Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

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<strong>in</strong>novation was formation <strong>of</strong> the political programme council (“rada polityczno-programowa”)consist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> party members as well as <strong>in</strong>dividuals represent<strong>in</strong>g different organizations that werecooperat<strong>in</strong>g somehow with SLD. Thus, some non-party c<strong>and</strong>idates could be found on SLD’s list atthe elections, even representatives from religious organizations. The ma<strong>in</strong> task <strong>of</strong> the council was toput forward a new political programme <strong>and</strong> br<strong>in</strong>g to the party federation a new broad “catch all”pr<strong>of</strong>ile. Of the 32 groups <strong>in</strong> the “old” federation only five groups refused to jo<strong>in</strong> the new party SLD.However, the clos<strong>in</strong>g down <strong>of</strong> the election alliance SLD could not take place without critique,especially <strong>in</strong> the party daily “Trybuna”. The PPS-leader Piotr Ikonowicz did not want to jo<strong>in</strong> aunitary political party, argu<strong>in</strong>g that SLD should rema<strong>in</strong> a party federation. Some defectors eventook the decision to jo<strong>in</strong> the peasant movement party Samobrona. It seemed impossible to closedown a party like PPS that had existed <strong>in</strong> almost 100 years. However, PPS’ options outside SLDwere few. The prime motive to jo<strong>in</strong> the SLD was to be represented <strong>in</strong> parliament. The withdrawal <strong>of</strong>PPS did not br<strong>in</strong>g any negative consequences for SLD as a whole, but PPS’ views had some support<strong>in</strong> some other political groups <strong>in</strong>side the alliance. However, many <strong>in</strong> SLD considered PPS <strong>and</strong> notleast the chairman Piotr Ikonowicz as an embarrassment because <strong>of</strong> his uncompromis<strong>in</strong>g politicalstyle. Before 1989 Piotr Ikonowicz had been political dissident, but s<strong>in</strong>ce 1989 he has persistentlydefended classical trade union values <strong>and</strong> criticised SLD for the rapprochement to the FreedomUnion (UW), also the old “apparatchik” Leszek Miller was accused <strong>of</strong> “sabotage” because <strong>of</strong> theplans about etablish<strong>in</strong>g a new unitary left w<strong>in</strong>g party SLD. Opposite Ikonowicz, after thetransformation <strong>of</strong> SLD the former “party boss” Leszek Miller behaved much more centre-orientated<strong>and</strong> pro-western.As said, much critique came from the party newspaper “Trybuna”, <strong>and</strong> especially directed aga<strong>in</strong>stLeszek Miller who accord<strong>in</strong>g to the opponents behaved <strong>in</strong> dictatorial ways without be<strong>in</strong>g able topresent to the public any consistent <strong>and</strong> politically realizable political alternatives to the governmentpolicy. Thus SLD was <strong>in</strong> danger <strong>of</strong> constitut<strong>in</strong>g a non-ideological cartel party without present<strong>in</strong>grealistic alternatives to the electorate. Former Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister Mieczyslaw F. Rakowski argued theop<strong>in</strong>ion that SLD have several <strong>in</strong>telligent leaders <strong>and</strong> many experienced adm<strong>in</strong>istrators with apr<strong>of</strong>ound knowledge about governmental <strong>and</strong> public affairs 84 . However, gradually SLD became a“party <strong>of</strong> social democrats <strong>in</strong> smok<strong>in</strong>g” with a dist<strong>in</strong>ct market economic, technocratic <strong>and</strong> western<strong>in</strong>tegrationist pr<strong>of</strong>ile. One <strong>of</strong> the ma<strong>in</strong> problems problem is that SLD seems to neglect those policyproblems that troubles Polish people <strong>in</strong> their every day life; <strong>in</strong>stead the leaders <strong>of</strong> the party havebeen focus<strong>in</strong>g too much on unimportant “apparatus talk”. The question <strong>of</strong> transform<strong>in</strong>g SLD <strong>in</strong>to aunitary st<strong>and</strong>ard political party should have belonged to the less important political options, but thesubject was given the highest priority. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the critics the new unitary party tended to begoverned top-down, almost accord<strong>in</strong>g to a new-old Len<strong>in</strong>ist pr<strong>in</strong>ciple based on democraticcentralism.Also different views about the procedures connected with the foundation <strong>of</strong> the new SLD existed.One group expressed the op<strong>in</strong>ion that a discussion about the party programme should take placebefore the formation <strong>of</strong> the new party organization. Another group used the argument thatfunctional organisation <strong>and</strong> a well-discipl<strong>in</strong>ed party apparatus should have the first priority. Formerpresidential c<strong>and</strong>idate for SLD <strong>and</strong> former Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz kept a lowpr<strong>of</strong>ile, but <strong>in</strong>directly he supported the first group. Interviewed <strong>in</strong> the Polish weekly “Polityka” hesaid that the new SLD under no circumstances should move towards a centralist governed unitary84 Anna Bogusz, Dorota Mecieja, Z<strong>of</strong>ia Wojtkowska, ”Falszywa lewica”, Wprost, 18 May, 1999:22-23.92

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