draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

draining development.pdf - Khazar University

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AcknowledgmentsThis project was initiated by Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whichprovided funding to the World Bank. Harald Tollan was the Ministry staffmember who oversaw the grant; he gave helpful guidance on the project atseveral critical points.At the World Bank, Rick Messick served as more than a project monitor.He was an active participant from beginning to end, helping identify authors,commenting on my ideas for topics and providing comments on my ownchapters. He also navigated the complexities of the World Bank procurementsystem to enable (all but one) conference participants to actually reachWashington on time, no mean achievement.Amir Farmanes, then a doctoral student at the School of Public Policy atthe <strong>University</strong> of Maryland served as project assistant and played a majorrole in organizing the September 2009 conference at which the first versionsof the papers were delivered.The discussants at the conference included: Odd-Helge Fjeldstad (ChristianMichelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway); Phil Keefer (World Bank); GracePérez-Navarro (OECD, Paris); Mick Keen (IMF); Richard Danziger (InternationalOrganization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland); Marijn Verhoeven(World Bank); Ted Moran (Georgetown <strong>University</strong>); Rob Weiner (Georgetown<strong>University</strong>); Dilip Ratha (World Bank); Robert Kudrle (U. Minnesota,Minneapolis); Sony Kapoor (Re-Define); Nicos Passas (Northeastern <strong>University</strong>);Victoria Greenfield (US Naval Academy); Gabriel DeMombynes(World Bank); Simon Pak (Pennsylvania State <strong>University</strong>, Great Valley); AlanCarter (HM Revenue and Custom, London); Jack Blum (Baker, Hostettler,Washington); Maxwell Nkole (former chief of Zambian Anti-Corruptionagency). Their comments materially helped strengthen the book. I am alsoxi

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