Fall 2003 - Northwestern College

Fall 2003 - Northwestern College Fall 2003 - Northwestern College

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C a m p u sn e w sN o r t h w e s t e r n C l a s s i cF a c u l t / ys t a f fnewsA new book, The Scienceof the Soul: Christian Faith andPsychological Researc h,includes two chapters writtenby D r. Don Wa c o m e, philosop h y. He wrote the chapterson the epistemological foundationsof science and on evolu t i o n a ry psychology. Editedby former NWC psychologyp rofessor Scott Va n d e r S t o e p ,now at Hope College, thebook was published byAmerican University Pre s s .D r. Ron Ta k a l o,Spanish, was selected for participationin the ChristianPerspectives on Fore i g nLanguage Education workshopat Calvin College inJune.B a rryB r a n d t, athleticdire c t o r,has beena p p o i n t e dc h a i rman ofthe NAIA’sRegion IV. He re p resents theregion on the 15-memberCouncil of AthleticsAdministrators, the gro u presponsible for initiating operationalpolicies for nationalcompetition in the NAIA.D r. Sara To l s m a, biology, is on sabbatical this year.She is writing a cell andmolecular genetics textbookfor non-science majors.Mitch Kinsinger, re l i-gion, was awarded an Andre wW. Mellon Researc hFellowship from the Vi rg i n i aHistorical Society inRichmond, where he conductedre s e a rch in May. There s e a rch is for a chapter of hisd i s s e rtation on Pre s b y t e r i a ns t ruggles for religious libert yin Colonial America.Michael Av e ry, business,was awarded a Doctor ofBusiness Administrationd e g ree in international managementin June from the H.Wayne Huizenga School ofBusiness and Entre p re n -eurship at Nova SoutheasternUniversity in Fort Lauderd a l e .He and senior Matt Va nG roningen wrote a paper,“ I m p roving U.S.Tr a n s p o rtation LogisticsE fficiency through Interm o d a land Infrastru c t u reDevelopment,” which waspublished in the July issue ofThe Vo y a g e r, a global publicationof TRANSLOGI n t e rnational. In May, Av e ry,junior Jeremy Youngers andCraig Dalen ’03 presented ap roject entitled “Ti e rra Bonita:I n t e rnational EconomicsSimulation in the CollegeC l a s s room,” at the Classro o mof the Future Conference atA u g s b u rg College inM i n n e a p o l i s .D r. Michael Kensak,English, has been chosen tos e rve as a peer review re a d e rfor The Chaucer Review, thep r i m a ry journal for Chaucerand Middle English.D r. Marc Wo o l d r i d g e,music, perf o rmed solo percussionmusic atN o rt h w e s t e n r College,Roseville, Minn., in April andat the University ofWisconsin-Stevens Point inS e p t e m b e . rHe also hosted theIowa Percussive Arts Society’s2003 Iowa Days of Perc u s s i o non our campus in April. InJ u l y, he participated in a twoweekresidency at the Akro n ,Iowa, Care Center, helpingresidents and staff learn howto perf o rm percussion instruments.They worked withhim to compose three newmusical works that also incorporatetechnology via filmand slides, and they premi e red a new work he composedfor them. On sabbaticalthis year, Wooldridge hasbeen chosen for inclusion onthe Iowa Arts Council’sTouring Artists Roster andA rtists in Schools andCommunities Roster. He alsohas been approved as one of20 Iowa artists to teachCharacter Counts principlesas part of artistic workshops.D r. Barb To p, education,will be doing re s e a rch andwriting on the topics ofautism and Fetal AlcoholS y n d rome during a springsemester sabbatical.Todd McDonald, dire c-tor of multicultural affairs, hasbeen selected to join theR e f o rmed Church inA m e r i c a s ’ Commission onRace and Ethnicity.D r. Scott Monsma, sociol o g y, is serving as pre s i d e n tof the Association for ChristiansTeaching Sociology. Hep resented a paper, “Te a c h i n gwith My