Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

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<strong>in</strong>dustrial policy. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the party the import <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>vestment goods took up too little space.Foreign <strong>in</strong>vestments were to a too large extent been concentrated on retail trade <strong>and</strong> simpleproduction. The party also argued <strong>in</strong> favour <strong>of</strong> a more efficiently work<strong>in</strong>g system <strong>of</strong> tax <strong>and</strong> customadm<strong>in</strong>istration <strong>and</strong> collection. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to calculations <strong>of</strong> the party itself the Polish state wasdeprived more than 3 bio. zl. <strong>in</strong> tax <strong>and</strong> custom revenues, more than the state support to polishagriculture pr. year. Due to these factors Polen was <strong>in</strong> a weakened position <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ternationalcompetition. In case <strong>of</strong> Polish membership <strong>of</strong> the EU Pol<strong>and</strong> might one-sidedly become a marketfor sale <strong>of</strong> products produced <strong>in</strong> the present EU countries <strong>and</strong> other more competitive marketeconomies.Thus, aim<strong>in</strong>g to protect Polish places <strong>of</strong> work the PSL ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed a rather EU-sceptical l<strong>in</strong>e,especially as regards import <strong>of</strong> EU-subsidized food products. In addition, the party has aimed at<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the export to the traditional markets <strong>in</strong> the East, especially to Russia <strong>in</strong> return for moreRussian oil <strong>and</strong> gas. Furthermore, the party has put forwards f<strong>in</strong>cially expensive proposals, e.g.writ<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>f the debt for students after five years employment. In general economic populism hasbeen strik<strong>in</strong>g, but not xenophobic <strong>and</strong> anti-semitic. F<strong>in</strong>ally, among the PSL voters the majorityconsists <strong>of</strong> men. Opposite, the League <strong>of</strong> Polish Families (LPR) mostly appealed to the femalevoters.The defeat at the 1997 election led to “soul-search<strong>in</strong>g” <strong>in</strong>side the party. As said, the election wasfollowed by an <strong>in</strong>ternal split. However, at the 1998 municipal <strong>and</strong> regional elections PSL obta<strong>in</strong>edmore political strength due to the electoral cooperation with the Labour Union (UP) <strong>in</strong> the shape <strong>of</strong>the election alliance “Prymierze Spoleczne”. In the case <strong>of</strong> “Przymierze Polski” were not deal<strong>in</strong>gwith a permanent alliance such as was at least the <strong>in</strong>tention <strong>in</strong> the case <strong>of</strong> SLD <strong>and</strong> AWS. As notedearlier, the alliance between PSL <strong>and</strong> UP can be regarded as tactical, aim<strong>in</strong>g at ga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the bestpossible representation <strong>in</strong> local <strong>and</strong> regional councils <strong>and</strong> the greatest possible political <strong>in</strong>fluence.Inside the alliance PSL ga<strong>in</strong>ed the strongest position due to greater party <strong>in</strong>stitutionalisation <strong>and</strong>more political experience amon its leaders.The decision about jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the election alliance with UP (<strong>and</strong> KPEiR, a pensioners party) was takenalmost unanimously, however, without support from the former party chairman Waldemar Pawlak.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Pawlak, by jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the alliance the Peasants <strong>Party</strong> (PSL) may loose its identity.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the majority <strong>of</strong> the party leadership that argument was based on the wrong assumptionthat PSL still was a party <strong>in</strong> government <strong>and</strong> strong enough to do everyth<strong>in</strong>g it wanted. Pawlakbecame rather polically isolated <strong>in</strong>side the party, both <strong>in</strong>side the party leadership <strong>and</strong> theparliamentary group. Some observers expressed the op<strong>in</strong>ion that Pawlaks uncompromis<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>econcern<strong>in</strong>g coalition build<strong>in</strong>g shall be seen as a wish about a fast political come-back. However, therelatively good election result for the coalition at the 1998 local <strong>and</strong> regional election weakenedPawlak’s position.The decision to cooperate with the Labour Union (UP) was strategical 64 . The alternative tocooperate with the Labour Union (UP) <strong>and</strong> KPEiR was the establishment <strong>of</strong> a “national front”(“blok narodowy”) <strong>in</strong> cooperation with ROP, KPN <strong>and</strong> the people around “Radio Maryja”. Thatsolution was not attractive. Seen from PSL the Labour Union (UP) was <strong>in</strong> possession <strong>of</strong> a strongerorganisation at elections <strong>and</strong> also a more reliable partner than the parties <strong>and</strong> groups on the Rightsuch as ROP, KPN <strong>and</strong> “Radio Maryja”. Opposite the neo-traditionalistic parties UP <strong>and</strong> KPEiRappealed to broad voter groups, mostly workers <strong>and</strong> pensioners. For the same reasons, after the64 Ewa K. Czaczkowska, ”Teraz z lewica”, Rzeczpospolita 8 July, 1998:5.76

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