I’ll tellyou what will make me feel better. Hanging that littlebitch, Mor<strong>to</strong>n, from the rafters by her bumbags iswhat would make me feel better.”Patty had been as<strong>to</strong>nished when Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>nhad burst in<strong>to</strong> her quarters wailing like a banshee.Patty’s usual night-time social activities were curtaileddue <strong>to</strong> being on-call as Duty Dame. She had beenkicking back watching TV and sipping a gin and <strong>to</strong>nicwhen the music instruc<strong>to</strong>r had interrupted her.Patty had listened sympathetically <strong>to</strong> MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n’s tale of woe. According <strong>to</strong> the musicinstruc<strong>to</strong>r Mr Humphries had offered her the sameultimatum as he had offered the Wart. She either

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rsuffered a licking or she packed her bags and <strong>to</strong>ok ahike.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n had always skirted around on thefringes of the Radical Right. She was not quite thewhop junkie on the scale of Patty, Katie or the Wartbut she enjoyed her whops, particularly when theyinvolved the bumbags of Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n. Patty hadspent years trying <strong>to</strong> recruit her in<strong>to</strong> the hard-core ofthe Radical Right but Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n had been content <strong>to</strong>get her whops in when they were legitimatelyavailable and just smiled indulgently when Patty tried<strong>to</strong> encourage her <strong>to</strong> be more targeted in heractivities. However, when Debs unleashed theFabulous Fart Patty had seen a window ofopportunity.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n was deeply peeved by therestraining order placed on her by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n and<strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> pitching up in the saloon bar of the Bunch ofGrapes <strong>to</strong> gripe about her nemesis. Identifying thatMs Whit<strong>to</strong>n was developing a malicious obsessionPatty moved in. She filled the Music Dame’s head withideas for making Deborah’s future miserable. By thetime that the restraining order finally expired MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n was a card-carrying member of the RadicalRight.Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n faced a unique dilemma. Althoughshe was not as addicted <strong>to</strong> whops as junkies likePatty and the Wart she enjoyed her work at <strong>Woody</strong>s.Moreover she needed the work.After her career as a concert pianist had beencurtailed as a result of a vehicular accident she hadsought employment as an arranger.

47Although her musical credentials were neverbrought in<strong>to</strong> question she had attracted severalcomplaints from members of the orchestra’s that shehad beaten with her conduc<strong>to</strong>r’s wand for lack-lustreperformances. Apparently in musical circles this typeof disciplinary practice is scorned upon and she wasregularly handed pink slips. Career opportunities wererather slim for Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n so she had felt she hadlittle option than <strong>to</strong> repair <strong>to</strong> the music room andbring back the Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special.<strong>The</strong> news that the Grand Master had whoppedanother member of her inner circle was deeplydisturbing <strong>to</strong> Patty. Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n was understandablyirate and it had taken all of Patty’s abundant charms<strong>to</strong> persuade her not <strong>to</strong> abandon the cause. By thetime Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n finally left the apartment PattyHodge was in urgent need of an ice-pack <strong>to</strong> cool herfevered brow.“You fawkin’ didn’t?” squealed Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riawhen Mr Humphries informed her of the Whit<strong>to</strong>nwhacking.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded. “I think it will sendthe right message <strong>to</strong> Patty and her cronies,” he <strong>to</strong>ldthe Red-shirt.Lady Vix grinned. “Patty will be fawkin’apoplectic. I bet she’s absolutely ropeable.” Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’scell-phone rang. “Excuse me sir, I should take this,it’s the emergency line.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded.“Hold on,” Vic<strong>to</strong>ria said in<strong>to</strong> the speaker. Sheturned <strong>to</strong> the Grand Master. “It’s Debs, she’s got

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rherself in<strong>to</strong> a terrible fix,” she reported. “After shefinished her meeting she and Rosemary s<strong>to</strong>pped off atMonets. Somehow the cab got fawked up and they’regoing <strong>to</strong> be late for lockdown. Trouble is Patty’s thefawkin’ Duty Dame. She’ll fawkin’ murder Debs.”Mr Humphries looked thoughtful. “Tell themnot <strong>to</strong> worry about Patty. I’m sure I can trust you <strong>to</strong>bring them home safely Vic<strong>to</strong>ria.”“<strong>The</strong>y’re not trying <strong>to</strong> avoid whops,” Vic<strong>to</strong>riaassured Mr Humphries.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded. “<strong>And</strong> they’re notescaping them. Have Claire take care of business.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria nodded. “It’s going <strong>to</strong> be okay, Debs,”she said in<strong>to</strong> the cell-phone. “Now, this what I needyou <strong>to</strong> do and this is going <strong>to</strong> be how it goes downwhen you get back <strong>to</strong> the campus.”

13<strong>The</strong> Recovery PeriodDebs listened dismally as the cane reboundedoff the cram-filled trews of Rosemary Booker’sjimjams. She counted down between strokes. Clairewas leaving precisely thirty seconds betweendeliveries. This meant that Debs would be bent over,primed and waiting for several minutes before itwould be her turn <strong>to</strong> be caned. She flinched as thecane sliced across her best chum’s voluptuousderriere with a resounding thwack.Deborah was keenly aware that her rear endwas not in optimum shape for another licking. <strong>The</strong>stripes from the earlier beating by Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>nstretched uncomfortably while she lay bent over theend of her bed.Eight hours after receiving a world classwhopping she was in a critical stage in the recoveryprocess.Immediately following the beating, Debs hadbeen forced <strong>to</strong> spend several hours with her poorbeleaguered bum pressed down on a series ofunforgiving wooden seats in the lecture rooms. <strong>The</strong>

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rstripes were still sizzling and had acted as a constantdistraction as she had done her best <strong>to</strong> concentrateon the tu<strong>to</strong>rials. When the last bell rang Debs hadhurried up <strong>to</strong> the study she shared with Rosemary <strong>to</strong>have soothing balms massaged in<strong>to</strong> the thick redweals. <strong>The</strong> balms offered some degree of relief <strong>to</strong> thesurface flesh burns left by the violin bow but the painin her bum was already beginning work its way deepbeneath the skin and in<strong>to</strong> her Gluteus Maximus.Although the eye-watering heat was graduallysubsiding the deeper under-burn phase was equallydistracting. Sudden movements could causeunexpectedly embarrassing breath-taking sensations.<strong>The</strong> whop-hardened veterans of the <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>School</strong> unit spent an inordinate amount of timeexperimenting with new strategies <strong>to</strong> reduce therecovery time. ‘Walking them off’ was a popularapproach. Most evenings several inmates could beseen taking a spin around the quadrangle in an effort<strong>to</strong> avoid the muscles in their bums stiffening up. <strong>The</strong>gals who were walking off whops were easy <strong>to</strong> spot,they would be sporting a distinctive stiffness <strong>to</strong> theirgait and their hands were generally stuffed in<strong>to</strong> thepockets of their blazers <strong>to</strong> resist the temptation <strong>to</strong>rub.Rosemary and Debs linked arms and went fora stroll. Debs was determined <strong>to</strong> get over the worsteffects of the whops before an appointment she hadscheduled for later in the evening with a potentialsponsor.By the time Debs and Rosemary arrived in<strong>to</strong>wn the discomfort in Deborah’s backside hadsubsided <strong>to</strong> a dull but permanent throb. <strong>He</strong>r day was

51considerably cheered by an offer of a footwearendorsement in the event that she qualified <strong>to</strong> return<strong>to</strong> the Grand Prix circuit. Once they were finished thetwo chums repaired <strong>to</strong> the VIP bar of Monets for acelebra<strong>to</strong>ry tipple.Debs looked bleakly down at her watch. “Canyou see where our cab is,” she asked the bar-tender.She groaned when the bar-keep returned and<strong>to</strong>ld her that the cab had gone <strong>to</strong> the wrong addressand was still ten minutes away. Dismally Deborahopened her cell-phone and speed-dialed Lady Vix.“I’m sorry <strong>to</strong> bother you Vic<strong>to</strong>ria but we’re in abit of a fix,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the Red-shirt. “Rosie and I are inthe bar at Monets but our cab hasn’t arrived. We’regoing <strong>to</strong> be late and you know who’s acting as DutyDame don’t you? Patty fucking Hodge.”She listened intently. “Thanks Vix, you’re a realsport,” she said gratefully and closed her phone.“Well, good news and bad news,” she informedRosemary. “Bad news is that we’re due for awhopping when we get back, but the good news isthat we won’t be getting them from Patty. Vix is going<strong>to</strong> unlock the gate of the orchard. If we call her asthe cab approaches she’ll make sure the coast isclear. We’ll get whopped by Claire and written up forgabbing.”Rosemary looked at her chum curiously. “Youkind of sacrificed our bumbags here didn’t you Debs?”she asked. “I mean you could have said that themeeting ran late and we were having trouble with thetaxi. You didn’t have <strong>to</strong> say we were in the bar.”Debs shrugged. “I could have <strong>to</strong>ld someporkies,” she acknowledged. “But Vix has

