Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

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15. By 7th of the following month, one copy of the manuscript will be transferred tothe DEO <strong>for</strong> data entry in the computerized working copy of the electoral roll.16. The data entered will be stored in the computerized data base <strong>for</strong> printing at thetime of next draft publication of electoral rolls or at the time of election in theconstituency as the case may be.17. The supplement of continuous updation shall be printed as part of the draft rollbelow the last supplement <strong>for</strong> that particular year <strong>for</strong> publication as draft roll. However,when the <strong>Commission</strong> directs that the rolls be integrated be<strong>for</strong>e draft publication, thesupplement of continuous updation shall be first printed and then integrated into the DraftRoll to be published. This (printing of supplement of continuous updation) would ensurethe tracking of changes made since the last final publication of rolls, during continuousupdation.18. In States where general elections are due later during that year or a bye-election isto be held, it would be necessary to print from the computer database an additionalsupplement covering the changes made during the continuous updation after finalpublication up to last day of nomination.19. The <strong>for</strong>mat of supplement of continuous updation would be the same as <strong>for</strong> thesummary revision. The serial number of the Supplement shall be indicated on the righthand corner of the Header <strong>for</strong> the supplement and would be one more than the serialnumber of previous supplement. In the title page of such supplement, against the heading“Supplement Process & Year” the words and figures “Continuous Updating to ” would be indicated.20. There can be more than one supplement of continuous updation, like, one broughtout be<strong>for</strong>e a bye-election and another if there are additions, deletions and modificationsagain after the completion of election till the next draft publication <strong>for</strong> revision withreference to next qualifying date. Each supplement shall be a new supplement with serialnumber one more than the existing supplement.21. Note that in the continuous updation process, the serial numbers of the electorsare already communicated to them and most of the time, also used <strong>for</strong> EPIC generation;hence the serial number should NOT change, and this supplement will NOT be sortedeither section wise or house number wise. Only those supplements which are results ofclaims and objections during a regular or special notified revision exercise should besorted section wise and then house number wise, since in the regular revision exercise,serial numbers are not communicated to electors or used <strong>for</strong> EPIC till the supplementaryactually gets printed and published. In continuous updation as and when a name isincluded, the chronological serial number as is due at that stage should be given and allparticulars including ‘section’ is repeated (since it is not sorted even section wise).66

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