draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

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182 Draining Development?Figure 6.1. Human Trafficking: Supply and DemandSupplyIndividuals supplying(with or without coercion)their work, bodies, or internal organsServicesMoneyServicesMoneySupplier of criminal servicesCorruption, administrative papers,border crossing, housing, running ofbordellos, or providing services to theX-rated movie industryServicesMoneyDemandClients for sex, illegal X-ratedmovies, slaves, or organs fortransplantsSource: Author compilation.The motivations of illegal migrantsAn act of free will may sometimes determine the decision to seek thehelp of smugglers to cross a border illegally, the use of coyotes (a smugglerof immigrants), for instance, at the Mexico–United States border(Spener 2009). In such cases, illegal immigrants momentarily place theirdestiny in the hands of the people who run a smuggling network andexpect to recover their freedom on the other side of the border. There isa demand on the part of the individual immigrant and a supply of servicesthrough a criminal network. The decision of the immigrants mayalso be forced if the prospective immigrants are recruited or abused bythe networks of smugglers and remain dependent on the networks oncethey have crossed the border. In this case, the individual becomes merchandise;the demand arises from those who want to import humanbeings, and the supply is provided by the network.

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