Mouth Half Shut,” atits June conference in Dallas.D r. Tim McGarv e y,music, was selected by apanel of jurors to present andconduct at the College BandD i rectors National Associati o n s ’ national convention inMinneapolis in March. Hep resented on and conductedthe “Overt u re for Winds” byFelix Mendelssohn as part ofthe convention’s “ChosenGems” session.D r. Paul Bart l e t t, headw restling coach, was selectedto serve as an honorary assistantcoach at Sioux City’s Tw oWorlds, One Mat fre e s t y l ew restling meet in April. Heand Buena Vi s t a s ’ coachbacked up Olympic championsDan Gable and To mB r a n d s .Joonna Tr a p p, English,was awarded a Ph.D. inEnglish, with an emphasis inrhetoric and composition,f rom Texas ChristianUniversity in May. She presenteda paper at Penn State’sRhetoric and CompositionC o n f e rence in July. Tr a p pspoke on “Epideictic’sS o u t h e rn Road Trip: TheLyceum Impulse in the OldD o m i n i o n .”Piet Koene, Spanish,gave a presentation at theannual conference of theN o rth American ChristianF o reign Language Associationin April. He spoke on“Integrating the Bible into theLanguage Classroom: APractical Approach to KeyBiblical Passages and TheirRelevance to Language” in thec o n f e rence at Californ i a ’sAzusa Pacific University.Dan Yo u n g, political science,recently published abook chapter. “Martin Wi g h t :Politics in the Era ofLeviathan” is included in T h eChristian Realists: Reassessingthe Contributions of Niebuhrand His Contemporaries, p u b-lished by University Press ofA m e r i c a .1 0 ▲ F a l l 2 0 0 3

N o r t h w e s t e r n C l a s s i cC a m p u sn e w sF a c u l t / ys t a f fnewsD r. Ralph Davis, biology,and Karissa Carlson ’03 presenteda poster pre s e n t a t i o non their electro p h y s i o l o g yre s e a rch at the MidwestN e u robiology Meeting in Mayat Iowa State University.D r. Kimberly UtkeS v a n o e, music, was a clinicianat the summer convention ofthe Illinois ACDA (AmericanChoral Directors’ Association)in Bloomington. She led aworkshop on preparing studentsfor scholarship auditionsand presented a paperabout the importance of basicskills and musicality in thedevelopment of student musici a n s .As a member of theR e f o rmed Church in America’sC o m m i s s i o non Theology,M i c h a e lA n d re s, re l i-gion, was thep r i m a ryauthor of“ G o d s’S o v e reign Grace inEvangelism.” The paper,aimed at giving fruitful re a-sons for the winsome art i c u l a-tion of the Gospel in light of aR e f o rmed view of divine pro v-idence, was passed by the2003 General Synod.D r. Clyde Vo l l m e r s,business, and his daughter, ap rofessor at the University ofSt. Thomas, spoke at theI n t e rnational Academy forCase Studies in Tunica, Miss.,in April. They presented acase study entitled “Managinga Product Failure Lawsuit.”C o rnie Wa s s i n k, dire c-tor of planned giving, spoke atthe Leave A Legacy -Siouxland meeting in Sheldonin April. He presented suggestionsfor how to present theLeave A Legacy program tocommunity gro u p s .D r. Keith Fynaard t,English, is on sabbatical thisy e a r. He is working on a bookabout modern agriculture andagricultural literature.G reg Scheer, director ofmusic ministries, presented apaper entitled “Wo r s h i pComposition: Looking Back,Looking Forw a rd” at theMidwest conference of theChristian Fellowship of ArtMusic Composers on thecampus of Missouri’s EvangelUniversity in March. He alsop resented his electronic composition“Crossfade” toEvangel music students andheld a songwriting workshop.In June, he led worship at theCalvin Institute of ChristianWo r s h i p s ’ Campus Wo r s h i pF o rmation Program, a gatheringof worship leaders, studentsand chaplains from 20Christian colleges, in GrandRapids, Mich.The Nort h w e s t e rnCollege Board