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rstraightened things with Mr Humphries and she <strong>to</strong>ldhim that at least we did the right thing and called in.<strong>He</strong>’s good <strong>to</strong> us and it would be terrible <strong>to</strong> be caugh<strong>to</strong>ut in a silly lie.” She grinned at Rosemary. “Come onsis, I’ll buy you another vodka and <strong>to</strong>nic before thecab comes. It’ll help <strong>to</strong> be a bit squiffed up.”Rosemary groaned. “I know it’s only whops,”she said. “But Claire canes hard. What shape’s yourbum in for another licking?”“Not great,” confessed Debs. “But I’ll live, it’snot like it’s the first time I’ve been caned more thanonce in the same day.”She lifted her drink. “Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up,” she <strong>to</strong>asted.Rosemary grimaced. She <strong>to</strong>ok Deborah’s glassand handed it back <strong>to</strong> the bartender. “Put anothershot in there,” she <strong>to</strong>ld him. “I think you’re going <strong>to</strong>need it,” she said <strong>to</strong> Debs.Debs heard the sixth stroke crack offRosemary’s arse and then the soft-shoe shuffle ofClaire’s crepe soled shoes as she padded across thefloor. Debs gritted her teeth. <strong>The</strong> next few minutes ofher life did not look encouraging.

14Pace and AccuracyDeborah’s quest <strong>to</strong> scramble above LadyVic<strong>to</strong>ria in<strong>to</strong> the number two position on the All-timeBig BUTT was getting off <strong>to</strong> a far hotter start than shewould have cared for.On the GalGab web-site Claire Brooks garneredconsistently rave reviews for her consummate artistrywith the ashplant. When Debs had first beenwhopped across the jimjams by Claire she had postedan overall ranking for of eight point five for acombination of artistic merit, technical proficiency andheat-rating. It was a remarkable accolade for aprefect’s first outing with the whippy stick. Since thatinaugural caning learned and well-respected <strong>Woody</strong>pundits had slowly been nudging her scores upwards.<strong>He</strong>r average was now approaching nine point one.Judging from the first swipe Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n was notfeeling inclined <strong>to</strong> disagree with agree with thespectacular reclassification.<strong>The</strong>re was absolutely no question in Deborah’smind that if she was going <strong>to</strong> get twelve strokes of

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rthe cane she preferred <strong>to</strong> get it all in one sitting. <strong>The</strong>sensation of the thin whippy stick reigniting the aftereffectsof her earlier thrashing by Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n wastruly eye-watering. She gritted her teeth and buriedher face in the duvet.Claire Brooks’s remarkable skill with the canewas not al<strong>to</strong>gether surprising. <strong>The</strong> daughter of thepro-spanking activist Ma Brooks she had been bred bythe back of a wooden hairbrush. She had attendedthe ultra-posh Day<strong>to</strong>n Manor boarding school whereshe had earned the record as the second most canedschool pupil in his<strong>to</strong>ry. Ironically the woman bendingover the bed in front of her held the unfortunaterecord as being number one.At <strong>Woody</strong>s she had continued <strong>to</strong> be canedconsistently enough that she had never left the <strong>to</strong>pfive of the Hall of Shame and had regularly held thenumber one spot.Like most experts she unders<strong>to</strong>od that a trulyeffective caning was a mixture of pace and accuracy.Although she was extremely slender years of muckingout stables and humping bales of hay had given herparticularly strong wrists that allowed her <strong>to</strong> deliverthe last minute flick of the wrist with considerablepower.Debs left leg crooked backwards at the knee.<strong>The</strong> problem with receiving two world classwhoppings on the same day was that the second se<strong>to</strong>f strokes were going <strong>to</strong> be delivered in exactly thesame target area as the first. <strong>The</strong> safe area of thefemale posterior known as the sweet spot is barely sixinches from <strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> bot<strong>to</strong>m. When the cane strokes

55land in the sweet spot situated at the apex of thecurve of a correctly presented backside no lastingdamage will be sustained. While Deborah appreciatedthe safety of Claire’s artistry the perfect placement ofthe stripes right on <strong>to</strong>p of the earlier caning wasdevastating.“I’m going back on patrol for a few minutes,”Claire <strong>to</strong>ld Debs and Rosemary. “If you want <strong>to</strong> dosome emergency repair work you’d better be quickand be careful. Patty’s the Duty Dame and she mightbe sneaking around. If you hear a door slammingfrom downstairs be warned. That’ll be me letting youknow Patty’s on the prowl.”Deborah hugged Vic<strong>to</strong>ria. “Thank you forcutting us some slack last night,” she said gratefully.“I owe you big-time.”Lady Vix hugged Debs back. “I cut you slackbecause you were completely honest with me. I knowyou could have made up some porkies, but you didn’tand I’m proud of you. I’m just sorry it had <strong>to</strong> end inwhops.”Debs shrugged. “<strong>He</strong>y tell me a time in my lifewhen it didn’t end in whops,” she giggled.“So how was it?” asked Vix.“Not very good from my perspective,” admittedDebs. “I mean Claire’s as sound as a trout. Everythingis safe, she never misses or gives wraparounds butshe can really fucking scorch you.” She wriggledtheatrically. “Things are still pretty lively in mybumbags so I’m not planning on much goofing orgabbing <strong>to</strong>day.”

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rVic<strong>to</strong>ria grinned. “You’ve still got a ways <strong>to</strong> gobefore you take over from me as number two,” she<strong>to</strong>ld Debs.Debs flushed slightly. “I know,” she said, “but Ihave <strong>to</strong> make a run at it, although I wasn’t exactlyplanning such a lively start <strong>to</strong> the campaign.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria hugged Debs. “Good luck sis, youknow how it is, just keep on minxing and the whopswill come your way.”

15Madame DiderotLisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n was in no doubt that whops wereabout <strong>to</strong> come her way. She was eyeball <strong>to</strong> eyeballwith Madame Diderot, gasping for breath as theFrench Dame yanked her forward by the knot of hertie. Madame was a fickle broad and was severelychallenged in the humor department, particularlywhen it came <strong>to</strong> wise-cracks about her countrymen.As soon as she opened her mouth Lisa realizedthat quoting Mark Twain’s observation that, “Francehas neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apartfrom these drawbacks it is a fine country. France hasusually been governed by prostitutes," might not havebeen well-received. Madame Diderot had snatched upher cane.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n reacted instinctively. She scrambledout of her seat and was about <strong>to</strong> bend herself overher desk when Madame’s long bony arm reached outand grabbed her by the tie. Lisa had been desperatelybeen trying <strong>to</strong> avoid having <strong>to</strong> experience what the<strong>Woody</strong> Wags referred <strong>to</strong> as the ‘French Yank’.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rIn her youth Madame Diderot had beenconsidered something of a beauty. She had dancedbarefoot in nightclubs around the Algerian Quarterand developed a taste for Gaulloises and absinthe.She was married briefly <strong>to</strong> a refined nobleman butdivorced him when he declined her invitations <strong>to</strong>handcuff him <strong>to</strong> their bed and so that she could beathim with her favorite six tailed flogger. She returned<strong>to</strong> the Algerian Quarter where she found the NorthAfricans far more amenable <strong>to</strong> her desires <strong>to</strong> meteout punition corporelle.Corporal punishment had been officiallyabolished within the French school system in 1881 butmany of the finer institutes circumnavigated theabolition by employing independent martinets <strong>to</strong>discipline delinquent pupils in private salons.Madame Diderot supplemented her generousalimony payments by establishing an agency ofdisciplinarians who were commissioned <strong>to</strong> fouettéover a thousand miscreants a year. It was lucrativework until one of her employees became over-zealousand Madame was forced <strong>to</strong> close the agency downand have it on her <strong>to</strong>es with some expediency <strong>to</strong>avoid a potential spell in chokey.Taking advantage of her degree in FrenchLiterature she crossed the channel and secured aposition at an exclusive boarding school where shewas delighted <strong>to</strong> find corporal punishment was stillstrongly encouraged. Unfortunately her liking forabsinthe caused friction with the governors and shewas obliged <strong>to</strong> tender her resignation. For severalyears she used bogus credentials <strong>to</strong> secure newpositions at prestigious boarding schools. A referencefrom a dead French President praising her tu<strong>to</strong>rial

