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520 IndexMargarita Island, money laundering inColombia using cigarettespurchased in, 162marriage, immigration for purposes of,183–84Martinez-Vazquez, J., 87Massey, D. S., 184Maton, James, 6, 14–15, 381, 415, 466, 488MauritiusAML controls and, 63, 406FDI in India by, 51, 471McDonald, M., 217McKinsey, 282Medellín cartel, 163Meer Case & Desai, 444, 445Merck, 260n16Meridien Bank of Zambia, 442, 443MexicoAML controls and, 394–95drug trade in, 163, 199n10, 492, 493FDI from Colombia in, 161human trafficking and, 176, 182, 185,188–90, 493as oil-producing state, 497research agenda for IFFs and, 500tax evasion in, 83, 96n28MF Global, 348Microdatabase on Direct Investment,Deutsche Bundesbank, 137migrationclandestine/illegal, 176–77, 182–84,182f, 188–90, 194t. See alsohuman traffickingmoney laundering in Colombia and,148–49, 151–52voluntary versus involuntary, 175–77Millennium Development Goals, 71Miller, J., 188Mistry, P. S., 406Mittal Steel, 285MNEs (multinational enterprises). Seemultinational corporations andIFFsMo, A. W. Y., 225–26Mobutu Sese Seko, 7, 75, 384, 385, 396,403, 447, 488Mokaxwa, Jerobeam, 402bMoldova, human trafficking in, 493,494Monaco, as tax haven, 97n32, 299, 340,346money launderingAML controls. See anti-moneylaundering (AML) controls indeveloping countriesamounts of laundered money,estimating, 381–83case studies of grand corruption,389–96in Colombia. See money launderingin Colombiadefined, 382human trafficking and, 191–93situational opportunity models for,388–89typology of, 387money laundering in Colombia, 10,145–67AML controls and, 10, 145, 147,154–57, 156t, 165banking services, low level ofpenetration of, 150–51conflict and disruption in Colombiansociety, 148–49, 151–52drug industry, association with, 146,161–64, 492–93FDI, outward, 159–61, 160fforeign exchange control system,switch to open economy from,158–61formal (legal) and informal (social)norms, conflict between,145–46, 148, 152–54human trafficking and, 165n2IFFs into and out of Colombia,146–48, 157–64

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