000107 - Agfa HealthCare

000107 - Agfa HealthCare

000107 - Agfa HealthCare

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Page 2 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingDocument InformationAuthorEditing & LayoutFor questionsregarding the technicalcontent of thisdocument, pleasecontact:René RuytersAllan MorrisRené Ruyters<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingSeptestraat 27B-2640 MortselBelgiumtel: +32 3 444 8229fax: +32 3 455 8211email: rene.ruyters.rr@belgium.agfa.comIssued by:<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingSeptestraat 27B-2640 MortselBelgiumtel: +32 3 444 8221fax: +32 3 444 8211email: eduard.crits.ec@belgium.agfa.com<strong>Agfa</strong> shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental orconsequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performanceor use of this publication. <strong>Agfa</strong> reserves the right to revise thispublication and to make changes to its content at any time, withoutobligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions and changes.This publication may only be used in connection with the promotion,sales, installation and use of <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment by <strong>Agfa</strong> personnel. Theinformation presented herein is sensitive and is classified CompanyConfidential. Without written authority from the proprietor, furtherdistribution outside the company is not allowed.Copyright September, 00<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingAll rights reservedA]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 3 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 2000Table of Contents1 Introduction............................................................................................ 71.1 Intended Audience .................................................................................................... 71.1.1 Integration ............................................................................................................ 71.1.2 Validation ............................................................................................................. 71.1.3 Future Evolution................................................................................................... 71.2 Purpose of this Document......................................................................................... 72 Implementation Model ........................................................................... 82.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ................................................................................ 82.1.1 C-FIND Modality Worklist .................................................................................... 82.1.2 N-GETs ................................................................................................................ 82.1.3 N-EVENT-REPORTs ........................................................................................... 82.1.4 N-CREATE Study Component............................................................................. 82.2 Functional Definitions of AEs .................................................................................... 82.3 Sequencing of Real World Activities......................................................................... 92.3.1 C-FIND................................................................................................................. 92.3.2 N-GET.................................................................................................................. 92.3.3 N-EVENT-REPORT............................................................................................. 92.3.4 N-CREATE........................................................................................................... 93 AE Specifications................................................................................... 93.1 Impax Specifications ................................................................................................. 93.1.1 Association Establishment Policies ................................................................... General ......................................................................................................... Number of Associations................................................................................ Asynchronous Nature ................................................................................... Implementation Identifying Information......................................................... Called/Calling Titles ...................................................................................... 103.1.2 Association Initiation by Real World Activity...................................................... Real World Activity - Verification .................................................................. Associated Real World Activity - Verification........................................... Presentation Context Table - Verification................................................ SOP Specific Conformance - Verification................................................ Real World Activity - Detached Patient Management .................................. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Patient Management........... Presentation Context Table - Detached Patient Management................ SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Patient Management................ Real World Activity - Detached Visit Management....................................... Associated Real World Activity - Detached Visit Management ............... Presentation Context Table - Detached Visit Management .................... SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Visit Management .................... Real World Activity - Detached Study Management .................................... Associated Real World Activity - Detached Study Management............. Presentation Context Table - Detached Study Management.................. 13A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 5 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20007 Support for Extended Character Sets.................................................. 258 Acronyms and Abbreviations............................................................... 25A]

