Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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Enforcement of legislation is key to ensuring viable and production habitats. The SEA, SNTCand other stakeholders (MOA, MNRE) need to develop mechanisms to enforce theirlegislation. PollutionPollution of water has been noted by many stakeholders as an area of great concern.Pollution represents resource waste and should be targeted by polluters to identify whereand how such waste can be eliminated. Enforcement of the 2010 water pollution controlregulations would clearly assist reducing the levels of pollution. Within FAs, greater effort isneeded to capacitate FAs to ensure adequate resources are available for pollution control.Unfortunately under existing financial loan arrangements resources are not made availablefor environmental compliance. The NAS partners need to discuss this with the lendinginstitutions to ensure resources are or can be made available.Capacitate FAs with necessary skills to reduce agricultural runoff. LivestockEIAs must assess impact on livestock when grazing areas are converted to cane. Livestockimpact assessments should be mandatory for cane projects where grazing areas are to beconverted to cane. Resource utilisationAssessment and mapping of biodiversity in project affected areas may help quantify andidentify commonly utilized resources and place controls over its utilisation or quantifysustainable utilisation rates5.4.5.6 Other issuesFAs and supporting partners (millers) are asked to review their existing and potential impacton neighbouring protected areas and develop strategies in collaboration with the protectedarea managers, to minimise the identified impacts.5.5 Key aspect 4: Risk of HIV/AIDS associatedwith the sugar cane industry, particularly inrelation to smallholder irrigation schemes(High Priority)5.5.1 Current stateAccording to the Second National Multisectoral HIV and AIDS <strong>Strategic</strong> Plan 2006-2008 33 ,the first case of HIV to be identified in <strong>Swaziland</strong> was in 1986. Since then the virus hasspread extensively in the country, and developed into an epidemic, growing to a point ofbeing “generalised, mature and very deeply entrenched”. ‘Generalised’ as it is not restrictedto isolated localities and/or particular social groups; people who carry the virus come from allsegments of society, irrespective of age, gender, socio-economic standing, education,marital status or religious affiliation, thus the risk of being infected is a reality for all sexuallyactive people. ‘Mature’ in that its impact is overt, with illness, death and its consequences33 Government of the Kingdom of <strong>Swaziland</strong> (2006).RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 75

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