Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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Piece of legislationThe Natural ResourcesAct (1951)The Air Pollution ControlRegulations (2010)The Water PollutionControl Regulations(2010)The Waste Regulations(1999)Biodiversity Conservationand Management Bill(2008)The Human SettlementsAuthority Act (1961) asamended in 1992 (Act <strong>No</strong>13)The <strong>Swaziland</strong>Administration Order(1998)Description / relevance to the NASThis Act established the Natural Resources Board (NRB) and identified itsresponsibilities regarding the conservation and improvement of naturalresources. Current duties include soil conservation, river and streamconservation (source, course and banks) control of water (including stormwater) and control of grass burning.Regulations that establish air quality objectives and regulate the emissionand control of atmospheric emissions. These Regulations are ofrelevance to the NAS as they are the basis to control stack emissionsfrom the sugar mills.Regulations that establish water quality objectives and effluent standards.These Regulations are of relevance to the NAS as they are the basis tocontrol effluent emissions from the sugar mills and sugar cane farming.These Regulations regulate the: storage, collection and disposal of wastein urban areas and in waste control areas; the carriage of waste; wastedisposal facilities; waste management licences; management of specialwaste; recovery of waste; littering and abandoned vehicles; and WasteManagement Plans. <strong>No</strong> person may collect, transport, sort, recover, treat,store, dispose of or otherwise manage waste in a manner that will likelycause negative impacts. Commercial, household and industrial wastesmust be disposed of at approved waste disposal facilities.It is of indirect relevance to this <strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment.Bill oriented to address the problems associated with the country’s currentfragmentation in the regulation of biodiversity. It serves as a frameworklaw on biodiversity issues. Amongst other aspects it foresees theestablishment of a Biodiversity Management Authority (BMA).The Act establishes the Human Settlements Authority, and relates toapplications for the development of human settlements and housingschemes. The Act will be applicable where company towns transform tonon-company towns.The Order stipulates that there shall be an office of Chief in such placesas the Ngwenyama may designate; the Ngwenyama shall, afterconsultation with the Lusendvo (inner council of family) and in accordancewith customary law, appoint a Chief.The functions of a Chief are, amongst other things, to:• promote the welfare of the community in his Chiefdom;• carry out any instructions given him by the Ngwenyama;• ensure that the community is informed of issues or developmentswhich affect them as a community or as part of the Swazi Nation;• promote the prevention of the commission of any offence within hisChiefdom;• constitute a Chief’s Court in accordance with customary law,exercising civil and criminal jurisdiction – with some exclusions (casesrelating to witchcraft, where death is alleged to have occurred, and inrelation to marriage other than under/in accordance with Swazicustom).RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 166

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