Page 6 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingRevision RecordRevisionNumberDate Author Reason for Change1.0 30/9/96 Eric Initial release1.1 27/01/99 Amorris Company name changed2.0 10/03/99 Wrose Figure 1 to be corrected2.1 10/03/99 Wrose Extra revision created to solve copying problem2.2 10/03/99 Wrose Figure 1 corrected2.3 9/07/99 Amorris New introduction incorporated2.4 22/12/99 Amorris New style implemented2.5 18/1/00 Amorris Returned to old style2.6 16/2/00 Amorris Release 3.5 indicated in title and text; Released 16/2/00 Amorris Post-release correction2.8 8/03/00 Amorris Re-imported into mPower3.0 8/9/00 Kkeller New conventions to be implemented3.1 8/9/00 Kkeller New conventions implementedA]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 7 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20001 INTRODUCTION1.1 Intended AudienceThe user of this document is involved with system integration and/or software design. We assume that thereader is familiar with the terminology and concepts that are used in the DICOM 3.0 standard.Readers not familiar with DICOM 3.0 terminology should first read the appropriate parts of the DICOMstandard itself, prior to reading this conformance statement.Although the use of this conformance statement in conjunction with the DICOM 3.0 standard is intended tofacilitate communication with other imaging equipment, it is not sufficient to guarantee, by itself, the interoperationof the connection. The following issues need to be considered:1.1.1 IntegrationThe integration of any device into a system of interconnected devices goes beyond the scope of theDICOM 3.0 standard and this conformance statement when interoperability is desired. The responsibility foranalyzing the applications requirements and developing a solution that integrates the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment withother vendors’ systems is the user’s responsibility and should not be underestimated.1.1.2 ValidationTesting the complete range of possibilities between the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment and non-<strong>Agfa</strong> devices, before theconnection is declared operational, is deemed to be a necessity. The user should ensure that any non-<strong>Agfa</strong>provider accepts full responsibility for all validation required for their connection with the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment. Theaccuracy of image data once it has crossed the interface between the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment and the non-<strong>Agfa</strong>device as well as the stability of the image data for the intended applications is the responsibility of the non-<strong>Agfa</strong> provider.1.1.3 Future EvolutionAs the DICOM 3.0 standard evolves to meet the user’s growing requirements and to incorporate newfeatures and technologies, <strong>Agfa</strong> will follow the evolution of the standard. This evolution of the standard mayrequire changes to devices that have implemented DICOM 3.0. The user should ensure that any non-<strong>Agfa</strong>provider who connects with <strong>Agfa</strong> devices also plans future evolution of the DICOM standard. A refusal to doso may reflect in the loss of functionality and/or connectivity between the different products.1.2 Purpose of this DocumentThis document is a provisional DICOM Conformance Statement for the HIS/RIS services of ImpaxRelease 3.5.Impax is a DICOM service class user for the following service classes: Patient Management, StudyManagement, Results Management, and Basic Worklist Management. Impax both issues DICOM requestsand accepts DICOM events.A]

Page 8 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging2 IMPLEMENTATION MODELImpax includes the following components:Impax is a DICOM service class user for the following service classes: Patient Management, StudyManagement, Results Management, and Basic Worklist Management.Impax both issues DICOM requests and accepts DICOM events.2.1 Application Data Flow DiagramFigure 2.1 Implementation model.2.1.1 C-FIND Modality WorklistImpax will issue requests to C-FIND modality worklists from a suitable SCP.2.1.2 N-GETsImpax will issue N-GET requests for patient, visit, study, results and interpretation objects.2.1.3 N-EVENT-REPORTsImpax is able to receive event notifications when the patient, visit, study, results and interpretation objectsare created, updated or deleted.2.1.4 N-CREATE Study ComponentImpax will issue requests to N-CREATE a study component object.2.2 Functional Definitions of AEsImpax is implemented as a single application entity as a service class user.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 9 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20002.3 Sequencing of Real World ActivitiesImpax must have an installed/working connection with a suitable SCP.2.3.1 C-FINDThe Network Gateway component of Impax will issue this request upon receiving a study from a modality.The information is used to validate and update the demographic and study information in the imagesreceived. In effect, Impax is performing this service on behalf of the modality.2.3.2 N-GETThe Network Gateway component of Impax will issue this request to obtain additional information whenvalidating studies.The Impax RS3000 will issue this request to obtain reports.The Impax AS3000 will issue this request to obtain additional information to support pre-fetching andother aspects of data staging.2.3.3 N-EVENT-REPORTThe Network Gateway component of Impax will receive study scheduled events to drive pre-fetching. TheAS3000 will receive a variety of events relating to patients, visits, studies, results and interpretations, anduse that information to control data staging and update status fields.2.3.4 N-CREATEThe Network Gateway component of Impax will issue this request to pass information back to HIS/RIS whenit receives studies from modalities. In effect, Impax is performing this service on behalf of the modality.3 AE SPECIFICATIONS3.1 Impax SpecificationsImpax provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 Verification SOP Class as an SCUand an SCP.SOP ClassVerification 1.2.840.10008.1.1SOP Class UIDTable 3.1 Verification SOP class.A]

