Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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StakeholderYonge NaweUnited NationsDevelopmentProgramme(UNDP)Malkerns IrrigationDevelopmentCompany (MIDC)Description / relevance to the NAS• engaging, advocating and lobbying decision-makers around concerns of thedisadvantaged;• fostering strategic partnerships.CANGO coordinates HIV/AIDS, Food Security, Gender and Children consortiaof NGOs. The key programmes of relevance to NAS include:• HIV and AIDS Coordination Project, in response to the pandemic;• Strengthening Leadership and Organisational Development, with an aspecton gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting;• Economic Justice Project, building the capacity of civil society to engage thebudget process, resulting in increased resource allocations in the socialsector.Main environmental NGO in <strong>Swaziland</strong> established in 1987 to addressenvironment and conservation issues in <strong>Swaziland</strong>. It is currently implementingthree complementary programmes:Environmental and socio-economic justice. The focus of this programme is onpolicy, law, compliance and enforcement. It acts on issues that affect sociallydisadvantaged members of society and threaten environment and sustainabledevelopment. The programme aims to achieve equity and social justice in<strong>Swaziland</strong> through the empowerment of socio-economic disadvantagedmembers of society.Natural Resources Management This programme focuses on sustainablemanagement of natural resources, issues of environment and development,human health and waste management. Areas of work within the programmeinclude environment and health (HIV/AIDS, occupational health and safety,waste management) and water resources (water as a basic humanrequirement for survival, public interest water use, quality, access and equityand the integrity of ecosystems).Information, Education and Communications This programme informs,educates and communicates issues on the state of the environment andimpact on sustainable development. Yonge Nawe offers a proactiveinformation and knowledge service that is both informing and empoweringtarget stakeholders to take action that contributes to environment andsustainable development in <strong>Swaziland</strong>.UNDP works on the basis of the Standard Basic Framework Agreement signedbetween UNDP and the GoS (dating from 1977). National developmentpriorities are regularly identified and reflected in a five year United NationDevelopment Framework (UNDF). The current UNDF for <strong>Swaziland</strong> (2006-2010) addresses three programme priorities: Poverty Eradication; HIV/AIDS;and Good Governance and Gender Mainstreaming as well as Basic Social<strong>Service</strong>s.Organisation that provides the management for the Malkerns Canal, usedmainly for the irrigation of sugar cane in the Malkerns area, which is supplied tothe Simunye mill (RSSC).RDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 152

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