Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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QUesllon?<br />

)oldstr€am Msadows rrlrzuuü or Dn<strong>of</strong> YeÊ lo$, did th6 DCC refund oet ¡nltlet€d? Request fmm PDE No<br />

loldstf€am Meadows r/1/200t or pnor /vlet Ms thâ besis <strong>of</strong> dstamlnallon for conorêoale cer€? R€seerch is conllnuino NO<br />

loldstrêam M€erlows l/1/2008 or Dftor<br />

.{ow wes the timlno <strong>of</strong> the Deyment affêc'ted :searc'h is mnt¡nuind No<br />

loldstrBam MeadovúE t/l/zooB or pnor )v lhe rete et lime <strong>of</strong> Dsvment Vs eDDllcâtlon? Rssearcì is cont¡nulno No<br />

loldslmem Msedo$,s Ar YBs /vlose Aulhority whet revlelv Droc€ss? Pertiâl mtund <strong>of</strong> DCC'S fmm resldênllal lo e conorêoalê carê No<br />

rale match thlrd Derlv celculatlons âuthorized W D Pessmore No<br />

ìerer Ar len wE charos out interest cosls as an slllolble cost for DCC'S lf defined ln lhe hn lil ves No<br />

jswsr Lsìry Auo-0t /VsrE slatemônls corf€cf? les No<br />

2007 Vendor Pæmênts<br />

2007 Vêndor Pavments<br />

2007 Vendor Payments<br />

1007 Vêndor Pâvments<br />

lO07 Vendor Pâvmonts<br />

1007 Vendor Pa$nents<br />

1007 Vendor Pavments<br />

Aug-0t )olson Park Dinêr - lerge lncr€ase why?<br />

fh€rs was an $l 1 ,300 increâs€ in payments ln 2007. 92,300 wes<br />

lue lo e timing difier€nce for tha DêdOG monthly b¡ll belng pald ln<br />

2007. The remalnlng $9,000 wes due to increased prlsoner<br />

,olume. un¡t costs w€re identicâl in both vears. No<br />

Aug-0t Supêr Save D¡sposal - Vsry lerge lncreass wÎùn ncrÊase <strong>of</strong> t1 1,00o ln 2007. $l,s00 due to lncreesed volum€ <strong>of</strong><br />

A,ood cfìlp haullng for Sprlng Chlpping progrem. $200 due lo<br />

¡dditlon <strong>of</strong> the Airport in 2007. t200 due to additlon <strong>of</strong> seMcê to<br />

:hs Miss¡on Hlll wäter treatment centrs ¡n mid-2007. Rsmalndsr<br />

tue to change <strong>of</strong> disposal supplier from Maple DisPosel to Supsr<br />

lãu lñ f,rryrñA No<br />

Aug-ot úee V6ntures - large lncrees€ wñy? ncrease <strong>of</strong> $1 0,000 ln 2007. Pertlally due to Vee Vsntures hourly<br />

ate increeslng by 5% in 2007 ($105.00 psr hour lncreesed lo<br />

E1 1 0.00) Rsmalnder due to a 50% lncr€ass ln volume <strong>of</strong> 6prlng<br />

strest swsâplng done by thls vendor in 2007 (79 edditionâl hours<br />

rf contrac{ work)<br />

Aug-08 ìummitt Envlronmental - how much did we pay for th€lr work on<br />

he MadlÉl Cllnlc Bulldlno?<br />

\ total <strong>of</strong> 912,583 was paid ln relat¡on lo the M€dlcel clìnic Bldg<br />

:actual cosl net d GST r€bate wes $1 1,871)<br />

Aug-08 IDO is the $69,000 all rslat¡ng to 2006? The amount la broken down lnto th€ following: tõo,5oo Glry euo<br />

for 2006; S7,1(N) Airport Corp audlt for 2006i $800 Vemon Land<br />

com audlt for 2006: Sl -30o oeneEl consultlno for 2007 No<br />

Aug-08 i,llA Pryments lor both yâers ere shodng, w€re lhey Ð(pensed ln<br />

ha .ññmñdâla vêrrc?<br />

Aug-01 /vcB - 2006 wes 124,OOO ln 2OO7 wes 1 32,000 dld ratês go up or<br />

lld w€ hire thet menv more D6oDle?<br />

Yes, the premlums for 2007 and 2008 tì/êre properly accrusd to<br />

thâ aDomDriel€ vêera.<br />

Sched 3 pr€vlously clrculete.l<br />

:ord World Curllno Champlonshlps Auo4t s lhâre env remvsrv lo 6ms fmm the chemDlonshiDs? No Subsldv wa6 olvên to lhe Ford World Womsns<br />

lurlino ChamDionsh¡ps, nre dld oive S 5,000 to lhe<br />

curi¡no Club towarde wheelctìalr l¡Ít.<br />

\nnusl Rsporl Auo-08 ¡rtould llk€ to have nems <strong>of</strong> orgânizat¡ons ¡n the rsporl<br />

be Drovlded on fequ€st<br />

No<br />

^/¡ll<br />

\nnuel R€Dort Auq-08<br />

dld the ooels ln the annuel reporf come from? ìoals extraDolated from Drior goels NO<br />

Reoorl AI ^rere<br />

\doDtlon <strong>of</strong> the r€D<strong>of</strong>t 6ndorsed lhê ooels No<br />

\nnual Reporl Auo-08 ation <strong>of</strong> 20f16 & 2007 & 2008 emolovsss ¡êaue[ No<br />

\nnual ReDorl Aug{8 ìeconc¡llatlon <strong>of</strong> defered cha¡g€6 16 requ€sted \tte.lêd sdredule - Sched ¡l lPruylou¡lv clltultte( No<br />

1008 Budoet Auo-08 efÞentaoe <strong>of</strong> texes for caDltal<br />

20OB Budoet<br />

2008 Budoet<br />

2008 Budo€t<br />

¿008 Budoet<br />

Auo-O8<br />

Au0-0f<br />

Ar<br />

th€ ecquisitlon <strong>of</strong> land lncluded ¡n the câlculal¡on?<br />

^/as Mn out lhe lß 1.500.000 for land ln lhe budoel<br />

ivhat wes the t 1,500,000 for land tor,<br />

ivhat lând Durcùasês r,r€f€ ln mlnt<br />

qm m ât l5%<br />

n Dfooress<br />

freasurgr a8 ¡n oest veafs<br />

UnsDeclfled purdtes€8<br />

UnsD€clfled Durcheses<br />

5ê6 reDorl¡no model chânoes<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

o/s<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

Follor<br />


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