Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

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4.1 Tire Lateral Force 600 ≤ µ iy (ω i , ∆v ix , v iy ) ≤ 1A qualitative representation <strong>of</strong> the function µ iy can be obtained by first considering that,when the wheel slip is relatively high (|λ i | > λ max ), i.e. the slip velocity is relatively highcompared to the wheel spinning, the friction coefficient is proportional to the ratio betweenthe wheel lateral velocity and the slip velocity. In fact, when v iy is relatively high withrespect to ∆v ix , we can consider as if the contact point is not moving along the longitudinaldirection and there<strong>for</strong>e we can consider µ iy≈ 1. Conversely, when v iy is relativelylow with respect to ∆v ix , we can consider as if the contact point is moving along the longitudinaldirection much faster than the wheel is moving along the lateral direction, there<strong>for</strong>ewe can consider µ iy ≈ µ min . The value µ min depends on the wheel lateral velocityand can be zero only if v iy = 0. An example <strong>of</strong> µ kmin <strong>for</strong> v iy = 1 mm is provided in Sec-stion 3.3 (Figure 3.5).We notice that in such a case the tire lateral reaction <strong>for</strong>ce doesnot present the saw-tooth behavior as <strong>for</strong> the case ∆v ix= 0. This is due to the fact that,when v iy is relatively low with respect to ∆v ix , the difference between µ sy and µ ky , there<strong>for</strong>ethe difference between F sy and F ky , become so small that the tire stretching/releasingbehavior is negligible, also because the saw-tooth would have such a high frequency thatthe robot structure would filter it out.In fact, if we consider the data acquired <strong>for</strong> theconcrete floor, we have µ(0.36, −0.36, 0.001) = µ k minµ kmax≈ µ s minµ smax≈ 0.12, there<strong>for</strong>e we obtainF smin − F kminthe <strong>for</strong>ce sensor.= (µ smax − µ kmax )µ(0.36, −0.36, 0.001)mg ≈ 2 N, which is nearly the accuracy <strong>of</strong>The proportionality to the ratio between the wheel lateral velocity and the slip velocity isnot sufficient to describe µ iy when the wheel slip is relatively low (|λ i | < λ max ). In fact, ifwe consider ∆v ix ≈ 0 but ω i , v iy 0, <strong>for</strong> instance when the robot is moving along a straightline with an external lateral <strong>for</strong>ce, by only considering µ iy ∝ v iy∆v ixand constraining it to 1 asmaximum value, we would obtain µ sy = µ smax , µ ky = µ kmax , which is the same result obtainedwhen the robot is not moving. We empirically verified that such a result is not true, as thetire lateral <strong>for</strong>ce decreases when the robot is moving along a straight line, and in particularis proportional to the ratio v iyω i.The a<strong>for</strong>ementioned characteristic <strong>of</strong> the function µ iy can be analytically expressed by consideringthe function proposed by Song et al. in [4], provided in (2.27),(2.30). First <strong>of</strong> all,we observe that, by combining (2.28) with (2.8),(2.10), the following relation holds:

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