Paleosols in clastic sedimentary rocks: their geologic applications

Paleosols in clastic sedimentary rocks: their geologic applications

Paleosols in clastic sedimentary rocks: their geologic applications

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Ž .Earth-Science Reviews 47 1999 41–70www.elsevier.comrlocaterearscirev<strong>Paleosols</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>clastic</strong> <strong>sedimentary</strong> <strong>rocks</strong>: <strong>their</strong> <strong>geologic</strong> <strong>applications</strong>Mary J. Kraus )Department of Geological Sciences, UniÕersity of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309-0399, USAReceived 22 July 1998; accepted 24 March 1999AbstractInterest <strong>in</strong> pre-Quaternary paleosols has <strong>in</strong>creased over the past decade, <strong>in</strong> large part, because they have proved to bebeneficial <strong>in</strong> solv<strong>in</strong>g diverse <strong>geologic</strong>al problems. The majority of paleosols are described from cont<strong>in</strong>ental deposits, mostcommonly from alluvial strata. Criteria for recogniz<strong>in</strong>g these paleosols have been extensively described; however,classify<strong>in</strong>g them has proved more complicated. Pre-Quaternary paleosols are generally classified accord<strong>in</strong>g to one or moremodern soil classification systems, although one new classification has been proposed exclusively for paleosols to avoidproblems us<strong>in</strong>g the modern soil classifications. In addition to taxonomic classification, paleosols can be categorizedaccord<strong>in</strong>g to the <strong>in</strong>terplay among deposition, erosion, and the rate of pedogenesis when they formed. <strong>Paleosols</strong> can besolitary if they formed dur<strong>in</strong>g a period of landscape stability follow<strong>in</strong>g the development of an unconformity. Such paleosolsare commonly thick and extremely well developed. More commonly, paleosols are vertically stacked or multistory becausethey formed <strong>in</strong> <strong>sedimentary</strong> systems undergo<strong>in</strong>g net aggradation. If erosion was <strong>in</strong>significant and sedimentation was rapidand unsteady, compound paleosols generally formed. If the rate of pedogenesis exceeded the rate of deposition, compositepaleosols developed. Thick, cumulative paleosols <strong>in</strong>dicate that erosion was <strong>in</strong>significant and that sedimentation wasrelatively steady. Both autogenic and allogenic processes can <strong>in</strong>fluence depositional and erosion patterns and, thus, affect thek<strong>in</strong>ds of soils that form. Consequently, paleosols can help to <strong>in</strong>terpret the history of sediment deposition and the autogenicand allogenic processes that <strong>in</strong>fluenced a <strong>sedimentary</strong> bas<strong>in</strong>. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are also helpful <strong>in</strong> stratigraphic studies, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gsequence stratigraphic analyses. They are used for stratigraphic correlations at the local and bas<strong>in</strong>al scale, and some workershave calculated sediment accumulation rates based on the degree of paleosol development. In addition to <strong>their</strong> stratigraphic<strong>applications</strong>, paleosols can be used to <strong>in</strong>terpret landscapes of the past by analyz<strong>in</strong>g paleosol–landscape associations atdifferent spatial scales, rang<strong>in</strong>g from local to bas<strong>in</strong>-wide <strong>in</strong> scope. At the local scale, lateral changes <strong>in</strong> paleosol propertiesare largely the result of variations <strong>in</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> size and topography. At the scale of the <strong>sedimentary</strong> bas<strong>in</strong>, paleosols <strong>in</strong> differentlocations differ because of bas<strong>in</strong>al variations <strong>in</strong> topography, gra<strong>in</strong> size, climate, and subsidence rate. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are used toreconstruct ancient climates, even to estimate ancient mean annual precipitation Ž MAP.and mean annual temperatureŽ MAT .. Ancient climatic conditions can be <strong>in</strong>terpreted from modern soil analogs or by identify<strong>in</strong>g particular pedogenicproperties that modern studies show to have climatic significance. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes are also used to<strong>in</strong>terpret ancient climate, and some effort has been made to estimate MAT from isotopic composition. On the basis of) Tel.: q1-303-492-7251; Fax: q1-303-492-2606; E-mail: mary.kraus@colorado.edu0012-8252r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Ž .PII: S0012-8252 99 00026-4

42( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70modern soil analogs, paleo-precipitation has been estimated from the depth at which calcic horizons orig<strong>in</strong>ally formed.F<strong>in</strong>ally, paleosol carbonates have been used to estimate ancient atmospheric CO2values. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. Allrights reserved.Keywords: paleosols; <strong>clastic</strong> <strong>rocks</strong>; paleoclimatology; lithostratigraphy; terrestrial environment1. IntroductionA paleosol or fossil soil is a soil that formed on alandscape of the past. Soils form because of thephysical, biological, and chemical modification ofsediment or rock exposed at the earth surface. Mostpaleosols are found <strong>in</strong> <strong>sedimentary</strong> <strong>rocks</strong>, and, althoughfirst studied <strong>in</strong> the Quaternary record, theyare now commonly recognized <strong>in</strong> strata as old asPrecambrian. Soils and paleosols can form becauseof lengthy episodes of landscape stability, <strong>in</strong> whichcase they may eventually mark a stratigraphic diastemor unconformity; they can also form <strong>in</strong> terrestrialdepositional systems that are aggrad<strong>in</strong>g as longas the rate of sedimentation does not overwhelm therate of pedogenesis. Soils and paleosols thus reflect acomplex <strong>in</strong>terplay among sedimentation, erosion, andnon-deposition.<strong>Paleosols</strong> have been described from a variety ofcont<strong>in</strong>ental depositional sett<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g eolianŽ e.g., Soreghan et al., 1997 ., palustr<strong>in</strong>e Že.g., Tandonet al., 1995; Wright and Platt, 1995; Tandon andGibl<strong>in</strong>g, 1997 ., and deltaic Že.g., Fastovsky and Mc-Sweeney, 1987; Arndorff, 1993 .. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are alsofound <strong>in</strong> marg<strong>in</strong>al mar<strong>in</strong>e strata ŽLander et al., 1991;Wright, 1994.and can appear <strong>in</strong> mar<strong>in</strong>e strata ifsea-level fell to expose mar<strong>in</strong>e sediment Že.g., Drieseet al., 1994; Webb, 1994 .. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are most commonlydescribed from the alluvial record; consequently,they provide many of the examples discussed<strong>in</strong> this paper. To constra<strong>in</strong> the scope of thisreview article, discussion centers on, but is not limitedto, paleosols that formed <strong>in</strong> <strong>clastic</strong> <strong>sedimentary</strong>successions that are Phanerozoic but pre-Quaternary<strong>in</strong> age. Furthermore, because paleosol studies expandeddur<strong>in</strong>g the 1990’s <strong>in</strong> terms of <strong>their</strong> number,sophistication, and k<strong>in</strong>ds of <strong>geologic</strong> <strong>applications</strong>,most of the examples discussed here are taken fromthese recent <strong>in</strong>vestigations.The current <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> pre-Quaternary paleosolshas arisen because paleosols have proven remarkablyuseful for exam<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g an array of <strong>geologic</strong>al problems,and the major goal of this paper is to exam<strong>in</strong>esome of the excit<strong>in</strong>g areas of <strong>geologic</strong>al research thatbenefit from analysis of paleosols. First, depositionis central to the development of <strong>sedimentary</strong> paleosols,and processes that control the rate and cont<strong>in</strong>uityof sediment accumulation <strong>in</strong>fluence the degree ofpedogenic development. Consequently, paleosols canhelp to <strong>in</strong>terpret the history of sediment depositionand the allogenic processes that <strong>in</strong>fluenced the <strong>sedimentary</strong>bas<strong>in</strong>. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are also used <strong>in</strong> stratigraphicanalyses, and one of <strong>their</strong> more recent <strong>applications</strong>is to sequence stratigraphy. Some workershave also used paleosols to calculate short-term sedimentaccumulation rates, both qualitatively andquantitatively.Other <strong>geologic</strong> <strong>applications</strong> of paleosols rangefrom landscape reconstruction to paleoclimatic studies.<strong>Paleosols</strong> provide detailed <strong>in</strong>sight <strong>in</strong>to ancientlandscapes and landscape evolution because the spatialdistribution of different paleosols reflects theparticular landforms on which they formed and thegeomorphic processes operat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the ancient landscape.The paleoclimatic importance of paleosolsstems from studies of Quaternary soil development,which have shown that some pedogenic features canbe quantitatively related to soil-form<strong>in</strong>g factors suchas climate. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are be<strong>in</strong>g used not only to<strong>in</strong>terpret ancient climatic regimes but, <strong>in</strong> some cases,to estimate paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature.<strong>Paleosols</strong> are also prov<strong>in</strong>g helpful <strong>in</strong> betterunderstand<strong>in</strong>g the composition of the ancient atmosphereand atmospheric changes over <strong>geologic</strong> time.F<strong>in</strong>ally, paleosols have importance for study<strong>in</strong>g theadvent and evolution of terrestrial plants and animals.Because criteria for recogniz<strong>in</strong>g paleosols and fordist<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g pedogenesis from diagenesis have beendescribed <strong>in</strong> detail, the reader is referred to thosesources Že.g., Retallack, 1991, 1997b; Wright, 1992a;Pimentel et al., 1996.rather than provid<strong>in</strong>g a synopsishere. One of the noteworthy advances of the lastdecade is that paleosols are <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly recognized

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 43<strong>in</strong> cores based on various morphological and geochemicalfeatures Že.g., Leckie et al., 1989; Lander etal., 1991; Platt and Keller, 1992; Caudill et al.,1997 .. <strong>Paleosols</strong> even have been identified on thebasis of wirel<strong>in</strong>e log signatures although this approachis difficult Ž Ye, 1995 .. Classify<strong>in</strong>g paleosolshas received far less attention than recogniz<strong>in</strong>g them,and this paper beg<strong>in</strong>s by discuss<strong>in</strong>g the classificationscommonly used for paleosols and the strengthsand weaknesses of these classifications.2. Classify<strong>in</strong>g paleosolsMost paleosol workers use one or more modernclassification systems <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g United States SoilTaxonomy Ž Soil Survey Staff, 1975, 1998.and theFAO Ž 1974.classification. The classification ofDuchaufour Ž 1982. has been used by some Že.g.,Besly and Field<strong>in</strong>g, 1989; Kraus, 1997 .. One classification,that of Mack et al. Ž 1993 ., is specific topaleosols, although it is based on modern soil classifications.The U.S. classification and the FAO classificationare taxonomic systems that use profile characteristicsto classify the soils. The U.S. system relies ondiagnostic horizons that are identified on the basis ofproperties such as texture, color, amount of organicmatter, presence of particular m<strong>in</strong>erals, cation exchangecapacity, and pH. The FAO classificationresembles the U.S. system <strong>in</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g diagnostic horizons;however, as Duchaufour Ž 1982.po<strong>in</strong>ted out,the FAO system is less complicated. Furthermore, itrecognizes hydromorphic soils as a major group, theGleysols, whereas soil saturation is only consideredat the sub-order level <strong>in</strong> the U.S. system Ž Table 1 ..This difference is important with paleosol classificationbecause floodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosols are common and,like <strong>their</strong> modern counterparts, many are hydromorphicŽe.g., Fastovsky and McSweeney, 1987; Beslyand Field<strong>in</strong>g, 1989; Arndorff, 1993; Kraus and Aslan,1993 .. Duchaufour also argued that the U.S. andFAO systems suffer by not consider<strong>in</strong>g the soilenvironment more heavily. He proposed an environmentalclassification <strong>in</strong> which soil properties areconsidered <strong>in</strong> terms of the particular processes of soilformation that operate under particular environmentalconditions. Although this classification uses thediagnostic horizons found <strong>in</strong> the U.S. and FAOTable 1Comparison of the Mack et al. Ž 1993.classification of paleosolsand Soil Taxonomy Ž Soil Survey Staff, 1975, 1998 .. Some groups<strong>in</strong> the Mack classification have equivalents <strong>in</strong> Soil Taxonomy;others, such as Calcisols and Gypisols, do not. The DuchaufourŽ 1982.classification is also shown but not compared to the othertwoMack et al. Soil survey DuchaufourstaffProtosol Entisol I. Slightly developed soilsInceptisolVertisol Vertisol II. Desaturated humic soilsHistosol Histosol III. Calcimagnesian soilsGleysol not a great IV. Isohumic Ž steppe.soilsorderExcluded Andisol V. VertisolsOxisol Oxisol VI. Brunified soilsSpodosol Spodosol VII. Podzolised soilsArgillisol Alfisol VIII. Hydromorphic soilsUltisolCalcisol no direct IX. Ferisiallitic soilsequivalentGypisol no direct X. Ferrug<strong>in</strong>ous soilsequivalentNo direct Aridisol XI. Ferrallitic soilsequivalentExcluded Mollisol XII. Salsodic soilsNo direct Gelisolsequivalentsystems, it differs from those <strong>in</strong> that it emphasizesthat classification cannot rely on <strong>in</strong>dividual horizons.Rather, all the horizons <strong>in</strong> a particular paleosol aregenetically related and must be used together <strong>in</strong>classification. The Duchaufour classification is <strong>in</strong>terpretative<strong>in</strong> that the attributes of the soil horizons areused to <strong>in</strong>terpret the processes and environmentalconditions of soil formation. The processes are thenused to classify the soil. For example, his Division IIsoils are characterized by the formation of sesquioxides.With<strong>in</strong> this division, the k<strong>in</strong>d of weather<strong>in</strong>g andthe degree of weather<strong>in</strong>g serve to dist<strong>in</strong>guish threeclasses: Fersiallitic soils, Ferrug<strong>in</strong>uous soils, andFerrallitic soils Ž Table 1 ..One drawback to us<strong>in</strong>g the U.S. or FAO systemsis <strong>their</strong> dependence on soil properties, such as cationexchange capacity or amount of organic matter, thatare not preserved <strong>in</strong> paleosols. Modern classificationsalso rely on knowledge of the climatic conditionsunder which a soil formed. Primarily becauseŽ .of these problems, Mack et al. 1993 proposed a

44( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70classification just for paleosols. This system relies onthe presence of stable m<strong>in</strong>erals and morphologicalproperties that tend to be preserved as a soil istransformed to a paleosol. Some of the major soilgroups <strong>in</strong> the Mack classification are identical tothose <strong>in</strong> U.S. classification Ž Table 1 .. Some categories<strong>in</strong> the U.S. scheme were excluded because ofdifficulties <strong>in</strong> recogniz<strong>in</strong>g them <strong>in</strong> the ancient record.For example Aridisols were excluded because thistaxonomic class relies on knowledge of the soilmoisture regime. Several new categories were proposed,some of which have approximate equivalents<strong>in</strong> the U.S. scheme Ž e.g., Protosol .. Others, such asCalcisols, which are dist<strong>in</strong>guished on the basis of acalcic horizon, have no direct equivalent. Gelisolswere added to Soil Taxonomy after development ofthe Mack et al. classification ŽSoil Survey Staff,1998 .. These are soils that have permafrost with<strong>in</strong> aparticular depth or have gelic materials, which arethe result of cryopedogenic processes.The Mack et al. Ž 1993.system has been receivedwith some favor because it is designed for fieldidentification of paleosols and because it makes paleosolclassification more objective and simpler and,thus, achievable to a broader group of geologists.Despite these advantages, the system has flaws,which Retallack Ž 1993.outl<strong>in</strong>ed. One concern isthat, because of its restriction to paleosols, the use ofthis classification will weaken the communicationbetween soil scientists and paleopedologists. A secondconcern is that, because paleopedologists rely onmodern soil analogs to <strong>in</strong>terpret ancient environmentalconditions, the environmental value of paleosolswill be dim<strong>in</strong>ished by a classification that is specificto paleosols.Why classify paleosols? In general, scientificclassifications serve to organize <strong>in</strong>formation and tofoster effective communication about a particularsubject. Classifications also provide guidel<strong>in</strong>es forfuture studies <strong>in</strong> a particular subject by emphasiz<strong>in</strong>gwhat factors or properties are important. With paleosols,we want a classification system or systemsthat accomplish these goals. But, because paleosolsare studied <strong>in</strong> order to help <strong>in</strong>terpret past conditionsand events <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g climates, depositional conditions,and paleoecological changes, Retallack Ž 1993.is right that the classification must be firmly tied tomodern soil systems. The U.S. and FAO classificationsdo have drawbacks for paleosol classification,primarily the fact that these are taxonomic classificationsthat rely on too many features that are commonlyabsent <strong>in</strong> the ancient record. In many ways,the Duchaufour Ž 1982.classification is more easilyapplied to paleosols because of its focus on processrather than modern soil properties. Morphologicaland geochemical properties that are preserved <strong>in</strong> therock record are usually sufficient to determ<strong>in</strong>e thesoil form<strong>in</strong>g processes that occurred and then toclassify the paleosol. Another advantage of theDuchaufour classification is that it recognizes soil<strong>in</strong>tergrades, which are soils that occur between twoclasses. For many paleopedologists, the major deterrentto us<strong>in</strong>g the Duchaufour classification is probablythat many of the soil categories are so dissimilarfrom the commonly used U.S. categories and thenames themselves are so different Ž Table 1 .. Yet, if aresearcher can get beyond the unfamiliar term<strong>in</strong>ology,the process-oriented approach of this systemcan be effective for classify<strong>in</strong>g paleosols.3. <strong>Paleosols</strong> and timeThe k<strong>in</strong>d of paleosol that forms <strong>in</strong> the <strong>sedimentary</strong>record depends on how rapidly the sedimentaccumulated, whether that accumulation was steadyor discont<strong>in</strong>uous, and, if pauses occurred, <strong>their</strong> duration.Sediment accumulation varies through time,produc<strong>in</strong>g different k<strong>in</strong>ds of paleosols upwardthrough a vertical succession Ž Fig. 1 .. Sedimentarypaleosols form a cont<strong>in</strong>uum, at one end of which aremultiple paleosols, which formed <strong>in</strong> relatively thickand conformable stratigraphic successions becauseaggradation was relatively cont<strong>in</strong>uous Ž Fig. 1B .. Butvarious autogenic processes Žthose that are <strong>in</strong>herentto the depositional system.and allogenic processesŽ those that are external to the depositional system.produce episodes of landscape stability or erosion.Depend<strong>in</strong>g on the particular process and the timescaleover which it operated, stratigraphic gaps ofvarious magnitudes Že.g., diastems and unconformities.will develop <strong>in</strong> the stratigraphic succession.Many of these surfaces will be marked by thick andvery strongly developed paleosols, which are theother end member <strong>in</strong> the paleosol cont<strong>in</strong>uum ŽFig.1A .. The follow<strong>in</strong>g sections provide a more detailed

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 45Fig. 1. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g the range of paleosols that can form <strong>in</strong> a thick vertical section depend<strong>in</strong>g on whether sedimentaccumulation was steady or discont<strong>in</strong>uous, and, if pauses occurred, <strong>their</strong> duration. Ž A.A thick and strongly weathered paleosol formed on anunconformable surface because of a lengthy period of landscape stability and soil development. Ž B.A thick sequence of multiple paleosolsformed on floodpla<strong>in</strong> deposits because erosion was <strong>in</strong>significant and sedimentation was steady. Ž C.A moderately long pause <strong>in</strong>sedimentation related to valley <strong>in</strong>cision produced a paleosol that is more strongly developed than the multiple paleosols but not as <strong>in</strong>tenselyweathered as the paleosol at the unconformity. This paleosol has partly overlapped one of the underly<strong>in</strong>g multiple paleosols.description of paleosols of different temporal magnitudesand the processes by which they form.3.1. <strong>Paleosols</strong> <strong>in</strong> aggradational systems<strong>Paleosols</strong> can be classified accord<strong>in</strong>g to the balancebetween sediment accumulation and the rate ofpedogenesis Že.g., Morrison, 1978; Marriott andWright, 1993; Wright and Marriott, 1996.Ž Fig. 2 .. Iferosion is <strong>in</strong>significant and sedimentation is rapidand unsteady, compound paleosols usually form ŽFig.2A .. These are weakly developed, vertically stackedprofiles that are separated by m<strong>in</strong>imally weatheredsediment. If the rate of pedogenesis exceeds the rateof deposition, vertically successive profiles maypartly overlap, giv<strong>in</strong>g rise to composite paleosols. Incontrast, if erosion is <strong>in</strong>significant and sedimentationis steady, thick cumulative soils can form Ž Fig. 2B ..

46( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Fig. 2. Vertical profiles of sediments and soils Ž paleosols. reflect<strong>in</strong>g vary<strong>in</strong>g rates of pedogenesis and sedimentation for Ž A.non-steady andŽ B. steady depositional conditions. In Ž C ., sedimentation was <strong>in</strong>terrupted by a period of erosion. Compound paleosols are likely whensedimentation is non-steady. Weakly developed cumulative profiles form when sedimentation is steady but rapid; better developedcumulative profiles form when sedimentation rates are slow relative to rates of pedogenesis. With erosion, a scour surface either separatestwo dist<strong>in</strong>ct paleosols or is <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong>to the paleosol. See text for more details. Agsgleyed A horizon; Bgsgleyed B horizon;BwsB horizon show<strong>in</strong>g color or structure development but little if any illuvial accumulation; BtsB horizon show<strong>in</strong>g accumulation ofclays; Btjs<strong>in</strong>cipient development of a Bt horizon; Cgsgleyed C horizon Žafter Morrison, 1978; Bown and Kraus, 1981; Marriott andWright, 1993 ..

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 47These profiles reflect the deposition of successive,th<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>crements of sediment accompanied by pedogenesis.Us<strong>in</strong>g fluvial systems as an example, channeldeposits may show little evidence of pedogenesis ormay conta<strong>in</strong> compound soils because sedimentationis so rapid Že.g., Marriott and Wright, 1993; Krausand Aslan, 1999 .. As the channel migrates laterallyover time, composite or well-expressed soils with Bthorizons may form <strong>in</strong> the upper deposits. Overbankdeposition is usually steady but slow, commonly onthe order of 1–10 mmryear Že.g., Wall<strong>in</strong>g et al.,1992 ., and overbank deposits tend to th<strong>in</strong> and decrease<strong>in</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> size away from the active channelŽ Guccione, 1993; Marriott, 1996 .. As a result, compoundsoils with weakly expressed profiles tend toform on natural levees Ž Fig. 3A ., whereas cumulativeprofiles develop <strong>in</strong> floodbas<strong>in</strong> areas distal to theactive channel Ž Fig. 3B .. Compound soils can alsoform <strong>in</strong> crevasse deposits because of rapid and unsteadydeposition Ž Fig. 3C ..Autogenic and allogenic processes that operateŽ3 4over <strong>in</strong>termediate time-scales 10 to 10 years.canproduce relatively lengthy pauses <strong>in</strong> deposition aswell as local erosion, both of which can <strong>in</strong>fluencesoil development. An example of the effects of anautogenic mechanism is provided by avulsion <strong>in</strong> afluvial system. By caus<strong>in</strong>g channels to shift <strong>their</strong>positions on the floodpla<strong>in</strong>, avulsion can term<strong>in</strong>atesedimentation on a particular part of the floodpla<strong>in</strong>for periods of time that are probably on the order of310 years, which is the periodicity of avulsion Že.g.,Bridge and Leeder, 1979 .. A well-developed paleosolcan form <strong>in</strong> floodpla<strong>in</strong> areas cut off from sedimentationby this autogenic process. In the PaleogeneWillwood Formation, episodic avulsions haveproduced stratigraphic <strong>in</strong>tervals that are meters thickand that have two k<strong>in</strong>ds of paleosols: Ž. 1 relativelywell developed cumulative paleosols, which formedon floodbas<strong>in</strong> deposits and Ž. 2 very weakly developedcompound or cumulative paleosols, whichformed on the sediment deposited by the avulsion ofthe trunk channel ŽKraus and Aslan, 1993; Kraus,1996; Kraus and Gw<strong>in</strong>n, 1997.Ž Fig. 3B .. Verticalpaleosol sequences show alternations of the weaklydeveloped and more strongly developed paleosols,and no allogenic controls need be <strong>in</strong>voked to generatesuch an alternation.Turn<strong>in</strong>g to extr<strong>in</strong>sic mechanisms, climatic changescan also <strong>in</strong>fluence soil development at an <strong>in</strong>termediatetime scale by <strong>in</strong>itiat<strong>in</strong>g and term<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g sedimentation.Many Quaternary loess successions show avertical alternation between pedogenically-unmodifiedsediment and relatively well developed paleosolsŽe.g., Kukla and An, 1989; Frakes and Sun,1994; Pecsi, 1995 .. In fact, these alternations providea loess-paleosol stratigraphy Ž e.g., Pecsi, 1995 .. Thepaleosols are believed to have formed dur<strong>in</strong>g periodsof reduced sediment <strong>in</strong>put associated with more humidclimates Ž Fig. 4 .. Dur<strong>in</strong>g drier times, sediment<strong>in</strong>put overwhelmed pedogenesis, and no soil formed.Although few pre-Quaternary examples of loessiteand loess-paleosols have been described, an exceptionis provided by Soreghan et al. Ž 1997.whoobserved alternations between paleosols and unmodifiedloessite horizons <strong>in</strong> the Late Paleozoic MaroonFormation. In this example, the paleosols show significantlyhigher magnetic susceptibilities than dothe loessite horizons, which aids <strong>in</strong> <strong>their</strong> recognition.As with the Quaternary cases, the paleosols werel<strong>in</strong>ked to more humid climatic conditions and theunaltered loessite layers to drier climates Ž Fig. 4 ..Although some processes merely halt sedimentation,other <strong>in</strong>termediate-scale mechanisms cause <strong>in</strong>cision.Mechanisms like climate change can producetruncated soil profiles due to erosion of the upperpart of a develop<strong>in</strong>g soil Že.g., Marriott and Wright,1993.Ž Fig. 2C .. In the <strong>sedimentary</strong> record, episodesof truncation are eventually followed by renewedsedimentation. If that sedimentation is slow andsteady, a cumulative-truncated profile can result;however, if sedimentation is so rapid that the truncatedsoil becomes buried, a compound-truncated orcomposite-truncated set can develop ŽMarriott andWright, 1993 .. In the former, the truncated paleosolis separated by unweathered sediment from an overly<strong>in</strong>gpaleosol; <strong>in</strong> the latter, the older, truncatedpaleosol and the younger paleosol partially overlap.In a study of upper Silurian and lower Devonianpaleosols, Marriott and Wright showed how thesedifferent k<strong>in</strong>ds of paleosols can be used to understandthe complex processes that operate <strong>in</strong> ancientfluvial systems. They compared and contrasted twostratigraphic sections, one dom<strong>in</strong>ated by cumulativepaleosols and one with numerous truncated paleosols.They <strong>in</strong>ferred that the first section had a stable

