Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 Strategic ... - Swaziland

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NAS ACTIONSWater balanceCont. of groundwaterCont. of surface waterSoil salinisationSoil erosionSoil compactionOther soil characteristicsAmbient air qualityGHG emissionsProtected areasDeforestationBiodiversityTerrestrial flora + faunaWetland systemsLandscapeHIV/AIDSMalariaRespiratory diseaseOther human health factorsFood securityEnergy efficiencySocial conflictEmploymentSocial servicesRural infrastructureGender22. Investigate alternate energy sources andproducts, incl. efficiency of energy generationfrom biofuels23. Support studies and programmes on(viability of) generation and use of bio-energyand production of ethanol24. Provide low-cost financing for pilot phasesof co-generation of electric energy25. Re-visit industry agreement to ensuregrowers benefit from co-generation (onproceeds of bagasse)26. Establish a facility/programme for farmerschanging to other crops or to agriculturalservices27. Establish a scheme to enhancecapabilities of smallholder associations forquality control, packaging, and marketing28. Reduce transport costs and improvetransport infrastructure and services fromproduction centres and to link with markets29. Develop financing model for diversifiersand help them in accessing finance andtraining30. Promote and support research anddevelopment into other products/crops31. Establish and support institutions andinfrastructure for testing of products for qualityand standardsRDMU (<strong>Strategic</strong> Environmental Assessment of the National Adaptation Strategy) - Page 137

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