Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

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4.3 Tire Vertical Force 62f ix (t) = −D x (∆v ix (t) − v icx (t)) − K x∫(∆v ix (t) − v icx (t))dtm t˙v icx (t) = F icx (t)⎧⎪⎨ 0, <strong>for</strong> |F ix (t)| < µ sx N i ∧ v icx (t − ∆t) = 0F icx (t) =⎪⎩ F ix (t), <strong>for</strong> |F ix | > µ kx N i ∧ v icx (t − ∆t) 0∫F ix (t) = m t˙v ix (t) + D x (v ix (t) − v icx (t)) + K x (v ix (t) − v icx (t))dt − µ kx N i sign(v icx (t))(4.13)with the same meaning <strong>of</strong> the variables and parameters as <strong>for</strong> the lateral reaction <strong>for</strong>ce,where µ kx is defined in (4.12a).It is worth noticing that the parameters D x , K x depend not only on the elasticity and dampingproperties <strong>of</strong> the tire along the longitudinal direction, but they also depend on the elasticityand damping properties <strong>of</strong> the motor belt. In particular, we can consider the spring-damper<strong>for</strong> the tire and the one <strong>for</strong> the belt as they were in series, there<strong>for</strong>e the relations betweenK x , D x and the elasticity and damping coefficient <strong>of</strong> the tire (K tx , D tx ) and the motor belt(K b , D b ) can be written as follows:K x =K txK bK tx + K b, D x = D txD bD tx + D b(4.14)As K tx , D tx do not depend on the tire inflating properties, like <strong>for</strong> the lateral and verticaldeflection, but only on the tire’s rubber stretching properties, we usually have K tx >> K b andD tx >> D b . Thereby, by looking at relation (4.14) we obtain:K x ≈ K b ,D x ≈ D b4.3 Tire Vertical ForceLet us consider the robot rotating around the x-axis and y-axis. In such a case, it is easyto deduce that the normal reaction <strong>for</strong>ces at each contact point do not exactly correspond tothe robot’s weight distribution as when the robot does not rotate. The normal reaction <strong>for</strong>ceN i perceived at each wheel, in fact, depends on the tire vertical compression, which dependson the wheel vertical position and velocity.Similarly to what we have done <strong>for</strong> the tire lateral <strong>for</strong>ce, let us model the tire as a spring-

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