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( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 49floodpla<strong>in</strong> that underwent slow but relatively cont<strong>in</strong>uousdeposition. The other section had an unstablefloodpla<strong>in</strong> subject to periods of erosion, which mighthave been triggered by changes <strong>in</strong> climatic conditionsor vegetation cover.In fluvial systems, climatic change can also causefloodpla<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>cision and terrace development. Althoughcommon <strong>in</strong> Quaternary fluvial systems, pre-Quaternary <strong>in</strong>cised floodpla<strong>in</strong>s and terraces are often<strong>in</strong>ferred, rather than directly observed Že.g., Wright,1992b .. This is presumably a problem of scale.Many outcrops are probably too laterally restrictedto allow large cut-and-fill features to be recognized.<strong>Paleosols</strong> may be especially useful for recogniz<strong>in</strong>gancient episodes of <strong>in</strong>cision and terrac<strong>in</strong>gŽ Figs. 1C and 3D .. For example, <strong>in</strong> a study ofEocene–Oligocene alluvial paleosols, BestlandŽ 1997.recognized several episodes of terrace formation,because each is marked by a strongly developedpaleosol <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g lengthy pauses <strong>in</strong> sedimentation.As discussed <strong>in</strong> a later section, paleosols are also ofvalue for recogniz<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>cised valleys and terracesthat resulted from eustatic changes.F<strong>in</strong>ally, Retallack Ž 1998.has recognized sawtoothpatterns of development <strong>in</strong> sequences of paleosols.The paleosols <strong>in</strong> the sequence show a gradual upward<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> <strong>their</strong> degree of development until amajor decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> development occurs. He provides anexcellent discussion of the mechanisms that couldproduce this k<strong>in</strong>d of pattern <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g: tectonic activity,sea-level fluctuations, and climatic changes.3.2. <strong>Paleosols</strong> associated with unconformitiesUnconformities usually represent significant hiatusesthat may last millions or even tens of millionsof years. They form when a period of landscapedegradation andror an episode of landscape stabilityis followed by sediment deposition. At least someperiod of landscape stability is needed for a soil todevelop on the unconformable surface. In some examples,paleosols mark<strong>in</strong>g regional unconformitiesare exceptionally thick and well developed, <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>glengthy periods of soil development and landscapestability Ž Fig. 1A .. For example, a PaleogeneOxisol described by Abbott et al. Ž 1976.is 30 mthick and this profile thickness was regarded as am<strong>in</strong>imum because the upper contact is an erosionalsurface.The formation of unconformities is controlled byallogenic factors such as sea level fluctuations, globalor regional climate change, and regional tectonics,processes that <strong>in</strong>fluence geomorphic systems over5 7time <strong>in</strong>tervals of 10 –10 years Že.g., Summerfield,1991 .. For example, the thick Paleogene paleosoldescribed above formed on a tectonically-generatedunconformable surface Ž Abbott et al., 1976 ., andDriese et al. Ž 1994. and Webb Ž 1994.documentedpaleosols that mark unconformities developed onlimestones exposed dur<strong>in</strong>g regressions <strong>in</strong> the LatePaleozoic. Although Driese et al. found that thesubsequent transgression partially eroded the soilthat developed, enough was preserved to dist<strong>in</strong>guishthe unconformity. As described <strong>in</strong> a later section,paleosols are be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly used to identifysequence boundaries and to subdivide a particularstratigraphic succession <strong>in</strong>to sequences.Unconformities are commonly regional <strong>in</strong> scale,and they can be highly irregular surfaces along whichthe amount of miss<strong>in</strong>g time varies considerably Že.g.,Wheeler, 1958 .. Consequently, the paleosol associatedwith an unconformity can show lateral changeson a regional scale, and those changes can be used to<strong>in</strong>terpret lateral variations <strong>in</strong> topography and miss<strong>in</strong>gFig. 3. Ž A.Levee deposits with weakly developed paleosols. Although the rock shows redden<strong>in</strong>g and root traces, relict bedd<strong>in</strong>g is apparentand <strong>in</strong>dicates that sedimentation was so rapid that the parent material did not undergo mix<strong>in</strong>g or homogenization. Lens cap at top of photo is6 cm <strong>in</strong> diameter. Ž B. Alternations of strongly developed cumulative paleosols Ž S. and weakly developed compound paleosols Ž W .. Thecumulative paleosols are dist<strong>in</strong>guished by gray A horizons overly<strong>in</strong>g thick red B horizons; they formed on floodbas<strong>in</strong> deposits. The weakpaleosols have pale colors and formed on what Kraus Ž 1996.<strong>in</strong>terpreted to be avulsion deposits. Ridge conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the paleosols is 18 mhigh. Ž C.Two vertically stacked compound paleosols formed on what are <strong>in</strong>terpreted as distal crevasse splay deposits. The paleosols showredden<strong>in</strong>g but are separated by rock that shows little pedogenic modification and is represented by white bands. The upper compoundpaleosol Ž orange and underly<strong>in</strong>g white band. is 47 cm thick and the lower is 50 cm thick. Ž D.Floodpla<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>cision. Well-developed redpaleosols have been scoured and the scour filled with more weakly developed grayish paleosols. The scour cuts approximately 10 m down<strong>in</strong>to the red paleosols. All examples from the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Bas<strong>in</strong>, Wyom<strong>in</strong>g.

50( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Fig. 4. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g succession of steps that produce alternations of unmodified loess and paleosols <strong>in</strong> thick sequences ofloessite. Formation of the paleosols has been attributed to reduced sediment <strong>in</strong>put related to more humid climates. Dur<strong>in</strong>g drier periods,sediment <strong>in</strong>put is sufficient to <strong>in</strong>hibit pedogenic development.time along the ancient landscape. A good example,described by Joeckel Ž 1995 ., is a Pennsylvanianpaleosol that changes laterally from a thick andwell-developed profile to a th<strong>in</strong>ner profile withweaker pedogenic development. Joeckel used thepaleosol changes to understand topographic variationsand differences <strong>in</strong> exposure time across thePennsylvanian landscape.3.3. Stratigraphic analysisRecogniz<strong>in</strong>g that many <strong>in</strong>dividual paleosols aremorphologically dist<strong>in</strong>ctive and are really extensive,Quaternary geologists have long used them as stratigraphicmarkers for subdivid<strong>in</strong>g Quaternary depositsand for local and regional correlations Že.g., Rich-mond, 1962; Morrison, 1967; Pecsi, 1995 .. Althoughgeologists work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Tertiary and older <strong>rocks</strong> alsohave a relatively long record of us<strong>in</strong>g paleosols tosolve stratigraphic relationships, prior to about 1980,the focus was on the stratigraphic significance ofstrongly developed paleosols that marked unconformitiesŽe.g., Ritzma, 1955; Schultz et al., 1955;Abbott et al., 1976 .. More recent studies demonstratethe utility of paleosols for subdivid<strong>in</strong>g thick cont<strong>in</strong>entalsuccessions <strong>in</strong>to genetic sequences and solv<strong>in</strong>glocal and even global correlation problems. Theyalso show that pedogenic carbonates are a potentiallyimportant new means of absolute dat<strong>in</strong>g cont<strong>in</strong>ental<strong>rocks</strong> and that floodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosols can be a usefulcomponent of sequence stratigraphic models and fieldstudies.

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 51The Bozeman Group is a thick cont<strong>in</strong>ental succession<strong>in</strong> MT, USA, which spans the Cenozoic. Hannemanand Wideman Ž 1991.and Hanneman et al.Ž 1994.showed that problems with the stratigraphicrelations of this group could be clarified us<strong>in</strong>g calcretesto delimit bas<strong>in</strong>-wide unconformities and thusto subdivide the succession <strong>in</strong>to five sequences. Ofparticular <strong>in</strong>terest is that Hanneman et al. Ž 1994.<strong>in</strong>tegrated surface <strong>geologic</strong>, seismic, and well logdata and showed that the calcretes produced brightseismic reflections that could be traced <strong>in</strong> the subsurface.This study not only highlights the potential ofpaleosols for solv<strong>in</strong>g stratigraphic problems, but alsoshows that, <strong>in</strong> some cases, paleosols can be recognized<strong>in</strong> the subsurface us<strong>in</strong>g data other than coredata and the paleosols can then be used for regionalcorrelations. Similarly, Ye Ž 1995.used paleosols tocorrelate Miocene strata <strong>in</strong> the subsurface and toconstra<strong>in</strong> the position of a petroleum reservoir. Thepaleosols were identified <strong>in</strong> cores primarily on thebasis of color, the presence of roots and calcretenodules, and m<strong>in</strong>eralogy. Although Ye was also ableto use log characteristics to dist<strong>in</strong>guish paleosolsfrom rock that was not pedogenically modified, <strong>in</strong>contrast to Hanneman et al., he found it very difficultto identify, and thus correlate, <strong>in</strong>dividual paleosolsfrom log characteristics alone.Go<strong>in</strong>g beyond local or regional correlation us<strong>in</strong>gpaleosols, a study by Koch et al. Ž 1992.showed thatsome paleosols have the potential to make globalcorrelations. A sharp decrease <strong>in</strong> the 13 Cr 12 C ratiosof biogenic mar<strong>in</strong>e carbonates has been well documentedat approximately the PaleocenerEoceneboundary and has been attributed to global mar<strong>in</strong>ewarm<strong>in</strong>g Že.g., Shackleton, 1986; Zachos et al.,1993 .. Koch et al. were able to use pedogenic carbonatesto identify this sharp isotopic change <strong>in</strong>Paleogene alluvial <strong>rocks</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Bighorn Bas<strong>in</strong> ofWyom<strong>in</strong>g and, thus, to correlate the cont<strong>in</strong>entalrecord to the mar<strong>in</strong>e isotopic record. Through thiscorrelation, they showed that the PrE boundary <strong>in</strong>the mar<strong>in</strong>e record corresponds to a particular biostratigraphicboundary <strong>in</strong> the Bighorn Bas<strong>in</strong> and werethen able to relate changes <strong>in</strong> mammalian faunas atthis boundary to global climate change.As anyone work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the stratigraphic record isaware, direct absolute dat<strong>in</strong>g of the <strong>sedimentary</strong>record is difficult. Yet, recent work <strong>in</strong>dicates thatUrPb dat<strong>in</strong>g of pedogenic carbonates offers a newapproach to obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g absolute dates for cont<strong>in</strong>ental<strong>rocks</strong> Ž Rasbury et al., 1998 .. Those authors estimatedthe U–Pb ages of pedogenic carbonates from Pennsylvanian–Permianstrata. Because they argued thatthose strata were deposited rapidly and show noevidence of later diagenetic modification, they concludedthat the time of formation of the calcretes is aproxy for the time of deposition of the strata thatenclose them. This technique is potentially powerfulbecause pedogenic carbonates are found <strong>in</strong> numerousstratigraphic successions throughout the Phanerozoic.F<strong>in</strong>ally, various authors have emphasized the sequencestratigraphic importance of paleosols, bothfrom a model<strong>in</strong>g approach Že.g., Wright and Marriott,1993.and, more commonly, through field studiesŽe.g., Aitken and Fl<strong>in</strong>t, 1996; McCarthy andPl<strong>in</strong>t, 1998 .. Wright and Marriott Ž 1993.developed amodel that predicts how the degree of pedogenicmaturity and soil dra<strong>in</strong>age of coastal pla<strong>in</strong> paleosolsvaries at different times <strong>in</strong> the sea level cycle. Theirmodel suggests that, dur<strong>in</strong>g sea-level lowstands, matureand well-dra<strong>in</strong>ed soils should form on terracesthat are produced by channel <strong>in</strong>cision because thewater table drops and the floodpla<strong>in</strong>s receive nosediment Ž Fig. 5 .. When sea level first beg<strong>in</strong>s to rise,hydromorphic soils develop because baselevel is ris<strong>in</strong>g.As sea level cont<strong>in</strong>ues to rise, accommodationspace is created and floodpla<strong>in</strong> sedimentation is rapid,lead<strong>in</strong>g to weakly developed paleosols. Later, dur<strong>in</strong>gearly highstand, the rate of aggradation beg<strong>in</strong>s todecrease and more strongly developed soils shouldform. F<strong>in</strong>ally, when highstand is fully achieved,accommodation space is low. Mature soils form;however, <strong>their</strong> preservation potential is probably lowbecause aggradation rates are so low that sedimentrework<strong>in</strong>g by channel comb<strong>in</strong>g is <strong>in</strong>tense.A key feature of the Wright and Marriott model isthat, contrary to other models of sequence stratigraphy,it predicts that the highest rates of aggradationare characteristic of the transgressive systems tractŽ TST ., and that, because of low accommodationspace, the highstand systems tract Ž HST.had lowrates of aggradation. Consequently, abundant overbankdeposits with weakly developed paleosolsshould characterize the TST, whereas lower amountsof overbank deposits with well-developed paleosolsare typical of the HST. In contrast some field studies

52( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Fig. 5. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g Wright and Marriott Ž 1993. model of pedogenic development related to the sea-level cycle. Ž A.Thelowstand systems tract Ž LST.is characterized by channel <strong>in</strong>cision and strongly developed and well-dra<strong>in</strong>ed paleosols that form on terraces.Ž B.Early <strong>in</strong> the TST, hydromorphic paleosols may form because base level is ris<strong>in</strong>g; channel sandstones may overlap becauseaccommodation space is still low. Ž C.Increased accommodation space <strong>in</strong> the TST produces rapid sediment accumulation and weaklydeveloped soils. Ž D.The HST is characterized by low accommodation space, thus, well-developed paleosols Žmodified from Wright andMarriott, 1993 ..Že.g., figure supplied by M. Uliana and L. Legarreta,cited <strong>in</strong> Shanley and McCabe, 1994.have shown thatthe HST, rather than the TST, is dom<strong>in</strong>ated byoverbank deposits and that paleosols are most common<strong>in</strong> the HST. Shanley and McCabe Ž1994, p.562 ., suggested that this discrepancy may have arisenbecause the Wright and Marriott model ‘‘takes noaccount of the bas<strong>in</strong>al position of systems tracts northe importance of recognition of the landward equivalentof mar<strong>in</strong>e condensed <strong>in</strong>tervals’’. Nonetheless,the model shows that paleosols are an important areaof future research <strong>in</strong> sequence stratigraphy.Sequence stratigraphic field studies generallystress the importance of paleosols for identify<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>terfluvial sequence boundaries and for dist<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>cised valley fills from major channel sandstones.For example, Aitken and Fl<strong>in</strong>t Ž 1996.foundpaleosols to be critical for identify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terfluvialsequence boundaries <strong>in</strong> Pennsylvanian <strong>rocks</strong>, because,beyond the <strong>in</strong>cised valley fills, the boundariesare subtle features. The paleosols, which developedon delta pla<strong>in</strong> deposits, are typically hydromorphicor gleyed paleosols; however, the presence of compositepaleosols <strong>in</strong>dicates that many of the soils were<strong>in</strong>itially well dra<strong>in</strong>ed when water tables were low,and then they underwent a secondary gleyed stagewhen the water table rose <strong>in</strong> response to transgression.Despite <strong>their</strong> potential value <strong>in</strong> identify<strong>in</strong>g sequenceboundaries, paleosols like these probably havelow preservation potential because the ensu<strong>in</strong>g transgressioncan obliterate them Ž Aitken and Fl<strong>in</strong>t, 1996 ..Interfluvial sequence boundaries with associated paleosolshave also been described from entirely fluvialsuccessions Ž e.g., Leckie et al., 1989 .. The presenceof numerous, closely spaced paleosols <strong>in</strong> the Cretaceousstrata suggested to Leckie et al. that sediment

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 53supply to the floodpla<strong>in</strong> was cut off and they attributedthis to channel <strong>in</strong>cision caused by loweredbase level.Despite the progress us<strong>in</strong>g paleosols to recognize<strong>in</strong>terfluvial sequence boundaries, McCarthy and Pl<strong>in</strong>tŽ 1998.noted that more attention should be paid todetails of the paleosols. In particular, those authorsshowed how exam<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the micromorphologic attributesof the paleosols <strong>in</strong> conjunction with fieldmorphology and stratigraphic relationships leads to amore complete understand<strong>in</strong>g of the sequence ofevents that produced paleosols at a sequence boundary.In a study of Cretaceous paleosols that formedon coastal pla<strong>in</strong> deposits, they found that grey soilcolors and the presence of siderite and preservedorganic matter <strong>in</strong>dicated that the soils first formedunder poorly dra<strong>in</strong>ed conditions Ž Fig. 6A .. The presenceof clay coat<strong>in</strong>gs and various ferrug<strong>in</strong>ous featuressuggest that dra<strong>in</strong>age then improved, andpapules Ž fragmented clay coat<strong>in</strong>gs.and pedorelicts<strong>in</strong>dicate that the <strong>in</strong>terfluves underwent an episode oferosion Ž Fig. 6B .. They attributed these features tolowered base level, which caused the channels to<strong>in</strong>cise and water tables to drop. Silty layers directlyabove the sequence boundary with<strong>in</strong> the paleosolsreflect renewed sedimentation on the <strong>in</strong>terfluves becausebase level rose aga<strong>in</strong>. F<strong>in</strong>ally, wet soil <strong>in</strong>dicators,present above the sequence boundary, show thatwater tables also rose, although multiple organic-richbeds <strong>in</strong>dicate that water tables fluctuated somewhatŽ Fig. 6C ..Although sea level fluctuations are an importantcontrol on coastal pla<strong>in</strong> rivers and the developmentand morphology of paleosols associated with thoserivers, the current op<strong>in</strong>ion is that sea-level effectsprobably do not extend <strong>in</strong>land more than about 100–150 km from the shorel<strong>in</strong>e Že.g., Shanley and Mc-Cabe, 1994; North, 1996 .. In alluvial systems moredistant from the sea or <strong>in</strong> closed bas<strong>in</strong>s, climate andregional tectonic activity are the major controls onFig. 6. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g sequential development of an <strong>in</strong>terfluve paleosol that marks a sequence boundary. Ž A.Siderite and greysoil colors show that <strong>in</strong>itial soil dra<strong>in</strong>age was poor. Ž B.Base level dropped, the floodpla<strong>in</strong> was <strong>in</strong>cised, and the water table dropped. Claycoat<strong>in</strong>gs and ferrug<strong>in</strong>ous nodules formed <strong>in</strong> the better-dra<strong>in</strong>ed soil. Ž C.Base level rose and new sediment was deposited. The water tablealso rose, produc<strong>in</strong>g hydromorphic features <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g multiple organic horizons. See text for more details Žmodified from McCarthy andPl<strong>in</strong>t, 1998 ..

54( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Ž .rivers e.g., Blum, 1994; Blum and Valastro, 1994 ,and paleosol development reflects those effects ratherthan sealevel fluctuations.3.4. Sediment accumulation ratesSediment accumulation rates are generally calculatedby divid<strong>in</strong>g the thickness of a particular stratigraphicsection by its known or estimated time span.Sediment accumulation rates estimated for cont<strong>in</strong>entalstratigraphic successions are usually severelytime-averaged because radiometric dates are notavailable or widely spaced <strong>in</strong> time and because thetemporal resolution of paleomagnetic dat<strong>in</strong>g or cont<strong>in</strong>entalbiostratigraphy is generally relatively coarseŽ e.g., Kraus and Bown, 1993 .. Because the developmentalhistory of a <strong>sedimentary</strong> paleosol reflects therate of pedogenesis relative to the total time of soildevelopment and how steady or unsteady that depositionwas Ž Fig. 2 ., the k<strong>in</strong>d of paleosol that developsis a good <strong>in</strong>dicator of sediment accumulation ratesfor th<strong>in</strong> stratigraphic <strong>in</strong>tervals. The relative degree ofpedogenic development is used as a proxy for therelative rate of sediment accumulation, and, as discussed<strong>in</strong> a later section, paleosols have been used tocompare and contrast sediment accumulation rates,<strong>in</strong> a qualitative sense, <strong>in</strong> different parts of a depositionalbas<strong>in</strong> Že.g., Atk<strong>in</strong>son, 1986; Platt and Keller,1992. and through time Že.g., Kraus and Aslan,1993; Kraus, 1997; Soreghan et al., 1997; examples<strong>in</strong> Kraus and Aslan, 1999 ..In addition to this qualitative approach, severalworkers have attempted to use paleosols to quantitativelyestimate short-term sediment accumulationrates, us<strong>in</strong>g somewhat different approaches. In asem<strong>in</strong>al paper on this topic, Leeder Ž 1975.compiledages of Quaternary calcretes to establish ages offormation for particular stages of calcrete development.The ages were then <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong>to a modelfor estimat<strong>in</strong>g floodpla<strong>in</strong> accretion rates. RetallackŽ 1983, 1984.also took a quantitative approach toaccumulation rates by estimat<strong>in</strong>g development timesfor different k<strong>in</strong>ds of paleosols through analogy tomodern soils.Bown and Kraus Ž 1993.and Kraus and BownŽ 1993.took a different approach. On the basis ofmorphologic criteria <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the comb<strong>in</strong>ed thicknessof the A and B horizons, geochemical trendswith<strong>in</strong> a paleosol profile, and degree of clay translocation,those workers assigned floodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosols<strong>in</strong> the Paleogene Willwood Formation to seven stagesof pedogenic development. Bown and Kraus Ž 1993.constructed a composite stratigraphic section extend<strong>in</strong>gfrom the base to the 600-m level of the formationfrom numerous measured sections and then subdividedthe composite section <strong>in</strong>to 25-m-thick <strong>in</strong>tervals.The paleosols found with<strong>in</strong> a particular 25-m<strong>in</strong>terval were assigned to a stage of development andthen averaged to yield a relative degree of pedogenicmaturity for each <strong>in</strong>terval Ž Fig. 7A .. The relativeamount of time represented by each <strong>in</strong>terval wasthen estimated from the relative degree of develop-Fig. 7. Ž A.Plot of relative degree of pedogenesis vs. meter level<strong>in</strong> composite section of the lower Tertiary Willwood Formation.Relative degree of pedogenic development was calculated for25-m-thick <strong>in</strong>tervals by assign<strong>in</strong>g paleosols <strong>in</strong> each <strong>in</strong>terval to astage of pedogenic development outl<strong>in</strong>ed by Bown and KrausŽ 1993 .. Ž B.That <strong>in</strong>formation was comb<strong>in</strong>ed with the absolute ageof the 600-m-thick section to estimate sediment accumulationrates for each 25-m-thick <strong>in</strong>terval. See text for more detailsŽ modified from Bown and Kraus, 1993; Kraus and Bown, 1993 ..

