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<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 47. To gain insight into how PAs are transmitted among bees, Reinhard et al. (2009) tested for horizontal PA transfer(trophallaxis). In a study under laboratory conditions, up to <strong>15</strong>% of an ingested PA diet was exchanged from bee to bee, disclosing apossible route for incorporation into the honey comb. Therefore, a small proportion of the total PAs found in honey may arise throughthis route.8. There are some techniques to estimate the distance honeybees from a beehive travel to forage on plants, for example byusing energetic models, pollen analysis or by observation of bee dances (Kleinjans, Blacquière et al., 2012). This may provide insightin the plants that are visited by the honeybees, which may help in aiming mitigation measures.9. Knowledge and education about which PA-containing plants are favoured by honeybees, their presence in nature, theirflowering period, and the way their pollen look like will help beekeepers to estimate the possibility that PAs will be present in theirhoney. In the UK for example, beekeepers make use of factsheets describing the different PA-containing plants and include picturesof their pollen (Dübecke et al.; UK Foods Standard Agency, 2012, personal communication). In the Netherlands and Germany, it isrecognized that honey produced during spring is generally free of PAs, because no attractive PA-containing plants flower during thatperiod. Honey that is produced during or shortly after the flowering periods of (attractive) PA-containing plants may contain highamounts of PAs (Beuerle et al., 2011).3. Practices to reduce presence of PAs in raw commodities10. New information was identified on the topics filtering/sieving of bee pollen and blending of honey, no other new informationwas found.3.1 Filtering/sieving of pollen11. Commercial mixtures of bee pollen often contain high amounts of PAs typical for plants of the genus Echium. These pollengrains are relatively easy to identify visually, as they are of dark purple colour. Technically it should be possible to sort out these darkpurple pollen grains, e.g. by the combination of high speed cameras and pressurized air pulses, which would blow out pollen grainspassing by on a conveyor belt. This technique is already used for other foodstuffs. This measure would substantially reduce the PAcontentof such pollen mixtures. However, as PAs are also contributed by other plants, some PAs might still remain in the product(FoodDrinkEurope, 20<strong>13</strong>, personal communication).3.2 Blending of honey12. Griffin et al. (20<strong>13</strong>) studied the presence of PAs in commercial honey. Of the 50 retail samples, eight samples testedpositive for one or two PAs, predominantly lycopsamine and echimidine. From the eight positive samples six originated from outsidethe EU and two were blends of EU and non-EU honeys. Positive samples from outside the EU ranging from 190 to 4078 µg/kg, whileblends from both EU and non-EU honeys had relatively lower PA concentrations of 182 to 634 µg/kg.4. Practices to reduce PA contamination by further processing of commodities<strong>13</strong>. No new information on this topic was found.5. Other interesting new information5.1 Recent case study14. It is interesting to note that three complementary articles were published describing and analysing the outbreak of venoocclusiveliver disease (VOD) in one village in Ethiopia in 2005 (Bane et al., 2012; Debella et al., 2012; Schneider et al., 2012). Morethan 100 people were reported to be affected with VOD of which 45 persons died. Epidemiological investigations revealed that theaffected villagers shared similar geodemographic characteristics and eating habits with the neighbouring villages except in theirdrinking water source which was from unprotected wells. In environmental samples PAs were found belonging to the Ageratum plantspecies growing in the drinking water well used by the villagers. Trace PAs were detected from the suspected water sample andpyrroles were detected in the extracts of liver specimens of mice following feeding trials with water from the contaminated well.Based on this outbreak, drinking of contaminated water may form an additional source of PA poisoning in humans and should bekept in mind in relation with management measures.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 6Ms Astrid BULDERSenior Risk AssessorNational Institute for Public Health and the EnvironmentCentre for Substances and Integrated Risk AssessmentAntonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 93721 MA BilthovenNETHERLANDSTel: +31 30 2747048Fax: +31 30 2744475E-mail: Astrid.Bulder@rivm.nlMs Lianne de WITRisk assessorNational Institute for Public Health and the EnvironmentCentre for Substances and Integrated Risk AssessmentAntonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 93721 MA BilthovenNETHERLANDSTel: +31 30 2747050Fax: +31 30 274 4475E-mail: Erwin MOLAdvisor Plant HealthNetherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety AuthorityDivision of Agriculture and NatureCatharijnesingel 593511 GG UtrechtNETHERLANDSE-mail: e.s.n.mol@minlnv.nlMr Aad VAN ASTResearcher / Lecturer Crop ScienceWageningen University and Research CentreCentre for crop systems analysis (CSA)Droevendaalsesteeg 16708 PB WageningenNETHERLANDSTel: +31 (0)317 483287E-mail: aad.vanast@wur.nlAUSTRALIAMs Leigh HENDERSONSection Manager, Product Safety StandardsFood Standards Australia New Zealand108 The Terrace6143 WellingtonNEW ZEALANDTel: 6449785650Fax: 6444739855E-mail: AuAPPENDIX II - LIST OF PARTICIPANTSCHAIRMEMBER COUNTRIES

