Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

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34 According to the standing instructions of ECI, the record offices/units or MEA nodalauthority should not send the Forms (& Declarations) to the ECI.Processing at the DEO/ERO level35 DEO too, shall acknowledge the receipt of Applications to the CEO.36 Thereafter the DEO should ascertain the ACs to which the individual applicationsbelong, and send individual applications to the respective EROs concerned.37 The applications shall be processed at the ERO level and the last part of electoral roll(Service Voter’s Roll) shall be prepared in ERO’s office.38 The service personnel have been instructed to give full particulars of their address sothat the DEO/ERO can easily determine which constituency the elector belongs to.Actual residence is, of course, not necessary and so long as it gives adequate detail ofhis place of residence so as to enable the DEO/ERO to determine his constituency, thestatement should be accepted.39 The statement of any person having service qualification made in the prescribed <strong>for</strong>ms,and verified in the prescribed manner that, but <strong>for</strong> his having the service qualification,he would have been ordinarily resident in a specified place on any date, shall in theabsence of evidence to the contrary, be accepted as correct. In other words, the<strong>Electoral</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> Officer need not make any enquiry as to the place of ordinaryresidence in respect of a person having service qualification.40 All applications which are complete in all material particulars should be included by theERO in the last part of a roll (Service Voter’s roll).41 Only the wife of member of the Armed Forces or a member of the Armed Police Forceof a State serving outside the State or a Foreign Service elector is entitled to beregistered as an elector, if she is ordinarily residing with such a person. His children of18 years of age and above or his other relations or his domestic servants staying withhim are not entitled to be registered as electors in the last part of the electoral roll. Theycan get themselves enrolled in their ordinary place of residence if they satisfy theconditions of registration just like any other adult citizen of India.42 As already clarified, the husband of a woman employee having service qualification isalso not entitled to be registered as elector in the last part of the electoral roll.43 The declaration made by male service voter in Form 2, 2A or 3 as the case may be, willinclude the declaration in respect of his wife also. The wife is not required to sign aseparate declaration in that Form.44 After the names have been accepted and entered, counter-foils at the end of theelectors’ statements (Form 2, 2A or 3) will be completed with particulars of the voterincluding serial number of the voter and returned to the address given in column 4 of82

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