Fall 2003 - Northwestern College

Fall 2003 - Northwestern College

Fall 2003 - Northwestern College

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C a m p u sn e w sN o r t h w e s t e r n C l a s s i cNew faculty come to NWCSeveral recently appointedfull-time faculty membersa re among the many newfaces at Nort h w e s t e rn thisfall.D r. LairdEdman joinsthe psychologydepartmentas ana s s o c i a t eD r. Laird Edmanp ro f e s s o r. Hecomes fro mIowa StateU n i v e r s i t y, where he wasassociate director of the honorsprogram. He pre v i o u s l ywas honors program dire c t o rand associate professor ofpsychology and English atWa l d o rf <strong>College</strong>, where hewas named the 1995P rofessor of the Ye a r. Hee a rned a doctorate in educationalpsychology from theUniversity of Minnesota,m a s t e r ’s degrees in counselingpsychology and Englishl i t e r a t u re from the Universityof Notre Dame, and a bachelo r ’s degree from Luther. Hereplaces Dr. Don Lindskoog,who re t i red in 2002.Also newto the psych o l o g yd e p a rtment isD r. JenniferF e e n s t r a ,assistant profe s s o r. Sherecently completedherD r. JenniferF e e n s t r adoctorate in psychology andm a s t e r ’s degree in teaching atthe University of NewH a m p s h i re, where she alsoe a rned a master’s in psycholog y. Feenstra did her undergraduatework at Calvin<strong>College</strong>. She replaces Dr.Doug Trimble, who is nowon the faculty at EasternUniversity in Pennsylvania.D r. JuyeonKang is anew assistantp rofessor ofmusic. Shehas been ap i a n oD r. Juyeon Kangi n s t ructor atthe SouthS h o re Conserv a t o ry inHingham, Mass., and theNew England Conserv a t o ryin Boston. She won first prizein 1998 at the JosefHofmann Piano Competitionat the University of SouthC a rolina at Aiken and at theHeida Hermanns Yo u n gA rtists Competition inS o u t h p o rt, Conn. Kange a rned her Doctor of MusicalA rts degree in piano perfo rm a n c e / l i t e r a t u re atEastman School of Music inR o c h e s t e r, N.Y., where shealso received master’s degre e sin pedagogy of music theoryand piano perf o rm a n c e / l i t e r-a t u re. She earned her bachelo r ’s degree at Seoul NationalU n i v e r s i t y. Kang re p l a c e sBrian Lee, who is teaching atthe Wheaton <strong>College</strong>C o n s e rv a t o ry of Music andMoody Bible Institute.Jennifer Rogers has beenappointed to the kinesiologyd e p a rtment faculty andnamed program director ofathletic training after serv i n gNWC as head athletic trainersince 2000. She also was anathletic trainer for the Centerfor Neuro s c i e n c e s ,O rthopaedics and Spine inDakota Dunes, S.D. Rogersholds a master’s degree ineducation with an emphasisin biomechanicsand sportp s y c h o l o g yf rom theUniversity ofKansas. Shedid heru n d e rg r a d u- Jennifer Rogersate studies atBriar Cliff University. Shereplaces Wendy Potratz, whohas moved toB e m i d j i ,M i n n .After servingin a oneyearpositionas an instru c-Jolynn To n s f e l d ttor of educationlast year,Kevin BullisJolynn Tonsfeldt has beenappointed to a tenure - t r a c kfaculty position in the educationdepartment. She taughtEnglish and German for 13years at Le Mars CommunityHigh School and spent thre eyears as a 4-H and youthdevelopment specialist in thePlymouth County ExtensionO ffice. She earned a master’sd e g ree in education fro mDrake University and a bachel o r ’s degree from DanaC o l l e g e .Kevin Bullis ’96, a visitinginstructor in English lasty e a r, is serving in anotherone-year position as the sabba t i c a lre p l a c e m e n tfor Dr. KeithF y n a a rd t .Bullis completeda maste r ’s degre ein English atWe s t e rnWashington University andhas taught composition atWhatcom Community<strong>College</strong> and We s t e rnWa s h i n g t o n .R u t hG rossmann iss e rving as av i s i t i n gi n s t ructor inb i o l o g y, fillingin as Dr. SaraTo l s m a ’s sabba t i c a lRuth Gro s s m a nreplacement. She earned am a s t e r ’s degree in biology atthe University of Iowa. Shereceived a bachelor’s degre eat Georg i a ’s Covenant<strong>College</strong>, where she hass e rved as a visiting pro f e s s o rof biology.D r.A n d re wS a u e rw e i n ,visiting assistantpro f e s-sor of music,is Dr. MarcD r. Andre wS a u e rw e i nWo o l d r i d g e s’s a b b a t i c a lre p l a c e m e n t .S a u e rwein received a doctoraldegree in music compositionfrom Duke University,w h e re he has been a visitingi n s t ru c t o r. He earned master’sand bachelor’s degrees incontinued on page 118 ▲ F a l l 2 0 0 3

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