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The Political Economy of Controlling Tax Evasion and Illicit Flows 105Sánchez, O. 2006. “Tax System Reform in Latin America: Domestic and InternationalCauses.” Review of International Political Economy 13 (5): 772–801.———. 2009. “Tax Reform Paralysis in Post-Conflict Guatemala.” New PoliticalEconomy 14 (1): 101–31.Schneider, A. 2007. “Socioeconomic Change, Political Parties, and Tax Capacity:Structure, Agency, and Process in Central America.” Paper presented at theAmerican Political Science Association’s annual meeting, Chicago, August 30.Schneider, A., V. Lledo, and M. Moore. 2004. “Social Contracts, Fiscal Pacts and TaxReform in Latin America.” Unpublished working paper, Inter-American DevelopmentBank, Washington, DC.Schneider, B. 2001. “Measuring Capital Flight: Estimates and Interpretations.” Draftworking paper, Overseas Development Institute, London.Schneider, F. 2007. “Shadow Economies and Corruption All Over the World: NewEstimates for 145 Countries.” Economics E-Journal 1 (9): 1–66.Schneider, F., and D. H. Enste. 2000. “Shadow Economies: Size, Causes and Consequences.”Journal of Economic Literature 38 (1): 77–114.Shome, P. 1999. “Taxation in Latin America: Structural Trends and Impact of Administration.”IMF Working Paper 99/19, International Monetary Fund, Washington,DC.Silvani, C., and K. Baer. 1997. “Designing a Tax Administration Reform Strategy:Experiences and Guidelines.” IMF Working Paper 97/30, International MonetaryFund, Washington, DC.Slemrod, J., and J. M. Bakija. 1996. Taxing Ourselves: A Citizen’s Guide to the GreatDebate over Tax Reform. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Steinmo, S. 1993. Taxation and Democracy: Swedish, British, and American Approachesto Financing the Modern State. New Haven, CT: Yale <strong>University</strong> Press.Stewart, M., ed. 2007. “Tax Law and Political Institutions.” Special issue, Law in Context24 (2), Federation Press, Annandale NSW, Australia.Stotsky, J. G., and A. WoldeMariam. 1997. “Tax Effort in Sub-Saharan Africa.” IMFWorking Paper 97/107, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC.Tanzi, V. 2000. “Taxation in Latin America in the Last Decade.” Working Paper 76(December), Center for Research on Economic Development and PolicyReform, Stanford <strong>University</strong>, Stanford, CA.Tanzi, V., and P. Shome. 1993. “A Primer on Tax Evasion.” IMF Working Paper 93/21,International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC.Teera, J. M., and J. Hudson. 2004. “Tax Performance: A Comparative Study.” Journalof International Development 16 (6): 785–802.Tendler, J. 2002. “Small Firms, the Informal Sector, and the Devil’s Deal.” Bulletin ofthe Institute of Development Studies 33 (3): 3–33.Therkildsen, O. 2001. “Understanding Taxation in Poor African Countries: A CriticalReview of Selected Perspectives.” Forum for Development Studies 2001 28 (1):99–123.———. 2008. “Taxation and State Building with a (More) Human Face.” DIIS PolicyBrief (October), Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen.

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