Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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NAS ACTIONSWater balanceCont. of groundwaterCont. of surface waterSoil salinisationSoil erosionSoil compactionOther soil characteristicsAmbient air qualityGHG emissionsProtected areasDeforestationBiodiversityTerrestrial flora + faunaWetland systemsLandscapeHIV/AIDSMalariaRespiratory diseaseOther human health factorsFood securityEnergy efficiencySocial conflictEmploymentSocial servicesRural infrastructureGender32. Develop products for existing and newmarkets and necessary support mechanisms,including making the necessary investments(and policy changes) to make production ofalternative products viable33. Provide support for downstream valueaddedindustries34. Support the expansion of refinery capacityand efficiency35. Develop tourism products for the SMEsector in the sugar areas, and to support newinitiatives of diversification into sector36. Establish support mechanism to follow-uprecommendations on control of andcompliance w/ food safety regulationsSocial amenities provision37. Develop model for sust. management andfinancing of social amenities in industry areasto ensure continued provision of qualityhousing, health, and education, currentlyfinanced by industry38. Support gradual development of localgovernment structures capable of runningsocial and communal services at the sugarcommunities39. Create programme to support transitionaland coping measures for retrenched workers,especially in regard to access to industrysocial servicesRDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 138

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