59work with a fictitious daughter was particularlyimpressive. Nonetheless her drunken antics generallycaused her <strong>to</strong> have <strong>to</strong> slink away at the dead of night<strong>to</strong> avoid being sacked.She ended up at Darting<strong>to</strong>n Manor where shewas befriended by Patty Hodge who had installedherself as the Mistress of Discipline. Patty <strong>to</strong>ok ashine <strong>to</strong> the Parisian and would occasionally allow her<strong>to</strong> participate in her thrashing duties. Madame Diderothad caned the backsides of both Cathryn andCassandra Cassidy long before they were sentenced<strong>to</strong> <strong>Woody</strong>s.When Patty was appointed Deputy GrandDame at the <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit she immediatelyhanded Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n a copy of Madame Diderot’sresume, supported by the usual stack of boguscredentials. Madame was amongst the first recruits <strong>to</strong>the new Brass.Sensibly Patty prevailed on her chum <strong>to</strong> cutback on the absinthe, particularly during the workingday. It transpired that she was a natural and giftededuca<strong>to</strong>r. She was genuinely passionate about boththe French language and her knowledge of Frenchliterature was staggering. Many of the inmates whohad spoken passable French when they had startedtheir sentences now spoke and wrote fluently. <strong>He</strong>rlectures and tu<strong>to</strong>rials were generally quite popular.However, as she was demonstrating <strong>to</strong> LisaSut<strong>to</strong>n could be a crabby cove. <strong>He</strong>r habit of yankingthe inmates from their seats by the knot of their tiesand then reeling them in across their desks wasparticularly unpopular. <strong>The</strong> face <strong>to</strong> face confrontationswere extremely unpleasant. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> Wagsspeculated that she had secured a supply of absinthe

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rflavored <strong>to</strong>oth-paste, her breath reeked of Gaulloisesand her choice of perfume appeared <strong>to</strong> be largelyinfluenced by the working girls on the la Rue Saint-Denis.Once riled her sophisticated universityeducated accent gave way <strong>to</strong> guttural, Parisian slang.Even Lisa who was extremely fluent in French haddifficulty deciphering much of Madame’s diatribe,although she did not require any assistancetranslating the Dame’s persistent references <strong>to</strong> six dumeilleur.

16Miss Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>nMadame Diderot was slowly circling Lisa’s desk.She still had a tight hold on her victim’s tie and kepttheir faces only inches apart. Once she reached thefar side of the desk she suddenly released her grip onLisa’s tie, grabbed her by the back of the neck andunceremoniously slammed her chest down across thelid. Still holding Lisa down by the neck Madameyanked back her skirt and sliced the cane downwards.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals found being held down acrossthe desk extremely undignified. However, Lisa had notime <strong>to</strong> voice her objections before her bumbags wereunder fire.<strong>The</strong> thrashing was over almost before itstarted. Unlike the other members of the Brass,Madame had no time for meticulous set-ups. She wasthe only member of the Brass who did not require hervictims <strong>to</strong> remove their blazers, <strong>to</strong>ok no practiceswings and the only separation between the strokeswas the time it <strong>to</strong>ok her <strong>to</strong> bring her arm back.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rSurprisingly, her canings were remarkablyeffective. Lisa’s feet were stamping on the floor andher but<strong>to</strong>cks squirming wildly. Despite the speed ofdelivery the strokes landed safely in the sweet spot invery close proximity of each other. <strong>The</strong>re was no timefor the stripes <strong>to</strong> settle down, within the space ofthirty seconds Lisa’s backside had been turned in<strong>to</strong> aball of fire.When she was yanked back in<strong>to</strong> the verticalshe was still stamping her feet and shaking her headin bewilderment. She snatched back at the seat of herskirt and only barely managed <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p herself frompublicly rubbing.Madame reached in<strong>to</strong> the breast pocket ofLisa’s blazer and extracted her small punishmentrecord book. “Follow me,” she growled and stalkedback <strong>to</strong>wards the front of the lecture room.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n wriggled and squirmed in the hardwooden seat. <strong>He</strong>r latest encounter with the cane hadbeen another set-back <strong>to</strong> her reform campaign. Unlikemany of the mega-minxes Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n had nocompetitive aspirations for greatness on the Hall ofShame. Lisa’s popular mantra was that she was, “avery naughty gal, but not a bad gal.”She admits that at primary school she spent aninordinate time standing in the corner but is quick <strong>to</strong>point it was mainly because she was such achatterbox. At boarding school she was a regularvisi<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> the Sin Bin <strong>to</strong> write endless lines but againher school reports confirm it was generally for herendless nattering. She was a brilliant academic andwas appointed as <strong>He</strong>adgirl. A role she performed,

63according <strong>to</strong> her contemporaries, with considerablecare and compassion.She won a place at Camford where her PhysicsDons proclaimed her as one of the great scientificbrains of her generation. However, at university shediscovered a fondness for wining and dining,particularly the wining. She became a regular atLadette sponsored raves and began <strong>to</strong> attract theattention of the Dark Agents of the System.Lisa’s cause was not helped by the fact thather father was the flamboyant international playboy,Johnny Sut<strong>to</strong>n. At eighteen Johnny had inherited apharmaceutical empire that he had immediatelydismantled and sold off for billions. <strong>He</strong> would neverwork a day in his life. <strong>He</strong> gained a reputation as aRomeo and married one of the great beauties of theday. <strong>The</strong>y welcomed the birth of Lisa but shortly afterit occurred <strong>to</strong> Johnny that his new wife was certifiablybarking. <strong>He</strong> arranged for their mansion <strong>to</strong> be fullystaffed with the necessary nurses and attendants and<strong>to</strong>ok <strong>to</strong> the high seas on the world’s fourth largestyacht. Lisa was brought up by a series of au-pairs andnanny’s.Reports of Lisa’s appearances at the Ladetteraves were generally suffixed by references <strong>to</strong> herfather and his widely documented shenanigans. <strong>The</strong>Dark Agents began <strong>to</strong> lick their lips and the bounty onher bumbags kept increasing. She was finally arrestedand the Dark Agents lobbied for a full sentence at theBig House. Fortunately her Dons staged anintervention and managed <strong>to</strong> negotiate a two-yearsentence at the lower security Radcliffe <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>School</strong> unit.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rLisa was a popular member of the communityand worked hard on her research for her thesis onsuperconductivity. She regularly helped the otherinmates by tu<strong>to</strong>ring them and assisting them incompleting applications <strong>to</strong> colleges and universitiesoffering mature student programs <strong>to</strong> reformedLadettes.However, unbeknownst <strong>to</strong> Lisa the Dark Agentscontinued <strong>to</strong> be aggrieved at the paltry bounty theyhad received when she was sent <strong>to</strong> Radcliffe andmaintained her on their Serious Target list.In a Machiavellian plot that would not beexposed for several years the Grand Dame of thefacility was offered a considerable financialinducement <strong>to</strong> stitch Lisa up like a kipper.She was accused of authoring universityapplications for her chums in return for payment.When Lisa protested her innocence the Grand Dameprocured a cane and gave her three strokes acrossthe palm of her left hand. Lisa continued <strong>to</strong> protestand filed a complaint with the System. To her horrorand as<strong>to</strong>nishment several Dark Agents arrived at thefacility, informed her that her appeal had beenrejected, hand-cuffed her and drove her away <strong>to</strong> befitted for clobber.She had started her whops and clobberexperience on her second day at <strong>Woody</strong>s and wouldbecome infamous for her observation that, “threestrokes across the palm of the left hand hardlyprepares you for six hot ones across the seat of thinpajamas.”