Page 10 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingImpax provides Standard Conformance to the following DICOM V3.0 Management SOP Classes as anSCU.SOP ClassSOP Class UIDDetached Patient Management 1.2.840.10008. Visit Management 1.2.840.10008. Study Management 1.2.840.10008. Results Management 1.2.840.10008. Interpretation Management 1.2.840.10008. Component Management 1.2.840.10008. Worklist Information Model – FIND 1.2.840.10008. 3.2 Management SOP classes.SOP ClassDICOM Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2SOP Class UIDTable 3.3 Transfer syntax.3.1.1 Association Establishment Policies3.1.1.1 General3.1.1.2 Number of AssociationsThe maximum number of simultaneous associations accepted by Impax is configurable at run time, based onthe system resources available. By default, the maximum number of associations is set at 32. There is noinherent limit to the number of associations other than limits imposed by the computer operating system. Asynchronous NatureImpax allows a single outstanding operation on any association. Therefore, Impax does not supportasynchronous operations window negotiation, other than the default as specified by the DICOM specification. Implementation Identifying InformationImpax responds with the following implementation identifying parameters: Implementation Class UID: Version Name: Impax_NWG_3.0The implementation version name policies are the following: product name “Impax_NWG” followed by theversion of the product, “_3.0”. Called/Calling TitlesThe default calling title that Impax will use is “Impax_NWG”. This parameter can be configured beforeapplication startup.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 11 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003.1.2 Association Initiation by Real World Activity3.1.2.1 Real World Activity - Verification3. Associated Real World Activity - VerificationImpax uses the verification service class to test communication with a remote entity. Presentation Context Table - VerificationImpax requests the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.4.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationVerification 1.2.840.10008.1.1 All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.4 Presentation contexts. SOP Specific Conformance - VerificationImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Verification Service Class. Real World Activity - Detached Patient Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Patient ManagementImpax will issue N-GET requests to obtain patient demographic information, based on the patient identifier. Presentation Context Table - Detached Patient ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.5.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Patient Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.5 Presentation contexts.A]

Page 12 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Patient ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Patient Management Service Class. Impaxwill request the following elements for this SOP class:Attribute NameSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Patient’s Name (0010,0010)Patient ID (0010,0020)Patient’s Birth Date (0010,0030)Patient’s Sex (0010,0040)Referenced Visit Sequence (0008,1125)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Table 3.6 Detached Patient Management Object N-Get attributes.Tag3.1.2.3 Real World Activity - Detached Visit Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Visit ManagementImpax will issue N-GET requests to obtain visit information, based on the visit identifier. Presentation Context Table - Detached Visit ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.7.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Visit Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.7 Presentation contexts.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 13 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Visit ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Visit Management Service Class. Impaxwill request the following elements for this SOP class:Attribute NameSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Institution Name (0008,0080)Current Patient Location (0038,0300)Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Table 3.8 Detached Visit Management Object N-Get attributes.Tag3.1.2.4 Real World Activity - Detached Study Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Study ManagementImpax will issue N-GET requests to obtain study information, based on the study identifier. Presentation Context Table - Detached Study ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.9.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Study Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.9 Presentation contexts.A]

Page 14 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Study ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Study Management Service Class. Impaxwill request the following elements for this SOP class:Attribute NameSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Study Instance UID(0020,000D)Accession Number (0008,0050)Study Status ID(0032,000A)Scheduled Study Start Date (0032,1000)Scheduled Study Start Time (0032,1001)Scheduled Study Location (0032,1020)Reason for Study (0032,1030)Requesting Physician (0032,1032)Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060)Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064)> Code Value (0008,0100)> Code Meaning (0008,0104)Study Date (0008,0020)Study Time (0008,0030)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Visit Sequence (0008,1125)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Results Sequence (0008,1100)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)TagTable 3.10 Detached Study Management Object N-Get attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Results Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Results ManagementImpax will issue N-GET requests to obtain results information, based on the results identifier. Presentation Context - Detached Results ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.11.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Results Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.11 Presentation contexts.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 15 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Results ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Results Management Service Class. Impaxsupports the following elements for this SOP class:Attribute NameSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Results ID (4008,0040)Results ID Issuer (4008,0042)Impressions (4008,0300)Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110)> Referenced SOP Class (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Interpretation Sequence (4008,0050)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)TagTable 3.12 Detached Results Management Object N-Get attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Interpretation Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Interpretation ManagementImpax will issue N-GET requests to obtain interpretation information, based on the interpretation identifier. Presentation Context Table - Detached Interpretation ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.13.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Patient Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.13 Presentation contexts.A]

