draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

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306 Draining Development?———. 2007. “Update on the Renegotiation of the Mineral Development Agreementbetween Mittal Steel and the Government of Liberia.” Update, August,Global Witness, London.Greenpeace. 2008. “Logging Sector Review: Conning the Congo.” Report, July. http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/international/press/reports/conning-the-congo.<strong>pdf</strong>.HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs). 2010. “Measuring Tax Gaps 2009.” Report, March(revised), HMRC, London. http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/stats/measuring-tax-gaps.<strong>pdf</strong>.Huizinga, H. 2009. “Profit Shifting Activities in Europe.” Paper presented at the Taxationand Customs Union’s Brussels Tax Forum 2009, “Tax Systems in a ChangingWorld,” European Commission, Brussels, March 30–31. http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/resources/documents/taxation/gen_info/conferences/taxforum2009/pres_Huizinga.<strong>pdf</strong>.Kar, D., and D. Cartwright-Smith. 2008. “Illicit Financial Flows from DevelopingCountries, 2002–2006.” Global Financial Integrity, Washington, DC. http://www.gfip.org/storage/gfip/economist%20-%20final%20version%201-2-09.<strong>pdf</strong>.Keen, M., and M. Mansour. 2009. “Revenue Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa:Challenges from Globalization.” IMF Working Paper 09/157, InternationalMonetary Fund, Washington, DC.London Stock Exchange. 2010. “Market Statistics.” Main Market Fact Sheet, February,London Stock Exchange, London. http://www.londonstockexchange.com/statistics/historic/main-market/february-10.<strong>pdf</strong>.Murphy, R. 2007. “Ghana’s EITI: Delivering on the Promise? A Review of the FirstReport on the Aggregation/Reconciliation of Mining Benefits in Ghana.”Report, March, Tax Research LLP, Downham Market, U.K.———. 2008. “The Missing Billions: The UK Tax Gap.” Touchstone Pamphlet 1,Trades Union Congress, London.———. 2009a. “Country-by-Country Reporting: Holding Multinational Corporationsto Account Wherever They Are.” Report, June 17, Task Force on FinancialIntegrity and Economic Development, Washington, DC.———. 2009b. “The TIEA Programme Is Failing.” Richard Murphy on Tax and Economics,November 27, Tax Research UK, London. http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2009/11/27/the-tiea-programme-is-failing/.———. 2010a. “Tax Justice and Jobs: The Business Case for Investing in Staff at HMRevenue & Customs.” Report, March, Tax Research LLP, Downham Market,United Kingdom. http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Documents/PCSTaxGap.<strong>pdf</strong>.———. 2010b. “Where 4 Art Thou? A Geographic Study of the Big 4 Firms ofAccountants and the Implications of Their Location for Illicit Financial Flows.”Report, Tax Research LLP, Downham Market, U.K. http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Documents/Where4ArtThou.<strong>pdf</strong>.

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