17<strong>The</strong>se Bumbags are Out!“She’s always gabbing about reform,”complained Cassie Cassy, “and then she goes andgets herself whopped.”Jojo smiled at her chum. She was used <strong>to</strong>Cassie ranting and raving about the performances ofher competi<strong>to</strong>rs on the Big BUTT and she was known<strong>to</strong> be particularly verbose on the subject of LisaSut<strong>to</strong>n.“I truly don’t believe she goes out of way <strong>to</strong>get herself whopped,” Jojo <strong>to</strong>ld her chum.“Hmmph!” snorted Cassie, “how can you getwhopped that often if you’re not trying?”“Perhaps she’s just unlucky,” suggested Jojo.Cassie Cassy did not look the least bitconvinced.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n considered herself <strong>to</strong> be extremelyunlucky <strong>to</strong> have been bent over for the second time inthe space of six hours.Over lunch she had emphatically assured herbest chum, Bernadette Summers, that she was

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rrestructuring her campaign for reform with immediateeffect.“Some of my previous strategies have beenunsuccessful but I also think that I have beenunlucky,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the Bounder. “I need <strong>to</strong> take badluck out of the equation.”“Yeah,” drawled Bernadette, “It occurred <strong>to</strong> methat you were particularly unlucky <strong>to</strong> be whopped fortelling that old crow Diderot that her country’sPresidents were all fucking whores. I can’t imaginewhy she would get the pip.”Lisa frowned. “Twain wasn’t referring <strong>to</strong> streetwalkers;he was just commenting that many FrenchPresidents have shown a predilection for makingpolicy decisions based upon the requirements of thehighest bidder. Madame Diderot knew exactly what Iwas talking about but it was just my luck that sheprobably had a roaring hangover.”Bernadette spooned some salad in<strong>to</strong> hermouth and nodded. “Well put in that context I cansee how you might feel you had a <strong>to</strong>uch of bad luck.”Lisa scowled. “<strong>The</strong>re’s no need for you <strong>to</strong> besarcastic,” she snorted. “I’ll show you. Just watchthese bumbags! <strong>The</strong>se bumbags are out!”<strong>The</strong>re is little more annoying for a gal on adetermined reform campaign than <strong>to</strong> have herconcentration suddenly interrupted by the sensationof a stream of icy water hitting her in the back of theneck and then water slowly dripping down inside herblouse and soaking the material.Lisa leapt <strong>to</strong> her feet, her chair scraping noisilyacross the wooden floor, grabbing a hanky and trying<strong>to</strong> pat her neck dry and <strong>to</strong> stem the annoying stream.

67At the front of the lecture room StephaniePowell looked up from the assignments she wasmarking.“What the Dickens?” asked the Dame, “what isit Sut<strong>to</strong>n?”Lisa thought on her feet. “It was a bee orsomething Ma’am,” she answered hurriedly. “I hatebees.”Ms Powell looked suspicious. “A bee, I don’tsee any bees.”Lisa looked about the room. “No Ma’am, I don’tknow what it was, but I swore I heard one behindme. I’m sorry for the interruption.”Stephanie Powell just nodded. “Well sit backdown and finish your essay,” she said finally.Lisa was seething. For the next hour she wasforced <strong>to</strong> sit through two lectures with the cold, dampmaterial of her blouse sticking <strong>to</strong> her backuncomfortably. It was most disagreeable.As usual her first suspect was the Bounder butas they were seated at directly adjacent desks itwould have taken an act of remarkable con<strong>to</strong>rtion <strong>to</strong>have squirted her in the neck. With Bernadette out ofthe running as a suspect Lisa was convinced that theprime candidate as the culprit was Ali S<strong>to</strong>ne.Lisa found herself in a dilemma. As the firstaction of her reform campaign she had emptied hersatchel of her usual artillery and placed it in herlocker. She considered this <strong>to</strong> be a symbolicrepresentation of her determination <strong>to</strong> reform. It alsoleft her defenseless and prey <strong>to</strong> pranksters like Ali.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rIn all fairness she had not had the opportunity<strong>to</strong> share her plans for her most recent program withAli and she unders<strong>to</strong>od Miss S<strong>to</strong>ne would haveconsidered her fair game for a soaking.<strong>The</strong> Minxster and the AliKat were tight, so Lisaconsidered approaching Ali and simply declaringherself out of the game. However, Lisa doubted thatAli would be easily convinced. Lisa acknowledged thatthis was not the first time she had rolled out bolddeclarations regarding her plans for reform. <strong>He</strong>rprevious campaigns had not proven overly successfuland she suspected that Ali might think that she wasbeing duped.<strong>The</strong> alternative would be <strong>to</strong> do nothing and<strong>to</strong>tally ignore being shot at with a high poweredwater pis<strong>to</strong>l. That was not an attractive proposition. Ifword got out she would become a sitting duck forinmates armed with catapults, water pis<strong>to</strong>ls and peashooters.Wearily, during afternoon break, Lisa retired <strong>to</strong>her study, put on a clean, dry blouse and retrievedher Vintage Wyandotte pis<strong>to</strong>l with a seven inch nozzleand loaded it with ice cold water.

18GotchaLisa couldn’t help noticing that when theyreturned <strong>to</strong> the lecture hall following the afternoonbreak Ali waited until she saw where she was sittingand then came and plonked herself down at the nextdesk. Ali smiled cheerily at the Minxster and coollyproceeded <strong>to</strong> set out her books. Lisa returned Ali’ssmile and carried on with her own preparations.Ali S<strong>to</strong>ne was a professional prankster. Duringher period as an aspiring actress she had taken workwith a troupe of magicians and clowns and learnedsleight of hand. She practiced her skills around thecompound by deftly attaching signs <strong>to</strong> the back ofunsuspecting inmate’s blazers with witticisms such as‘Kick Me’ or ‘Former Professional Bicycle’ printed inher trademark ‘kidnappers’ font. Ali thought it was ahoot but her victims were rarely amused.Lisa had good reason <strong>to</strong> suspect Ali as herassailant. <strong>The</strong> AliKat was an avid collec<strong>to</strong>r of vintagewater pis<strong>to</strong>ls, pea-shooters and catapults. She had

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rseveral trunks in her study filled with booty she hadprocured at on-line auctions and each item was neatlycatalogued. Aside from her antics with her unpopularstick-on signs she was also well known for stagingambushes with her vast armory.Lisa loved Ali like a sister but there was acertain air of smugness about her chum that wasgiving her the pip. Unfortunately, with Ali seated soclose there was not much chance of staging asurprise attack. Lisa stared <strong>to</strong>wards the front of thelecture room and inwardly seethed.Ali planned on giving Lisa a wide-berth for afew hours. She knew from experience that her chumwould soon cool down and forget the incident in thelecture hall. <strong>The</strong> AliKat was confident that she wouldbe able <strong>to</strong> chalk up a comfortable vic<strong>to</strong>ry over theMinxster.Lisa finished her evening study assignmentsahead of schedule and decided <strong>to</strong> take a spin aroundthe quad. <strong>The</strong> cloisters, quadrangle and recreationarea were all quite quiet with the majority of theinmates still inside poring over their books.It was a pleasant evening and Lisa found ashady spot beneath a tree and sat down <strong>to</strong> enjoy afag and a good read of a book on Time-IndependentPerturbation <strong>The</strong>ory. She was beginning <strong>to</strong> doze offwhen she was snapped back in<strong>to</strong> consciousness bythe sight of the lone figure of Ali S<strong>to</strong>ne emerging fromthe cloisters. Lisa slid around behind the tree andchecked out the lay of the land. Ali was dressed in awhite shirt, jodhpurs and tall riding boots. She had

71her riding hat and crop under her arm. She wasstriding purposefully <strong>to</strong>wards the stable area.Lisa had something of a head start. Shereached down and <strong>to</strong>ok her Wyandotte out of hersatchel and darted across the far side of therecreation area, careful <strong>to</strong> keep out of Ali’s line ofsight. She scurried through the back-gate and thentip-<strong>to</strong>ed in<strong>to</strong> the stable area. Lisa went in<strong>to</strong> the tackroom and <strong>to</strong>ok cover behind the door.Ali S<strong>to</strong>ne hurried in<strong>to</strong> the tack room andcrossed <strong>to</strong> the saddle tree. She was about <strong>to</strong> hoistdown her saddle when Lisa whistled at her. Ali spanaround and was caught between the eyes by a thinstream of water. Lisa proceeded <strong>to</strong> gleefully douseher up and down, soaking her from head <strong>to</strong> foot,grinning like a Cheshire Cat.“Gotcha,” she gloated.“<strong>And</strong> I’ve got you, young lady,” snapped JaneLummell as she stepped in<strong>to</strong> the room and grabbedLisa’s wrist, forcing her <strong>to</strong> drop the pis<strong>to</strong>l.“Awwww man!” wailed Lisa as she wasdragged stumbling across the stables <strong>to</strong>wards a baleof hay.“Hand me that riding crop,” Ms Lummellinstructed Ali.“Awwww man!” groaned Lisa as her skirt wasturned back.Jane Lummell split her time between teachingphysical education and running the equestrianprogram. She was as fit as a butcher’s dog and hadone of the most respected right arms amongst theBrass.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rAlthough she was a fully paid up member ofthe Liberal Left and a great defender of minx rightsshe was a no nonsense disciplinarian. She broughtthe braided, leather riding crop down with a crack.Lisa <strong>to</strong>ttered out of the stables like a Fridaynight drunk. <strong>The</strong>re had been absolutely no-nonsenseabout the thrashing she had just received. Shecouldn’t believe her bad luck as smoke billowed outfrom beneath her skirt as she staggered back <strong>to</strong>wardsthe recreation area.