Page 16 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Interpretation ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Interpretation Management Service Class.Impax will request the following elements for this SOP class:Attribute NameSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Interpretation Status ID (4008,0212)Interpretation Recorded Date (4008,0100)Interpretation Recorded Time (4008,0101)Interpretation Recorder (4008,0102)Interpretation Transcription Date (4008,0108)Interpretation Transcription Time (4008,0109)Interpretation Transcriber(4008,010A)Interpretation Text(4008,010B)Interpretation Author(4008,010C)Interpretation Diagnosis Description (4008,0115)Referenced Results Sequence (0008,1100)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)TagTable 3.14 Detached Interpretation Management Object N-Get attributes. Real World Activity - Study Component Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Study Component ManagementImpax will issue N-CREATE of Study Component. Presentation Context Table - Study Component ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.15.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationStudy Component Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.15 Presentation contexts.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 17 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. SOP Specific Conformance - Study Component ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Study Component Management Service Class.Impax supports the following elements for this SOP class:Attribute NameSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Modality (0008,0060)Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Study Component Status ID (0032,1055)Study Description (0008,1030)Study ID (0020,0010)Retrieve Application Entity Title (0008,0054)Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115)> Series Date (0008,0021)> Series Time (0008,0031)> Series Description (0008,103E)> Series Instance UID (0020,000E)> Retrieve Application Entity Title (0008,0054)TagTable 3.16 Study Component Management Object N-Create attributes. Real World Activity - Modality Worklist Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Modality Worklist ManagementImpax will issue C-FINDs. Presentation Context Table - Modality Worklist ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.17.Abstract SyntaxExtendedTransfer Syntax RoleSOP ClassSOP Class UIDNegotiationModality Worklist Management -FIND 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.17 Presentation contexts. SOP Specific Conformance - Modality Worklist ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Basic Worklist Management Service Class. Impaxrequests the following matching key types:SVMatching Key TypesSingle valued matchA]

Page 18 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical ImagingImpax requests the following elements for this SOP class:Module Attribute Name Tag MatchSOP Common Specific Character Set (0008,0005)Scheduled Procedure Step Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040,0100)> Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001)> Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002)> Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time (0040,0003)> Modality (0008,0060)> Scheduled Procedure Step Desc. (0040,0005)> Scheduled Station Name (0040,0010)> Scheduled Procedure Step Location (0040,0011)Requested Procedure Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001)Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060)Reason for Requested Procedure (0040,1002)Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064)> Code Value (0008,0100)Study Instance UID (0020,000D) SVImaging Service Request Accession Number (0008,0050) SVRequesting Physician’s Name (0032,1032)Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090)Reason for Imaging Service Request (0040,2001)Visit Status Current Patient Location (0038,0030)Visit RelationshipReferenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Patient Identification Patient Name (0010,0010)Patient ID (0010,0020) SVPatient Demographic Patient Birth Date (0010,0030)Patient Sex (0010,0040)Table 3.18 Modality Worklist information model attributes.3.1.3 Association Acceptance Policy3.1.3.1 Real World Activity - Verification3. Associated Real World Activity - VerificationImpax will respond to Verification requests to provide an SCU with the ability to determine if Impax isreceiving DICOM requests. Presentation Context Table - VerificationImpax will accept any of the Presentation Contexts listed in Table 3.19 for Verification.Abstract SyntaxSOP Class SOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationVerification 1.2.840.10008.1.1 All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.19 Presentation contexts.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 19 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. SOP Specific Conformance - VerificationImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Verification Service Class. Impax returns one of thefollowing status codes:Service Status Further Meaning Protocol Codes Related Fields DescriptionSuccess Success 0000 - Operation performed properlyTable 3.20 Verification status codes. Presentation Context Acceptance Criterion - VerificationImpax will always accept a Presentation Context for the Verification SOP Class with the default DICOMtransfer syntax listed in Table Transfer Syntax Selection Policies - VerificationSince no DICOM data object is associated with a Verification command, only the default DICOM transfersyntax is required/supported. Real World Activity - Detached Patient Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Patient ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of patient information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Patient Updated3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Patient ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.21.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Patient Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.21 Presentation contexts.A]

Page 20 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Patient ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Patient Management Service Class. Impaxmakes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Patient UpdatedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Patient’s Name (0010,0010)Patient ID (0010,0020)All updated AttributesTable 3.22 Detached Patient Management Object N-Event Report attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Visit Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Visit ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of visit information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Patient AdmittedPatient TransferredPatient Discharged3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Visit ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.23.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Visit Management 1.2.840.10008. All from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.23 Presentation contexts.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 21 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Visit ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Visit Management Service Class. Impaxmakes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Patient UpdatedPatient DischargedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Visit Status ID (0038,0008)Current Patient Location (0038,0300)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Table 3.24 Detached Visit Management Object N-Event Report attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Study Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Study ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of study information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Study CreatedStudy ScheduledStudy CompletedStudy Deleted3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Study ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.25.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Study Management 1.2.840.10008. all from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.25 Presentation contexts.A]

