Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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The company implements an HIV/AIDS policy. HIV/AIDS is being managed, largely on apreventative basis, to negate its impact on the business and employees. Strategies towardscontrolling the spread of the disease include preventative awareness programmes, and anin-house Wellness Programme for those affected. Activities involve ongoing educationcampaigns, effective treatment and prevention of STIs, use of peer counsellors, use ofprophylactic antibiotics, effective screening for TB, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Inparticular, whilst acknowledging confidentiality in the testing and recording of the disease,VCT has been encouraged and is regarded as key to controlling the disease. To this end, thecompany has set a target to test at least half of its employees annually.The company also assists in implementing the government-funded ART programmes at itsmill-based medical facilities. For TB it supports government with the diagnosis, treatment andfollow-up of cases.As with the RSSC, however, the company has trimmed its health service, and does notextend its operation to outgrowers. <strong>No</strong>n-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)In <strong>Swaziland</strong>, many NGOs, national and international, are involved in different aspects ofHIV/AIDS: awareness and education, training/capacity building, VCT and psychologicalsupport, peer education, treatment, medical supplies, OVC care, palliative care, socialwelfare, food distribution, development projects, and disaster management. Most areaffiliated to the Coordinating Assembly of <strong>No</strong>n Government Organisations (CANGO), whichcoordinates the activities of a consortium of NGOs under, for example, an HIV and AIDSNGOs involved in HIV/AIDS include (CANGO, nd): Africa Cooperative Action Trust (ACAT);Alliance of Mayors Initiative for Community Action on AIDS at the Local Level (AMICAALL);Business Community and HIV/AIDS (BCHA); CARE Nakekela; CARITAS <strong>Swaziland</strong>; Councilof <strong>Swaziland</strong> Churches; Family Life Association of <strong>Swaziland</strong> (FLAS); Forum for AfricanWomen Educationalists <strong>Swaziland</strong> Chapter (FAWESWA); Lutheran Development <strong>Service</strong>s(LDS); Population <strong>Service</strong>s International (PSI); Save the Children; Schools Health andPopulation Education (SHAPE); <strong>Swaziland</strong> Hospice at Home; <strong>Swaziland</strong> AIDS SupportOrganisation (SASO); The AIDS Information and Support Centre (TASC); the Salvation ArmyPrimary Health Care and Community Centre; SOS Children’s Village; the <strong>Swaziland</strong> NationalNetwork of People Living with HIV and AIDS (SWANNEPHA); <strong>Swaziland</strong> Boy ScoutsAssociation; <strong>Swaziland</strong> Conference of Churches; <strong>Swaziland</strong> National Network for PeopleLiving with HIV/AIDS; <strong>Swaziland</strong> Positive Living for Life (SWAPOL); <strong>Swaziland</strong> Red CrossSociety; Traditional Healers Organisation (THO); World University <strong>Service</strong>s, <strong>Swaziland</strong>; andWorld Vision 42 . International OrganisationsAs well as international NGOs, international organisations such as the World FoodProgramme (WFP), the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNDP and UNAIDS collaboratewith the Government to provide an HIV/AIDS service, supporting initiatives on a local andnational level 43 .The Government of <strong>Swaziland</strong> has limited funding allocations for HIV/AIDS, and most of thefunding for HIV-related programmes comes through donors44. Of particular relevance is the42 See: World Vision (<strong>2007</strong>) and www.worldvision.org43 See, for example, MoHSW (2003); MoHSW (<strong>2007</strong>); MoHSW (2009a); and MoHSW (2009b).44 Since donor funding is limited and variable, the country is restricted in the programmes it can implement, according toWhalley (Whalley, nd).RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 81

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