Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

Advance Modeling of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot for Remote ...

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AppendixesAppendix A1 %% Main program <strong>for</strong> the frequency analysis <strong>of</strong> data acquired from accelerometers23 %% Define parameters4 step = 2;5 rangeW = 2:step:20;6 filterType = ’butter’;7 order = 10;8 axis = 3;9 plotOpt = 2;10 accOpt = 1;11 tRange = ’middle’;12 %tRange = 0.5:0.001:(0.5+2ˆ11/1000);13 fRange = [1,50];14 nPeaks = 3;15 conf = ’OnWheel−noFrame−concrete’;1617 %% Declare cells and matrices18 nData = length(rangeW);19 data = cell(1,nData);20 dataFFT = cell(1,nData);21 dataLowFilt = cell(1,nData);22 dataLowFiltFFT = cell(1,nData);23 dataFilt = cell(1,nData);24 time = cell(1,nData);25 freq = cell(1,nData);26 fPeak = zeros(nData,nPeaks,3);27 peak = zeros(nData,nPeaks,3);28 fMax = zeros(nData,3);29 amplitude = zeros(nData,3);3031 %% Parse data and find peak frequencies32 <strong>for</strong> i=rangeW

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