draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

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524 Indextax havensglobalization and, 462–63location of capital and profits and,473–74in typology of politicaljurisdictions, 460, 470weak statesconsequences of enforcement ofIFF controls for, 476–77international drug economy and,465location of capital and profits and,473–75phenomenon of, 465–67, 478–79n8in typology of political jurisdictions,460, 468–70, 469tpolitical legitimacy of governments.See governance issuespolitical settlement, concept of, 23–24,26, 42, 85politically exposed persons (PEPs),defined, 398. See alsoanti-money laundering (AML)controls; kleptocracy; stolenasset recoverypornographic film industry, 191portfolio approach to capital flight,28–30, 32, 35, 36tportfolio investment data regarding taxhavens, 359–60Presidential Commission on GoodGovernment, Philippines, 391,410n22PricewaterhouseCoopers, 301, 356product definitions and trademispricing, 323–24, 325tprofit shifting, international. Seeinternational profit shifting,tax-induced; transfer pricingand transfer price manipulationprofitability approach to tax-inducedinternational profit shifting,120–33prostitution and other sexual services,178, 180, 182f, 191, 192–93,194t. See also human traffickingQquantity faking, as trade mispricing,326Rremittances, 52, 159, 162, 171, 190, 197,210, 216, 378, 498–99rent-scraping, 74–77Republic of Korea. See Korea, RepublicofRepublic of Yemen, tax morale in, 92República Bolivariana de Venezuela.See Venezuela, RepúblicaBolivariana deReuter, Peter, 187, 483, 489Reyes Posada, A., 163Ribadu, Nuhu, 488Riedel, Nadine, 9–10, 109, 111, 267, 491,498“ring-fencing,” 340Rocha, R., 162Rodriguez, P., 213Rodrik, D., 315, 319, 326Rojchaichaninthorn, J., 90Rothstein, B., 74Rotterdam effect, 311, 312–13Royal Albatross Properties 67 (Pty)Limited, 429Royal Bank of Scotland plc, 429Rugman, A. M., 206, 223RussiaAML controls and, 392illegal kleptocratic outflows from,146natural resource rents in, 463as oil-producing state, 478n4, 497political use of OFF controls in, 496tax evasion in, 74, 95n13

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