19Patty KvetchesAs the winter term drew <strong>to</strong> a close the inmatesincreasingly suffered from cabin-fever and the soundof canes, straps and slippers rebounding off navy bluebumbags echoed around the facility morning, noonand night.Jojo, Debs, Cassie Cassy and the unwillingMinxster slugged it out at the <strong>to</strong>p of the Hall ofShame. Despite Lisa’s reluctance there were dozensof gals happy <strong>to</strong> participate in the perpetual game ofcat and mouse with the Brass and the Elite and morethan willing <strong>to</strong> run the risk of whops in exchange forthe pleasures of goofing, pranking, larking and japing.For once Patty Hodge had little <strong>to</strong> complainabout. With the escalation of whops her cohorts onthe Radical Right and her pawns from the SS wereeasily meeting their quotas.Katie Beck was having a field day. After twelveweeks the inmates clobber had taken some <strong>to</strong>ughwear and tear. Many of the inmates who had plannedon waiting until the furlough before renewing their

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rwardrobes found themselves head down, arse upacross Katie’s lap.Nonetheless, Patty remained concerned aboutthe increasing influence of Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>nand the consistent erosion of her own power-base.She was also deeply perturbed by the role that herarch-enemy Cat Cassidy seemed <strong>to</strong> be taking inmatters of policy and pro<strong>to</strong>col. She lay in bed at nightgnashing her teeth and wringing her hands, plottingand planning the downfall of her enemies.Mr Humphries poured Vic<strong>to</strong>ria and Cathrynglasses of Charles <strong>He</strong>idsieck 1995 Blanc deMillenaires. Over the past three months hisconfidence and admiration for Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria hadcontinued <strong>to</strong> grow. <strong>He</strong> admired the way that she hadmolded her Elite in<strong>to</strong> an efficient corps thatadministered the facility with impeccable fairness. <strong>He</strong>liked her potty-mouthed outspokenness and herwillingness <strong>to</strong> stand up for the under-dog regardlessof any negative personal consequences. Nonetheless,he was also aware that whenever Vix suffered anyuncertainty it was her old chum Cathryn that sheturned <strong>to</strong> for counsel and guidance.Cat Cassidy was no longer officially an inmateof the facility. She had completed her seven-yearsentence and was now on a year’s probation beforeshe could be formally declared as successfullyreformed.Under a newly introduced program Cat hadelected <strong>to</strong> remain as a resident of the compound asan ‘Old Gal’. She was studying for a degree ininternational business on-line.

75Cathryn had been the first ‘Celebrity Ladette’ <strong>to</strong>be targeted by the Dark Agents. She had beenbranded in the gutter-press as the ‘Nation’s MostExtreme Ladette’, and the covert governmen<strong>to</strong>rganization known as the System had approved ahalf million quid bounty on her bumbags.<strong>He</strong>r arrest and sentencing had madeinternational headlines and sparked a worldwide ‘FreeCat’ campaign. In a desperate attempt <strong>to</strong> divert theGreat Unwashed’s attention the System launched the‘Purge of the Ladettes’. In the space of twenty-fourhours they arrested <strong>to</strong>p equestrian Penny Ann Evans,the potential Olympic champions Patsy and LindseyButcher, and Cat’s great chum Melanie White. <strong>The</strong>Dark Agents filled the media with Anti-Ladettepropaganda and whipped the Great Unwashed in<strong>to</strong> afever.<strong>The</strong> purge of the celebrities coincided with theSystems first successful prosecution of the highestechelons of the no<strong>to</strong>rious street-gang, theConfederacy of Yoofs, since the arrest and sentencingof Katie Beck. Yvonne Godfrey and her <strong>to</strong>plieutenants, Mitch the Bitch, Ivan the Terrible, JulietSpage and Jayne Underly were all dispatched <strong>to</strong> theBig House <strong>to</strong> serve seven year sentences.<strong>The</strong> System declared the Purge of the Ladettesa great success and for the first time in months theratings of the most incompetent government in thenation’s his<strong>to</strong>ry began <strong>to</strong> rise.In the public furore the ‘Free Cat’ campaignwas widely forgotten and cynical commenta<strong>to</strong>rsoccasionally referred <strong>to</strong> it as the ‘Whose Cat?’campaign.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rHowever, Cat did not retreat in<strong>to</strong> the nightquietly. At <strong>Woody</strong>s she was reunited with anotherhigh-profile Extreme Ladette, April Turner. April hadalready made a name for herself as a trouble-makerand had established the record for being spankedduring her Bratyear. She was caned on the secondday following the commencement of Phase 2 of hersentence.Inspired by her old chums example Cat woulddraft the ‘Manifes<strong>to</strong> of Mega-minxdom’ ex<strong>to</strong>lling thevirtues of subversive action against the austereregime.Cat led with her bumbags and was soon amain contender for the title of Big BUTT. She wasbold, brave and beautiful and a natural leader of thegrowing, subterranean cult of the mega-minxes.Patty Hodge hated Cat. <strong>The</strong>y had his<strong>to</strong>rydating back <strong>to</strong> Cathryn’s schooldays when Patty hadacted as Mistress of Discipline at Darting<strong>to</strong>n Manor.Patty had thrashed Cathryn at every opportunity butCat never seemed <strong>to</strong> care. At <strong>Woody</strong>s Patty did herbest <strong>to</strong> persecute Cathryn but Cat regularly retaliatedby hacking Patty in the shins. Although she wasoccasionally obliged <strong>to</strong> publicly flog her, Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nsecretly approved of Cat’s reaction.Mr Humphries considered the strong-willed Cat<strong>to</strong> be an ideal candidate <strong>to</strong> join the Executive Councilhe planned <strong>to</strong> announce before the term was out.

20Spanking RosemaryKatie Beck was extremely displeased <strong>to</strong> besummonsed <strong>to</strong> Patty’s study for another half hourharangue regarding her inability <strong>to</strong> make anyprogress in the ‘Get Bromp<strong>to</strong>n’ program.Katie had been kicking back reveling in thememory of her recent deeply satisfying slippering ofRosemary Booker when she received the peskysummons.Spanking Rosemary counted amongst Katie’sgreat pleasures in life. For the past six years Rosiehad been one of her most consistent cus<strong>to</strong>mers.Despite being strikingly beautiful Rosemary sufferedfrom considerable clobber challenges. She regularlylooked like a clobber train-wreck. <strong>The</strong> tails of herblouse would hang out, one of her socks would bearound her ankles, her tie would be skew-whiff andher skirt and blazer coated in dust.She regularly handed in clobber for laundry inan abusive state. Katie had been overjoyed <strong>to</strong> find areport from the laundry inspec<strong>to</strong>rs that Rosemary had

