Health behavior

Health behavior Health behavior


1. Health Belief Model• an individual does not take any health action unlesshe/she has the minimum level of relevant healthmotivation and knowledge; unless he/she seeshimself/herself as potentially susceptible person, andunless he/she does not see the benefit of health care• components:• subjective state of ‘readiness to take action’• individual assessment of intentional health behavior• there should be a ‘trigger for action’ to stimulate acertain health behavior

• health action taken by an individual depends on his/herperception of his/her personal susceptibility and whetheran illness could have more severe personal implications• assumption of this model - that the outcome of theaction taken is reduced susceptibility to disease or, if adisease occurs, reduction of its severity• this model showed great importance in analysis ofpreventive and/or positive health behavior; alsoapplicable to analysis of illness behavior

1. <strong>Health</strong> Belief Model• an individual does not take any health action unlesshe/she has the minimum level of relevant healthmotivation and knowledge; unless he/she seeshimself/herself as potentially susceptible person, andunless he/she does not see the benefit of health care• components:• subjective state of ‘readiness to take action’• individual assessment of intentional health <strong>behavior</strong>• there should be a ‘trigger for action’ to stimulate acertain health <strong>behavior</strong>

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