Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

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12. While the hard copy shall have the electors’ photographs, the soft PDF copy shallnot have any photographs against the elector details; instead, it will indicate allelectors’ details textually but not depict the photograph. In its place it will only indicatewhether the photo of the elector is available or not.Free supply of the copies of <strong>Electoral</strong> Roll to the MLAs:13. There is no objection to supply of printed copies of electoral roll and the CDs, freeof cost, to the MLAs provided the State Government agrees to bear the expenses <strong>for</strong>printing of these additional copies of electoral rolls. The additional requirement of copiesof electoral roll to the MLAs can be taken up <strong>for</strong> printing separately and this should not bea cause <strong>for</strong> delay in publication of electoral roll on due dates appointed by the ECI.Handing Over a Copy of Roll to the DEO by the ERO (Authentic Copy of Roll)14. After the roll is finally published, the ERO shall prepare an authentic copy of theroll, of which each page shall be ink signed by two officers assigned with this task by theERO. A copy of this authentic roll shall be kept in a sealed cover with the DEO <strong>for</strong> safecustody and record.Final Roll in an <strong>Election</strong> Year15. In an election year, the authentic copy of the roll shall be computer-generatedcopy and all the deletions (enlisted in supp lementary of deletions) shall be ‘struckthrough’in the mother roll (basic draft) by computer via software. Normally, the ‘strikethrough’should not be manual. In case of photo-roll the word “DELETED” wouldbe imprinted diagonally across the elector’s box to indicate that the entries have beendeleted in the supplement (in the supplement, the alphabets, ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘Q’, ‘R’, ‘M’ shallbe prefixed against Sl. No. of each deleted entry to denote the reason <strong>for</strong> deletion viz.Expired, Shifted, disqualified, Repeated or Missing. For all ‘corrections’ in thesupplement, a hash (#) mark shall be put against the original appearance of the record indraft roll to signify that the entry has some correction in the supplement but no correctionactually should be carried out in the reprinted draft (mother) roll. In addition, photographsof electors corrected in the supplement of correction will not be added/changed/correctedin the reprinted mother roll. Photograph of an existing elector received/corrected/replacedsubsequently, should be retained in correction list. In the reprinted mother roll, the words‘photo as in correction list’ shall be printed in this space provided <strong>for</strong> photographs.16. In a rare contingency where ‘strike-through’ has to be manual because ofinsurmountable time constraint or any other problem, prior approval of the <strong>Commission</strong>shall be obtained and such manual ‘strike-through’ shall be authenticated by signature ofan authorized person against each such entry at both the ends of the row, i.e. at thebeginning as at the end of that row in text roll and on the elector detail box in photo roll.Such markings, wherever allowed by the ECI shall be in red ink. In case of photo-roll the“DELETED” would be written/stamped diagonally across the elector’s box whose namefigures in the deletion list and shall be authenticated by signature in red ink, of anauthorized person against each such entry in the elector’s box.57

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