Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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The consultant will review the environmental impact of the whole strategy and furtherconsider those actions that have been agreed upon between the GoS and the EC inparticular. Some of the key elements to be assessed are the availability of water resources,land for irrigation expansion (social issues), alternative use of land, value-addition products(vinasse/Condensed Molasses Solids (CMS) 63 , ethanol, etc.), co-generation (fuel-switch,CHP concept, cane trash) and social services (health, education, water & sanitation, etc.).Identify constraints that will need to be taken into account in proposing mitigation measuresand other changes to the NAS actions. They will assess whether the alternatives alreadyproposed are worth studying, or whether they should come up with different alternatives.2.4.2. Legal, institutional and planning frameworkA description must be made of the institutional and legal framework relevant for SEApreparation, including an indication of the key applicable laws (national law on the SEA), theplanning processes in the framework of which the NAS was identified (e.g. in relation to landuse planning, water resources, infrastructure development, etc.), the standards and normsthat will have to be taken into account in the SEA study, and the role of competentinstitutions that should be involved. Reference should be made to existing SEA studies fromother countries (if any), as well as to the programming documents for EC cooperation(including the Country Environmental Profile).The outcome of the SEA study should influence the decisions and processes to facilitate theformulation and implementation of the following key strategies as articulated in the NASDocument;• Improving the competitiveness of the sugar industry;• Trade policy and pursuit of premium markets;• Promoting productivity and the efficiency in the small-holder cane growing;• Diversification within and outside the sugar industry;• Social <strong>Service</strong>s, welfare and labour issues;• Mitigating impact on Government fiscal position;• Enhancing a sustainable socioeconomic environment and cross-cutting issues;• Institutional structures for implementation.An overview description of the country’s NAS wider policy framework must be given in orderto identify other planning or policy documents which will need to be explored in the SEAstudy.2.4.3. Description of the key stakeholders and their concernsThe consultants should identify the stakeholders (key groups and institutions, number ofusers and affected persons, environmental agencies, decentralised authorities andinstitutions, NGOs, representatives of the public and others – including women andtraditional authorities, with a specific focus on those groups potentially affected by thepotential environmental impacts of the project). These will include the sugar industry (millgroups and the cane growers), affected communities, target beneficiaries, and other relatedinstitutions to identify the socio-economic impact of the implementation of the NAS actions.The consultant will also review records of any national public consultation processes thatmight have taken place in the formulation stage of the NAS and that of other relevantinitiatives within the sugar sector such as work undertaken within the Lower Usuthu IrrigationProject (LUSIP). Based on these reviews and other additional consultations, the consultantsshould identify key stakeholders’ concerns and values with respect to the NAS programme63 The Consolidated Molasses Solids (CMS) is used as an organic fertilizer to alleviate the problem of highinput costs.RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 192

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