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Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMAS<strong>COURSE</strong> <strong>TITLE</strong><strong>COURSE</strong> CODE<strong>RESEARCH</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>FINAL</strong> <strong>YEAR</strong> <strong>PROJECT</strong>(Penyelidikan dan Projek Tahun Akhir)GKS3146CREDIT 6PREREQUISITE/SSYNOPSISGKA 2043 Research MethodologyThis course provides supervision to final year student to conductresearch and shoot a video project. Offered in two consecutivesemesters, this course places importance on two components, i.e.a short film project and an academic paper related to the projectthat explores specific topic in cinema which should not exceed10,000 words. This course aims at strengthening understandingof the importance of research by applying theory into practice.Topics such as proposal writing, research methodology, literaturereview and project pre-production are discussed in the firstsemester. In the following semester, the course will put emphasison project execution from production to post-production andproject defends. The course allows student to develop criticalthinking with ability to solve problems.(Kursus ini menyediakan penyeliaan kepada pelajar tahun akhiruntuk menjalankan penyelidikan dan projek filem pendek tahunakhir. Ditawarkan dalam dua semester secara berturut-turut,kursus ini memberi kepentingan kepada dua komponen iaituprojek filem pendek dan penulisan akademik tidak melebihi10,000 p.p berkaitan dengan projek filem tersebut yangmengeksplorasi satu tajuk khusus dalam bidang sinema. Kursusini turut berhasrat untuk memantap pengetahuan pelajarterhadap penyelidikan aplikasi teori kepada praktis. Topikseperti penulisan proposal, metodologi penyelidikan, sorotonkajian lepas dan pra-produksi projek diajar pada semester I.Pada semester II, penekanan kursus adalah kepada produksi danpos-produksi projek filem pendek yang telah dicadangkan padasemester I diikuti dengan pembentangan hasil penyelidikan danprojek filem tersebut. Kursus ini memberi peluang kepadapelajar untuk membangunkan pemikiran kritikal mereka sertaGKS3146 Research and Final Year Project 1 / 4

Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMASkebolehan untuk menyelesaikan masalah.)LEARNINGOUTCOMESBy the end of this course, students will be able to:o Develop a skill to conduct a research and produce thesiswriting confidently (C5)o Build self confidence to produce and direct a film-relatedproject that shows an individual maturity in their field ofstudyo(P7, LS)Relate and integrate theory and practice and able to defend,discuss and justify findings confidently.oIntegrateDefend research paper and project confidently during thefinal presentation. (A4, CS)Produce a film production portfolio by documenting allprocesses involved frompre-production-production-post-production thoroughly.(LL)STUDENTLEARNINGHOURSLecturesStudent-Centered LearningSelf-StudyQuizzes, Tests, & ExaminationsTotal0 Hour/s66 Hour/s160 Hour/s20 Hour/s246 Hour/sLEARNINGUNITSSupervisedLearning Hours1. Introduction to Research and Final Year Project- Brainstorming, ideas- Identifying the subject matter, genre and story32. Research: Subject, Introduction and Background 3- Chapter 1- Writing Format3. Research Methodology and Literature Review3- Qualitative and QuantitativeGKS3146 Research and Final Year Project 2 / 4

Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMASChapter 24. Research Fieldwork, Data Collection- journal, reference books, observation, filmscreening, interviewsChapter 335. Data analysis and Findings3Chapter 46. Story: Pitching the script3- Synopsis7. Script Development- Treatment/Step Outline- Characterization- ACT I: Introduction38. Script Development3- ACT II: Conflict9. Script Development3- ACT III: Resolution10. Pre-Production- Script Analysis- Script Breakdown- Character Design- Shot listing- Storyboarding- Scheduling and Budgeting- Location visit and video storyboard of the place- Auditioning3ASSESSMENT Academic Writing / Thesis30 %Bachelor Degree Film Project40 %Research and Project defend20 %Film Production Book10 %Total100 %GKS3146 Research and Final Year Project 3 / 4

Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMASREFERENCES 1. Adelman, K. (2004). The ultimate filmmaker's guide toshort films: making it big in shorts. CA: Michael WieseProductions2. Katz, S.D. (2004). Cinematic motion: a workshop forstaging scenes. Michael Wiese Productions3. Rea, P.W. (2001). Producing and directing the short filmand video. Boston: Focal Press.4. Richard, D. (2004). The eye is quicker: film editing:making a good film better. CA: Michael WieseProductions.5. Sonnenschein, D. (2004). Sound design: the expressivepower of music, voice, and sound effects in cinema.Seattle, WA: Michael Wiese Productions6. Proferes, N.T. (2005). Film directing fundamentals: fromscript to screen. Boston: Focal Press.7. Thomas, J.M. (2005). Script analysis for actors, directorsand designers. Boston: Focal Press8. Browne, Steven E. (2001). Video editing: a postproductionprimer. Oxford: Focal Press.9. Weston, J. (2003). The film director'c intuition: scriptanalysis and rehearsal techniques. Michael WieseProductions.10. Sheridan, S. (2004). Developing digital short films.Boston: New RidersLast updated: June 27, 2011, Mon, 5:58 PMGKS3146 Research and Final Year Project 4 / 4

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