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 55ment for each <strong>in</strong>terval. For example, the lowest 25-m<strong>in</strong>terval has the highest relative degree of maturity at12.0 and occupied 9% of the total time representedby the total section Ž Fig. 7A .. Because absolute ageshad been established for the lower and upper boundariesof the 600-m-thick section, the time span foreach 25-m <strong>in</strong>terval could be calculated. From thatcalculation, the sediment accumulation rate for each25-m-thick <strong>in</strong>terval was estimated Ž Fig. 7B .. Krausand Bown Ž 1993.then used these short-term accumulationrates to exam<strong>in</strong>e up-section changes <strong>in</strong>sedimentology and paleontology.Us<strong>in</strong>g paleosols to estimate sediment accumulationrates <strong>in</strong> a quantitative fashion suffers from severallimitations. The Leeder Ž 1975.and RetallackŽ 1983, 1984.approach assumes that times of formationof modern soil analogs can be reliably determ<strong>in</strong>ed.The pitfalls of this assumption for calcreteshave been thoroughly discussed by Wright Ž 1990 ..He concluded that this approach is not justifiedbecause Quaternary calcretes actually show considerablevariability <strong>in</strong> <strong>their</strong> rates of formation depend<strong>in</strong>gon local ra<strong>in</strong>fall and the availability of airbornecarbonate dust.A second potential problem is erosion or slowsedimentation rates, which can generate compositepaleosols. With erosion, accumulation rates can beunderestimated. If the paleosols are composite, asthey are <strong>in</strong> numerous stratigraphic successions, accumulationrates can be overestimated. F<strong>in</strong>ally, RetallackŽ 1998.has po<strong>in</strong>ted out that studies like those ofBown and Kraus Ž 1993. and Kraus and Bown Ž 1993.assume that there are no major discont<strong>in</strong>uities <strong>in</strong> thepaleosol section and that all of the time conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>a vertical section is represented by paleosols. Henoted that this is probably an unrealistic assumptionfor stratigraphic sections that span several millionsof years.4. Paleolandscape reconstructionIn the Quaternary record, soil–landscape studiesare important for <strong>in</strong>terpret<strong>in</strong>g landscape evolutionŽ e.g., McFadden and Knuepfer, 1990 .. Similarly, <strong>in</strong>pre-Quaternary strata, paleosol–landscape studies canhelp <strong>in</strong> reconstruct<strong>in</strong>g ancient landscapes Že.g., Bownand Kraus, 1987; Besly and Field<strong>in</strong>g, 1989; Platt andKeller, 1992 .. Paleosolrlandscape studies focus onthe spatial distribution of different k<strong>in</strong>ds of paleosolsand the different landscape elements and processesthat produced those paleosols. The study of JoeckelŽ 1995 ., described above, is a good example of us<strong>in</strong>glateral changes <strong>in</strong> a paleosol associated with anunconformity to analyze regional topographic variationsalong a specific degradational landscape. Furthermore,thick <strong>sedimentary</strong> sequences with multiplepaleosols provide a record of land surfaces over timeso that landscape changes and evolution can beexam<strong>in</strong>ed.Paleosol–landscape associations can be studied atdifferent spatial scales that range from local Že.g., achannel and associated floodpla<strong>in</strong>, an eolian duneand associated <strong>in</strong>terdune.to bas<strong>in</strong>-wide <strong>in</strong> scopeŽ e.g., a dra<strong>in</strong>age system, a sand sea .. At the localscale, lateral changes <strong>in</strong> paleosol properties arelargely the result of local variations <strong>in</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> size andtopography. At the scale of the <strong>sedimentary</strong> bas<strong>in</strong>,paleosols <strong>in</strong> different locations differ because ofbas<strong>in</strong>al variations <strong>in</strong> topography, gra<strong>in</strong> size, climate,and subsidence rate. The follow<strong>in</strong>g discussion providesexamples of how paleosols have been used to<strong>in</strong>terpret landscapes of the past, start<strong>in</strong>g at the localscale and build<strong>in</strong>g to the bas<strong>in</strong>-wide scale. For amore thorough discussion of paleosol–landscape associationsat different spatial and temporal scales,Ž .see Kraus and Aslan 1999 .4.1. Local landscape reconstructionPaleosol–landscape associations at this scale havebeen studied primarily <strong>in</strong> alluvial <strong>rocks</strong> Že.g., Bownand Kraus, 1987; Kraus, 1987, 1997; Besly andField<strong>in</strong>g, 1989; Platt and Keller, 1992 .. Catenas andpedofacies are common paleosol–landscape associationsthat develop at the scale of the channel andassociated floodpla<strong>in</strong>. The two are not mutually exclusive,and floodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosols can show a comb<strong>in</strong>ationof the two.In a catena, better-dra<strong>in</strong>ed soils form on channelmarg<strong>in</strong>aldeposits Ž levees, crevasse splays.becausethe deposits are elevated relative to the surround<strong>in</strong>gfloodbas<strong>in</strong> and usually consist of relatively permeablef<strong>in</strong>e sands and silts Ž Fig. 8 .. The soils may showevidence of oxidized conditions, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g brown Aand Bw Ž weathered or structural B.horizons and

56( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Fig. 8. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g a paleocatena, which developed because of changes <strong>in</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> size and topography away from the ancientchannel. A moderately or well-dra<strong>in</strong>ed soil generally forms on the levee, although subsurface horizons can be gleyed Ž Bg horizon.becauseof proximity to the ground water table. Poorly to very poorly dra<strong>in</strong>ed soils are more typical of the floodbas<strong>in</strong> Žmodified from Kraus andAslan, 1999 ..sparse organic matter. Grey soil colors are moreabundant lower <strong>in</strong> the profile ŽBg and Cg horizons,which are gleyed B and C horizons.because it iscloser to the ground water table and more prone toreduced conditions Ž e.g., Duchaufour, 1982 .. Awayfrom the channel, the soils become progressivelymore poorly dra<strong>in</strong>ed because the topographic positionis lower and the sediment is f<strong>in</strong>er-gra<strong>in</strong>ed andless permeable. Waterlogged, reduced conditions favorthe accumulation and preservation of organicmatter <strong>in</strong> an Ag Ž gleyed A.horizon and the developmentof a thick, grey Bg horizon with many redoximorphicfeatures. Fluctuations of the water table alsoproduce <strong>in</strong>tersect<strong>in</strong>g slickensides <strong>in</strong> the clayey sediments.Ancient catenas have been described from Paleogenefluvial <strong>rocks</strong> Že.g., Fastovsky and McSweeney,1987. and from Jurassic deltaic pla<strong>in</strong> deposits Že.g.,Arndorff, 1993 .. Those catenary relationships havebeen used to reconstruct the ancient floodpla<strong>in</strong> landscape.Arndorff, for example, found that the distributionof different paleosols reflected <strong>their</strong> position onthe deltaic pla<strong>in</strong>. Relatively well dra<strong>in</strong>ed, light brownpaleosols with a yellowish to orange subsurface horizonformed on sandy natural levees and crevassesplays. In contrast, dark-colored silty claystones <strong>in</strong>terpretedas gleyed alluvial soils formed <strong>in</strong> the backswamps.Pedofacies focus on lateral changes <strong>in</strong> the degreeof pedogenic development with <strong>in</strong>creased distance

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 57from the ancient channel Ž Bown and Kraus, 1987 ..Bown and Kraus observed weakly developed paleosolson channel-marg<strong>in</strong>al deposits and <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>glywell developed paleosols away from the channelsandstone Ž Fig. 9 .. These changes were primarilyattributed to sediment accumulation rates, which tendto decrease away from an active channel Že.g., Guccione,1993 .. Pedofacies have also been <strong>in</strong>ferredfrom cores on the basis of the degree of paleosoldevelopment and the proportion of sandstone presentŽ Platt and Keller, 1992. Ž Fig. 10 .. Weakly developedpaleosols Ž stage 1 of Platt and Keller.were found <strong>in</strong>cores dom<strong>in</strong>ated by meander belt sandstones Ž25% oftotal core thickness.and crevasse-splay sandstonesŽ 30% of core thickness .. Cores where sandstones ofany k<strong>in</strong>d were less common were <strong>in</strong>terpreted to bedistal to major channels. These were dom<strong>in</strong>ated bymore strongly developed paleosols Ž stages 2–3 ., aspredicted by the pedofacies model.Although pedofacies relationships have been recognized<strong>in</strong> these and other ancient alluvial sequencesŽ e.g., Wright and Rob<strong>in</strong>son, 1988; Smith, 1990 ., thepedofacies model, as it is currently understood, doesnot satisfactorily expla<strong>in</strong> lateral relationships <strong>in</strong> allfloodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosol successions Ž e.g., Wright, 1992b ..Kraus Ž 1997. and Kraus and Aslan Ž 1999.havediscussed limitations of the pedofacies model. Inaddition, North Ž 1996.po<strong>in</strong>ted out that the pedofaciesmodel may be appropriate only for thick, aggradationalsuccessions that are dom<strong>in</strong>ated by compositeand cumulative paleosol profiles.<strong>Paleosols</strong> <strong>in</strong> other <strong>sedimentary</strong> environments alsoshow lateral changes that reflect different locations<strong>in</strong> the depositional landscape. Although studies ofpre-Quaternary paleosols associated with eolian environmentsare sparse, Quaternary deposits providenumerous examples. Loess deposits become th<strong>in</strong>nerand f<strong>in</strong>er-gra<strong>in</strong>ed away from source areas, and theseFig. 9. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g pedofacies relationships. Compound paleosols tend to form adjacent to the channel becausesedimentation was rapid and episodic. Farther from the active channel, more strongly developed, cumulative paleosols formed becausesedimentation was slow and steady Ž modified from Bown and Kraus, 1987 ..

58( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Fig. 10. Paleosol–landscape associations <strong>in</strong> alluvial <strong>rocks</strong> at both the local and bas<strong>in</strong>al scales. Pedofacies developed over a distance of -2km, with weakly developed paleosols Ž Entisols or Inceptisols. grad<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to better-developed paleosols Ž Alfisols and Vertisols .. Over adistance of ;75 km, paleosols became even more strongly developed Ž Stage 4.<strong>in</strong> response to bas<strong>in</strong>al changes <strong>in</strong> the rate of aggradation.See text for more details Ž modified from Platt and Keller, 1992 ..lateral changes <strong>in</strong> parent material produce lateralchanges <strong>in</strong> the cumulative soils that form on theloess Ž e.g., Smith, 1942; Ruhe, 1983 .. For exampleMcDonald and Busacca Ž 1990.found that, with <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gproximity to the sediment source, a s<strong>in</strong>glesoil bifurcated <strong>in</strong>to two well-developed soils. HollidayŽ 1990.also documented lateral variations <strong>in</strong>soils developed on eolian deposits and attributedthese primarily to variations <strong>in</strong> the gra<strong>in</strong> size of thesediment, although local thickness variations alsoplayed a role.Catenas and pedofacies are produced by variations<strong>in</strong> topography and gra<strong>in</strong> size related to landscapeposition. Modern soil studies show thatcompositional differences are l<strong>in</strong>ked to gra<strong>in</strong> sizedifferences and suggest that those compositional differencesalso <strong>in</strong>fluence soil development. In fluvialsystems, for example, sands and coarse silts thataccumulate <strong>in</strong> channel-marg<strong>in</strong>al environmentsŽ levees, splays.tend to be dom<strong>in</strong>ated by quartz,feldspar, and lithic fragments Že.g., Schumacher etal., 1988 .. In contrast, clay and f<strong>in</strong>e silt, whichtypically accumulate <strong>in</strong> distal floodbas<strong>in</strong>s, consistprimarily of clay m<strong>in</strong>erals such as smectite, illite,kaol<strong>in</strong>ite, and chlorite. Aslan and Aut<strong>in</strong> Ž 1998.concludedthat, <strong>in</strong> Mississippi River floodpla<strong>in</strong>s, thesedepositionally controlled compositional differenceshad a greater impact on the chemistry of alluvialsoils than did weather<strong>in</strong>g processes. Similarly, withQuaternary loess deposits, compositional changes,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> clay m<strong>in</strong>erals, are foundwith <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g distance from source areas, Že.g.,