of Trustees hasa w a rded tenure to D r. RandyJ e n s e n, philosophy, and D r.Bala Musa, communicationstudies. They were pro m o t e dto the associate pro f e s s o rrank, as was D r. EdS t a r k e n b u rg, education. D r.Paul Bart l e t t, kinesiology,and D r. Carl Va n d e rm e u l e n,English and communicationstudies, were promoted to thefull professor rank.D r. Todd Tr a c y, biology,has been selected to be a volunteerfor the IowaD e p a rtment of NaturalR e s o u rces’ IOWATER program,which seeks to pro t e c tand improve Iowa’s waterq u a l i t y. He will be monitoringnearby rivers and stre a m s .Students from his ecologyclasses and Te rra Nova, theecology club, will help withwater testing.J e ff Barker, theatre, copresented a three-day masterclass on directing ancientIsraelite dramas (OldTestament plays) at theChristians in Theatre Art snational convention inVi rginia Beach in July. In addition,the Saltworks TheatreCompany is perf o rming hisnew play, “Albie’s Honor,” thisfall throughout westernPennsylvania. Samuel Va nWyk ’03 is a member of thattouring company.Emily Lodine, music,p resented a faculty vocal re c i t a lin Christ Chapel in September.A part-time lecturer who madeher Carnegie Hall debut underthe baton of John Rutter andwho has appeared with theChicago Symphony Orc h e s t r aand the St. Paul ChamberO rchestra, Lodine presented avariety of works from operasand oratorios.New faculty come to NWCcontinued from page 8composition at the Universityof Oregon and an associate’sd e g ree in biblical literature atMultnomah Bible College. Heis a board member of theChristian Fellowship of ArtMusic Composers.New administrators continued from page 9Orange City who served most recently asgeneral manager, has been named director offinancial aid. An NWC Board of Tru s t e e smember since 1997, Korv e rreplaces Carol Bogaard, whonow is director of financialaid at Southeast Te c h n i c a lInstitute in Sioux Falls.Mike Stokes ’94 has beennamed interim director of AVand the Learning Resourc eMike Stokes Center after serving as computersupport manager for the last thre eyears. He previously worked at InterstatesElectric and Engineering in Sioux Center andat Gateway in North Sioux City, S.D. Stokesreplaces Barry Lawrensen, who is on a twoyearleave of absence to teach at the BlackF o rest Academy in Germ a n y.Other new administrators whoseappointments have been pre v i o u s l yannounced include Dan Daily, director ofRamaker Library; Dave Nonnemacher, serv i c el e a rning coordinator and head baseball coach;and the Rev. Harlan Va n O o rt ’82, chaplain.1 1 ▲ F a l l 2 0 0 3

N o r t h w e s t e r n C l a s s i cC a m p u sn e w sF a c u l t / ys t a f fnewsD r. Ralph Davis, biology,and Karissa Carlson ’03 presenteda poster pre s e n t a t i o non their electro p h y s i o l o g yre s e a rch at the MidwestN e u robiology Meeting in Mayat Iowa State University.D r. Kimberly UtkeS v a n o e, music, was a clinicianat the summer convention ofthe Illinois ACDA (AmericanChoral Directors’ Association)in Bloomington. She led aworkshop on preparing studentsfor scholarship auditionsand presented a paperabout the importance of basicskills and musicality in thedevelopment of student musici a n s .As a member of theR e f o rmed Church in America’sC o m m i s s i o non Theology,M i c h a e lA n d re s, re l i-gion, was thep r i m a ryauthor of“ G o d s’S o v e reign Grace inEvangelism.” The paper,aimed at giving fruitful re a-sons for the winsome art i c u l a-tion of the Gospel in light of aR e f o rmed view of divine pro v-idence, was passed by the<strong>2003</strong> General Synod.D r. Clyde Vo l l m e r s,business, and his daughter, ap rofessor at the University ofSt. Thomas, spoke at theI n t e rnational Academy forCase Studies