Environmental Education Field Trip

Environmental Education Field Trip

Environmental Education Field Trip

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<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Education</strong><strong>Field</strong> <strong>Trip</strong>(EEFT)Grade 72011

General <strong>Trip</strong> Information <strong>Trip</strong> Dates: Wed Sept 14th – Thurs 15th Participants:Seventh Grade Teams: 7A, 7B, 7CStudents and Faculty, Administrators,School Nurse and Parent chaperones 10 students: 1 chaperone ratio Location:Fairview Lake YMCA Camp1035 Fairview Lake Road, Newton, NJ07860(973) 383 - 9282

“From a scientific perspective, I learnedwhat a swamp looks like…From a socialperspective, I learned what teachers arereally like.”

Purpose of the EEFT To help students get to know teampeers in a positive setting To assist students in getting to knowthe faculty and vice versa To introduce students to ourcharacter education program To build a foundation on which wecan grow our environmentaleducation program at WESTEX MS

Transportation to Fairview LakeYMCA Transportation on School Buses Travel Time = 1 Hour, 5 Minutes (47miles from the MS) Students are dropped off at the MSGym at 8 AM on Wednesday and arepicked up at approx 7:30pm Thurs.

“I learned that the muck on thebottom of the lake is good foryour skin.

Accommodations Cabins with bunk beds and indoorbathrooms with showers Chaperones will sleep in cabins withstudents (maintain 1:10 ratio) Gender Segregation by cabin cluster

Cabin Exterior“I learned all of my teachers arenice.”

Cabin Interior“The cabins were very roomyand had their own bathrooms.”“I learned how to share a roomwith 8 other people.”

Dining Hall Meals:Wed: Lunch and Dinner, ice creamsocialThurs: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Meal Times:Breakfast – 8:30 AMLunch – 12:30 PMDinner – 5:30 PM The camp is peanut free and readilyable to accommodate special dietary

Medical Facilities and SpecialAccommodations Our School Nurse – 24 Hours Staff member on duty – 24 Hours Emergency First Aid Kits and AEDs atseveral locations All staff trained in first aid and CPR Newton Memorial Hospital is within 12 milesof camp and the Township of Stillwater hasa rescue squad Medication will be transported by the schoolnurse.

“I learned that everybodywas just as nervous as I waswhen coming to West Essex.”

Emotional Issues Students will have at least one friend intheir cabin /meal group Staff will closely monitor all studentinteractions Character education is a major focus of thetrip Staff will call home if a student becomesuncomfortable If a student is in distress or disobeyingrules or directions, parents will be called topick up their child and remove him/herfrom the camp. Safety is paramount!

Organization Students will be organized intoteams/cabins for travel. Students will be further subdividedinto subgroups for activities[learningactivity groups]. Students will eat with their cabingroup Students will be responsible forsetting, serving and clearing tablesscheduledetermined prior to arrival

Activities All students will participate in ActionSocialization Experience activities (A.S.E.)These activities facilitate team building andgroup cooperation Students will also participate in aquaticecology, swamp and ridge hikes WE /Fairview staff will host a bonfirefollowed by a dance with DJ and ice creamsocial on the first nightGame room/quiet room also available forstudents who would like to play groupboard games

More………..Activities The first night will include a dancewith a DJ and ice cream social The second day may include a smallgroup book chat There is a Trading Post for studentsto buy souvenirs Students will also have time tocomplete journal writing activities ifassigned by their teacher

“I learned many animals could lose theirhabitat because of global warming”

West Essex survival pack You may purchase a “survival pack”for students for $30![ details forpurchase on our website] The light backpack is made of nylonand contains:– A rain poncho– A water bottle– A flashlightAll items in our school colors!

“The team buildingwas cool because Igot to help otherkids I never talkedto or have seenbefore.”

Information All families will receive – details ANDdirections about downloading necessaryforms regarding:– Equipment and Packing– Medication– Forms– Restrictions– Guidelines– YOU WILL BE CONTACTED BY EMAIL AND/ORPHONE…[ WE ARE GOING GREEN!]

SPECIFIC CONCERNS If you have specific concerns thatyou need to discuss , please do nothesitate to contact myself or Mr.Montgomery - parbadji@westex.org- dmontgom@westex.org

Things to leave at home Food- any type of food is forbiddenin the cabins . Water bottles arepermitted Ipods, electronics, expensiveelectrical equipment Cell phones- the reception is verypoor Expensive clothing- remember weare camping!

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TODUE DATES!!! Fee for the trip is $165 due by May20. All information is on our websitewww.westex.org under the STUDENTSERVICE TAB-FAIRIEW LAKE TRIP ALL FORMS and payment should becompleted and mailed/delivered toPaula Arbadji by May 20. Total fee with survival pack is $195.

PARENT CHAPERONES On our website is a form for parentchaperones. If you are interested,please complete the form and includeit with your child’s payment andinformation . There is NO charge for chaperones Chaperones are chosen by genderneed- however if you have amedical concern please indicatethis on your form.

“ I learned that swamps turn into forests.”

“We survived the 3 mile hike!!!”

“ I learned that my teachers are prettygood at basketball”

“ I loved all the activities”!!

“ I am so glad that I came here”

They are ready for us…….


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