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rhanded in a blouse with a but<strong>to</strong>n replaced with thewrong thread. Not merely a slight variation on therare and hard <strong>to</strong> procure thread that Katie had slippedin<strong>to</strong> the pro<strong>to</strong>cols of the Politics of Clobber, but someform of dark wool that contrasted starkly with theother but<strong>to</strong>ns on the blouse. Katie was thoroughlydelighted. <strong>The</strong>re was no question that Rosemary waslegitimately due for a slippering.Katie <strong>to</strong>ok her time spreading Rosemary outacross her lap. She intended <strong>to</strong> savor every moment.She neatly turned back her victims skirt and thenfolded back the tail of her blouse. Katie looked downat the tightly stretched gossamer that seemed <strong>to</strong>follow the voluptuous con<strong>to</strong>urs of Rosemary’scelebrated rear end.Years earlier when she was still struggling <strong>to</strong>establish her Booker’s Balms business Rosemary hadbeen dubbed Rear of the Year by a journalist. <strong>The</strong>title had been picked up in the national press and shewas soon in great demand <strong>to</strong> make mediaappearances <strong>to</strong> show off her remarkable derriere.Despite a natural tendency <strong>to</strong> shyness Rosemaryspotted a marketing opportunity and cut a deal with afashion house who supplied her tight fitting jeanswith ‘Bookers Bum’ embroidered across the seat. Inreturn for showing off her enviable protuberance shegot <strong>to</strong> advertise her mystic balms. Within twelvemonths she was a multi-millionaire and voted as the‘Young Internet Entrepreneur of the Year’.At <strong>Woody</strong>s her famous rear end had become apopular target for the Whop Junkies. However, theysoon found themselves confronted with a significantchallenge. Miss Booker appeared <strong>to</strong> be remarkably

79insouciant about their assaults on her rear end. Afterher first ever spanking she cheerfully announced thatshe didn’t see what all the fuss was about and that itwas ‘only whops’, spawning the popular <strong>Woody</strong>mantra.Nonetheless, Katie still derived considerablepleasure from any opportunity she was extended <strong>to</strong>put Rosemary over her knee and was determined <strong>to</strong>enjoy herself. She brought the leather-soled slipperdown with extreme prejudice.Even though Rosemary couldn’t give a tinker’sabout being spanked with a slipper she was notenjoying herself. Like the other inmates she hated thenotion that a bitch with a superiority complex the sizeof Katie’s had the authority <strong>to</strong> put her over her knee.Katie Beck knew from personal experience thatthere was a considerable amount of indignityassociated with the over the knee position so sheliked <strong>to</strong> make her victims experience as disagreeableas possible.She <strong>to</strong>ok her time annoying Rosemary bymaneuvering and manipulating her in<strong>to</strong> position untilshe was finally satisfied. All the while she maintaineda running commentary regarding her intentions forRosemary’s rear end. Rosemary was severely tempted<strong>to</strong> reach back and bury her gnashers in Katie’sunprotected calf.Despite Rosemary’s resolute determination not<strong>to</strong> twitch a muscle Katie had thoroughly enjoyedherself. <strong>The</strong>re was no better way <strong>to</strong> start the day, inKatie’s opinion, than a fresh cup of coffee

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>raccompanied by the sound of a leather slipperrebounding off an upturned backside. By the time shewas finished with Rosemary she was feelingconsiderably buoyed and leaned back in her chair <strong>to</strong>contemplate what further havoc she could causearound the facility during the remainder of the day.She was deeply irritated <strong>to</strong> have her deliciousthoughts interrupted by Patty Hodge’s au<strong>to</strong>craticsummons.

21A Casual Walk-byKatie did not care for Patty’s manner in theleast bit. <strong>The</strong> Deputy Grand Dame had failed <strong>to</strong> offerher a seat and had left her standing in front of herdesk like some recalcitrant grubby.“I have <strong>to</strong> say I am disappointed,” said Patty.“I promoted you <strong>to</strong> Commander of Field Operationsand your first mission was <strong>to</strong> dish up some dirt onVic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n. So far I have observed you haveachieved no progress in the operation.”“This is not an easy operation,” said Katieheatedly. “Bromp<strong>to</strong>n is in thick with the Grand Masterand I suspect that bitch Cassidy has spies out all overthe unit covering her chums bumbags. It has alwaysbeen a risky proposition and our field operatives arebeing very cagey.”“<strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> discipline them and exert someauthority,” snapped Patty. “I want <strong>to</strong> see someresults.”“Discipline them? <strong>And</strong> what might I ask do yousuggest?” spluttered Katie incredulously. “I hardlythink that the Wart or Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n is going <strong>to</strong> be up

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rfor a trip over my knee, and if we don’t guaranteeprotection <strong>to</strong> the two Sally’s they are likely <strong>to</strong> resigntheir SS commissions. We need <strong>to</strong> be realistic in ourexpectations.”Patty s<strong>to</strong>od up and leaned across her desk. “Idid not get where I am <strong>to</strong>day by being lily-livered,”she snarled. “I have always respected you becauseyou are an evil, rotten-minded, scheming andconniving bitch, please do not disappoint me further,”she said and dismissed Katie with a wave of her arm.“<strong>He</strong>yho, Katie,” drawled Cat Cassidy falling in<strong>to</strong>stride next <strong>to</strong> the unit’s matron. “Been visiting withPatty?”“What’s it got <strong>to</strong> do with you, Cassidy?” snarledKatie.“Me? Nothing, I was just making passingconversation,” Cat winked at Katie. “Cya,” shedrawled and sauntered off.Katie watched Cat’s retreating figure. She wasaware that Cathryn Cassidy not greatly given <strong>to</strong>indulging in idle conversation, especially when it came<strong>to</strong> members of the Radical Right. She shivered. Whenthe truth was <strong>to</strong>ld Cat scared the bejaysus out of her.Despite her ultra-cool demeanor Cat could beextremely threatening. Although she lacked the overtpugnaciousness of Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, Katie knew that justbelow the surface of Cat’s outwardly languid personalay a seasoned street-fighter.During Operation Scorched Arse, in spite offacing over-whelming odds, Cat had gone <strong>to</strong>e-<strong>to</strong>-<strong>to</strong>eagainst the Radical Right and the most heinous SSever assembled in the his<strong>to</strong>ry of the unit. Despite thewell-documented atrocities perpetuated during OSA

83the majority of <strong>Woody</strong> his<strong>to</strong>rians claim ultimatevic<strong>to</strong>ry for Cat and the mega-minxes over PattyHodge and her thugs. Katie was somewhat unnervedby Cat’s casual walk-by.“She’s fucking barking,” Katie complained <strong>to</strong>the Wart. “What does she expect me <strong>to</strong> do?Bromp<strong>to</strong>n’s got her nose up the Grand Master’s arseand now Cassidy is threatening me.”“Thlish ish not the tlime <strong>to</strong> shloose yoursnerves,” counseled the Wart.Katie was beginning <strong>to</strong> regret treating MsWhar<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> half a dozen Patron tequila slammersbefore seeking her advice.“I am not losing my nerve,” snapped Katie, “Iam just being practical. Patty is losing her <strong>to</strong>uch andall our bumbags are becoming endangered.”“Shplatty ish good <strong>to</strong>o you,” slurred the Wart.“Shlee plomoted you, shlee never plomotes me.”“Oh good grief,” muttered Katie. “Where isShplatty, oh shit, Patty?” she enquired.“She’s getting shplaid,” said the Wartconspira<strong>to</strong>rially, “with that rich sh<strong>to</strong>y-boy that’s beenshniffing about.” <strong>The</strong> Wart cackled <strong>to</strong> herself andswallowed down her shot.Katie rolled her eyes. She called over the bartenderand gave him her sweetest smile. She reachedout and palmed him a five quid note in<strong>to</strong> his hand.She leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Giveher the rest of the bottle and put it all on Patty’saccount. <strong>Back</strong> date the invoice <strong>to</strong> a few days ago.”“Yes, Miss Beck,” said the barman. “<strong>And</strong> MissBeck, I have a night off on Friday, I was wondering…”

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r“Wondering whether I’ll go out with you?” shesnapped imperiously. “If you get us a front table atMonets I’m sure I could be persuaded; now be agood little chap and go and check whether my cab iswaiting.”

