Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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measures of the NAS, the RDMU indicated that it will initiate a study to establish the impactof HIV/AIDS on the performance of the sugar industry.In the second Annual Report of the RDMU (RDMU, 2010b), Annual Action Programme (AAP)2010 provides for Support to Social <strong>Service</strong>s and Infrastructure. Action to reduce the costs ofsocial services had been a priority for the industry, and the EU financed a study in <strong>2007</strong> toidentify actions for financing. Three strategies were mooted for social services: handing overto government, outsourcing to the private sector, or cutting costs through energy savings andefficiency. However, there was recognition that over the medium term government cannottake over services owing to financial and human resources constraints, and a strategy builton putting in place alternative institutional structures during the limited lifespan of the NASwas unrealistic. Rather, the NAS would focus on actions that mitigate recurrent or capitalcost of social services to the industry. In the health sector, proposed actions were limited tominor upgrading of health facilities to combat resistant TB (as a disease linked to HIV/AIDS).This was on the basis that government lacks the financial resources to operate industryhealth facilities, and the rural location/demographic characteristics make them unattractive tothe private sector (as outsourcing). Although it was expected that the quality of socialservices provided to the sugar-belt community be maintained at the current standards,education rather than health was given preference in 2010.A possible focus of the MIP 2011-13 is to deliver institutional support that consolidates andextends activities of existing sugar sector bodies/institutions so as to ensure the long-termsustainability of initiatives. This includes the upgrading and adaptation of health facilities, tomeet ongoing health challenges (HIV/AIDS, TB etc). In addition, the NAS promotessupporting an enabling environment to foster socio-economic development, and sees thisbeing HIV/AIDS Testing, Counselling and Treatment by RSSC and Ubombo Sugar, andHIV/AIDS initiatives by various governmental bodies. However, there is no guarantee that theEU will endorse the inclusion of social services in the MIP, and that health will receive abudget allocation.On a more general level the NAS indicates that it will support smallholder farmers inimproving their farm operations, to improve efficiency and viability of existing farmers andfacilitate the entry of new ones, which could include mitigating against the effects ofHIV/AIDS. In addition, it supports the creation of additional structures/institutions/programmes necessary for the successful implementation of the strategy, again possiblylinked to HIV/AIDS.5.5.4 Options to address the key aspectEffective management of HIV/AIDS is the foundation of the control of the virus. It preventsthe development to AIDS and related complications of the disease, and decreases thespread of the virus. Management is through:- prevention, including education and voluntary testing;- appropriate treatment;- care and support measures.Although interventions have been identified that assist stakeholders to effectively address theHIV/AIDS epidemic, it is important to focus on issues specifically related to the sugarindustry. Activities include:- Analysis of the national policy, regulatory and institutional framework to addressHIV/AIDS-related challenges in the sugar industry; to assess what will work in thefuture, drawing on lessons learnt from past experiences.RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 85

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