Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

Handbook for Electoral Registration Officers - Election Commission ...

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the <strong>for</strong>m given below to the CEO in regard to the names of the Members ofParliament and the State Legislatures which are being continued in the electoral roll: —“Certified that the names of Members of Parliament/State Legislature mentioned in thestatement below are being continued in the electoral roll.”List of Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assembly and Members ofLegislative Council in the draft roll of --------------------------------------------------(year)<strong>for</strong> the -----------------------------------------------------------------------assemblyconstituency.Name of Member ofParlament (House of thePeople or Council ofStates), MLA or MLCNo. and name of part of rollin which the name isregisteredSl.No. with full extract ofentry<strong>Electoral</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> Officer -------------assembly constituency.76. In every case, where the name of any member has been omitted from the electoralroll, the ERO should also report immediately to the CEO the full facts <strong>for</strong> such omission.77. At the end of every year, the CEO shall report to the <strong>Election</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> allsuch omission cases with a copy of the report of the ERO in each case.78. After the draft publication is accomplished, the CEO/DEO and the ERO shall calla meeting of local units of political parties at their respective levels and request them togo through the published draft rolls to find put any omissions or inadvertent errors <strong>for</strong>corrections. The political parties should be clearly explained that their indifference at thisstage may lead to frustration later on since the rolls cannot be always be corrected afterthey are finalized.79. ERO shall, on his own also, scrutinize the rolls at this stage. One such item ofscrutiny is the individual households in the rolls showing more than 10 electors. Anothercould be the death registers to identify voter since dead. Such entries should be fieldverified and corrective measures taken where needed.80. ERO shall also get the roll of each part read out loudly be<strong>for</strong>e the meeting of theGram Sabha/Ward Committee concerned. This is to ensure that any omissions orcommissions are brought out and remedial action initiated. Minutes of such meetingsshall be maintained neatly.81. Besides, the ERO should scrutinize the facts and figures of the roll with a view toascertain its quality. Gender ratio amongst the electors in the roll <strong>for</strong> each constituencywith that of the census should be compared to establish any deviant trend. This willindicate whether male electors have been stuffed in the immediate past and recent yearsat the cost of female electors. It will also indicate if female electors are twice enrolled –first as daughter and then later as daughter-in-law. These figures have to be reported tothe <strong>Commission</strong> and its approval obtained <strong>for</strong> final publication of rolls be<strong>for</strong>e actually35

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