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The Practical Political Economy of Illicit Flows 481Bulte, E. H., R. Damania, and R. T. Deacon. 2005. “Resource Intensity, Institutionsand Development.” World Development 33 (7): 1029–44.Chaudhry, K. A. 1994. “Economic Liberalization and the Lineages of the RentierState.” Comparative Politics 27 (1): 1–25.Cleeve, E. 2008. “How Effective Are Fiscal Incentives to Attract FDI to Sub-SaharanAfrica?” Journal of Developing Areas 42 (1): 135–53.Cohen, B. 1996. “Phoenix Risen: The Resurrection of Global Finance.” World Politics48 (2): 268–96.Collier, P. 2006. “Is Aid Oil? An Analysis of Whether Africa Can Absorb More Aid.”World Development 34 (9): 1482–97.Daniele, V. 2011. “Natural Resources and the ‘Quality’ of Economic Development.”Journal of Development Studies 47 (4): 545–73.de Oliveira, R. S. 2007. “Business Success, Angola-Style: Postcolonial Politics and theRise and Rise of Sonangol.” Journal of Modern African Studies 45 (04): 595–619.Dore, R. P. 2000. Stock Market Capitalism: Welfare Capitalism; Japan and Germanyversus the Anglo-Saxons. Oxford: Oxford <strong>University</strong> Press.Ganev, V. I. 2007. Preying on the State: The Transformation of Bulgaria after 1989.Ithaca, NY: Cornell <strong>University</strong> Press.Gordon, R., and W. Li. 2009. “Tax Structures in Developing Countries: Many Puzzlesand a Possible Explanation.” Journal of Public Economics 93 (7–8): 855–66.Gupta, A. S. 2007. “Determinants of Tax Revenue Efforts in Developing Countries.”IMF Working Paper 07/184, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC.Haggard, S. M., A. MacIntyre, and L. Tiede. 2008. “The Rule of Law and EconomicDevelopment.” Annual Review of Political Science 11 (1): 205–34.Haggard, S. M., and L. Tiede. 2011. “The Rule of Law and Economic Growth: WhereAre We?” World Development 39 (5): 673–85.Harris, D., M. Moore, and H. Schmitz. 2009. “Country Classifications for a ChangingWorld.” IDS Working Paper 326 (May), Institute of Development Studies,Brighton, United Kingdom.IMF (International Monetary Fund). 2011. “Revenue Mobilization in DevelopingCountries.” Policy Paper, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF, Washington, DC.Keefer, P., N. V. Loayza, and R. R. Soares. 2008. “The Development Impact of theIllegality of Drug Trade.” Policy Research Working Paper 4543, World Bank,Washington, DC.Keen, M., and B. Lockwood. 2010. “The Value Added Tax: Its Causes and Consequences.”Journal of Development Economics 92 (2): 138–51.Keen, M., and M. Mansour. 2010. “Revenue Mobilisation in Sub-Saharan Africa:Challenges from Globalisation II; Corporate Taxation.” Development PolicyReview 28 (5): 573–96.Langbein, L., and S. Knack. 2010. “The Worldwide Governance Indicators: Six, One,or None?” Journal of Development Studies 46 (2): 350–70.Maconachie, R., and G. Hilson. 2011. “Artisanal Gold Mining: A New Frontier inPost-Conflict Sierra Leone?” Journal of Development Studies 47 (4): 595–61.

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