Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

Development of Parties and Party Systems in ... - lah@sam.sdu.dk

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After several delays <strong>and</strong> postponements the first congress <strong>of</strong> RS AWS opened <strong>in</strong> February 1999,two years after the foundation. Before the congress Marian Krzaklewski tried to br<strong>in</strong>g RS AWSunder his control thereby avoid<strong>in</strong>g a power struggle by recommend<strong>in</strong>g Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister Jerzy Buzekas the new chairman <strong>of</strong> RS AWS. At that congress Jerzy Buzek was elected as the new chairman,deputy Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister Janusz Tomaszewski became the new general secretary, his primary task wasto take care <strong>of</strong> the day-to-day work. A seven-man group (”G-7”) should take care <strong>of</strong> the mostimportant day-to-day problems. The four political groups (”legs”) <strong>and</strong> the chairman MarianKrzaklewski were represented <strong>in</strong> the “G-7 group”. At the 1999 congress Marian Krzaklewski wasre-elected as both chairman <strong>of</strong> the AWS parliamentary group <strong>and</strong> the trade union Solidarity. Almostall elections were taken unanimously without many previous discussions. Later Tomaszewski, thegeneral secretary, was forced to leave his post because <strong>of</strong> suspicion <strong>of</strong> cooperation with the secretepolice before 1989.Like the trade union Solidarity the party movement (RS AWS) did not rem<strong>in</strong>d us about the oldtrade union Solidarity. RS AWS also failed to decouple trade union Solidarity from political<strong>in</strong>fluence. As noted by Jaroslav Kurski 49 , also RS AWS acted like a political entity that aimed toacquire (”zdobyc”) <strong>and</strong> keep ("”trzymac") power. Therefore both RS AWS <strong>and</strong> AWS rem<strong>in</strong>ds us <strong>of</strong>Vladimir Meciars The Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS). As we shall see <strong>in</strong> thefollow<strong>in</strong>g section, to a great extent RS AWS’ problems shall be seen as a part <strong>of</strong> the problems<strong>in</strong>side the AWS taken as a whole, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the ongo<strong>in</strong>g debates about how to create a “functionalfederation”2.10. More about the debate about establish<strong>in</strong>g a functional party federationAfter all the aim to establish a functional party federation failed. The first breaches <strong>of</strong> partydiscipl<strong>in</strong>e took place soon after the 1997-election. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to almost all observes, the dissolution<strong>of</strong> AWS <strong>and</strong> the demise <strong>of</strong> the AWS-UW government, would change the political pathways, whichPol<strong>and</strong> had followed until then. Not only left parties, also extremist parties such as Leppers”Samoobrona” or Tym<strong>in</strong>skis ”<strong>Party</strong> X” might benefit from a new split among the right w<strong>in</strong>g parties,also stronger scepticism aga<strong>in</strong>st political parties (“anti-politics”) <strong>in</strong> general might be the end result.Before long Adam Slomka from KPN-OP <strong>and</strong> Janusz Lopuszanski from ZChN were excluded fromAWS because <strong>of</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> party discipl<strong>in</strong>e; after that they formed their own right w<strong>in</strong>g politicalassociation ”Poruzomienie Polski” (PP). In a common declaration they criticised the servility <strong>of</strong>AWS toward the EU <strong>and</strong> the lack <strong>of</strong> a family-friendly tax policy. Furthermore, sharp criticism wasturned aga<strong>in</strong>st the then f<strong>in</strong>ance m<strong>in</strong>ister Leszek Balcerowicz, e.g. his proposal about a new taxsystem with a l<strong>in</strong>ear, non-progressive tax scale. At the 1997-election the more fundamentalistChristian National groups became well represented <strong>in</strong> the new parliament. Many were elected to theparliament from the Christian-National groups <strong>in</strong> spite the fact that they were placed long down onthe c<strong>and</strong>idate lists. The liberal-conservative faction SKL unceas<strong>in</strong>gly talked about the need <strong>of</strong> morediscipl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>and</strong> better policy-creation. However, the dem<strong>and</strong> for better party discipl<strong>in</strong>e, more partycohesiveness <strong>and</strong> a centristic policy l<strong>in</strong>e recommended by SKL were impossible to carry through.The vice-chairman <strong>of</strong> the AWS’ group <strong>in</strong> parliament, Jacek Rybicki, expressed himself <strong>in</strong> the waythat AWS should constitute a federation consist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> different political group<strong>in</strong>gs, <strong>and</strong> after thattransform<strong>in</strong>g itself to a unitary political party or party-federation. Like the Republican <strong>Party</strong> <strong>in</strong> USthere should be place for different ideological “clubs” <strong>in</strong>side AWS, all support<strong>in</strong>g the basic catholic49 Jaroslaw Kurski, ”Czterdziestolatki”, Gazeta Wyrborcza, 18.1. 1999:1761

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