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 59.Smith, 1942; Kleiss and Fehrenbacher, 1973 . Thesestudies <strong>in</strong>dicate that compositional variations associatedwith different parts of the depositional landscapeshould also be considered when analyz<strong>in</strong>g and<strong>in</strong>terpret<strong>in</strong>g paleosols.4.2. Bas<strong>in</strong>al landscape reconstructionAt the bas<strong>in</strong> scale, analyz<strong>in</strong>g paleosolrlandscapeanalysis can provide <strong>in</strong>formation about global orregional climate change, sea level fluctuations, andregional tectonics. At a truly bas<strong>in</strong>al scale, AlonsoZarza et al. Ž 1992.described Miocene paleosols thatdeveloped <strong>in</strong> a spectrum of depositional sett<strong>in</strong>gs,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g alluvial fans, lake marg<strong>in</strong>s, and river floodpla<strong>in</strong>s.Stratigraphic <strong>in</strong>tervals approximately 100 mthick were exam<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> two contrast<strong>in</strong>g areas ofthe Madrid Bas<strong>in</strong>. <strong>Paleosols</strong> <strong>in</strong> the two areas differ,and those differences were related to local climaticconditions and sediment accumulation rates. Consequently,the authors could use the paleosols to<strong>in</strong>terpret bas<strong>in</strong>al variations <strong>in</strong> climate and bas<strong>in</strong> subsidence,which controlled sediment accumulationrates.In fluvial bas<strong>in</strong>s, changes <strong>in</strong> the k<strong>in</strong>ds of paleosolshave been documented <strong>in</strong> the direction of regionalpaleoslope. For example, <strong>in</strong> the Eocene Capella Formation,Atk<strong>in</strong>son Ž 1986.observed more mature andbetter-dra<strong>in</strong>ed paleosols proximal to the source area.Over a distance of nearly 30 km down paleoslope,progressively less mature and more poorly dra<strong>in</strong>edpaleosols were found. Atk<strong>in</strong>son attributed thesechanges to a decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> topographic relief and <strong>in</strong>creasedaccumulation rates away from the source.Over an even greater downslope distance Ž ;75 km .,Platt and Keller Ž 1992.also documented an <strong>in</strong>crease<strong>in</strong> the maturity and hydromorphy of floodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosolsŽ Fig. 10 .. Consistent with the <strong>in</strong>creased maturity,the stratigraphic <strong>in</strong>terval th<strong>in</strong>s downslope, <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>gslower sediment accumulation <strong>in</strong> more distalparts of the alluvial bas<strong>in</strong>.McCarthy et al. Ž 1997.recognized floodpla<strong>in</strong> paleosolsof vary<strong>in</strong>g degrees of pedogenic developmentand related the paleosols to landscape position on abas<strong>in</strong>al scale. In this Lower Cretaceous example, thepaleosols formed <strong>in</strong> a foreland bas<strong>in</strong> adjacent to theepicont<strong>in</strong>ental seaway that developed <strong>in</strong> North Americadur<strong>in</strong>g that time. Not surpris<strong>in</strong>gly, the authorsasserted that pedogenic development should be directlydependent on floodpla<strong>in</strong> stability and that thetectonic h<strong>in</strong>ge zone is the most stable area of thelandscape. Consequently, they argued that ancienth<strong>in</strong>ge zones can be located by exam<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g regionalpatterns of paleosol development.F<strong>in</strong>ally, a study of early Eocene fluvial <strong>rocks</strong>shows that bas<strong>in</strong>al variations <strong>in</strong> gra<strong>in</strong> size, related tothe bas<strong>in</strong> geography, can also produce different k<strong>in</strong>dsof paleosols Ž Kraus and Gw<strong>in</strong>n, 1997 .. <strong>Paleosols</strong> <strong>in</strong>the northern part of the Bighorn Bas<strong>in</strong> are betterdra<strong>in</strong>ed than paleosols 75 km to the south, <strong>in</strong> thecentral part of the bas<strong>in</strong>. The differences were attributedto gra<strong>in</strong> size differences, and those, <strong>in</strong> turn,were l<strong>in</strong>ked to bas<strong>in</strong> position, <strong>in</strong> particular, distancefrom a local sediment source. Because the northernarea is directly adjacent to a local sediment source,the sediment is coarser and more permeable, produc<strong>in</strong>gbetter-dra<strong>in</strong>ed paleosols. The southern area ismore distal to any of the sediment sources aroundthe bas<strong>in</strong>, result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> clay-rich sediment that producedwaterlogged soils.Despite <strong>their</strong> potential for help<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terpret thehistory of alluvial bas<strong>in</strong>s, studies of paleosol variabilityat the bas<strong>in</strong> scale are few, <strong>in</strong> part, because theyare time and labor <strong>in</strong>tensive. Kraus Ž 1992.demonstratedthat these difficulties can be overcome by<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g remote sens<strong>in</strong>g analysis of satellite or airbornespectral data <strong>in</strong> a field and laboratory study ofpaleosols. Remote sens<strong>in</strong>g is potentially valuablebecause it can provide data not easily obta<strong>in</strong>ed onthe ground and gathers some data more efficientlythan field study. Yet, remote sens<strong>in</strong>g is rarely used tosolve basic stratigraphic or sedimentologic problems.Because remote sens<strong>in</strong>g imagery is becom<strong>in</strong>g morereadily available and because data analysis now canbe done on personal computers, this tool should bemore widely used <strong>in</strong> future paleosol studies, whereexposures are good.5. Interpret<strong>in</strong>g paleoclimates<strong>Paleosols</strong> are used both to <strong>in</strong>terpret the paleoclimaticregime and to quantitatively estimate ancientmean annual precipitation Ž MAP.and mean annual

60( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70temperature Ž MAT .. Ancient climatic conditions canbe <strong>in</strong>terpreted by classify<strong>in</strong>g the paleosols and us<strong>in</strong>gmodern analogs to <strong>in</strong>fer the paleoclimatic regime orby identify<strong>in</strong>g particular pedogenic properties thatmodern studies show to have climatic significance.Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes are also used to<strong>in</strong>terpret ancient climate and some effort has beenmade to use isotopic composition to estimate MATŽ e.g., Mack et al., 1991; Koch et al., 1995 .. F<strong>in</strong>ally,the depth at which calcic horizons orig<strong>in</strong>ally formedhas been used to estimate paleo-precipitation. Thefollow<strong>in</strong>g sections provide overviews of these approachesas well as <strong>their</strong> limitations.5.1. Modern soil analogsThe paleosol literature provides numerous examplesof the classification approach to paleoclimatic<strong>in</strong>terpretation. For example, Mack Ž 1992.used alluvialpaleosols to <strong>in</strong>terpret a climate change across theLower Cretaceous–Upper Cretaceous boundary <strong>in</strong>New Mexico. Older red, calcic paleosols, <strong>in</strong>terpretedas Aridisols, were attributed to semi-arid or aridconditions. These are overla<strong>in</strong> by Inceptisols andAlfisols that have somber colors and lack carbonate,suggest<strong>in</strong>g a subhumid or humid climate. Similarly,Bestland Ž 1997.used paleosols to <strong>in</strong>terpret a climatechange across the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. Theolder paleosols were <strong>in</strong>terpreted as ‘Ultisol-like’ paleosolsthat formed under humid, subtropical conditions,whereas the younger smectitic paleosols werejudged to be ‘Alfisol-like’ and <strong>in</strong>dicative of humid,temperate conditions.In a more unify<strong>in</strong>g approach to paleoclimatic<strong>in</strong>terpretation, Mack and James Ž 1994.generated apaleosol analog to the Soil Map of the World Že.g.,FAO, 1974 ., which l<strong>in</strong>ks modern soils to particularclimatic zones. Us<strong>in</strong>g the Mack et al. Ž 1993.paleosolclassification Ž Table 1 ., they suggested that highlyweathered paleosols, such as Oxisols and Argillisols,should be characteristic of wet equatorial paleoclimates<strong>in</strong> which MAP and MAT are high and havelittle seasonal variation. Argillisols, Spodosols, andGleysols are more apt to form <strong>in</strong> humid ŽMAP)1000mm.midlatitude climates, whereas Calcisols are <strong>in</strong>dicativeof a dry Ž MAP-1000 mm.subtropicalpaleoclimatic zone. One caveat to this global approachis that it is not appropriate for paleosols thatformed prior to the advent of vascular plants.The second approach to climate reconstruction—focus<strong>in</strong>g on a particular soil property or group ofproperties—is based on Quaternary soil studies,which have shown that particular features, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gclay and carbonate accumulations and the depth ofsoil oxidation can be quantitatively related to soilform<strong>in</strong>gfactors, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g climate Že.g., Bockheim,1980; Harden and Taylor, 1983; Birkeland, 1984 ..Molecular weather<strong>in</strong>g ratios Že.g., silicarsesquioxidesor basesralum<strong>in</strong>a.provide a good illustration.In some cases, the ratios <strong>in</strong>dicate <strong>in</strong>tense leach<strong>in</strong>g ofbase cations and the loss of silica, which are characteristicsof modern soils that formed <strong>in</strong> humid, tropicalclimates Že.g., Arndorff, 1993; Retallack andGerman-He<strong>in</strong>s, 1994; Gill and Yemane, 1996 .. Claym<strong>in</strong>eralogy has also been used to detect and <strong>in</strong>terpreta climatic change. Robert and Kennett Ž 1994 ., forexample, found that clay m<strong>in</strong>erals on the Antarcticcont<strong>in</strong>ent showed a dramatic <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> smectiteŽ and correspond<strong>in</strong>g decrease <strong>in</strong> illite.dur<strong>in</strong>g thelatest Paleocene. The clay change corresponds to awell-documented isotopic shift that marks the latestPaleocene thermal maximum Že.g., Zachos et al.,1993 .. Robert and Kennett concluded that the <strong>in</strong>crease<strong>in</strong> smectite was the result of <strong>in</strong>creased chemicalweather<strong>in</strong>g as a result of warmer temperaturesand greater ra<strong>in</strong>fall at that time.In some cases, the paleosols are parts of cyclothems<strong>in</strong> which alternations of particular k<strong>in</strong>ds ofpaleosols are l<strong>in</strong>ked to climatic cycles. Good examplesare provided by the wetrdry cycles l<strong>in</strong>ked topedogenically-unmodified sediment and paleosols <strong>in</strong>loess and loessite. In some, the cyclic climaticchanges are l<strong>in</strong>ked to either sea-level changes ortectonic activity. For example, work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> LowerPermian cyclothems of the U.S. mid-cont<strong>in</strong>ent, Milleret al. Ž 1996.described cyclic changes from verticpaleosols to Alfisols with calcic horizons and attributedthese to fluctuations between semi-aridrsubhumidconditions and humid monsoonal conditions.In a subsequent study Ž McCahon and Miller, 1997 .,these paleosolrclimate cycles were l<strong>in</strong>ked to glaciallycontrolled sea-level changes. The change to <strong>in</strong>creasedprecipitation followed by a rapid changeback to arid conditions was attributed to gradualregression caused by glacial activity followed by a

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 61Fig. 11. Schematic diagram show<strong>in</strong>g development of paleosol cycles described by Tandon and Gibl<strong>in</strong>g Ž 1994 .. Ž A.Hydromorphic paleosolsformed dur<strong>in</strong>g mar<strong>in</strong>e highstand when climates were wet. Ž B. Climates rema<strong>in</strong>ed humid as bayfill deposits accumulated. Ž C.Calcareouspaleosols formed because of change to dry conditions dur<strong>in</strong>g lowstand and early transgression.rapid transgression. Tandon and Gibl<strong>in</strong>g Ž 1994.describedCarboniferous cyclothems that are 20 to 30m thick and that show an alternation between hydromorphicpaleosols, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Histosols, and calcareouspaleosols. They <strong>in</strong>voked a climatic change fromhumid to strongly seasonal conditions to expla<strong>in</strong> thepaleosol cycles, and they too concluded that theclimatic cycles were l<strong>in</strong>ked to sea-level fluctuationsŽ Fig. 11 .. Relatively humid climates accompanied amar<strong>in</strong>e highstand, and conditions became drier dur<strong>in</strong>gthe lowstand and early transgression.5.2. Depth to calcic horizonA particular soil property that has been used toestimate MAP is depth to a calcic horizon <strong>in</strong> soilsconta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a zone of calcareous nodules. This tech-nique has been developed by Retallack Ž 1994.whoexpanded on earlier efforts by Jenny Ž 1941.to l<strong>in</strong>kMAP Ž mean annual temperature.to depth to thecalcic horizon. Jenny produced a scatter plot of dataobta<strong>in</strong>ed from soils on the Great Pla<strong>in</strong>s of the US, towhich Retallack added data from calcareous soilsfound <strong>in</strong> different soil-form<strong>in</strong>g environments all overthe world. The empirical relationship he determ<strong>in</strong>edfrom the modern soils was then applied to calcareouspaleosols of Eocene and Oligocene age to estimatepaleo-precipitation. The advantages to this approachare obvious. Many paleosols conta<strong>in</strong> calcareous nodules,and this approach provides an expedient meansof estimat<strong>in</strong>g paleo-precipitation.Nonetheless, as Retallack Ž 1994.<strong>in</strong>dicated, thisapproach has several potential problems. First, depthto the calcic horizon varies with atmospheric CO 2

62( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Ž Cerl<strong>in</strong>g, 1991, 1992 .. Cerl<strong>in</strong>g Ž 1991.and othersŽ e.g., Driese and Mora, 1993.have shown that levelsof CO2<strong>in</strong> the atmosphere have varied over time andhave differed significantly from the modern levelsunder which the empirical curve was constructedŽ see Section 6 .. A second potential problem is thatMAP can be underestimated if the upper part of apaleosol has been truncated. Retallack Ž 1994.hassuggested ways to avoid these two problems, and thereader is referred to his discussion.A more contentious problem is the effects ofsediment compaction, especially if the <strong>rocks</strong> haveundergone significant burial. Retallack Ž 1994.hastended to calculate depth to the carbonate horizonafter decompact<strong>in</strong>g the strata us<strong>in</strong>g the compactioncurves of Baldw<strong>in</strong> and Butler Ž 1985 .. Yet, severalstudies suggest that these curves are not appropriatefor paleosols and, <strong>in</strong> fact, that many paleosols arelittle affected by compaction. In an <strong>in</strong>novative study,Caudill et al. Ž 1996.used vertical micro-cracks <strong>in</strong>Paleozoic Vertisols to show that the paleosols underwentno more than 10% compaction despite thedepth of burial. Caudill et al. concluded that, becauseVertisols have <strong>in</strong>itial bulk densities that are quitehigh, they undergo little compaction with burial. In<strong>their</strong> case, they calculated 650 mm of precipitationon the basis of depth to the carbonate horizon <strong>in</strong> theVertisols, which is comparable to the precipitationunder which modern Vertisols form. Evidence fromboth modern and ancient floodpla<strong>in</strong> deposits also<strong>in</strong>dicates that, because paleosols require surface exposure,they underwent significant dewater<strong>in</strong>g andcompaction prior to burial Ž Nadon and Issler, 1997 ..These studies suggest that depth to the calcic horizoncan be used directly to estimate MAP as long asproblems with truncation and paleoatmospheric CO 2can be reconciled.5.3. Isotopic analysisFor a thorough discussion of the factors controll<strong>in</strong>gthe isotopic composition of soil m<strong>in</strong>erals and theproblems encountered <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>terpret<strong>in</strong>g isotopic compositions,the reader is referred to Cerl<strong>in</strong>g and Quade18Ž 1993 .. In brief, the d O value of soil carbonatedepends on the isotopic composition of the meteoricwaters from which it precipitated. The isotopic compositionof the meteoric waters is, <strong>in</strong> turn, <strong>in</strong>fluencedby the mean annual temperature Ž MAT. ŽCerl<strong>in</strong>g,1984; Cerl<strong>in</strong>g and Quade, 1993 .. Furthermore, thecarbon isotopic composition of modern soil carbonatestends to be higher <strong>in</strong> warmer areas because thek<strong>in</strong>d of vegetation Ž C vs. C plants.3 4 is temperaturedependent. C 3 plants, which <strong>in</strong>clude most trees,shrubs, and cool-season grasses, produce soil carbonated 13 C values around y27% whereas C 4 plants,which <strong>in</strong>clude most of the summer grasses andsedges, produce a value around y12%. On the basisof studies that show a major change from C 3 to C 4vegetation between 8 and 7 Ma ŽCerl<strong>in</strong>g, 1992;Cerl<strong>in</strong>g et al., 1993; Quade et al., 1994, 1995; Latorreet al., 1997 ., most paleoclimatic <strong>in</strong>terpretationsof pre-Miocene paleosols assume that the vegetationconsisted entirely of C 3 plants. Because of theserelationships between isotopic composition and temperature,paleosol carbonates have been analyzed toreconstruct paleoclimates Že.g., Mack et al., 1991;Koch et al., 1995 .. Other soil m<strong>in</strong>erals, particularlyclay m<strong>in</strong>erals, are also potentially useful Že.g., Sternet al., 1997 ..Reconstruct<strong>in</strong>g paleoclimates us<strong>in</strong>g the isotopiccomposition of paleosol m<strong>in</strong>erals suffers from severalproblems. First is climatic overpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g, whichcan occur if sediment accumulates very slowly andthe pedogenic carbonate precipitates under more thanone climatic regime Ž Cerl<strong>in</strong>g, 1984 .. In those circumstances,the carbonate will conta<strong>in</strong> an isotopicmix. Second, the oxygen isotopic composition of soilm<strong>in</strong>erals is more prone to diagenetic modificationthan is the carbon isotope composition. Studies ofLate Paleozoic pedogenic carbonates by Driese andMora Ž 1993.and Eocene carbonates by Cerl<strong>in</strong>gŽ 1991.showed little if any diagenetic alteration ofthe carbon isotopes; however, the d 18 O <strong>in</strong> both exampleswas depleted as a result of recrystallization.To understand more thoroughly the effects of diagenesison oxygen isotopes, Mora et al. Ž 1998.analyzedthe isotopic compositions of pedogenic calciteand illite <strong>in</strong> three vertic paleosols that underwentdifferent burial depths and burial temperatures. Theirresults clearly demonstrate that the oxygen isotopes<strong>in</strong> this example were affected by burial diagenesisand are not appropriate for paleoenvironmental andpaleoclimatic <strong>in</strong>terpretations.Cognizant of the limitations to oxygen isotopes,Mack et al. Ž 1991.used the isotopic composition of

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 63Permian pedogenic carbonates to <strong>in</strong>terpret a climaticchange over the 18 m.y. that the stratigraphic <strong>in</strong>tervalspanned. In particular, Mack et al. modified theapproach of Cerl<strong>in</strong>g Ž 1984 ., which was devised forenvironments dom<strong>in</strong>ated by C 4 plants, to exam<strong>in</strong>ePermian carbonates, which formed <strong>in</strong> a C 3 plantworld. They found that d 18 O values <strong>in</strong>crease up-section,from which they concluded that MAT <strong>in</strong>creasedfrom 158C to308C. They also concluded that precipitationdecreased as the temperature rose. d 13 C also<strong>in</strong>creased up-section, an isotopic change that theauthors attributed to a decrease <strong>in</strong> plant productivity,and a change that they suggested is consistent with<strong>in</strong>creased temperatures and decreased precipitation.An important aspect of this study is that Mack et al.did not analyze the isotopes <strong>in</strong> isolation; rather theyevaluated the reliability of <strong>their</strong> isotopic conclusions<strong>in</strong> light of paleomagnetic data, which provided thepaleolatitud<strong>in</strong>al position of the study area, and macroandmicromorphological properties of the paleosols.Koch et al. Ž 1995.developed a different approachthat is based on empirical equations, developed byFriedman and O’Neil Ž 1977 ., that relate soil temperatureto the d 18 O value of pedogenic carbonate andthe d 18 O value of the soil water from which thecarbonate precipitated. The Paleogene WillwoodFormation was used to demonstrate this method. Toestimate the d 18 O values of the Paleogene meteoricwaters, Koch et al. measured the d 18 O values ofapatite from fossil teeth Žwhich are abundant <strong>in</strong> theWillwood paleosols.and aragonite <strong>in</strong> fossil freshwaterbivalves, because the oxygen <strong>in</strong> biogenic m<strong>in</strong>eralscomes primarily from meteoric waters. Then, theycomb<strong>in</strong>ed the estimated d 18 O values of meteoricwaters with measured d 18 O values of pedogeniccarbonates from the same stratigraphic levels to determ<strong>in</strong>eancient soil temperatures. Because BradyŽ 1990.showed that, at depths more than about 30 cm<strong>in</strong> the soil profile, air temperatures are similar to soiltemperatures, the calculated soil temperatures wereused to estimate MAT. The MAT values rangedbetween about 08C and 358C, temperatures that arereasonable when compared to MAT values estimatedfor the Willwood Formation on the basis of plantfossils. The authors, however, acknowledged that theresults were mixed and that this technique suffersfrom significant problems, which they discussed <strong>in</strong>detail. Because the Willwood Formation accumu-lated rapidly Ž e.g., Kraus and Bown, 1993 ., climaticoverpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g should not have been a problem. Moreproblematic with the Willwood paleosols is diageneticoverpr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g because, as mentioned above, Cerl<strong>in</strong>gŽ 1991.found the Willwood carbonates to bedepleted <strong>in</strong> d 18 O due to recrystallization.Because pedogenic carbonate are not found <strong>in</strong> allsoils, Stern et al. Ž 1997.explored the possibility ofreconstruct<strong>in</strong>g paleoclimates us<strong>in</strong>g d 18 O values fromclay m<strong>in</strong>erals, which, like carbonates, have beenshown to reflect the isotopic composition of meteoricwaters Ž see Refs. <strong>in</strong> Stern et al., 1997 .. They measuredthe isotopic compositions of smectite andkaol<strong>in</strong>ite from strata deposited between ;12 Maand 2 Ma as part of the Siwalik succession <strong>in</strong>Pakistan. When plotted aga<strong>in</strong>st time, d 18 O values forsmectite showed similar trends to those obta<strong>in</strong>edfrom pedogenic carbonates <strong>in</strong> the same strata byQuade et al. Ž 1989 .. Both data sets show <strong>in</strong>creases <strong>in</strong>d 18 Oat;7.5 Ma, and Stern et al. attributed theisotopic shift to a climatic change, probably eitherthe result of <strong>in</strong>creased evaporation caused by drierclimates or the development of a ra<strong>in</strong>shadow causedby uplift of the Tibetan plateau. In contrast, thekaol<strong>in</strong>ite isotopes showed no significant trend upwardthrough the section, and the authors suggestedthis may reflect contam<strong>in</strong>ation with detrital kaol<strong>in</strong>ite.Nonetheless, <strong>their</strong> results <strong>in</strong>dicate that the isotopiccomposition of pedogenic clay m<strong>in</strong>erals shows considerablepromise for paleoclimatic reconstructionwith the same cautions that apply to pedogenic carbonate.5.4. LimitationsSome workers have put forth caveats to the <strong>in</strong>terpretationof paleoclimates from paleosols. The majorcaution is the impact of hydrologic conditions <strong>in</strong> thedepositional area. In a study of Paleogene alluvial<strong>rocks</strong> <strong>in</strong> Portugal, Pimentel et al. Ž 1996.found earlydiagenetic groundwater alteration features that mimichydromorphic soil features such as pseudogley mottl<strong>in</strong>gand calcic horizons. Pimentel et al. providedcriteria for dist<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g between the diagenetic andpedogenic features; however, they cautioned that thediagenetic features could be mistaken for pedogenicfeatures and lead to <strong>in</strong>correct paleoclimatic <strong>in</strong>terpretations.The features do not have climatic significance<strong>in</strong> this case.

64( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70Although Caudill et al. Ž 1996.concluded thatcalcareous Vertisols might provide an excellent toolfor estimat<strong>in</strong>g ancient MAP, Aslan and Aut<strong>in</strong> Ž 1998.have suggested that caution should be used whenestimat<strong>in</strong>g paleo-precipitation from the depth of calcichorizons, even <strong>in</strong> Vertisols. They observed calciczones Ž Bk and Ck horizons.<strong>in</strong> Mississippi Riverfloodpla<strong>in</strong> soils, many of which are Vertisols. Apply<strong>in</strong>gthe Retallack equation to both natural levee soilsand backswamp soils, they calculated MAP between545 and 908 mm, figures that seriously underestimatethe actual MAP of 1500 mm. Aslan and Aut<strong>in</strong>concluded that the position of the calcite was notcontrolled by the climate. Rather the depth to calcite<strong>in</strong> these soils is controlled by water-table levels andthat calcite precipitates from ascend<strong>in</strong>g, not descend<strong>in</strong>g,groundwaters dur<strong>in</strong>g the wet season. Consequently,they suggested that paleosols that formed <strong>in</strong>aggradational floodpla<strong>in</strong> sett<strong>in</strong>gs are more likely topreserve <strong>in</strong>formation on floodpla<strong>in</strong> sedimentation andpaleohydrology than on paleoclimates.A similar concern about carbonates formed fromascend<strong>in</strong>g vs. descend<strong>in</strong>g waters was sounded bySlate et al. Ž 1996 .. Those authors compared andcontrasted the morphology and isotopic compositionsof carbonates that formed <strong>in</strong> well-dra<strong>in</strong>ed paleosolsand hydromorphic paleosols. They emphasized thatthe Cerl<strong>in</strong>g model should be restricted to soil carbonatethat formed <strong>in</strong> the vadose zone because only hereare all oxidized carbon species <strong>in</strong> isotopic equilibrium.Carbonates from hydromorphic paleosols areunsuitable for isotopic analysis because ascend<strong>in</strong>gground waters probably contam<strong>in</strong>ated <strong>their</strong> isotopiccomposition. This paper is also important because itprovides criteria for dist<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g between soil carbonatesthat formed <strong>in</strong> well-dra<strong>in</strong>ed paleosols fromthose that formed <strong>in</strong> hydromorphic paleosols. Similarly,Pimentel et al. Ž 1996.concluded that carbonates<strong>in</strong> Paleogene alluvial <strong>rocks</strong> were the product ofgroundwater diagenesis, although the carbonates resembledthose result<strong>in</strong>g from pedogenesis. The authorswarned that such carbonates have no particularclimatic <strong>in</strong>terpretation, nor should they be used toestimate sediment accumulation rates on the basis of<strong>their</strong> degree of development.F<strong>in</strong>ally, depend<strong>in</strong>g on the nature of the exposureand amount of data available, it may be difficult todist<strong>in</strong>guish climatic controls from other mechanismsthat can produce vertical changes <strong>in</strong> paleosol properties.The uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty that may exist is demonstratedby a study of Lower Carboniferous paleosols byWright et al. Ž 1991 .. An upward change from calcrete-bear<strong>in</strong>gVertisols to paleosols <strong>in</strong>terpreted asferrolytic Vertisols <strong>in</strong>dicates a change <strong>in</strong> soil moisturefrom better dra<strong>in</strong>ed to more poorly dra<strong>in</strong>edconditions. The ferrolytic paleosols also conta<strong>in</strong> anunusual clay assemblage that was attributed to <strong>in</strong>tenseleach<strong>in</strong>g. The authors suggested that either achange <strong>in</strong> local dra<strong>in</strong>age conditions Žan <strong>in</strong>tr<strong>in</strong>sicmechanism.or a climate change to more prolongedprecipitation could have been responsible. Althoughthey favored the climatic <strong>in</strong>terpretation, they admittedthat this <strong>in</strong>terpretation was tenuous because itwas based on only two paleosol profiles from onlytwo localities.6. Interpret<strong>in</strong>g ancient atmospheres6.1. Isotopic analysisCerl<strong>in</strong>g Ž 1991, 1992.provided a model for estimat<strong>in</strong>gancient atmospheric rŽ CO .2 by show<strong>in</strong>g thatthe isotopic composition of soil carbonate is directlyrelated to soil CO 2, which depends on the concentrationof CO2<strong>in</strong> the atmosphere. As noted above, thecarbon isotopic composition of soil carbonates isalso sensitive to the k<strong>in</strong>d of vegetation ŽC 3 vs. C 4plants .. The model assumes that the pre-Miocenevegetation consisted entirely of C 3 plants, becausevarious isotopic studies ŽCerl<strong>in</strong>g, 1992; Cerl<strong>in</strong>g etal., 1993; Quade et al., 1994, 1995; Latorre et al.,1997.have shown a major change from C 3 to C 4vegetation between 8 and 7 Ma. Also of importancefor paleosols studies is the depth of the pedogeniccarbonate because d 13 CO2values become more negativedownward <strong>in</strong> a soil profile to a depth of ;20cm.Us<strong>in</strong>g paleosol carbonates and the Cerl<strong>in</strong>g model,atmospheric CO2values have been estimated forvarious times <strong>in</strong> the Phanerozoic Ž Fig. 12 .. In a studyof pedogenic carbonates of Late Silurian throughPennsylvanian age, Mora et al. Ž 1996.concluded thatatmospheric CO2levels were high for the Late SilurianŽ 3200–5200 ppm V ., then steadily decl<strong>in</strong>ed

( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70 65Fig. 12. Changes <strong>in</strong> atmospheric CO2based on isotopic analyses of paleosol carbonates. Paleozoic values are ranges from Mora et al.Ž 1996 .; Late Cretaceous value from Ghosh et al. Ž 1995 .; other values from Cerl<strong>in</strong>g et al. Ž 1992 ..through the Paleozoic Ž700–2050 ppm V for theDevonian; 450–1000 ppm V for the Mississippian;450–800 ppm V for the Pennsylvanian .. By Permiantime, atmospheric CO2levels dropped to 150–200ppm V Ž Mora et al., 1996 .. Retallack Ž 1997a.<strong>in</strong>terpreteda similar drop <strong>in</strong> atmospheric CO2frompaleosols. This significant decl<strong>in</strong>e was l<strong>in</strong>ked to theexpansion of land plants and to the global climatechange that produced extensive late Paleozoic glaciationŽ Mora et al., 1996 ..Cerl<strong>in</strong>g Ž 1991.determ<strong>in</strong>ed that atmosphericrŽ CO .2 then rose dur<strong>in</strong>g the Late Triassic to EarlyJurassic Ž 2000–3000 ppm V .. Follow<strong>in</strong>g high EarlyCretaceous atmospheric CO Ž 2500–3300 ppm V .2,values then fell through the Cenozoic. In a study ofpedogenic carbonates from central India, Ghosh etal. Ž 1995. concluded that rŽ CO .2 <strong>in</strong> the Late Cretaceousatmosphere was 800–1200 ppm V. Levels fellfurther <strong>in</strong> the Cenozoic with 600 ppm V estimatedfrom Eocene paleosols, and 400–700 ppm V determ<strong>in</strong>edfrom Miocene paleosols Ž Cerl<strong>in</strong>g, 1991 .. Thecurrent value is approximately 300 ppm V.6.2. LimitationsTo yield reliable pŽ CO .2 estimates, the carbonatecollected from paleosols must be of <strong>in</strong>disputablepedogenic orig<strong>in</strong> and cannot have undergone postpedogenicmodification. Wright and Vanstone Ž 1991.emphasized that groundwater carbonates pose a potentialproblem to this method. Groundwater carbonateshave different isotopic compositions than overly<strong>in</strong>gpedogenic carbonates but they can be difficultto dist<strong>in</strong>guish from true pedogenic carbonates. Anotherproblem associated with groundwaters is that,with cont<strong>in</strong>ued sedimentation, a soil becomes buriedand moved below the water table. Consequently,carbonate that first formed <strong>in</strong> the rooted zone can beoverpr<strong>in</strong>ted by groundwater precipitation. Burial diagenesisis also a potential problem, although studiesof lower Eocene paleosols Ž Cerl<strong>in</strong>g, 1991.and Devonianpedogenic carbonates Ž Driese and Mora, 1993.both show that the d 13 C of paleosol carbonates wasonly m<strong>in</strong>imally affected by diagenesis.The particular soil environment <strong>in</strong> which the carbonateprecipitated can also affect its isotopic compositionand, thus, the pŽ CO .2 value it yields. In astudy of Devonian Vertisols, Driese and Mora Ž 1993.exam<strong>in</strong>ed carbonate from two different sources <strong>in</strong>the paleosols: rhizoliths and pedogenic nodules. Theyfound that the nodule carbonates were isotopicallyheavier than the rhizolith carbonates. The authorsattributed this to the depth at which the carbonatesprecipitated. The nodules precipitated <strong>in</strong> the zone ofsoil crack<strong>in</strong>g, and, because Vertisols commonly developcracks of 1 m <strong>in</strong> depth, atmospheric CO2mayhave penetrated deep <strong>in</strong>to the develop<strong>in</strong>g soil, result<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> nodules with isotopic values that overestimateatmospheric CO 2. The rhizoliths formed deeper <strong>in</strong>the soil profile and apparently below the zone ofcrack<strong>in</strong>g. Consequently, the authors concluded thatthey provided a more accurate estimate of paleoatmosphericCO2than the nodules.F<strong>in</strong>ally, as noted above, the proportion of C 3 orC vegetation <strong>in</strong>fluences the d 13 4C values of paleosolcarbonates. The Cerl<strong>in</strong>g model Ž 1991, 1992.assumesthat C 4 vegetation did not appear until late Miocenetime. This assumption has been questioned by Wright

66( )M.J. KrausrEarth-Science ReÕiews 47 1999 41–70and Vanstone Ž 1991.who argued that both paleobotanicalstudies Ž e.g., Spicer, 1989.and heavy isotopicvalues obta<strong>in</strong>ed from pre-Miocene pedogeniccarbonates Ž e.g., those of Mora et al., 1991.<strong>in</strong>dicatedthat the early vegetation conta<strong>in</strong>ed C 4 as wellas C 3 plants. The reader is referred to discussion andreply on this topic Ž Cerl<strong>in</strong>g et al., 1992 ..And what of the change to vascular plants <strong>in</strong> theearly Paleozoic? As mentioned earlier, Mora et al.Ž 1996.suggested that atmospheric CO2levelsdropped markedly dur<strong>in</strong>g mid to late Paleozoic time<strong>in</strong> response to the expansion of terrestrial vegetation.On the basis of an isotopic study of goethite takenfrom Ordovician ironstones, Yapp and Poths Ž 1994.suggested that the productivity of pre-vascular plantswas similar to that of modern plants. Thus, theybelieve that, when us<strong>in</strong>g the isotopic analysis ofpaleosol carbonates to estimate paleoatmosphericlevels of CO 2, no assumptions or corrections need tobe made.7. SummaryIt now appears that soil development, due to theepisodic nature of sediment accumulation, is a normalpart of the cont<strong>in</strong>ental <strong>sedimentary</strong> regime andthat many ancient cont<strong>in</strong>ental deposits conta<strong>in</strong> verticallystacked or multistory paleosols. Because <strong>sedimentary</strong><strong>rocks</strong> comprise 75% of the <strong>rocks</strong> exposed atthe Earth surface Ž Pettijohn, 1975 ., and becausemany of those <strong>rocks</strong> formed <strong>in</strong> terrestrial environmentssubject to pedogenic modification, paleosolsare abundant <strong>in</strong> the <strong>geologic</strong> record. Their <strong>geologic</strong>history is also lengthy, extend<strong>in</strong>g well back <strong>in</strong>to thePrecambrian Ž e.g., Driese et al., 1995 ..The study of pre-Quaternary paleosols and theways <strong>in</strong> which the paleosols are be<strong>in</strong>g used to helpsolve various <strong>geologic</strong> problems have grown <strong>in</strong> thepast decade. Because many ancient soil profiles areeasily recognized, exposed over broad areas, andformed almost <strong>in</strong>stantaneously <strong>in</strong> terms of <strong>geologic</strong>time Ž <strong>in</strong> the range of 2000–30,000 years ., they offera nearly ideal method of correlat<strong>in</strong>g deposits <strong>in</strong> thecont<strong>in</strong>ental realm, both at a local and at a regional orbas<strong>in</strong>al scale. <strong>Paleosols</strong> are still an under-utilizedaspect of sequence stratigraphy, and this is an area <strong>in</strong>which future research should focus. Cont<strong>in</strong>ental successionswith multistory paleosols can also provide acont<strong>in</strong>uous record of ancient climatic conditions andclimatic changes through time. Additionally, paleosol–landscapeanalysis can produce a clearer, morecomplete picture of the environmental conditions andprocesses operat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> ancient cont<strong>in</strong>ental bas<strong>in</strong>s. Inparticular, recogniz<strong>in</strong>g and analyz<strong>in</strong>g paleosol variabilityat different spatial and temporal scales isimportant for evaluat<strong>in</strong>g how landscapes evolvedover time and for assess<strong>in</strong>g the relative significanceof autogenic and allogenic controls on landscapeevolution.AcknowledgementsResearch contribut<strong>in</strong>g to this paper was supportedby National Science Foundation Grants EAR-9303959 and EAR-9706115 to MJK. P.D. G<strong>in</strong>gerichprovided <strong>in</strong>valuable logistical support for fieldwork<strong>in</strong> the Bighorn Bas<strong>in</strong>. Field assistance dur<strong>in</strong>g studiesof paleosols <strong>in</strong> the Bighorn Bas<strong>in</strong> was provided byMaureen McHugh, Brian Gw<strong>in</strong>n, Roberta Yuhas.Constructive reviews for the journal were providedby Greg Retallack and Paul Wright.ReferencesAbbott, P.L., M<strong>in</strong>ch, J.A., Peterson, G.L., 1976. Pre-Eocene paleosolsouth of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. J. Sediment.Petrol. 46, 355–361.Aitken, J.F., Fl<strong>in</strong>t, S.S., 1996. Variable expressions of <strong>in</strong>terfluvialsequence boundaries <strong>in</strong> the Brathitt Group Ž Pennsylvanian .,eastern Kentucky, USA. In: Howell, J.A., Aitken, J.F. Ž Eds. .,High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy: Innovations and Applications.Geol. Soc. London, Spec. 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