in Tunica, Miss.,in April. They presented acase study entitled “Managinga Product Failure Lawsuit.”C o rnie Wa s s i n k, dire c-tor of planned giving, spoke atthe Leave A Legacy -Siouxland meeting in Sheldonin April. He presented suggestionsfor how to present theLeave A Legacy program tocommunity gro u p s .D r. Keith Fynaard t,English, is on sabbatical thisy e a r. He is working on a bookabout modern agriculture andagricultural literature.G reg Scheer, director ofmusic ministries, presented apaper entitled “Wo r s h i pComposition: Looking Back,Looking Forw a rd” at theMidwest conference of theChristian Fellowship of ArtMusic Composers on thecampus of Missouri’s EvangelUniversity in March. He alsop resented his electronic composition“Crossfade” toEvangel music students andheld a songwriting workshop.In June, he led worship at theCalvin Institute of ChristianWo r s h i p s ’ Campus Wo r s h i pF o rmation Program, a gatheringof worship leaders, studentsand chaplains from 20Christian colleges, in GrandRapids, Mich.The Nort h w e s t e rn<strong>College</strong> Board of Trustees hasa w a rded tenure to D r. RandyJ e n s e n, philosophy, and D r.Bala Musa, communicationstudies. They were pro m o t e dto the associate pro f e s s o rrank, as was D r. EdS t a r k e n b u rg, education. D r.Paul Bart l e t t, kinesiology,and D r. Carl Va n d e rm e u l e n,English and communicationstudies, were promoted to thefull professor rank.D r. Todd Tr a c y, biology,has been selected to be a volunteerfor the IowaD e p a rtment of NaturalR e s o u rces’ IOWATER program,which seeks to pro t e c tand improve Iowa’s waterq u a l i t y. He will be monitoringnearby rivers and stre a m s .Students from his ecologyclasses and Te rra Nova, theecology club, will help withwater testing.J e ff Barker, theatre, copresented a three-day masterclass on directing ancientIsraelite dramas (OldTestament plays) at theChristians in Theatre Art snational convention inVi rginia Beach in July. In addition,the Saltworks TheatreCompany is perf o rming hisnew play, “Albie’s Honor,” thisfall throughout westernPennsylvania. Samuel Va nWyk ’03 is a member of thattouring company.Emily Lodine, music,p resented a faculty vocal re c i t a lin Christ Chapel in September.A part-time lecturer who madeher Carnegie Hall debut underthe baton of John Rutter andwho has appeared with theChicago Symphony Orc h e s t r aand the St. Paul ChamberO rchestra, Lodine presented avariety of works from operasand oratorios.New faculty come to NWCcontinued from page 8composition at the Universityof Oregon and an associate’sd e g ree in biblical literature atMultnomah Bible <strong>College</strong>. Heis a board member of theChristian Fellowship of ArtMusic Composers.New administrators continued from page 9Orange City who served most recently asgeneral manager, has been named director offinancial aid. An NWC Board of Tru s t e e smember since 1997, Korv e rreplaces Carol Bogaard, whonow is director of financialaid at Southeast Te c h n i c a lInstitute in Sioux <strong>Fall</strong>s.Mike Stokes ’94 has beennamed interim director of AVand the Learning Resourc eMike Stokes Center after serving as computersupport manager for the last thre eyears. He previously worked at InterstatesElectric and Engineering in Sioux Center andat Gateway in North Sioux City, S.D. Stokesreplaces Barry Lawrensen, who is on a twoyearleave of absence to teach at the BlackF o rest Academy in Germ a n y.Other new administrators whoseappointments have been pre v i o u s l yannounced include Dan Daily, director ofRamaker Library; Dave Nonnemacher, serv i c el e a rning coordinator and head baseball coach;and the Rev. Harlan Va n O o rt ’82, chaplain.1 1 ▲ F a l l 2 0 0 3

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