Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

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6.1 Simulink Model 80On the right hand side, there appear also two blocks, namely ¨Cable Force¨ and ¨Accelerometers¨which provide respectively the external <strong>for</strong>ce by the testing machine when pulling the robotsidewards or backwards and the data from the three 1-axis accelerometers. The ¨Accelerometers¨block simply implements (3.4), without considering any noise and band-pass filtering due tothe accelerometers properties. The ¨Cable Force¨ block implements the non-linear springdamped<strong>for</strong>ce produced by the steel cable when pulling it with the testing machine (seeFigure 6.2(b)). The non-linearity is due to the double characteristic <strong>of</strong> a cable to provide aspring-damped <strong>for</strong>ce when it is pulled and a zero <strong>for</strong>ce when it is pushed, and it is implementedby using a saturation block. The displacement providing the cable spring <strong>for</strong>ce isgiven by the difference between the testing machine position, represented by the ramp block,and the robot position. The spring term <strong>of</strong> the <strong>for</strong>ce is, there<strong>for</strong>e, obtained by multiplying thecable displacement by the cable elasticity coefficient K cable , and the damping term is obtainedby multiplying the robot velocity by the cable damping coefficient D cable . The overall <strong>for</strong>ceis then multiplied by J cable , which trans<strong>for</strong>ms the cable <strong>for</strong>ce vector from the fixed frame tothe body frame and is defined by means <strong>of</strong> the Plücker trans<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>of</strong> spatial <strong>for</strong>ce vectorsgiven in (2.52), where the matrix ˆX is substituted by ˆp cable , being p cable the position <strong>of</strong> theapplication point <strong>of</strong> the cable <strong>for</strong>ce with respect to the robot CoM. As the steel cable is muchmore stiff then the tire and does not perceive relatively high frequency vibrations (see figuresin Section 3.3), we set K cable ≫ K tire and D cable = 4 √ mK cable .The tire reaction <strong>for</strong>ces and torques expressed in the body frame are provided by thefour ¨Wheel¨ blocks, giving the desired wheel angular velocity and the robot acceleration˙V as inputs. As the four ¨Wheel¨ blocks are identical with each other, except <strong>for</strong> the skewsymmetricmatrix <strong>of</strong> the contact point position ˆp i employed in the computation <strong>of</strong> the wheelcenter velocities and the toques exerted at the CoM. Thereby, the block is first masked,setting as dialog parameter the value <strong>for</strong> ˆp i , and then put in a Simulink library model, so thatevery change made on the block is automatically updated <strong>for</strong> every wheel. The block schemeinside the ¨Wheel¨ block is depicted in Figure 6.3.The block in yellow represents the wheel motor and the motor velocity servo-controller.We assume that the motor can always provide the angular velocity required by the motorvelocity servo-controller and that it takes a certain time t eq = 3K wto reach the desired velocity.In such conditions, the motor dynamics can be described by a first order system defined asfollows:

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