Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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Palerm, J and Burgess, R (2009) <strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the Implementationof the Multi-annual Adaptation Strategy 2006-2015 of Jamaica, prepared by AGRECOconsortium for the European Commission.Palerm, J; Sierevogel, T; and Hichaambwa, M (2010) <strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessmentof the Sugar (SEA) of the Sugar Sector in Zambia, prepared by AGRECO consortium for theEuropean Commission.Paula Júnior, D. and <strong>No</strong>gueira do Amaral Gurgel, M (nd) Potentialities of the biodigestion ofthe vinasse, http://www.cori.unicamp.br/centenario2008/<strong>2007</strong>/completos/A09%20-%20POTENTIALITIES%20OF%20THE%20BIODIGESTION%20OF%20THE%20VINASSE.pdfPurchase, B.S. (1996) Disposal of liquid effluents from cane sugar factories, Proceedings ofthe XXII Congress of the International Society of Sugar cane Technologists, Cartagena,Colombia, 11-15 September 1995, pp. 49-54.RDMU (2008a) Environmental Scoping Mission for infrastructure projects, Mission Report,prepared by R. de Vletter.RDMU (2008b) Environmental Scoping Report for RDMU Infrastructure Projects.RDMU (2008c) Evaluation of the performance of the Ratoon Management Revolving Fund,Mission Report, prepared by R. Bates.RDMU (2008d) First Progress Report – August 2008 for the period January – July 2008.RDMU (2008e) Mission Report: Gender Audit – Infrastructure.RDMU (2009a) Grid Emission Factor Assessment, Mission Report, prepared by M. Burian;P. Zhou; and K. Khumalo.RDMU (2009b) Assessment of renewable energy and energy efficiency options in the Swazisugar industry and an analysis of co-financing options via carbon certificates, MissionReport.RDMU (2009c) First Annual Report – February 2009 for the period January 2008 – January2009.RDMU (2009d) Baseline Study Report, prepared by Nxumalo, N and Nkambule, G.RDMU (2009e) Baseline Study Report (Individual Growers), prepared by Nkambule, G.RDMU (2009f) Study to assess the relevant technology, technical and financial viability of thesmall-scale organic mill, Mission Report.RDMU (2009g) Technical assessment of the Malkerns Canal for the proposed rehabilitation,Mission Report, prepared by S. Finlay.RDMU (2009h) Socio-economic Study of the proposed rehabilitation of the Malkerns Canal,Mission Report, prepared by S. Atkins.RDMU (2009i) <strong>Swaziland</strong> Sugar Sector Fair Trade Certification Audit Study, Mission Report,prepared by D. Lambart.RDMU (2010a) Evaluation and screening of small multi purpose earth dams in <strong>Swaziland</strong>,Mission Report, prepared by M. Ogg; S. Finlay; R. Bloemers; R. Sawyer and J. Dlamini.RDMU (2010b) Second Annual Report, for the period February 2009 – January 2010.Riddell, PJ and Manyatsi, A (2003) Water Use Challenges and Opportunities in the<strong>Swaziland</strong> Agricultural Sector, FAO/Government of <strong>Swaziland</strong>, Mbabane.Royal <strong>Swaziland</strong> Sugar Corporation Limited – RSSC (2009) Annual Report 2009.RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 186

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