000107 - Agfa HealthCare

000107 - Agfa HealthCare 000107 - Agfa HealthCare

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Page 20 of 25MED/RLR/000107Document No. 000107, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 Agfa Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Patient ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Patient Management Service Class. Impaxmakes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Patient UpdatedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Patient’s Name (0010,0010)Patient ID (0010,0020)All updated AttributesTable 3.22 Detached Patient Management Object N-Event Report attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Visit Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Visit ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of visit information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Patient AdmittedPatient TransferredPatient Discharged3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Visit ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.23.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Visit Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.23 Presentation contexts.A]

MED/RLR/000107 Page 21 of 25Document No. 000107, Revision 3.1Agfa Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Visit ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Visit Management Service Class. Impaxmakes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Patient UpdatedPatient DischargedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Visit Status ID (0038,0008)Current Patient Location (0038,0300)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Table 3.24 Detached Visit Management Object N-Event Report attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Study Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Study ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of study information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Study CreatedStudy ScheduledStudy CompletedStudy Deleted3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Study ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.25.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Study Management 1.2.840.10008. all from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.25 Presentation contexts.A]

Page 20 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Patient ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Patient Management Service Class. Impaxmakes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Patient UpdatedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Patient’s Name (0010,0010)Patient ID (0010,0020)All updated AttributesTable 3.22 Detached Patient Management Object N-Event Report attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Visit Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Visit ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of visit information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Patient AdmittedPatient TransferredPatient Discharged3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Visit ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.23.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Visit Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.23 Presentation contexts.A]

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