Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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eing implemented directly by the industry, meaning that many of the “actions” are notforeseen to be implemented.For the purposes of this StrEA a focus was given on those actions perceived as priorities,taking into account: (i) actions supported under the EC’s MIP (2006-2010); (ii) actionsexpected to be supported under the MIP II (2011-2013); (iii) priorities defined by the sugarindustry for which resources are being allocated; (iv) interpretation of some of the ambiguousactions in the NAS based on the understanding of key actors (e.g. the SSA, EC, RDMU).2.3 The EC Multi- Annual Adaptation StrategyThe Multi-Annual Adaptation Strategy (MAAS) is the EC’s Response Strategy to the NAS.Since EC support would not be sufficient to fund the whole of the NAS, the selection ofmeasures to be supported was based on priorities and the competitive advantages of theinterventions.EC intervention will cover the following areas:−−−−−Institutional support, including the establishment of a Restructuring and DiversificationManagement Unit (RDMU) for NAS implementation, and a pool of experts to provideexpertise in all relevant areas;Restructuring the provision of social services;Support for improving the productivity and efficiency of smallholder sugar canegrowers to ensure their long-term viability including co-funding of the LUSIPprogramme where funding gaps arise;Infrastructure improvements in the production centres, the sugar estates and thetransport chain;Support for diversification in the form of alternative agricultural products (cane basedor others) and non-agricultural uses.The selection and identification of activities to be supported is based on the followingprinciples: (a) long-term sustainability; (b) budget availability, deployment and prioritisation;(c) financing complementarities; (d) the EC strategy for <strong>Swaziland</strong>; (e) the comprehensive(multi-sectored, multi-annual) approach; (f) lessons learnt from devolution andregionalisation, and the practicality of delivering assistance in a timely and adequate manner;(g) poverty focus, and response to broader socio-economic impacts; and (h) mode fordelivering assistance.Implementation of the MAAS takes place according to the Multi-Annual IndicativeProgrammes (MIP), the first one covering the period <strong>2007</strong>-2010. Break down of the supportis provided in the Annual Action Programmes (AAP). The MIP <strong>2007</strong>-2010 sets out fourSpecific Objectives (SO):− SO 1: To help improve sugar production and its viability by providing assistance tosmall-scale sugar cane growers;− SO 2: To identify and make operational an alternative model for providing socialservices that were previously provided by the sugar industry;− SO 3: To improve transport infrastructures from the production areas to the mills;and− SO 4: To support economic diversification in the sugar cane growing areas throughcrops diversification (research, trials and pilot projects) and the developmentof economic activities.RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 15

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