22Bot<strong>to</strong>ms Up, SirJojo, Debs and Cassie Cassy considered thewinter term <strong>to</strong> have been a success. All three womenhad declared their intentions earlier in the year thatthey were each determined <strong>to</strong> score a Bull. When thebuzzer sounded <strong>to</strong> end the formal curriculum theyhad all comfortably managed <strong>to</strong> significantly exceedthe statistical minimum they had hoped <strong>to</strong> achieve inthe first thirteen week session.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n and Claire Brooks considered thewinter term <strong>to</strong> be a disaster. Lisa had no aspirationsfor greatness on the Big BUTT and had embarkedupon one of his<strong>to</strong>ry’s most unsuccessful reformcampaigns. Claire was doing her best <strong>to</strong> honor herposition as a senior member of the Elite but herunfortunate penchant for pith almost guaranteed thatshe would shortly go down in his<strong>to</strong>ry as the unitsmost beaten prefect.Bernadette Summers was rubbing herbumbags with glee. <strong>The</strong> inmates’ unpredictable

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rperformances during the past thirteen weeks hadmade the gambling arm of her business operationssome serious squids. Although she was only allowed<strong>to</strong> retain a fifteen per-cent profit the elastic waistbandof her bumbags were permanently stuffed with thickwads of dosh.Other arms of her operation were alsoprofitable. She supplied Cassie and Dotty’s kitchenwith whatever was needed, maintained the GrandMasters wine cellar and got Nixdown whatever techiekit she needed <strong>to</strong> keep the server up and running.More than occasionally her business activitieshad interfered with her work or study assignmentsand she had been routinely whopped. <strong>The</strong> Bounderconsidered a few whops <strong>to</strong> be a small price <strong>to</strong> pay forthe considerable profits that she was raking in forBernadette Summers Enterprises.On Friday evening once the final lectures werecompleted the Grand Master granted passes for theinmates <strong>to</strong> go in<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn <strong>to</strong> complete any last minuteXmas shopping they might need <strong>to</strong> perform.Lady Vix and Cat mobilized the Elite and theOld Gals <strong>to</strong> maintain contact points in the local <strong>to</strong>wnin case any over-ambitious members of the localstreet gang known as the Confederacy of Yoofs mightthink it a wizard wheeze <strong>to</strong> try <strong>to</strong> have some fun withthe inmates.Mr Humphries cruised the <strong>to</strong>wn in an SUV withhis phone on Blue<strong>to</strong>oth so he could maintaincommunications. Generally the Yoofs treated theinmates with a certain degree of respect in deference<strong>to</strong> their well-publicized sentences for ExtremeLadetting. Nonetheless, the Grand Master was aware

87that they would probably be indulging in someChristmas cheer and he couldn’t be <strong>to</strong>o careful.All in all Mr Humphries considered his first termas Grand Master <strong>to</strong> be a success. <strong>He</strong> had gone <strong>to</strong>considerable lengths <strong>to</strong> re-establish morale that hadbeen severely eroded during Operation ScorchedArse.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had methodically usurpedthe power of Patty Hodge and her cohorts and hadslowly shifted the balance of power in<strong>to</strong> the capablehands of Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n.Lady Vix was proving <strong>to</strong> be an admirable Redshirt.She was unfailingly even-handed but she alsoexecuted the disciplinary end of her businessunflinchingly. She had outlawed the heinous practicesof collaring and sweating that had been commonlyperpetrated by Yvonne Godfrey and her cronies. Shehad prohibited sporting spankings and enforced herpoint by putting Sally Cobb over her knee when shetried <strong>to</strong> embark on a spree of serial spanking.Ironically, despite the termination of OperationScorched Arse, the whop rate had been higher duringhis first term as principal than during the last winterof Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s tenure. However, he believed that thiswas more as a result of increased rambunctiousnessin a more enlightened atmosphere than the programof hostile targeting that had prevailed during theprevious year.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master had become fond of his newcharges and was not in the least bit perturbed bytheir boisterous behavior. As far as he was concernedif they were willing <strong>to</strong> risk six hot ones across the sea<strong>to</strong>f their bumbags that was their business.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r<strong>He</strong> looked at his watch. <strong>He</strong> had established anine o’clock curfew and the gals would becongregating at the bus s<strong>to</strong>p. <strong>He</strong> circled the SUVaround and went <strong>to</strong> check on their safe return <strong>to</strong> thecompound.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria and Cat Cassidy were at the bus-s<strong>to</strong>pchecking off names and waiting for any stragglers. <strong>He</strong>lowered the electric window.“Everybody accounted for?” he asked the Redshirt.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria nodded. “<strong>The</strong> last gals are on the busthat just left, Cat and I are going <strong>to</strong> take a cab.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master opened the doors <strong>to</strong> thevehicle. “No need for that, hop in,” he <strong>to</strong>ld the twochums. “Dotty Hammell is on duty back at the facilityso she’ll let me know if anybody somehow gets lost inaction. Let’s s<strong>to</strong>p off at Monets, I’m sure that youcould both do with a drink.”Vix and Cat were surprisingly un-self consciousabout sitting in VIP bar dressed in <strong>Woody</strong> clobber.After seven years at the unit they had becomeimmune <strong>to</strong> the curious stares they attracted whenthey were out and about.Mr Humphries order a bottle of Dom.“I’d like <strong>to</strong> thank you for your support,” he <strong>to</strong>ldthe two chums. “I think we have made considerableprogress during these past few months.”Cat and Vic<strong>to</strong>ria raised their glasses. “Bot<strong>to</strong>msup <strong>to</strong> you, sir,” said Cat and Vic<strong>to</strong>ria giggled.

23A Sensational Feast<strong>The</strong> atmosphere in the Great Hall was festiveon the last evening of the winter term. A low tablehad been placed in front of a blazing fire and was setwith glass vases filled with festive blooms and bowlsof fresh seasonal fruit. <strong>He</strong>idi Alexander and Linda Ashcirculated with trays filled with lemon vodka martinisand bite sized appetizers.As usual Cassie Cassy had excelled herself andthe grateful inmates chowed down on brioche roundswith crème fraiche and golden caviar, skewers ofscallop ceviche, and pecorino gougeres withproscuit<strong>to</strong>.<strong>The</strong> carefully selected guests circulatedexcitedly discussing the arrangements for theupcoming furlough. In less than twenty-four hoursthey would be freed for three full weeks. However,the conditions of their brief release were restrictive.<strong>The</strong>y were moni<strong>to</strong>red by Court Appointed Guardianson the payroll of the Dark Agents of the System.Prohibitive curfews from appearing in public after

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rmidnight were imposed and even a minor violationcould result in a disciplinary hearing and the potentialfor a sentence extension. Despite being banged up<strong>to</strong>gether for thirty-nine weeks of the year the <strong>Woody</strong>gals had learned the wisdom of taking sanctuary atthe numerous safe havens offered by their familiesand friends.Nixdown’s father offered the gals a residencewith a private beach down on the South Coast, theCassidy family welcomed anyone <strong>to</strong> their <strong>to</strong>wn-housein E<strong>to</strong>n Square or their mansion in the village ofDarting<strong>to</strong>n, Bromp<strong>to</strong>n Castle was a permanent openhouse, and Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n threw the doors open forguests at the family pile. <strong>The</strong> newcomers <strong>He</strong>idi andthe Lash generously promised free access <strong>to</strong> theirfamily estates.As an entrée Cassie had prepared standing ribroastsencrusted in lavender, rosemary and oregano,accompanied by roasted fingerling pota<strong>to</strong>es andasparagus cooked in tarragon infused butter. She hadselected bottles of a 2006 Pascual Toso Malbec fromthe Grand Master’s private collection.To <strong>to</strong>p it all off Cassie brought out a tray ofdelights she had hand made using Columbian Chucurichocolate filled with Benedictine. It was a sensationalfeast.Following the fine repaste Mr Humphriesgenerously allowed the guests a half hour respite <strong>to</strong>allow Cassie and her helpers <strong>to</strong> take a shower andchange in<strong>to</strong> their clobber before the after dinnerentertainment began.