Page 22 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Study ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Study Management Service Class. Impaxmakes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Patient UpdatedStudy ScheduledStudy CompletedStudy DeletedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Visit Sequence (0008,1125)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Study Status ID(0032,000A)Specific Character Set (0008,0005)Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Visit Sequence (0008,1125)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Scheduled Study Start Date (0032,1000)Scheduled Study Start Time (0032,1001)Scheduled Study Location (0032,1020)Scheduled Study Location AE Title (0032,1021)Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060)Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064)> Code Value (0008,0100)> Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102)> Code Meaning (0008,0104)Referenced Study Component Sequence (0008,1111)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Table 3.26 Detached Study Management Object N-Event-Report attributes. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Results ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of results information hasoccurred. The following events are supported:Results CreatedResults UpdatedA]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 23 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20003. Presentation Context Table - Detached Results ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.27.Abstract SyntaxSOP ClassSOP Class UIDTransfer Syntax Role Extended NegotiationDetached Results Management 1.2.840.10008. all from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.27 Presentation contexts. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Results ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Interpretation Management Service Class.Impax makes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Results CreatedResults UpdatedEvent Type Name Attribute Name TagSpecific Character Set (0008,0005)Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Referenced Interpretation Sequence (4008,0005)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Impressions (4008,0300)All updated attributesTable 3.28 Detached Results Management Object N-Event Report attributes. Real World Activity - Detached Interpretation Management3. Associated Real World Activity - Detached Interpretation ManagementImpax will accept N-EVENT-REPORTs to indicate that a change in the status of interpretation informationhas occurred. The following events are supported:Interpretation CreatedInterpretation RecordedInterpretation TranscribedInterpretation ApprovedA]

Page 24 of 25MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong>Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.111 September, 2000 <strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging3. Presentation Context Table - Detached Interpretation ManagementImpax supports the presentation contexts listed in Table 3.29.SOP ClassAbstract SyntaxSOP Class UIDTransfer SyntaxDetached Interpretation Management 1.2.840.10008. all from Table 3.3 SCU NoneTable 3.29 Presentation contexts.RoleExtendedNegotiation3. SOP Specific Conformance - Detached Interpretation ManagementImpax provides standard conformance to the DICOM Detached Interpretation Management Service Class.Impax makes use of the following elements for this SOP class:Event Type Name Attribute Name TagInterpretation CreatedInterpretation RecordedInterpretation TranscribedInterpretation ApprovedInterpretation UpdatedInstance Creation Date (0008,0012)Instance Creation Time (0008,0013)Referenced Results Sequence (0008,1100)> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150)> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155)Interpretation Type ID (4008,0210)Interpretation Status ID (4008,0212)Interpretation Text(4008,010B)All other defined attributesInterpretation Recorded Date (4008,0100)Interpretation Recorded Time (4008,0101)Interpretation Recorder (4008,0102)Interpretation Type ID (4008,0210)Interpretation Status ID (4008,0212)Interpretation Transcription Date (4008,0108)Interpretation Transcription Time (4008,0109)Interpretation Author(4008,010C)Interpretation Type ID (4008,0210)Interpretation Status ID (4008,0212)Interpretation Approver Sequence (4008,0111)> Interpretation Approval Date (4008,0112)> Interpretation Approval Time (4008,0113)> Physicians Approving Interpretation (4008,0114)Interpretation Diagnosis Description (4008,0115)Interpretation Diagnosis Code Sequence (4008,0117)> Code Value (0008,0100)> Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102)> Code Meaning (0008,0104)Interpretation Status ID (4008,0212)All updated AttributesTable 3.30 Detached Interpretation Object N-Event-Report attributes.A]

MED/RLR/<strong>000107</strong> Page 25 of 25Document No. <strong>000107</strong>, Revision 3.1<strong>Agfa</strong> Medical Imaging 11 September, 20004 COMMUNICATIONS PROFILESImpax provides DICOM V3.0 TCP/IP Network Communication Support as defined in Part 8 of the DICOMStandard.4.1 TCP/IP StackImpax inherits its TCP/IP stack from the computer system upon which it executes.4.2 Physical Medium SupportImpax is indifferent to the physical medium over which TCP/IP executes; it inherits the medium from thecomputer system upon which it executes.5 EXTENSIONS / SPECIALIZATIONS / PRIVATIZATIONSNot applicable.6 CONFIGURATIONNot applicable.7 SUPPORT FOR EXTENDED CHARACTER SETSImpax is known to support the following character sets:• ISO-IR 6 (default) Basic G0 Set• ISO-IR 100 Latin Alphabet No. 18 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSThe following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this document:ACRAEDICOMNEMAPDUSCPSCUSCPSOPTCP/IPUIDAmerican College of RadiologyApplication EntityDigital Imaging and Communications in MedicineNational Electrical Manufacturers AssociationProtocol Data UnitService Class ProviderService Class UserService Class ProviderService-Object PairTransmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolUnique IdentifierA]

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