Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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Policy, Plan orProgrammeThe RuralResettlement Policy(2002)The NationalMultisectorial <strong>Strategic</strong>Framework for HIV andAIDS (2009 – 2014)Decentralisation Policy(2005)Description / relevance to the NASThe National Rural Resettlement Policy (NRRP) is the most authoritativenational policy guideline on resettlement even though it has its base inresettlement in rural areas to promote improved agricultural productivity.The NRRP is not limited to resettlement sensu stricto, but also sets out awide ranging policy framework with respect to the improvement andplanning of land use.The guiding vision of the NRRP is:To establish a durable, practical and participatory framework for theplanning and sustainable management of land, and the appropriateapplication of resettlement strategies in rural <strong>Swaziland</strong>, in order toincrease agricultural production, promote the sustainable utilisation ofnatural resources and improve livelihoods.Whether resettlement involves “re-arranging” land-uses within acommunity, or “moving” communities from one place to another to allowfor needed development activities, rural resettlement is never an end ititself - it is a tool for achieving certain objectives, such as the bettermentof livelihoods, the improvement of land uses and national economicgrowth.It is a fundamental premise of the Policy that the role and potential ofresettlement in modern times can only be meaningfully understood withinthe overall context of rural governance and land management. The visionof the Policy, therefore, looks beyond resettlement narrowly defined,towards the more profound task of defining an overall framework forsustainable land management in rural <strong>Swaziland</strong>. As such, it focuses on:• the goal of improving land use in rural <strong>Swaziland</strong> in order to enhancesustainable livelihoods;• the correction of existing land-use problems through participatoryplanning by all stakeholders, including the relocation of sub-optimal landuses where it is economically and physically feasible, sociallyacceptable and urgent to do so;• the prevention of future land-use problems through universalintroduction of better land planning tools and compliance mechanismsin rural areas to ensure that land use is done wisely and that plans willbe respected; and• ensuring that affected people are at least as well-off after resettlementas they were before.The National Multisectorial <strong>Strategic</strong> Framework (NMSF), developed byNERCHA, describes a five year (2009-2014) National MultisectoralFramework for HIV and AIDS for the country, informed by the NationalMultisectoral HIV and AIDS Policy (2006), and by lessons learnt throughdeveloping and implementing the second National Multisectoral HIV andAIDS <strong>Strategic</strong> Plan (NSP II 2006-2008). Its aim is to bring togetherstakeholders to scale up and mainstream decentralised and effectiveresponse strategies to HIV and AIDS.The goal of the Policy is to provide an enabling environment for promotingand enhancing sustainable and participatory local and national economic,political and social development within a decentralised governanceframework.RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 162

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