91“You’re a fucking card sharp,” Jojo whisperedin the Grand Master’s ear as she rose <strong>to</strong> her feet.Mr Humphries just smiled benignly and turnedover a second card. “A black queen,” he said.Momentarily a chair scraped and Claire Brooks rose <strong>to</strong>her feet, looking resigned.Mr Humphries s<strong>to</strong>od up and sauntered across<strong>to</strong> the stage. <strong>The</strong>atrically he pulled the sash andopened the lush velvet curtains. Up on the stage,swathed in a spotlight s<strong>to</strong>od the spanking s<strong>to</strong>ol. On adesk <strong>to</strong> the side Mr Humphries’s full inven<strong>to</strong>ry of <strong>to</strong>yswere displayed.“Now my friends this is how <strong>to</strong>night’s game willbe played,” the Grand Master explained. “Red card,red arse. Black card, black heart.”Joanna <strong>He</strong>yworth sat a<strong>to</strong>p the high s<strong>to</strong>ol withthe bare bot<strong>to</strong>med prefect dangled over her knees.She looked down thoughtfully at her prostrated chumwhose arms and legs hung down, unable <strong>to</strong> reach thefloor. Occasionally Jojo had dwelt on the fact that oneday she would ceremonially thrashed in<strong>to</strong> the Eliteand bes<strong>to</strong>wed with the authority <strong>to</strong> beat her fellowinmates. She assured herself that she would bejudicious and not <strong>to</strong> abuse her power <strong>to</strong> avenge themany thrashings she herself had suffered at thehands of bygone pre’s. Nonetheless, looking down atClaire’s slender behind she felt that it would not beout of line <strong>to</strong> wreak a little revenge for the class ninecaning she had recently received from Claire up in thelibrary. Jojo raised the brush in the air and brought itdown cracking.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r“Bravo,” laughed the Grand Master after thegal’s had returned <strong>to</strong> their seats, “bravo Jojo. Nowthat’s what I call a damn good spanking. What sayyou Miss Brooks?”“Damn good,” the prefect acknowledgedruefully. “Very damn good.”Joanna curtsied. She couldn’t deny that shehad felt a twinge of satisfaction as the legendaryprefect had begun <strong>to</strong> wriggle and squirm under theassault.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master winked at Jojo and dealt twomore cards.

24Festive SpankingsIt was a long night of festive wining, diningand copious spanking.Twenty-two inmates sat down <strong>to</strong> dine,Twenty-two inmates drank <strong>to</strong>o much wine,Twenty-two inmates never felt so fine,Until Mr HumphriesPut their bums on the line.No bum went unaccounted for and every guestwas provided the opportunity <strong>to</strong> act as both thespanked and the spanker.Mr Humphries had brought the full inven<strong>to</strong>ry ofthe <strong>Woody</strong> artillery <strong>to</strong> the party and the guests withthe red cards often squealed with dismay if aparticularly disliked instrument was selected for theirbacksides. <strong>The</strong> spankings were delivered in the festivespirit that they were designed. Nonetheless, theguests seated around the table couldn’t help noticingthat the gals who had got their bot<strong>to</strong>ms heated firstwarmed <strong>to</strong> their work with conspicuous zeal.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>rIt was late in the night before the sounds ofcanes, straps and slippers ceased <strong>to</strong> echo around thefour corners of the Great Hall.In some strata’s of society <strong>to</strong>pping off aspectacular feast by being dangled over a chums lapand having ones bot<strong>to</strong>m warmed up might beconsidered a little queer. But <strong>to</strong> the inmates of the<strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit it seemed perfectlynatural.Mr Humphries watched indulgently as hisguests availed of the well-s<strong>to</strong>cked wet bar as theyjoshed and teased each other over the quality ofspankings that they had either received or delivered.Bragging rights were at a premium the squiffier theybecame.During the first hundred days that he hadpresided over the nation’s most extreme socialrehabilitation unit he had grown fond of his wardsand most particularly the more disciplinary challengedamongst the inmates.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n slid in<strong>to</strong> a seat next <strong>to</strong> him.She winced as she sat down and then giggled. “Onlyjoking,” she chuckled, “Cat let me off lightly.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master smiled and sipped from hisglass of port.“We’re doing good aren’t we, sir?” she asked.“Everyone seems a lot happier than they were a yearago. Last Xmas we were breaking down the fawkin’walls <strong>to</strong> get out of here.”“I understand that last year was <strong>to</strong>ugh foreverybody,” said Mr Humphries, “but Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n wasdoing what she felt was right. It was just anexperiment and it didn’t work out. But don’t think she

95didn’t care about you gals, she did and she still does.She phones me every week. She’s especiallyinterested in your performance. She’s very proud ofyou.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria flushed prettily.Debs slid in<strong>to</strong> a seat beside the Grand Master.“I just wanted <strong>to</strong> wish you a Happy Xmas and <strong>to</strong>thank you for all you’ve done for me,” she <strong>to</strong>ld him.“Thank you Deborah, and a Happy Xmas <strong>to</strong>you <strong>to</strong>o,” said the Grand Master. “How do you thinkyou’ll do in Glasgow?”Deborah shrugged. “It’ll be a real test. This willbe the first time in six years I’ll be up against the prosexcept in exhibitions. But once again I want <strong>to</strong> thankyou for arranging the opportunity. I know it can’thave been easy, especially after I was formallyflunked last year.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master smiled. “That’s all behindyou now, so go out there and enjoy yourself. JaneLummell says that you’re in great shape, so I’m sureyou’ll do yourself proud.”“I’ll try and make you all proud,” said Debssincerely and went back <strong>to</strong> join the throng.Jojo sat down beside the Grand Master. “Can Iget you another drink, sir?” she asked.Mr Humphries shook his head. “No thanks, itsgetting late and we should start <strong>to</strong> wrap up.Everybody has a busy day <strong>to</strong>morrow getting ready <strong>to</strong>get out of here.”“What do you do for Xmas, sir?” asked Jojocuriously.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r<strong>The</strong> Grand Master just smiled. “I have stuff <strong>to</strong>take care of,” he <strong>to</strong>ld her.Jojo cocked her head. “Stuff? What kind ofstuff, sir?”“Just stuff,” he smiled. “But Lord Bromp<strong>to</strong>nand Vic<strong>to</strong>ria have been kind enough <strong>to</strong> invite me <strong>to</strong>the castle for the New Years Ball. I take it you’ll bethere?”“With bells on,” laughed Jojo.“You like her, don’t you?” smiled Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria.“Who?” asked Mr Humphries innocently.“Yeah right,” grinned Lady Vix. “Rock on,Grand Master.”

25A Xmas KissJojo looked out of the window. <strong>The</strong> quadranglewas packed with inmates rolling their suitcases <strong>to</strong> thevarious means of transport that would carry themfrom the facility <strong>to</strong> enjoy the Christmas furlough. Inthe distance she could hear Nixdown’s father’shelicopter approaching. Jojo and Nix were planningon spending the first few days of furlough at NicolaJane’s beach-side residence before joining theirfamilies for the yuletide celebrations.Jojo looked down at her watch. Nicola Janewas still down in the stables, presumably boffingPenny Ann or getting her arse whapped or probablyboth. It would probably be another hour before Nixsurfaced and the chopper was refueled. She was idlywondering how <strong>to</strong> fill the time when Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaknocked on the door.“I just wanted <strong>to</strong> say ta-rah and make sureyou’re coming <strong>to</strong> the castle for the New Year’s bash,”she grinned.

<strong>And</strong> <strong><strong>The</strong>n</strong> <strong>He</strong> <strong>Kissed</strong> <strong>He</strong>r“I’ll be there with bells on,” smiled Joanna.“I’m just waiting on Nix right now. She’s sayinggoodbye <strong>to</strong> Penny Ann.”Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria handed Jojo a bottle of LouisRoederer Premier Brut. “This might help you whileaway the time,” she smiled.Jojo grinned. “You’re so sweet, I’ll get someglasses.”“Sorry, sis, I can’t stay. Cat’s got a limo waitingand we’re going <strong>to</strong> stay at the manor house for a fewdays, so I have <strong>to</strong> run.” Lady Vix hugged Jojo. “Buthere’s a thought. Mr Humphries is upstairs and youknow he’s very partial <strong>to</strong> a drop of bubbly once in awhile. I’m sure that he’d appreciate the company.”Vix winked. “Bot<strong>to</strong>m’s up sister,” and hurried out ofthe door.Jojo felt uncharacteristically anxious as sheknocked on the Grand Master’s door clutching a bottleof bubbly.“I don’t know whether there’s a pro<strong>to</strong>col thatcovers this,” Jojo said nervously, “but I wonderedwhether you’d like <strong>to</strong> partake of a Christmas drink?”Mr Humphries smiled at Joanna indulgently. “Ican only assume that you have been talking <strong>to</strong> LadyBromp<strong>to</strong>n?”Jojo flushed slightly.“Vic<strong>to</strong>ria’s an all round good egg,” continuedthe Grand Master.“Thoroughly good egg, sir,” agreed Jojo as theGrand Master <strong>to</strong>ok the bottle from her hand anduncorked it. Mr Humphries filled two crystal flutes andhanded one <strong>to</strong> Joanna.“Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up,” he smiled. “Happy holidays.”

99back.Jojo raised her glass. “Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up,” she smiled<strong>And</strong> then he kissed her.

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