section i. general provisions - American Guild of Musical Artists

section i. general provisions - American Guild of Musical Artists

section i. general provisions - American Guild of Musical Artists

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c) The proposed schedule change shall be implemented only if the vote is unanimous and ifthe delegates let the appropriate BSJ staff member know at least two (2) days in advance<strong>of</strong> when such changes would be implemented.d) At no time shall a BSJ staff member approach an individual ARTIST nor should anindividual ARTIST approach a BSJ staff member regarding such options. All suchrequests shall be made through a delegate only.e) If the half hour break is changed in any way, the time slots for the rest <strong>of</strong> the day’sschedule shall be moved up to reflect such change without changing the amount <strong>of</strong> timeallotted for each activity in any way.f) BSJ will <strong>of</strong>fer two (2) warm-ups on each two (2) performance day <strong>of</strong> In-Theater Week,all ARTISTs are required to attend at least one (1) <strong>of</strong> the two (2), but they have the option<strong>of</strong> selecting which warm-up to attend. On a matinee only day, where no rehearsal orCompany Class is scheduled, and only one (1) Warm-Up is <strong>of</strong>fered, that Warm-Up shallbe required for all ARTISTs.B. REHEARSAL CONDITIONS1) General(a) Any rehearsal may be called, counted, and compensated for in one-half (1/2) hourincrements.(b) Compensation for rehearsals shall commence from the time <strong>of</strong> the scheduled call for suchrehearsals and conclude at the time <strong>of</strong> the actual dismissal.(c) Two Rehearsals at the Same Time - BSJ agrees not to schedule rehearsals, which requirean ARTIST to be available for any two (2) rehearsals occurring at the same time. Uponnotification <strong>of</strong> any scheduling error, BSJ will correct the error and determine whichrehearsal the ARTIST shall attend.(d) At no time will any ARTIST be required to attend a scheduled rehearsal for which thereis no one formally designated to run it.(e) When rehearsal is designated to be run by an ARTIST, that ARTIST may not alter thetime, scheduling, or location <strong>of</strong> said rehearsal without prior request to and approval fromBSJ. Only Artistic Director or Regisseur can make such an approval.(f) When BSJ is preparing a world or Company Premiere, should the schedule as writtenprove inadequate for the artistic demands <strong>of</strong> said premiere, the Artistic Director may,after notifying ARTIST’s representatives, alter the rehearsal times or casting providedthat notice <strong>of</strong> said change is posted no later than 2:30 PM on the day preceding theactivity to be changed. This will only be allowed for the first five (5) days <strong>of</strong> rehearsals<strong>of</strong> said premiere.34

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