MODEL DG535 Digital Delay / Pulse Generator - SLAC

MODEL DG535 Digital Delay / Pulse Generator - SLAC MODEL DG535 Digital Delay / Pulse Generator - SLAC
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CALIBRATION MENUSTo access the calibration menus you must hold down the BSP key then press a menu key. Each menu keyis used to access a different calibration factor per the following table:Menu Key Name FunctionTRIG Jitter Cal Minimize jitter from Ext Trig to ADELAY Delay T0 Set T0's full scale analog delayDelay A Set A's full scale analog delay (do not alter this value)Delay B Set B's full scale analog delayDelay C Set C's full scale analog delayDelay D Set D's full scale analog delayGPIB Amplitude T0 Adjust T0's amplitudeAmplitude A Adjust A's amplitudeAmplitude B Adjust B's amplitudeAmplitude AB Adjust AB's amplitudeAmplitude C Adjust C's amplitudeAmplitude D Adjust D's amplitudeAmplitude CD Adjust CD's amplitudeTrigger ThresCalibrate Ext Trig Input thresholdOUTPUT Offset T0 Adjust T0's output offsetOffset A Adjust A's output offsetOffset B Adjust B's output offsetOffset AB Adjust AB's output offsetOffset -AB Adjust -AB's output offsetOffset C Adjust C's output offsetOffset D Adjust D's output offsetOffset CD Adjust CD's output offsetOffset -CD Adjust -CD's output offsetSTORE Freq Cal Set optional TCXO to 10.000000 MHzRECALL Rcl Fact Cal Press EXC to recall factory calibrationOutput Amplitude CalibrationThis procedure is used to calibrate the amplitudeof the front panel output drivers. You will adjustcalibration values to get a -0.800 VDC pulseinto a high impedance load on the T0, A, B, C,D, AB and the CD outputs.___ Recall default settings: RECALL 0EXC___ Use the TRIG Menu key to select Inttrigger. Press TRIG again to set the rateto 100 KHz.___ Use the DELAY Menu key to set thedelays for channel B and channel D to5 µs.20___Use the OUTPUT Menu key to set all theoutputs for High-Z loads, NIM logic levels.(between 0 and -0.8 VDC.) Do this for T0,A, B, AB, C, D and CD outputs.For each of the outputs T0, A, B, AB, C, D and CD:_________Connect the output to the oscilloscopeinput (1 MΩ input, 200 mV/div sensitivity ).Hold down the BSP key and press the GPIBkey to access the amplitude calibrationfactor for the corresponding channel.Use the Up/Down cursor keys to adjust theamplitude of the output to -0.800 VDC.

Output Offset CalibrationThis procedure is used to calibrate the offset ofthe front panel output drivers. You will adjustcalibration values to get zero offset into a highimpedance load on the T0, A, B, AB, -AB, C, D,CD and the -CD outputs.___ Recall default settings: RECALL 0EXC___ Use the TRIG Menu key to select Inttrigger. Press TRIG again to set the rateto 100 KHz.___ Use the DELAY Menu key to set thedelays for channel B and channel D to 5µs.___ Use the OUTPUT Menu key to set allthe outputs for High-Z loads, NIM logiclevels (between 0 and -0.8 VDC). Dothis for T0, A, B, AB, C, D and CDoutputs.For each of the outputs T0, A, B, AB, -AB, C,D, CD and -CD:_________Connect the output to the oscilloscopeinput (1 MΩ input, 200 mV/divsensitivity ).Hold down the BSP key and press theOUTPUT key to access the Offsetcalibration value for the correspondingchannel.Use the Up/Down cursor keys to adjustthe offset of the output ( i.e. the top ofthe -0.800 V pulse ) to zero.Jitter CalibrationThis procedure is used to minimize the timingjitter of all the outputs with respect to anexternal trigger. Apply a fast risetime (

Output Offset CalibrationThis procedure is used to calibrate the offset ofthe front panel output drivers. You will adjustcalibration values to get zero offset into a highimpedance load on the T0, A, B, AB, -AB, C, D,CD and the -CD outputs.___ Recall default settings: RECALL 0EXC___ Use the TRIG Menu key to select Inttrigger. Press TRIG again to set the rateto 100 KHz.___ Use the DELAY Menu key to set thedelays for channel B and channel D to 5µs.___ Use the OUTPUT Menu key to set allthe outputs for High-Z loads, NIM logiclevels (between 0 and -0.8 VDC). Dothis for T0, A, B, AB, C, D and CDoutputs.For each of the outputs T0, A, B, AB, -AB, C,D, CD and -CD:_________Connect the output to the oscilloscopeinput (1 MΩ input, 200 mV/divsensitivity ).Hold down the BSP key and press theOUTPUT key to access the Offsetcalibration value for the correspondingchannel.Use the Up/Down cursor keys to adjustthe offset of the output ( i.e. the top ofthe -0.800 V pulse ) to zero.Jitter CalibrationThis procedure is used to minimize the timingjitter of all the outputs with respect to anexternal trigger. Apply a fast risetime (

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