draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

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186 Draining Development?with the criminal organization. Furthermore, the language barriers inthe host country are relatively greater for speakers of the many idioms ofChina than for Spanish-speaking immigrants.If a new immigrant cannot find a job independently, the connectionwith a criminal network remains strong. In such situations, the share ofthe payment made by the immigrant that is transferred to the sourcecountry is probably important. Indeed, the criminal organization mayhave reason to move its income as far as possible from the place wherethe criminal activity is ongoing. Another, more modest source of regularincome for criminal organizations is the assistance provided to illegalimmigrants in obtaining new identity papers or in gaining access tomedical services.Flows of money generated by human trafficking partly vanish in thehost country if they are one-time payments to acquire a specific, timelimitedservice. The more personal and specific the illegal service, themore expensive it is. It is also most probably rendered by a criminalorganization and not by an individual or small group. Additional paymentsare scheduled over time. The money ends up in the possessionof a more sophisticated criminal organization, and a good part of it isprobably channeled out of the host country and sheltered in the countryof origin of the criminal organization.Human Trafficking Is Also a BusinessHuman trafficking is not only driven by the desire of some inhabitantsof poor countries to emigrate to rich countries. The flow must be considered,in part, the creation of a demand in the rich countries. Furthermore,the illegal networks that engineer border crossings and organizethe related manpower-intensive criminal activities in rich countrieshave shown the ability to innovate. Motivated by the desire to increasetheir profits, they develop new products and services. Indeed, somecriminal organizations specialize in the production of criminal goodsand services.Criminal organizations are heterogeneous. Some have originated inthe source countries and undertake operations in host countries. Anexample is the Chinese Triads. The Salvadoran Maras or Mara Salvatrucha,in contrast, originated in the United States and then spread to the

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