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 7Mr Chris SCHYVENSSenior Toxicologist/Risk ManagerFood Standards Australia New Zealand55 Blackall Street2610 BartonAUSTRALIATel: +61 2 6271 2693Fax: +61 2 6271 2278E-mail: Daniela MISCHEKAustrian Agency for Health and Food SafetyDivision for Data, Statistics and Risk AssessmentSpargelfeldstrasse 1911220 ViennaAUSTRIAE-mail: daniela.mischek@ages.atBRAZILMs Ligia Lindner SCHREINERSpecialist on Regulation and Health SurveillanceNational Health Surveillance AgencyGeneral Office of FoodSIA Trecho 5 Area Especial 57 Bloco D - 2 ANDAR71205-050 BrasiliaBRAZILTel: + 55 61 34625399Fax: +55 61 346253<strong>13</strong>E-mail: Yi SHAOResearch AssistantNational Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, China CDCDepartment of Food, Safety Control StandardsNo.7, Panjiayan Nanli100021 BeijingCHINAE-mail: Yongning WUProfessor, Chief ScientistChina National Center of Food Safety Risk Assessment (<strong>CF</strong>SA)Key Lab of Chemical Safety and Health7 Panjiayuan Nanli100021 BeijingCHINATel: 86-10-67776790Fax: 86-10-67776790E-mail:

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 8Ms Shuang ZHOUChina National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (<strong>CF</strong>SA)Department of Chemical Lab7 Panjiayuan Nanli, Beijing100021 BeijingCHINATel: 8610-67776789Fax: 8610-67776789E-mail: szhoupku@gmail.comCOLOMBIAMs Mónica Sofia CORTES MUÑOZMinisterio de Agricultura y Desarrollo RuralAsesora Dirección de Desarrollo Tecnológico y Protección SanitariaAv. Jiménez No. 7A- 17Piso 4o BogotaCOLOMBIATel: 057<strong>13</strong>341199 Extensión 403 - 43E-mail: Jazmín MANTILLAUnidad de Evaluación de Riesgos en AlimentosInstituto Nacional de SaludAv. Calle 26 No. 51 - 20BogotáCOLOMBIATel: 05712207700 ext. 1295/6E-mail: Ivan Camilo SANCHEZUnidad de Evaluación de Riesgos en AlimentosInstituto Nacional de SaludAv. Calle 26 No. 51 - 20BogotáCOLOMBIATel: 05712207700 ext. 1295/6E-mail: UNIONMr Frans VERSTRAETEAdministrator/European CommissionDG Health and Consumers Directorate-GeneralRue Froissart 1011040 BrusselsBELGIUMTel: +32 2 2956359Fax: +32 2 2991856E-mail:

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 9GERMANYMs Cornelia GÖCKERTDesk OfficerFederal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer ProtectionUnit 322Rochusstraße 1D-53123 BonnTel: +49 (0) 228 99529 4236Fax: +49 (0) 228 99529 4943E-mail: 322@bmelv.bund.deJAPANMr Takashi SUZUKIDeputy DirectorMinistry of Health, Labour and WelfareStandards and Evaluation Division, Department of Food Safety1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku100-8916 TokyoJAPANTel: +81-3-3595-2341Fax: +81-3-3501-4868E-mail: codexj@mhlw.go.jpMr Ikuro ABEProfessorGraduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University of Tokyo7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku1<strong>13</strong>-0033 TokyoJAPANTel: +81-3-3818-2532Fax: +81-3-5841-4744E-mail: Mikiko HAYASHISection ChiefMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesAnimal Products Safety Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau1-2-1,Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku100-8950 TokyoJAPANTel: +81-3-6744-1708Fax: +81-3-3502-8275E-mail: mikiko_hayashi@nm.maff.go.jpMr Wataru IIZUKAAssistant DirectorMinistry of Health, Labour and WelfareStandards and Evaluation Division, Department of Food Safety1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku100-8916 TokyoJAPANTel: +81-3-3595-2341Fax: +81-3-3501-4868E-mail:

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 10Mr Ryo IWASESection ChiefMinistry of Health, Labour and WelfareStandards and Evaluation Division, Department of Food Safety1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku100-8916 TokyoJAPANTel: +81-3-3595-2341Fax: +81-3-3501-4868E-mail: codexj@mhlw.go.jpMr TETSUO URUSHIYAMAScientific AdviserMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesFood Safety and Consumer Policy Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku100-8950 TokyoJAPANTel: +81-3-6744-0490Fax: +81-3-3597-0329E-mail: tetsuo_urushiyama@nm.maff.go.jpMALAYSIAMs FAUZIAH ARSHADDeputy DirectorMinistry of Health MalaysiaFood Safety and Quality Division, Standard and Codex BranchMALAYSIATel: +603 8885 0794Fax: +603 8885 0790E-mail: myMs RAIZAWANIS ABDUL RAHMANSenior Assistant DirectorFood Safety and Quality DivisionMinistry of Health MalaysiaLevel 3, Block E7, Parcel E62590 PutrajayaMALAYSIAE-mail: ZEALANDMr John REEVEPrincipal Advisor (Toxicology)Ministry for Primary IndustriesScience and Risk Assessment Directorate | Standards BranchP.O. Box 25266011 WellingtonNEW ZEALANDTel: +64 4 8942533Fax: +64 4 8942530E-mail:

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>CF</strong> <strong>13</strong>/7/<strong>15</strong> 12International Special Dietary Foods IndustriesMr XAVIER LAVIGNESecretary GeneralISDIrue de l’Association 501000 BrusselsBELGIUMTel: 003222091143Fax: 003222197342E-mail: secretariat@isdi.<strong>org</strong>

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