Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ... Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...


2.1 State of the Art 12not negligible and robot vibrations are not admissible. For this reason, the state of the artregarding skid-steering kinematic and dynamic modeling will be first presented, introducingthe wheel slip, and then the dynamic model will be improved introducing the roll and pitchmotion.2.1 State of the ArtThe aim of this section is to present the ¨state of the art¨ of SSMRs kinematic and dynamicmodeling up to nowadays. The presented summary will be mainly relying on theworks of Song et al., Kozlowsky et al., Defoort et al., Jiang et al., and it will used as basefor the generalized modeling developed in the next section.In literature, the description for the kinematic and dynamic model of 4-wheels skid-steeringmobile robots is usually provided for trajectory tracking control and localization applications.For this reason, without loss of generality, the following Assumptions are commonlyconsidered:1. The center of mass of the robot is located at the geometric center of the body frame 1 .2. There is point contact between the wheel and the ground.3. The contact rolling resistance force is negligible 2 .4. Each side’s two wheels rotate at the same speed.5. The normal forces at the wheel/ground contact points are equally distributed amongfour wheels during motion.6. The robot is running on a flat ground surface and four wheels are always in contact withthe ground surface.2.1.1 Kinematic ModelIn [10], [4], [5], [11], [12], [15], because of Assumption 6, the authors consider the vehicleallowed to move only on a two dimensional plane with inertial coordinate frame (X g , Y g ),as depicted in Figure 2.1(a). Thereby, they consider, without loss of generality, the generalizedcoordinate vector and the body velocity vector respectively defined as q = [X Y θ] T1 Similar results could be obtained if the mass center of the robot were located somewhere other than the robot’s geometric center.2 Since we only consider wheel/ground point contact, the ground resistance force is negligible.

2.1 State of the Art 13and V = [v x v y ω z ] T , with v x , v y , ω z determining respectively the longitudinal, lateral andangular velocity of the vehicle.(a)(b)Figure 2.1: (a) SSMR kinematics; (b) Wheel/ground contact point velocities without slipping.By looking at Figure 2.1(a), it is easy to derive the following kinematic equation givingthe velocity constraint between the generalized velocity vector ˙q = [Ẋ Ẏ ˙θ] T 3 and thebody velocity vector V:⎡⎤cos(θ) − sin(θ) 0˙q = sin(θ) cos(θ) 0 V = g R l V (2.1)⎢⎣0 0 1⎥⎦where g R l is the rotation matrix projecting the local frame (x l , y l ) onto the inertial frame(X g , Y g ) in the case of planar motion.Let ICR G = (x ICRG , y ICRG , 0) denote the instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) of the entirerobot expressed on the local frame, which represents the point which the vehicle’s CoMrotates around. Accordingly to classical kinematics, in the condition of non longitudinalslipping, we can write the following equations:v = d C × ωv i = d i × ω(2.2)where v = [v x v y v z ] T and ω = [ω x ω y ω z ] T are respectively the linear and angular3 Note that the angular velocity on the inertial frame coincides to ˙θ because we are under the assumption of planar motion

2.1 State <strong>of</strong> the Art 13and V = [v x v y ω z ] T , with v x , v y , ω z determining respectively the longitudinal, lateral andangular velocity <strong>of</strong> the vehicle.(a)(b)Figure 2.1: (a) SSMR kinematics; (b) Wheel/ground contact point velocities without slipping.By looking at Figure 2.1(a), it is easy to derive the following kinematic equation givingthe velocity constraint between the generalized velocity vector ˙q = [Ẋ Ẏ ˙θ] T 3 and thebody velocity vector V:⎡⎤cos(θ) − sin(θ) 0˙q = sin(θ) cos(θ) 0 V = g R l V (2.1)⎢⎣0 0 1⎥⎦where g R l is the rotation matrix projecting the local frame (x l , y l ) onto the inertial frame(X g , Y g ) in the case <strong>of</strong> planar motion.Let ICR G = (x ICRG , y ICRG , 0) denote the instantaneous center <strong>of</strong> rotation (ICR) <strong>of</strong> the entirerobot expressed on the local frame, which represents the point which the vehicle’s CoMrotates around. Accordingly to classical kinematics, in the condition <strong>of</strong> non longitudinalslipping, we can write the following equations:v = d C × ωv i = d i × ω(2.2)where v = [v x v y v z ] T and ω = [ω x ω y ω z ] T are respectively the linear and angular3 Note that the angular velocity on the inertial frame coincides to ˙θ because we are under the assumption <strong>of</strong> planar motion

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